I want to implement a <macrodef/> that can be called in two ways: With a single file parameter, or with a <fileset/>:
<macrodef name="sqlplus">
<attribute name="file"/>
<!-- there be dragons, here -->
<macrodef name="sqlplus">
<element name="files"/>
<for param="file">
<!-- call the other macro -->
<sqlplus file="#{file}"/>
This doesn't seem to work. Is there any trick I can use to implement "quasi"-overloading? Or do I have to rename one of the macrodefs? I know I could write this, and check if the arguments are set (e.g. using ant-contrib):
<macrodef name="sqlplus">
<attribute name="file"/>
<element name="files" optional="yes"/>
<!-- ... -->
But there is no way to make an <attribute/> optional.
I would like to use the fileset in below macrodef.
I wish to change attribute jar to dir so that all jar files in dir can be processed.
<macrodef name="unjartemp">
<attribute name="jar" />
<!-- Remove any existing signatures from a JAR file. -->
<tempfile prefix="unjar-"
destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}" property="temp.file" />
<echo message="Removing signatures from JAR: #{jar}" />
<mkdir dir="${temp.file}" />
<unjar src="#{jar}" dest="${temp.file}" />
<delete file="#{jar}" failonerror="true" />
To keep it flexible you may use macrodef with nested element attribute for 1-n filesets, f.e.
a macrodef that creates a dirlisting in xmlformat for nested filesets :
<macrodef name="dir2xml">
<attribute name="file"
description="xmlfile for filelisting"/>
<attribute name="roottag"
description="xml root tag"/>
<attribute name="entrytag"
description="xml tag for entry"/>
<element name="fs"
description="nested filesets for listing"/>
pathsep="</#{entrytag}>${line.separator} <#{entrytag}>"
<!-- 1-n nested fileset(s) -->
<!-- create xmlfile -->
<echo message="<#{roottag}>${line.separator} <#{entrytag}>${files.xml}</#{entrytag}>${line.separator}</#{roottag}>" file="#{file}"/>
Usage :
<dir2xml file="filelistant.xml" entrytag="antfile" roottag="antfilelist">
<fileset dir="." includes="**/*.xml"/>
<fileset dir="../ant_xml" includes="**/*.xml"/>
Add your fileset:
<fileset dir="${jars.dir}" id="jars_to_unjar">
<include name="**/*.jar"/>
call you macros:
<unjartemp filesetref="jars_to_unjar"/>
And you can try this modified macros:
<macrodef name="unjartemp">
<attribute name="filesetref" />
<for param="file">
<fileset refid="#{filesetref}"/>
<!-- Remove any existing signatures from a JAR file. -->
<tempfile prefix="unjar-"
destdir="${java.io.tmpdir}" property="temp.file" />
<echo message="Removing signatures from JAR: #{file}" />
<mkdir dir="${temp.file}" />
<unjar src="#{file}" dest="${temp.file}" />
<delete file="#{file}" failonerror="true" />
It would be fantastic if I could do something like:
<macrodef name="process-target">
<attribute name="target" default="?enclosing.target.name?" />
<target name="myTarget>
Need to use a script to access the target name as follows:
<project name="demo" default="run1">
<macrodef name="process-target">
<script language="javascript">
project.setProperty("enclosing.target.name", self.getOwningTarget());
<echo message="${enclosing.target.name}"/>
<target name="run1">
<target name="run2">
I am putting this here because I wanted to have an optional attribute in core ant.
<macrodef name="process-target">
<attribute name="target" default="_not_set_" />
<property name="_target_" value="#{target}" />
<script language="javascript">
if(project.getProperty("_target_") == "_not_set_") {
project.setProperty("_target_", self.getOwningTarget());
<echo message="${_target_}"/>
I have the following code:
<dirset id="aa" dir="FOLDER" includes="example*" excludes=".*">
<pathconvert pathsep="," property="bb" refid="aa">
<mapper type="flatten"/>
<echo message="LIST:${bb}"/>
and the output is for example 'examle.aa,example.bb'
And I would like to call another target for each example.*.. Can you help me please?
A macrodef would work for this, you could invoke it with custom attributes or elements based on you current property:
Try antcontrib for the loop functionality. Here's an example
<target name="test">
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" classpath="./lib/ant-contrib-1.0.jar" />
<for param="file">
<dirset dir="." />
<task dir="#{file}" />
<macrodef name="task">
<attribute name="dir" />
I want to use the content of the element named "soql" as an attribute in a replace filter. What I wanted to achieve is to replace a value in a file with the contents of an element. In this case I am inclined to not use an attribute as the value should be enclosed within CDATA block
<macrodef name="exportdata">
<attribute name="file"/>
<attribute name="object"/>
<element name="soql"/>
<echo message="Exporting #{object}"/>
<mkdir dir="data/exports"/>
<copy file="data/config/template-process-conf.xml" tofile="data/config/process-conf.xml" overwrite="true" failonerror="true"/>
<replace file="data/config/process-conf.xml">
<replacefilter token="_endpoint_" value="${sf.serverurl}"/>
<replacefilter token="_username_" value="${sf.username}"/>
<replacefilter token="_password_" value="${encryptedpassword}"/>
<replacefilter token="_object_" value="#{object}"/>
<replacefilter token="_soql_" value="#{soql}"/>
<replacefilter token="_file_" value="data/exports/#{file}.csv"/>
<replacefilter token="_keyfile_" value="data/config/key.txt"/>
<java classname="com.salesforce.dataloader.process.ProcessRunner" classpath="lib/DataLoader.jar" failonerror="true">
<sysproperty key="salesforce.config.dir" value="data/config"/>
<arg line="process.name=export#{object}"/>
If you have a reasonably up-to-date version of Ant (>1.7) you may be able to use a string resource to do this. Here's a simple example:
<macrodef name="element2string">
<element name="elem"/>
<string id="elem.as.string"><elem/></string>
<echo message="${toString:elem.as.string}"/>
<elem><![CDATA[There be <dragons>]]></elem>
[echo] There be <dragons>
I'm trying to copy files in a macro, like so:
<project name="why" default="go">
<macrodef name="copy-some-stuff">
<attribute name="file.name" />
<copy todir="/var/tmp">
<fileset file="${file.name}" />
<target name="go">
<copy-some-stuff file.name="/etc/hosts" />
but I get the following
b.xml:3: macrodef doesn't support the nested "copy" element.
Any ideas, other than "yes, indeeed, macrodef doesn't support the nested "copy" element." I got that much. I'm looking for why this limitation is here and a possible workaround (without using antcall).
Try surrounding the <copy> element with <sequential>:
<macrodef name="copy-some-stuff">
<attribute name="file.name" />
<copy todir="/var/tmp">
<fileset file="#{file.name}" />