How to Decompiling Apk files that Generated By Android Studio - xml-parsing

I have lost my android studio project completely and there is no way to get it back.
Now, I'm trying to decompile my apk file to access my java classes and xml files.
using dex2jar and jd-gui, I get my java classes BUT non of programs that I tested.So far, I can't decompile my xml files!
apktool show me this error:
Exception in thread "main" brut.androlib.err.UndefinedResObject: could not decode arsc file
do i have to create all of my xml again? or there any way to decompile apks that generated by android studio?
Edit: "Apk Studio" Give me same error with apktool for decompiling apk file.

To decompile the XML files you can use the following tools:
JadX -
Apktool -
Remember the apktool which you are using is probably a very old version. Download the latest version of apktool.jar from
Below are the two process through which you can get the xml files.
Apktool Method:
Download the latest apktool jar from
Run it using java -jar apktool.jar d <apkfile.apk> without the angular brackets and substituting apkfile.apk with the actual path to the apk file
Jadx method:
Download the latest release of jadx from
Unzip the file and then goto bin/ folder
Windows user can double click the jadx-gui.bat file
Linux/Mac users can run the shell script ./jadx-gui
This will open jadx gui through which you can open the apk file.
Reference: Jadx open dialogue


Decompiling .dart.snapshot into Dart source code

According to dart-lang/sdk:
Starting in 1.21, the Dart VM also supports application snapshots, which include all the parsed classes and compiled code generated during a training run of a program.
$ dart --snapshot=hello.dart.snapshot --snapshot-kind=app-jit hello.dart arguments-for-training
Hello, world!
$ dart hello.dart.snapshot arguments-for-use
Hello, world!
Now,how can i decompile this hello.dart.snapshot file to hello.dart?
In android Apk that written by java language we can decompile apk and get jar file from class.dex using dex2jar tools, but when application developed by flutter framework(written with dart)how can decompile this application and get application dart classes?
This image show snapshot files that generated in apk assets file.
In release mode, Flutter compiles the Dart code to machine code, currently only ARMv7 (this procedure is called AOT - Ahead-Of-Time compilation). Unlike native Android apps, in which the Java is compiled to byte-code named Smali, which can be (pretty easily) decompiled to Java back again.
Most of the machine code is compiled to the file "isolate_snapshot_instr", which is written in a special format, and the flutter engine (, also found inside the app), loads it into the app memory in run time. Therefore, you have 2 reasonable options:
Reading the app code at runtime (the .text segment). You can use
frida dump for that, and extract the compiled Dart code that
you need
Pacthing/Using the Flutter engine in order to deserialize the machine code
If you have ipa (IOS app), that could be easier, because all of the code is found in App.Framework.

TFS (web) gives error when building Typescript. TypeScript.targets not found

We just converted our javascript files to typescript. Everything builds locally just fine but our build in TFS (cloud version i.e. gave us the error:
The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\TypeScript\Microsoft.TypeScript.targets"
was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
Locally we are using typescript version and VS2012
And advise?
To ensure that Web projects using Microsoft.TypeScript.targets will build successfully on a build server, you have two options:
Install TypeScript on the build server
Copy the required files for Microsoft.TypeScript.targets to a different source-controlled folder and change the path references in
the csproj file to this folder.
More details here =>
Usually this is because you haven't installed the TypeScript extension on the build server - it will need the same installer you used locally.
This will put tsc.exe into the SDK/Typescript folder and allow the build server to build your TypeScript files and check all your types.
I had to install Visual Studio 2013 RC2 to get TypeScript installed by default and get rid of this error message, instead of trying to download a package.
It can be found here:
This message usually throws when you cancelled the installation of VS or changed the Typescript version or failed to install the Typescript SDK for the corresponding Visual Studio Edition. Download and install the Typescript SDK can get you rid of this error.
Here is the link for downloading SDK for VS2017.

Building Opencv 2.4.9 with VS 2012, install generates incorrect header files

I'm trying to build openCV version 2.4.9 from the git repository. I've followed the instructions to run cmake-gui to build a visual studio solution. I've then built the VS studio solution in both relase and debug mode and then run the install build.
The install build puts all of the compiled libs into the install folder along with the include folder.
The problem is the include folder is completely wrong and missing a number of files. When I add the include folder path to a HelloWorld project it can't find any of the opencv methods classes etc.
Its as though the cmake build process has been corrupted in some way and doesn't properly prepare the include folder with the required header files.
I've tried this for both VS 2010 and VS 2012 cmake configurations and got the same result. Everything compiles fine, the header files in the install directory however aren't right.
Copying header files from a pre-built windows installation sort of work, and i'm confused as to why the build process doesn't result in a similar folder structure of header files.
This is really a bug and it has been reported twice. The description of the first link provides the fix:
The regex on this line is no longer corect:
it should be replaced by: /[/]+.h(..)?$
I'll just update this post to keep it up-to-date with the latest git version of opencv.
On current release the bug is still there and now located # line 538 of cmake/OpenCVModule.cmake. The proposed solution is to replace the actual line 538:
if(hdr2 MATCHES "^(opencv2/.*)[^/]+.h(..)?$" AND NOT hdr2 MATCHES "opencv2/${the_module}/private.*")
if(NOT hdr2 MATCHES "opencv2/${the_module}/private.*" AND hdr2 MATCHES "^(opencv2/?.*)/[^/]+.h(..)?$" )
Thanks a lot to the author of this patch that saved me a headhake...

don't have apk in Bin and cannot build app in monodevelop when update Mono for Android 4.1

After update Mono for Android from 4.0 -> 4.1 ,I have problems:
In Visual Studio : when I start application , it doesn't run application in emulator(I only see message notification at left corner Build successful!) and I cannot see .apk file in Bin
In Mono develope :When I build this app it have error Error MSB4019: The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)\MonoDevelop\AddIns\BackendBindings\MSBuild\Novell\Novell.MonoDroid.CSharp.targets" was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk. (MSB4019)
Does anyone know what might generate these errors?
In VS, you probably need to turn on "Deploy" for your project:

blackberry code signing for phonegap without using eclipse

Working on a blackberry application. So far was working on eclipse. Now moved to webworks sdk 2.2 that does not support the eclipse plugin. Followed the instructions on the phonegap page to get the cod files. Now that I have the cod files how can I sign them? I use the ant command to generate the cod files.
ant build Buildfile: C:\Dev\bbw\sample\build.xml
I have the code signing password in
EDIT Used the signaturetool Java -jar Signaturetool.jar. When I hand it the cod files it says no signing required. When I do a OTA install on my device it errors out saying - module attempts to access a secure api.
This works. Go to your blackberry install folder and type out the following command. Of course this assumes that your project is in the proper zip format - eclipse does it for you but if not you would just need to package your project into a zip file.
in command type:
bbwp -g mypassword
It will generate and sign the cod files required
If you are already using ant. Connect your device to PC using USB cable and run following command.
ant blackberry load-device
You need to run above command (in cmd prompt) where you have blackberry.xml file.
(You need to install blackberry desktop software for the above command to work.You can download the same from )
Above command will do following things for you.. your application.
2.Launch signature tool and ask for password.
3.Once you enter password it will sign all the .cod files and other required files.
4.Install application on your phone.
