Kendo mvc grid print -

I am using ASP.NET MVC with Kendo UI. I want to export grid to an HTML page and print it. Online help is not available. What have your done previously. Thanks in advance.

Did you find a solution to this? I'm looking at the same thing currently and have found a couple of options:
Firstly Telerik have a Javascript example which renders your grid to a new print window, see
Just alter the name of
var gridElement = $('#grid'),
to your own existing grid name and omit the function:
$(function () {
var grid = $('#grid').kendoGrid({
However, this only renders what is currently displayed on screen (so if your grid has multi pages it may not be suitable).
The second option that I'm exploring is exporting to pdf (and then user can then print that if they wish). There are example of this at and
This does have multi-page printing support (although I haven't got it to work just yet, they have examples which show it working). They do mention potential problems if you have a lot of data as it needs to load all the data on the client side (even if you have paging). There are some example projects to work on data server side in the above links.
In the end our requirements didn't need the paging but I've gone with the pdf option as that delivers quite a nice layout that you can template further.


How to add some javascript code on top of my grid to work in back-office

I am working with Umbraco 7.5 grid and I've created some macros that work with javascript. I need a javascript array on the page on top of my grid so I can add my items to it.
if (!_components) _components = [];
I can do it on the normal view since I have access to master page. but how can I do it in the back office?
It will be easier to maintain if you will create separated, custom grid property editor for your control / macro. Then you'll be able to add anything you want in the output of the editor and it will be included only when the specific control will be used in backoffice.
Check documentation here:
You can also check LeBlender package - I've used it to play with the Grid a couple of times. It's giving you a visual UI to create and manage those custom editors with params and anything you need there.

Refresh the browser once on load or clear DOM

I have a dynamic MVC4, jQuery Mobile application that works for the most part quite well. I have an auto posting dropdown list that selects a list from the database via the following code.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#TownID").live('change', function () {
//$("#TownID").change(function () {
var actionUrl = $('#TheForm1').attr('action') + '/' + $('#TownID').val();
$('#TheForm1').attr('action', actionUrl);
#using (Html.BeginForm("SearchTown", "Home", FormMethod.Post, new { id = "TheForm1" }))
#Html.DropDownList("TownID", (SelectList)ViewBag.TownId, "Select a Town")
The problem is it only works properly the first time a search is performed unless I click refresh. I don’t think this has anything to do with MVC, I think the problem is with AJAX and jQuery Mobile.
The first time I search yields a result and woks fine, but the second time something seems to be left behind in the DOM??? and it looks for: also
I get 404 errors in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it still finds the results and displays the page correctly!
Then with a third search I get the error 404’s in my log and “Error Loading Page” but it has grown and now looks for: also
This then continues to grow after every search until at some seemingly random point on each test, it seems to give up and I get error 505
Additional Edit:
The code works perfectly if I take jQuery Mobile out of the question
Can anyone tell me what might be going on here?
Get rid of: $(function () {
And replace it with: $(document).delegate('[data-role="page"]', 'pageinit', function () {
Please read the big yellow sections at the top of this page:
You can't rely on document.ready or any other event that only fires once per page. Instead you have to get used to using jQuery Mobile's custom page events like pageinit so your code will work no-matter when the page is added to the DOM (which you don't know when this will happen in a jQuery Mobile website). There are a ton of events, so again, please read the documentation I linked-to above.
Firstly, dynamically generated html using a server side templating engine blows. I really don't understand what value people see in it.
My guess is that it used to make sense 10 years ago before AJAX became popular, and has just hung in there ever since because people have this feeling that it is "the right way to do it". It isn't. ESPECIALLY for mobile web apps.
Secondly, it looks like you are trying to do pretty simple search. All this MVC4 garbage makes it difficult for you to see what is really happening though. You don't need to append parameters to your URL for a simple form submission like this. In fact your TownId should already be part of the POST data when you submit, so you can just remove the URL modification bit.
Alternatively, don't use a form submission, but just a GET and AJAX. I don't know what your app is doing here, but I imagine you want to display the results on the page dynamically somehow, so a GET is more than enough.
Use your developer browser tools (F12) to see what exactly is getting submitted when you do the submit - it really helps. And for your next project, abandon MVC4! "Well established design patterns" my foot.
I have been bothered by this problem for a long time
There are same select element in the DOM I think so...
and I used $('.SelectCSS:last').val()
It seen work well.
I come from China , English is poor...
I guess this is one for the future, MVC and jQuery Mobile don't seem to blend completely right now. Maybe MS's response to the issue is Single Page Applications!
SPA may satisfy Danial also?

Render large portion of page using jQuery & AJAX

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with a page that displays a large table of rows & columns of information.
I have a textbox at the top of the page allowing a user to filter the results in the table. I want the user to be able to start typing a word in the textbox and with each keypress, the results in the table to be updated based on the users filter text.
I've done similar things where I simply return a JsonResult response from my Controller, with a couple of small bits of data, but am not sure of the recommended approach if I want to essentially re-render my whole table (with the new data within it) upon each keypress?
I should also mention that the ViewModel I intend to use when the page is first loaded (prior to any ajax stuff happening) contains an IPagedList, as the table data needs to be paginated and sortable.
What I would do is to work with JQuery ajax API and also with partial views.
Have a look at following article. It displays how you can be able to manipulate your html seamlessly on ASP.NET MVC :
Working With JQuery Ajax API on ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - Power of JSON, JQuery and ASP.NET MVC Partial Views
Also, following question might help :
How to pass an array through in JQuery Ajax and how to concieve it in server side?
You can use the templates to render the html.
i.e Parametrized html + json = to be rendered html
Have a look at it could be a very good fit for you
Take a look at the DataTables plug-in for jQuery. It may match your requirements and provide exactly what you need.

FCKEditor in

How to add FCKEditor in MVC application?
How to show database value comes in model, in FCKEditor?
That CodeProject website isn't ideal. It asks you to do alot of unneccessary code. All you really need to do is include the correct javascript file:
Then, in the page, render the FCKEditor, given any number of different ways. I prefer to replace a text area:
window.onload = function()
var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'content' ) ;
oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;
At that point, the editor should load just fine. You will probably need to edit the fckeditor configuration files to get the standardized behavior you want. At this point, however, everything should just work. Your FCKEditor instance will behave just like another form field, and you can treat it as such when you get values from it on the server side.
It's very easy to create the server side api's for it to use as well. I created an fckeditor control, and you just need to implement GetFolders, GetFoldersAndFiles, and GetFiles. Those only take a few lines and give you nearly all the functionality you need.
I think it's easier to integrate / customize fckeditor using MVC than it is on Classic ASP.NET.

Using JQuery with ASP.NET MVC Framework

I have searched the forum, and google for this topic. Most of the articles are talking about using JSON to call the controller/action on the server and do ajax effect on the result.
I am trying to use some very basic JQuery features, like the JQuery UI/Tabs, and JQuery UI/Block for a dialog window. I cannot get these simple samples to work in my MVC project. Any ideas how I should modify these samples? I only need these basic feature now and I can go from here.
Actually I just got it working. The problem is that I need to modify the path to an absolute path to the view page because the relative path doesn't work with the MVC routes {controller}/{action}/{id}.
For info, re the relative path issue - I discussed this here (the same concept applies to any page, not just master pages). The approach I used is like so:
1: declare an extension method for adding scripts:
public static string Script(this HtmlHelper html, string path)
var filePath = VirtualPathUtility.ToAbsolute(path);
return "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"" + filePath + "\"></script>";
2: when needed (for example in the <head>...</head>) use this method:
The advantage of this is that it will work even if the web app is hosted in a virtual directory (i.e. you can't use "/Scripts" because you aren't necessarily at the site root) - yet it is a lot clearer (and less messy) than the full script with munged src, i.e.
<script ... src="<%=Url.Foo(...)%>"></script>
I just implemented the jquery autocomplete textbox in one of my project. I only had to import the js file and drop some code into my aspx page. Could you be more detailled about what sample you are trying to run?
This is quick response!!
I am trying to run this "Simple Tabs" on this page:
I think it is the same with this one:
I just copied and pasted the whole thing into my MVC view page, with corrected path to the jquery.js and .css files, but the content in the tabs all show up together (two of them are supposed to be hidden). My understanding is that this simple jquery plugin just show and hide content.
I had the exact same problem with the jquery thickbox plugin, that the item marked as "hidden" (the dialog box) will always show up in my MVC view page.
I can understand some of the MVC+Jquery+json articles, but I don't understand why the hide/show doesn't work.
I just made a walkthrough on how to do this:
