Is it possible to select an Action with AttributeRouting in .NET MVC based on the Media Type of the Accept header? -

I want to select an Action of my Controller based on the Media Type requested in the Accept header.
For example, I have a resource called a subject. Its assigned route is:
GET /subjects/{subjectId:int}
Normally, the browser is requesting text/html, which is fine. The default Media Formatter handles this great.
Now, I have custom logic I want to perform when this same route is accessed with an accept header specifying application/pdf as the accepted Media Type.
I could create a custom Media Formatter, but, to my understanding, this would mean that any route that is requested with the Accept header set to application/pdf would also run through this Media Formatter. This is unacceptable.
In Java, there is an annotation called #Produces:
The #Produces annotation is used to specify the MIME media types or
representations a resource can produce and send back to the client. If
#Produces is applied at the class level, all the methods in a resource
can produce the specified MIME types by default. If applied at the
method level, the annotation overrides any #Produces annotations
applied at the class level.
This would allow me to do the following:
namespace MyNamespace
public class SubjectsController : Controller
public ActionResult GetSubject(int subjectId)
public ActionResult GetSubjectAsPdf(int subjectId)
//Run my custom logic here to generate a PDF.
There is no Produces Attribute in .NET that I can find, of course, so this doesn't work. I haven't been able to find a similar attribute, either.
I could of course manually check the header within the body of the action, and redirect it to another action, but that seems hackish at best.
Is there a mechanism in .NET 4.5 that I may use to pull this off that I'm overlooking or missing?
(I'm using MVC 5.2.2 from NuGet repository)

After searching around the Internet for awhile, I came up with the idea that this would be best accomplished by creating an ActionMethodSelectorAttribute.
The following is a very naive, first-pass implementation of a ProducesAttribute that I wrote with the eventual intent of mimicking Java's Produces annotation:
namespace YourNamespace
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Mime;
using System.Web.Mvc;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public sealed class ProducesAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute
private readonly ISet<ContentType> acceptableMimeTypes;
public ProducesAttribute(params string[] acceptableMimeTypes)
this.acceptableMimeTypes = new HashSet<ContentType>();
foreach (string acceptableMimeType in acceptableMimeTypes)
this.acceptableMimeTypes.Add(new ContentType(acceptableMimeType));
public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Reflection.MethodInfo methodInfo)
string acceptHeader = controllerContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.Accept.ToString()];
string[] headerMimeTypes = acceptHeader.Split(new char[] {','}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
foreach (var headerMimeType in headerMimeTypes)
if (this.acceptableMimeTypes.Contains(new ContentType(headerMimeType)))
return true;
return false;
It is meant to be used with Attribute Routing, and can be applied as follows:
public sealed class MyController : Controller
[Route("subjects/{subjectId:int}")] //My route
public ActionResult GetSubjectAsPdf(int subjectId)
//Here you would return the PDF representation.
public ActionResult GetSubject(int subjectId)
//Would handle all other routes.


Attribute routing for two actions leads to a "Not valid OData path template"

So i have two functions that return a customer, which get feeded by two different parameters. One being the ID of the customer and the other being his customer number.
My controller:
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.OData;
using System.Web.OData.Routing;
using Models;
using AutoMapper;
using AutoMapper.QueryableExtensions;
using System.Web.OData.Extensions;
using Importing;
using Objects;
using Microsoft.OData;
namespace Controllers
public class CustomersController : ODataController
// GET: CustomerByCNO(5)
public SingleResult<CustomerDTO> GetCustomerByCNO([FromODataUri]string key)
Import i = new Import();
var customer = i.GetCustomer(key).ProjectTo<CustomerDTO>().AsQueryable();
return SingleResult.Create(customer);
// GET: Customer(5)
public SingleResult<CustomerDTO> Get([FromODataUri]int id)
Import i = new Import();
var customer = i.GetCustomer(id).ProjectTo<CustomerDTO>().AsQueryable();
return SingleResult.Create(customer);
using AutoMapper;
using Models;
using Objects;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.OData.Builder;
using System.Web.OData.Extensions;
using Microsoft.OData.Edm;
namespace API
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void ConfigureAPI(HttpConfiguration config)
routeName: "odata",
routePrefix: "",
model: GetEdmModel()
private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder
Namespace = "Controllers",
ContainerName = "DefaultContainer"
.EntityType.HasKey(c => c.Id)
.CollectionProperty(c => c.CustomFields);
var edmModel = builder.GetEdmModel();
return edmModel;
While the second functions works as intended the first functions does not and the EnsureInitialized() function throws an InvalidOperationException saying, that it is no valid OData path template and that no resource has been found. How can i get this to work? Not quite sure what i am missing here.
Changing the Controller method to this:
public SingleResult<CustomerDTO> CustomerByNo([FromODataUri] int no)
Import i = new Import();
var customer = i.GetCustomer(no.ToString()).ProjectTo<CustomerDTO>().AsQueryable();
return SingleResult.Create(customer);
with this additional line in the config:
Made it so i can access the functions at least. I had to change the parameter to an int as well, seems like it doesnt like strings? However the return value is not deserialized and shown as usual. Also if i leave the [EnableQuery] line in the method declaration, the call will crash saying that it doesnt know how to deserialize since it is not bound to the entityset of Customer i guess.
Trying it this way however, leads to the original error message, that the resource could not be found:
You have to declare your custom odata functions in the convention model:
FunctionConfiguration customerByCNOFunction = builder.Function("CustomerByCNO");
Update :
My first answer was for declaring a functions that returns a type not queryable in odata.
To enable query, the function needs to return an odata entity from an entity set :

How to bind view model property with different name

Is there a way to make a reflection for a view model property as an element with different name and id values on the html side.
That is the main question of what I want to achieve. So the basic introduction for the question is like:
1- I have a view model (as an example) which created for a filter operation in view side.
public class FilterViewModel
public string FilterParameter { get; set; }
2- I have a controller action which is created for GETting form values(here it is filter)
public ActionResult Index(FilterViewModel filter)
return View();
3- I have a view that a user can filter on some data and sends parameters via querystring over form submit.
#using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Demo", FormMethod.Get))
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.FilterParameter)
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.FilterParameter)
<input type="submit" value="Do Filter" />
4- And what I want to see in rendered view output is
<form action="/Demo" method="get">
<label for="fp">FilterParameter</label>
<input id="fp" name="fp" type="text" />
<input type="submit" value="Do Filter" />
5- And as a solution I want to modify my view model like this:
public class FilterViewModel
[BindParameter("filter")] // this one extra alias
[BindParameter("param")] //this one extra alias
public string FilterParameter { get; set; }
So the basic question is about BindAttribute but the usage of complex type properties. But also if there is a built in way of doing this is much better.
Built-in pros:
1- Usage with TextBoxFor, EditorFor, LabelFor and other strongly typed view model helpers can understand and communicate better with each other.
2- Url routing support
3- No framework by desing problems :
In general, we recommend folks don’t write custom model binders
because they’re difficult to get right and they’re rarely needed. The
issue I’m discussing in this post might be one of those cases where
it’s warranted.
Link of quote
And also after some research I found these useful works:
Binding model property with different name
One step upgrade of first link
Here some informative guide
Result: But none of them give me my problems exact solution. I am looking for a strongly typed solution for this problem. Of course if you know any other way to go, please share.
The underlying reasons why I want to do this are basically:
1- Everytime I want to change the html control name then I have to change PropertyName at compile time. (There is a difference Changing a property name between changing a string in code)
2- I want to hide (camouflage) real property names from end users. Most of times View Model property names same as mapped Entity Objects property names. (For developer readability reasons)
3- I don't want to remove the readability for developer. Think about lots of properties with like 2-3 character long and with mo meanings.
4- There are lots of view models written. So changing their names are going to take more time than this solution.
5- This is going to be better solution (in my POV) than others which are described in other questions until now.
Actually, there is a way to do it.
In ASP.NET binding metadata gathered by TypeDescriptor, not by reflection directly. To be more precious, AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider is used, which, in turn, simply calls TypeDescriptor.GetProvider with our model type as parameter:
public AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(Type type)
: base(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(type))
So, everything we need is to set our custom TypeDescriptionProvider for our model.
Let's implement our custom provider. First of all, let's define attribute for custom property name:
public class CustomBindingNameAttribute : Attribute
public CustomBindingNameAttribute(string propertyName)
this.PropertyName = propertyName;
public string PropertyName { get; private set; }
If you already have attribute with desired name, you can reuse it. Attribute defined above is just an example. I prefer to use JsonPropertyAttribute because in most cases I work with json and Newtonsoft's library and want to define custom name only once.
The next step is to define custom type descriptor. We will not implement whole type descriptor logic and use default implementation. Only property accessing will be overridden:
public class MyTypeDescription : CustomTypeDescriptor
public MyTypeDescription(ICustomTypeDescriptor parent)
: base(parent)
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
return Wrap(base.GetProperties());
public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
return Wrap(base.GetProperties(attributes));
private static PropertyDescriptorCollection Wrap(PropertyDescriptorCollection src)
var wrapped = src.Cast<PropertyDescriptor>()
.Select(pd => (PropertyDescriptor)new MyPropertyDescriptor(pd))
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(wrapped);
Also custom property descriptor need to be implemented. Again, everything except property name will be handled by default descriptor. Note, NameHashCode for some reason is a separate property. As name changed, so it's hash code need to be changed too:
public class MyPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
private readonly PropertyDescriptor _descr;
private readonly string _name;
public MyPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor descr)
: base(descr)
this._descr = descr;
var customBindingName = this._descr.Attributes[typeof(CustomBindingNameAttribute)] as CustomBindingNameAttribute;
this._name = customBindingName != null ? customBindingName.PropertyName : this._descr.Name;
public override string Name
get { return this._name; }
protected override int NameHashCode
get { return this.Name.GetHashCode(); }
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
return this._descr.CanResetValue(component);
public override object GetValue(object component)
return this._descr.GetValue(component);
public override void ResetValue(object component)
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
this._descr.SetValue(component, value);
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
return this._descr.ShouldSerializeValue(component);
public override Type ComponentType
get { return this._descr.ComponentType; }
public override bool IsReadOnly
get { return this._descr.IsReadOnly; }
public override Type PropertyType
get { return this._descr.PropertyType; }
Finally, we need our custom TypeDescriptionProvider and way to bind it to our model type. By default, TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute is designed to perform that binding. But in this case we will not able to get default provider that we want to use internally. In most cases, default provider will be ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider. But this is not guaranteed and this provider is inaccessible due to it's protection level - it's internal. But we do still want to fallback to default provider.
TypeDescriptor also allow to explicitly add provider for our type via AddProvider method. That what we will use. But firstly, let's define our custom provider itself:
public class MyTypeDescriptionProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider
private readonly TypeDescriptionProvider _defaultProvider;
public MyTypeDescriptionProvider(TypeDescriptionProvider defaultProvider)
this._defaultProvider = defaultProvider;
public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type objectType, object instance)
return new MyTypeDescription(this._defaultProvider.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance));
The last step is to bind our provider to our model types. We can implement it in any way we want. For example, let's define some simple class, such as:
public static class TypeDescriptorsConfig
public static void InitializeCustomTypeDescriptorProvider()
// Assume, this code and all models are in one assembly
var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
.Where(t => t.GetProperties().Any(p => p.IsDefined(typeof(CustomBindingNameAttribute))));
foreach (var type in types)
var defaultProvider = TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(type);
TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new MyTypeDescriptionProvider(defaultProvider), type);
And either invoke that code via web activation:
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(TypeDescriptorsConfig), "InitializeCustomTypeDescriptorProvider")]
Or simply call it in Application_Start method:
public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
// rest of init code ...
But this is not the end of the story. :(
Consider following model:
public class TestModel
public string TestProperty { get; set; }
If we try to write in .cshtml view something like:
#model Some.Namespace.TestModel
#Html.DisplayNameFor(x => x.TestProperty) #* fail *#
We will get ArgumentException:
An exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in System.Web.Mvc.dll but was not handled in user code
Additional information: The property Some.Namespace.TestModel.TestProperty could not be found.
That because all helpers soon or later invoke ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression method. And this method take expression we provided (x => x.TestProperty) and takes member name directly from member info and have no clue about any of our attributes, metadata (who cares, huh?):
internal static ModelMetadata FromLambdaExpression<TParameter, TValue>(/* ... */)
// ...
case ExpressionType.MemberAccess:
MemberExpression memberExpression = (MemberExpression) expression.Body;
propertyName = memberExpression.Member is PropertyInfo ? memberExpression.Member.Name : (string) null;
// I want to cry here - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// ...
For x => x.TestProperty (where x is TestModel) this method will return TestProperty, not actual_name, but model metadata contains actual_name property, have no TestProperty. That is why the property could not be found error thrown.
This is a design failure.
However despite this little inconvenience there are several workarounds, such as:
The easiest way is to access our members by theirs redefined names:
#model Some.Namespace.TestModel
#Html.DisplayName("actual_name") #* this will render "Yay!" *#
This is not good. No intellisense at all and as our model change we will have no any compilation errors. On any change anything can be broken and there is no easy way to detect that.
Another way is a bit more complex - we can create our own version of that helpers and forbid anybody from calling default helpers or ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression for model classes with renamed properties.
Finally, combination of previous two would be preferred: write own analogue to get property name with redefinition support, then pass that into default helper. Something like this:
#model Some.Namespace.TestModel
#Html.DisplayName(Html.For(x => x.TestProperty))
Compilation-time and intellisense support and no need to spend a lot of time for complete set of helpers. Profit!
Also everything described above work like a charm for model binding. During model binding process default binder also use metadata, gathered by TypeDescriptor.
But I guess binding json data is the best use case. You know, lots of web software and standards use lowercase_separated_by_underscores naming convention. Unfortunately this is not usual convention for C#. Having classes with members named in different convention looks ugly and can end up in troubles. Especially when you have tools that whining every time about naming violation.
ASP.NET MVC default model binder does not bind json to model the same way as it happens when you call newtonsoft's JsonConverter.DeserializeObject method. Instead, json parsed into dictionary. For example:
complex: {
text: "blabla",
value: 12.34
num: 1
will be translated into following dictionary:
{ "complex.text", "blabla" }
{ "complex.value", "12.34" }
{ "num", "1" }
And later these values along with others values from query string, route data and so on, collected by different implementations of IValueProvider, will be used by default binder to bind a model with help of metadata, gathered by TypeDescriptor.
So we came full circle from creating model, rendering, binding it back and use it.
The short answer is NO and long answer still NO. There is no built-in helper, attribute, model binder, whatever is it (Nothing out of box).
But what I did in before answer (I deleted it) was an awful solution that I realized yesterday. I am going to put it in github for who still wants to see (maybe it solves somebody problem) (I don't suggest it also!)
Now I searched it for again and I couldn't find anything helpful. If you are using something like AutoMapper or ValueInjecter like tool for mapping your ViewModel objects to Business objects and if you want to obfuscate that View Model parameters also, probably you are in some trouble. Of course you can do it but strongly typed html helpers are not going to help you alot. I even not talking about the if other developers taking branch and working over common view models.
Luckily my project (4 people working on it, and its commercial use for) not that big for now, so I decided to change View Model property names! (It is still lot work to do. Hundreds of view models to obfuscate their properties!!!) Thank you Asp.Net MVC !
There some ways in the links which I gave in question. But also if you still want to use the BindAlias attribute, I can only suggest you to use the following extension methods. At least you dont have to write same alias string which you write in BindAlias attribute.
Here it is:
public static string AliasNameFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
var memberExpression = ExpressionHelpers.GetMemberExpression(expression);
if (memberExpression == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression must be a member expression");
var aliasAttr = memberExpression.Member.GetAttribute<BindAliasAttribute>();
if (aliasAttr != null)
return MvcHtmlString.Create(aliasAttr.Alias).ToHtmlString();
return htmlHelper.NameFor(expression).ToHtmlString();
public static string AliasIdFor<TModel, TProperty>(this HtmlHelper<TModel> htmlHelper,
Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
var memberExpression = ExpressionHelpers.GetMemberExpression(expression);
if (memberExpression == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Expression must be a member expression");
var aliasAttr = memberExpression.Member.GetAttribute<BindAliasAttribute>();
if (aliasAttr != null)
return MvcHtmlString.Create(TagBuilder.CreateSanitizedId(aliasAttr.Alias)).ToHtmlString();
return htmlHelper.IdFor(expression).ToHtmlString();
public static T GetAttribute<T>(this ICustomAttributeProvider provider)
where T : Attribute
var attributes = provider.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(T), true);
return attributes.Length > 0 ? attributes[0] as T : null;
public static MemberExpression GetMemberExpression<TModel, TProperty>(Expression<Func<TModel, TProperty>> expression)
MemberExpression memberExpression;
if (expression.Body is UnaryExpression)
var unaryExpression = (UnaryExpression)expression.Body;
memberExpression = (MemberExpression)unaryExpression.Operand;
memberExpression = (MemberExpression)expression.Body;
return memberExpression;
When you want to use it:
public class FilterViewModel
public string FilterParameter { get; set; }
In html:
#* at least you dont write "someText" here again *#
#Html.Editor(Html.AliasNameFor(model => model.FilterParameter))
#Html.ValidationMessage(Html.AliasNameFor(model => model.FilterParameter))
So I am leaving this answer here like this. This is even not an answer (and there is no answer for MVC 5) but who searching in google for same problem might find useful this experience.
And here is the github repo:

Returning Json from an MVC controller that extends Apicontroller

I'm trying to return a Json string from an MVC controller in a WebAPI application, but am unable to use return Json(... because the class being used extends ApiController and not Controller (I believe).
Is there an alternative method to do what I'm trying to do (e.g. return a different type)? Or a workaround?
This is my controller code:
public class SocialController : ApiController
public ActionResult Get(SocialRequest request) // or JsonResult?
JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
string jsontest = js.Serialize(request); // just serializing back and forth for testing
return Json(jsontest, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
The error I'm receiving is "System.Web.Helpers.Json is a type but is used like a variable."
I've found the following related SO question but it hasn't solved it for me, if anyone can elaborate I'd really appreciate it (and dish out the rep points):
Why Json() Function is unknown
In Web Api you don't have ActionResults anymore. You simply return the object you need. The framework converts the object to the proper response (json, xml or other types)
public IEnumerable<string> GetUsers(SocialRequest request)
return _applicationsService.GetUserss(request);

Property Injection and/or Adding a Controller to an Alternate MenuItem View

I'm trying (and failing) to get property injection working in Orchard CMS.
This is necessary, because the below code is acting something like a code-behind for a view (horrible I know). The reason being that the view doesn't have a controller that I can use constructor injection on, because this is an alternate view for a MenuItem, i.e. MenuItemLink-MyCustomMenuItem.cshtml.
Not much more to say than that, except what's in the comments (note the NULL comment for the property that I am trying to set in the code below).
Oh, I've also tried adapting the property injection code from Orchard's LoggingModule, but equally that doesn't work for me either.
How do I :
a. get the below property injection to work? (I'm pretty sure I will need it at some point regardless)
b. (if possible) get my own controller/driver in the way of the view so I can use constructor injection on the controller instead?
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Autofac;
using Autofac.Core;
using Orchard;
using Module = Autofac.Module;
namespace MyCo.MyCustomMenuItem.Services
public class MyCustomMenuItemModule : Module
protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(
IComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
IComponentRegistration registration)
if (implementationType.ToString() ==
// this does get called, but doesn't have the desired effect
registration.Activated += (s, e) =>
public interface IFeedX : IDependency
XDocument GetResource();
public class FeedX : IFeedX
public XDocument GetResource()
return new XDocument();
public interface IMyCustomMenuItem : IDependency
XDocument GetResourceData();
IFeedX FeedX { get; set; }
public class MyCustomMenuItem : IMyCustomMenuItem
public IFeedX FeedX { get; set; }
// called direct by razor view
public XDocument GetResourceData()
Debug.WriteLine(FeedX); // NULL??
return FeedX.GetResource();
You definitely should not do anything of the sort in the view. I think this article describes a scenario that is close to what you're trying to achieve:

Selecting Instances of an Interface Based On Specific Value

I'll start here with a little bit of background. We have an ASP.Net MVC web application that sits upon a structure roughly based upon the Onion Architecture concept. Therefore, we have the following (simplified) vertical structure:
ASP.Net MVC controller layer
Application service layer
Business Service layer
NOTE: The above is simplified because it doesn't deal with the views, repositories, domain objects, etc which aren't relevant to this question.
For a horizontal structure, we have some major areas defined by what we call "Item Types" (for the sake of simplicity, this question will deal with two sample item types: "ItemTypeA", "ItemTypeB", etc).
We have a business service interface which has a separate implementation per item type:
public interface ISampleBusinessService
string SampleMethod(string arg);
public class ItemTypeASampleBusinessService : ISampleBusinessService
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return "Item Type A: " + arg;
public class ItemTypeBSampleBusinessService : ISampleBusinessService
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return "Item Type B: " + arg;
Sitting above that is an application service that uses the business service:
public interface ISampleAppService
string SampleMethod(string arg);
public class SampleAppService
private readonly ISampleBusinessService service;
public SampleAppService(ISampleBusinessService service)
this.service = service
public string SampleMethod(string arg)
return service.SampleMethod(arg);
And sitting above that is our controller which uses the application service:
public class SampleController : Controller
private ISampelAppService service
public SampleController(ISampleAppService service)
this.service = service;
public PartialViewResult SampleAction(string arg)
return PartialView( service.SampleMethod(arg) );
Note that the controller, application service interface and implementation, and business service interface are all generic - they don't care about which item type is being used. However, the business service implementations are specific to the item type. We know which item type we're dealing with at the time we call the action method on the controller (via RenderAction in the views) but we aren't sure what the best way to determine which business service implementation to use. There are a few options we've considered:
Base class the controller and create item type-specific controller inheritors, then something similar with the app services. This feels like a weak solution - we would end up writing a few classes that add nothing in terms of functionality except to work out which item type we're dealing with.
Pass a flag down to the service layer and create the service implementation in a factory (i.e. a SampleBusinessServiceFactory which takes an "itemType" argument in its CreateInstance method). The problem with this is that we're passing a variable down several layers just so that we can decide upon an implementation. We have used this approach so far.
Generics - we haven't really thought this one through but it seems that there would be some difficulties with this as well (how would you call an Action method with generics from an ActionResult call in the view?). It would be similar, in a sense to passing a flag down, but would be based upon strongly typing object/services instead of using enums/magic strings.
What approach would be best suited to solving this problem? New options would be welcomed.
Any help provided will be much appreciated.
This smells like Big Design Up Front ( )
However its very possible to invoke both controllers and action methods generically:
In mvc is it possible to make a generic controller?
Some info about invoking actions with generic action results ( which result in the same effect ).
I am a big fan of this approach and learning about these techniques is helpful to anybody who wants to keep their controllers extraordinarily slim.
Comment Answer:
You don't really need to call the generic action method, you just need a way to pass the generic parameter to your controller. The basic flow is to include your modelType as a route parameter. You could easily call generic render actions with the correct RouteValueDictionary. Here is some sample code from an older project of mine:
Start of my generic controller:
public GenericController()
TypeTranslator.Configure("Brainnom.Web.Model", "Brainnom.Web");
[UrlRoute(Path="admin/{modelType}/add", Order=9000)]
public virtual ActionResult Add()
return View( new MODEL() );
[UrlRoute(Path = "admin/{modelType}/add", Order = 9000)]
public virtual ActionResult Add( MODEL model, string modelType)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
var postedModel = new MODEL();
using (var session = new MongoSession())
return RedirectToRoute("Browse", new { modelType });
and my GenericControllerFactory ( which I do need to refactor someday )
using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
namespace Brainnom.Web.Controllers
public class GenericControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override Type GetControllerType(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
//the generic type parameter doesn't matter here
if (controllerName.EndsWith("Co"))//assuming we don't have any other generic controllers here
return typeof(GenericController<>);
return base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
//are we asking for the generic controller?
if (requestContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("modelType"))
string typeName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["modelType"].ToString();
//magic time
return GetGenericControllerInstance(typeName, requestContext);
if (!typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(controllerType))
throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Type requested is not a controller: {0}",controllerType.Name),"controllerType");
return base.GetControllerInstance(requestContext, controllerType);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the a generic IController tied to the typeName requested.
/// Since we only have a single generic controller the type is hardcoded for now
/// </summary>
/// <param name="typeName"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private IController GetGenericControllerInstance(string typeName, RequestContext requestContext)
var actionName = requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"];
//try and resolve a custom view model
Type actionModelType = Type.GetType("Brainnom.Web.Models." + typeName + actionName + "ViewModel, Brainnom.Web", false, true) ??
Type.GetType("Brainnom.Web.Models." + typeName + ",Brainnom.Web", false, true);
Type controllerType = typeof(GenericController<>).MakeGenericType(actionModelType);
var controllerBase = Activator.CreateInstance(controllerType, new object[0] {}) as IController;
return controllerBase;
