How to get current signal handler on iOS? - ios

Hi i need to get current signal handler that was set with this method:
signal(SIGSEGV, handler);
How to do that?

Unfortunately, the C standard does not foresee reading the current value of the handler.
But fortunately signal() returns the previous value when you change the handler. Hence with a slight risk you could do:
typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int); /* for convenience */
sighandler_t current_handler;
current_handler = signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_IGN); /* (1) */
signal (SIGSERV, current_handler); /* (2) */
There are two risks:
There could be a (very unliklely) error causing signal() to return SIG_ERR. You would then lose the current handler for good! According to iOS man page above, and based on the signal value you're interested in, the conditions for errors are not met.
If a SIGSEGV would be raised between (1) and (2) you would not intercept it. However, looking at the two statements, they are unlikely to trigger a segmentation violation (SIGSEGV)


How to pass native void pointers to a Dart Isolate - without copying?

I am working on exposing an audio library (C library) for Dart. To trigger the audio engine, it requires a few initializations steps (non blocking for UI), then audio processing is triggered with a perform function, which is blocking (audio processing is a heavy task). That is why I came to read about Dart isolates.
My first thought was that I only needed to call the performance method in the isolate, but it doesn't seem possible, since the perform function takes the engine state as first argument - this engine state is an opaque pointer ( Pointer in dart:ffi ). When trying to pass engine state to a new isolate with compute function, Dart VM returns an error - it cannot pass C pointers to an isolate.
I could not find a way to pass this data to the isolate, I assume this is due to the separate memory of main isolate and the one I'm creating.
So, I should probably manage the entire engine state in the isolate which means :
Create the engine state
Initialize it with some options (strings)
trigger the perform function
control audio at runtime
I couldn't find any example on how to perform this actions in the isolate, but triggered from main thread/isolate. Neither on how to manage isolate memory (keep the engine state, and use it). Of course I could do
Here is a non-isolated example of what I want to do :
Pointer<Void> engineState = createEngineState();
initEngine(engineState, parametersString);
And at runtime, triggered by UI actions (like slider value changed, or button clicked) :
setEngineControl(engineState, valueToSet);
double controleValue = getEngineControl(engineState);
The engine state could be encapsulated in a class, I don't think it really matters here.
Whether it is a class or an opaque datatype, I can't find how to manage and keep this state, and perform triggers from main thread (processed in isolate). Any idea ?
In advance, thanks.
PS: I notice, while writing, that my question/explaination may not be precise, I have to say I'm a bit lost here, since I never used Dart Isolates. Please tell me if some information is missing.
EDIT April 24th :
It seems to be working with creating and managing object state inside the Isolate. But the main problem isn't solved. Because the perform method is actually blocking while it is not completed, there is no way to still receive messages in the isolate.
An option I thought first was to use the performBlock method, which only performs a block of audio samples. Like this :
while(performBlock(engineState)) {
// listen messages, and do something
But this doesn't seem to work, process is still blocked until audio performance finishes. Even if this loop is called in an async method in the isolate, it blocks, and no message are read.
I now think about the possibility to pass the Pointer<Void> managed in main isolate to another, that would then be the worker (for perform method only), and then be able to trigger some control methods from main isolate.
The isolate Dart package provides a registry sub library to manage some shared memory. But it is still impossible to pass void pointer between isolates.
[ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Invalid argument(s): Native objects (from dart:ffi) such as Pointers and Structs cannot be passed between isolates.
Has anyone already met this kind of situation ?
It is possible to get an address which this Pointer points to as a number and construct a new Pointer from this address (see Pointer.address and Pointer.fromAddress()). Since numbers can freely be passed between isolates, this can be used to pass native pointers between them.
In your case that could be done, for example, like this (I used Flutter's compute to make the example a bit simpler but that would apparently work with explicitly using Send/ReceivePorts as well)
// Callback to be used in a backround isolate.
// Returns address of the new engine.
int initEngine(String parameters) {
Pointer<Void> engineState = createEngineState();
initEngine(engineState, parameters);
return engineState.address;
// Callback to be used in a backround isolate.
// Does whichever processing is needed using the given engine.
void processWithEngine(int engineStateAddress) {
final engineState = Pointer<Void>.fromAddress(engineStateAddress);
void main() {
// Initialize the engine in a background isolate.
final address = compute(initEngine, "parameters");
final engineState = Pointer<Void>.fromAddress(address);
// Do some heavy computation in a background isolate using the engine.
compute(processWithEngine, engineState.address);
I ended up doing the processing of callbacks inside the audio loop itself.
tasks.forEach((String key, List<int> value) {
double val = getCallback(key);
value.forEach((int element) {
callbackPort.send([element, val]);
Where the 'val' is the thing you want to send to callback. The list of int 'value' is a list of callback index.
Let's say you audio loop performs with vector size of 512 samples, you will be able to pass your callbacks after every 512 audio samples are processed, which means 48000 / 512 times per second (assuming you sample rate is 48000). This method is not the best one but it works, I still have to see if it works in very intensive processing context though. Here, it has been thought for realtime audio, but it could work the same for audio rendering.
You can see the full code here :

ReactiveCocoa 4: How to send error to an observer without interrupting the signal

let (signal, sink) = Signal<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>.pipe()
When I call this because the user disabled the Bluetooth:
sendError(self.sink, error)
the Signal is interrupted and I don't receive more next nor interrupted events after enabling the Bluetooth back again. The Signal is broken.
How can I send error types to the observer without interrupting / breaking the Signal? I can't find in the RAC 4 documentation. Thanks!
By design, an error causes the signal to finish. The documentation says:
failures should only be used to represent “abnormal” termination. If
it is important to let operators (or consumers) finish their work, a
Next event describing the result might be more appropriate.
If you want to turn errors into Next events, you can use flatMapError operator as described here or use retry if you want to allow only several occurances of the error.
If you want different semantics than Next* (Error|Completed) I recommend encoding that in the type. You can use a Signal that can't fail, but which values can be either success or failure, by using Result:
Signal<Result<[CLBeacon], BeaconManagerError>, NoError>
That signal will emit no errors, but its Next events will be Result.Success<[CLBeacon]> or Result.Failure<BeaconManagerError>, **and the signal won't terminate when receiving a Result.Failure.

pthreads SIGEV_THREAD and async-safe function calls

Having trouble tracking down answer to usage of SIGEV_THREAD...
When one sets SIGEV_THREAD as the notify method in sigevent struct, is it correct to assume that async-signal-safe functions must still be used within the notify_function to be invoked as the handler?
Also - is it correct to assume the thread is run as "detached"?
For example
notify thread
void my_thread(union sigval my_data)
// is this ok or not (two non async-signal-safe functions)?
printf("in the notify function\n");
main function
se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD;
se.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &my_data;
se.sigev_notify_function = my_thread;
se.sigev_notify_attributes = NULL;
Please provide a reference if possible.
No, you don't need to use only async-signal-safe functions, because POSIX does not place any such limitation on the SIGEV_THREAD function. (The whole point of SIGEV_THREAD is that it lets you handle asychronous notifications in a less constrained environment than a signal handler).
As far as the thread being detached, POSIX says:
The function shall be executed in an environment as if it were the
start_routine for a newly created thread with thread attributes
specified by sigev_notify_attributes. If sigev_notify_attributes
is NULL, the behavior shall be as if the thread were created with
the detachstate attribute set to PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED. Supplying
an attributes structure with a detachstate attribute of
PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE results in undefined behavior. The signal
mask of this thread is implementation-defined.
This means: you must either leave sigev_notify_attributes as NULL, or set it to an attributes structure with the detachstate set to PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED - in both cases the thread will be created detached.

Difference between pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED) and pthread_cancel(pthread_self())

When pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED) is called I have expected behavior (stack unwinding, destructors calls) but the call to pthread_cancel(pthread_self()) just terminated the thread.
Why pthread_exit(PTHREAD_CANCELED) and pthread_cancel(pthread_self()) differ significantly and the thread memory is not released in the later case?
The background is as follows:
The calls are made from a signal handler and reasoning behind this strange approach is to cancel a thread waiting for the external library semop() to complete (looping around on EINTR I suppose)
I have noticed that calling pthread_cancel from other thread does not work (as if semop was not a cancellation point) but signalling the thread and then calling pthread_exit works but calls the destructor within a signal handler.
pthread_cancel could postpone the action to the next cancellation point.
In terms of thread specific clean-up behaviour there should be no difference between cancelling a thread via pthread_cancel() and exiting a thread via pthread_exit().
POSIX says:
[...] When the cancellation is acted on, the cancellation clean-up handlers for thread shall be called. When the last cancellation clean-up handler returns, the thread-specific data destructor functions shall be called for thread. When the last destructor function returns, thread shall be terminated.
From Linux's man pthread_cancel:
When a cancellation requested is acted on, the following steps occur for thread (in this order):
Cancellation clean-up handlers are popped (in the reverse of the order in which they were pushed) and called. (See pthread_cleanup_push(3).)
Thread-specific data destructors are called, in an unspecified order. (See pthread_key_create(3).)
The thread is terminated. (See pthread_exit(3).)
Referring the strategy to introduce a cancellation point by signalling a thread, I have my doubts this were the cleanest way.
As many system calls return on receiving a signal while setting errno to EINTR, it would be easy to catch this case and simply let the thread end itself cleanly under this condition via pthread_exit().
Some pseudo code:
while (some condition)
if (-1 == semop(...))
{ /* getting here on error or signal reception */
if (EINTR == errno)
{ /* getting here on signal reception */
Turned out that there is no difference.
However some interesting side effects took place.
Operations on std::iostream especially cerr/cout include cancellation points. When the underlying operation is canceled the stream is marked as not good. So you will get no output from any other thread if only one has discovered cancellation on an attempt to print.
So play with pthread_setcancelstate() and pthread_testcancel() or just call cerr.clear() when needed.
Applies to C++ streams only, stderr,stdin seems not be affected.
First of all, there are two things associated to thread which will tell what to do when you call pthread_cancel().
1. pthread_setcancelstate
2. pthread_setcanceltype
first function will tell whether that particular thread can be cancelled or not, and the second function tells when and how that thread should be cancelled, for example, should that thread be terminated as soon as you send cancellation request or it need to wait till that thread reaches some milestone before getting terminated.
when you call pthread_cancel(), thread wont be terminated directly, above two actions will be performed, i.e., checking whether that thread can be cancelled or not, and if yes, when to cancel.
if you disable cancel state, then pthread_cancel() can't terminate that thread, but the cancellation request will stay in a queue waiting for that thread to become cancellable, i.e., at some point of time if you are enabling cancel state, then your cancel request will start working on terminating that thread
whereas if you use pthread_exit(), then the thread will be terminated irrespective to the cancel state and cancel type of that particular thread.
*this is one of the differences between pthread_exit() and pthread_cancel(), there can be few more.

Odd behavior when creating and cancelling a thread in close succession

I'm using g++ version 4.4.3 (Ubuntu 4.4.3-4ubuntu5) and libpthread v. 2-11-1. The following code simply creates a thread running Foo(), and immediately cancels it:
void* Foo(void*){
/* wait 1 second, e.g. using nanosleep() */
return NULL;
int main(){
pthread_t thread;
int res_create, res_cancel;
printf("creating thread\n);
res_create = pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &Foo, NULL);
res_cancel = pthread_cancel(thread);
printf("cancelled thread\n);
printf("create: %d, cancel: %d\n", res_create, res_cancel);
return 0;
The output I get is:
creating thread
cancelled thread
create: 0, cancel: 0
Why the second Foo output? Am I abusing the pthread API by calling pthread_cancel right after pthread_create? If so, how can I know when it's safe to touch the thread? If I so much as stick a printf() between the two, I don't have this problem.
I cannot reproduce this on a slightly newer Ubuntu. Sometimes I get one Foo and sometimes none. I had to fix a few things to get your code to compile (missing headers, missing call to some sleep function implied by a comment and string literals not closed), which indicate you did not paste the actual code which reproduced the problem.
If the problem is indeed real, it might indicate some thread cancellation problem in glibc's IO library. It looks a lot like two threads doing a flush(stdout) on the same buffer contents. Now that should never happen normally because the IO library is thread safe. But what if there is some cancellation scenario like: the thread has the mutex on stdout, and has just done a flush, but has not updated the buffer yet to clear the output. Then it is canceled before it can do that, and the main thread flushes the same data again.
