Dynamicaly view with different content - ios

I have got UIView with UIImageView + UILabels + UITextView.
I don't know how to make this views in UIScrollView, that will show corectly on horizontal and portrait?
Any sugestion?
I thought about uitableview with many cells as UIImageView and Labels, but I need use uiTextView.textContainer.exclusionPaths For image and text.
Any sugestions or solutions?

Tableview might be a better solution or just simply try to use autoLayout with the elements you want. Working in scrollview with autoLayout might be tricky on some occasions but these seem good solutions to me.

define the size and position of contentView inside scroll view
even if you set all constraint from your contentView to scroll view (top, right, bottom, left) to some constant values, the size of your contentView is not defined!!! that is very common mistake ...
set height and width of the contentView, that is all (without any relation to scroll view). like width = 5000, height = 5000. why not? the scroll view will be just like a small window to big room behind. it is the only reason why to use a scroll view, isn't it?

Please visit below link:
Hope it will help solving your issue.


UITextView not visible on UIScrollView

Ok, so what I have is a UIScrollView that is constrained to all four sides of the main view, centered both vertically and horizontally, and set to have equal width and height to the view. All of the subviews that I put on top of the UIScrollView are showing up when I run the app, exactly where I want them to be, but only the UITextView at the bottom is not. It seems like I've tried every combination of constraints but it never appears when I run the app regardless of what I do. Here is a screenshot of the constraints in the interface builder:
And even when I preview the file Main.storyboard before running it looks like this:
But when I actually run the app, the screen is missing the UITextView, even when I alter the constraints in a number of ways:
Any help with this problem will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Avoid putting all your subviews directly inside the scrollView. The autolayout will break apart.
You need to :
Add a UIView inside the UIScrollView, with constraints 0-0-0-0 to leading-top-bottom-trailing to the UIScrollView, and put all your subViews inside that UIView.
After that, you need to set the contentSize of your UIScrollView by code.
Also, you can:
add missing constraints to see what is missing.
The left panel in UIStoryBoard (Document Outline), you can press the red arrow showing up to see what is missing or conflicting.
Check out Apple documentation for more details.
If you want your scrollView only scrolls vertically you shouldn't set its height equal to its superView so remove it and just set the width to its superView and then it should calculate the height based on the subViews inside it
I offer you to drag a UIView in your scrollView and set the constraints to its four sides, and name it containerView , then set its width equal to background view and start laying out your views inside it not inside the scrollview :)
If Height of all views in the scrollView is clear, it can infer the scrollView's height
in this case you can set a fixed height to your containerView like 800 to get rid of the red lines and check how it works :)
I have noticed some clues you might have to solve which could probably solve the issue. Since the scrollView is extend by its content's elements, you have to explicitly deal with each element in the scrollView:
For imageView on the top is not well constrained, you need to give it a width or aspect ratio. Fix the imageView issue might solve textview height problem, even it's not still is a good start.
TextView bottom anchor is equal to scrollView bottom anchor, but you have to know textView is also kind of scrollView. So it's not reasonable to constraint each other at same time. Because both of them don't have explicitly height. You can try to type some words in the textView which will at least give it height by its content, then the scrollView can detect the textView bottomAnchor. You might see something then.
Your scrollView's height is equal to view's height is also weird, scrollView shouldn't constraint its height at first. Because it can't be "Scroll"View anymore because it's height is constant. you should let its width equal to view, and let the height be decided by its element's height. Then it will be literally a scrollview.
Hope it helps

UIScrollView bounces back when let go

I have a followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard) to embed a scrollview in a viewcontroller (Mine is vertically instead of horizontally).
All the constrains are working except the fact that the view bounces back when it is let go. I have tried a lot of different solution, but none is working! Please help, I'm using autolayouts my main goal is to be able to show all the buttons on the screen through scrolling.
I have been trying all types of ways to increase the contentSize, but nothing happens - the scrollview won't scroll properly. I tried different codes from people with the same problem, but the bouncing won't stop. Am I doing anything wrong on my constraints? This is extremely frustrating, please help. My constraints (using autolayout) (as I said, I followed this answer Putting a UIScrollview in a viewcontroller (storyboard))
You have to increase your scrollView's contentSize to fit all of it's sub views.
You should add subview to scrollview, then add all other views to that subview.
Then add constraints between scrollView and contentView (leading, trailing, top, bottom) and contentView should have width and height constraints set properly (set width equal to scrollView width)... the content size will be calculated automatically.... just set height

Detect a UIScrollView's height dynamically

I have a real problem with detecting UIScrollView height. I searched a lot and found this solution:
So I dragged from Content View to View and made Equal Height. But I does not work for me.
I also tried to calculate scrollView height according to elements height in it, but I do not think that it's a right way.
How can I set UIScrollView height dynamically? What is the correct way for doing it?
Your ScrollView should add a ContentView like this:
select your scrollView and in size Inspector bottom, set the width like this:
for more details on how to handle scrollView in Interface Builder your can check out this AppleDoc Working with Scroll Views
Hope this help you!
You only way to set height of your scrollView is by calculating the height of individual objects added to scrollview.
Programatically, calculate the height of each UI object and at the end set content height to scrollview.
[scView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(300, height)];
In above line, 'height' is nothing but a sum of all heights of all UI objects calculated.
By doing the below stuff's, I was able to implement UIScrollView with Automatic height based on the contents inside.
Add scrollview to the main view.
Add one ContentView inside this container scroll view.
Give proper constraints inside this content
view to the container scroll view as well as to its internal UI
Components. Please note that you should not give fixed height to the
content View. The constraints of the content view should grow
according to the UI Components inside
This might give you a layout
warning as 'Unambigous.... '. To fix this, give 'Equal Heights' constraint relation between content view and scroll view
Try the above steps, and this will solve your issue :)
Do you want to add item (UIView, UILabel...) in your UIScrollView by auto layout? If so, just put these in it and create correct constraints for them.
The key point is each item which in UIScrollView have top, leading, bottom and trailing side constraints to their superview. Most important is Make Sure that your UIScrollView has top, leading, bottom and trailing Descendant Constraints to its sub-items. It will calculate correct content height of scroll view for you.
In your solution, if your contentView has zero frame, it will not give you any height for scroll view.

scrollview has ambiguous content width on Xcode 6

I can't understand how can I solve this auto layout problem, i have this View:
There is an UIScrollView with the elements you see in the View, but the View gives me this warning:
scrollview has ambiguous content width
I can't understand how to solve this problem, I want the the view is for the full screen size, and I want that the width will be the screen width, how I can solve it?
I observed its fix in XCode 7.3 and it is just 10 sec work. I made a video on it. Check here:
All you have to do, add a subview to UIScrollView with same width and height. Then select ViewController and press Reset to suggested constraint. Please check video for clear understanding.
This is because you are not providing enough constraints so that Xcode can find Width of your scroll view.
You can see on your screen there isn't any constraints that can be satisfied to find width of scroll view.
You can do it by providing leading and trailing space of Image view which contains fix width. It also can be done with any other views. But i will prefer control which contains fix Height & Width So there isn't require to set hugging priority or Compress resistance.
Put everything in a View and that View put inside a ScrollView.
Editor -> Embed in -> View
The solutions is:
You have a UIImageView at the top. You set the width of the UIImageView to be the same as the width of the root view of the UIViewController
You set the leading and trailing space of the UIImageView to the UIScrollView to be both 0
You set the height of the UIImageView to be the height you want the image to be. And then you set the view mode of the UIImageView to be 'Aspect fit'.
I had the same problem a month ago. Add a constraint that makes the UIView inside the UIScrollView have the same size of the UIScrollView's content width. If you have multiple views inside the UIScrollView, put your UIViews inside a new UIView and make sure the new UIView has the same content width size as the UIScrollView.
Best regards,
I too faced this issue and the only way i got it solved was using the below strategy
Add a scroll view and set its constraint to fill in the screen
Add a UIview inside the scroll view lets call this view as the content view.
In this contentView, set top, bottom, left and right margins to 0 (of course from the scrollView which is the superView);
This should do it now you can follow step 3 and continue with your UI
Place your view inside the content view and add constraints to it accordingly.
Hope it helps

Resizing a UITextView in UIScrollView using Auto Layout issue

I really hate to ask here because I usually try to figure things out on my own. But on this one I've stuck for days and can't find a solution anywhere online.
I have a ScrollView containing multiple subviews. I've got an image view and two labels at the top with fixed heights. Then there is a UITextView and another ImageView (see pictures).
I add the text to the text view programmatically so it should have a dynamic height and the ImageView should move to the bottom so you can scroll. I don't want the TextView to be scrollable in itself but I want all the subviews to move as well.
I know I should be able to solve this issue using constraints. But I feel like I've tried everything and nothing worked yet. It worked when I disabled auto layout and moved the views manually. I'm wondering if there is a better way though.
As you can see I pinned the TextView to the ImageView above with a 1,000 priority and to the ImageView below with a 1,000 priority. The height constraint can not be deleted so I set it to the lowest possible priority. The ImageView on the bottom is pinned to the bottom of the superview with an absolute height. Its height constraint also has low priority. (I can post an image of the ImageView's constraints, if it helps)
I also tried adapting the frame programmatically but this is not working well in combination with auto layout. (If it helps I can of course post the code)
What am I doing wrong? Shall I just disable auto layout and do it manually? This seems unclean to me. Is it even possible to do?
I really appreciate your help :)
Make sure the Scrolling Enabled attribute on the UITextView is unchecked in Interface Builder. I believe that the Auto Layout system takes that into account when it calculates the intrinsic content size.
If somebody is struggling with a similar problem: This is what I ended up doing:
Remove all subviews from the ScrollView in IB
Programmatically add a single UIView to the ScrollView.
Add all the views to the UIView as subviews (move them using setFrame)
Set the Frame of the UIView appropriately to the subviews
Set the ScrollView's contentSize to the size of the UIView.
A little more work but it finally works. This follows Apple's mixed approach guidelines that can be seen here (look for UIScrollView): http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#releasenotes/General/RN-iOSSDK-6_0/index.html
The problem is the height setting. You somehow have to try to delete it. If you have added other constraints that are "sufficient", it should become deletable.
At the moment you have one user constraint for the height that is "Greater or equal" and an "Equals" constraint as well. Clearly, those are not working well together.
Maybe there is a conceptual error as well. The lower image view should not be fixed in position, so the distance to the lower image view will not be a "sufficient" constraint to let you delete the fixed height.
I think it should work if
the lower image view has a fixed height and
a fixed distance to the text view above, and
the text view has a minimum height as well as
a fixed distance to the image view above
(which should be fixed in relation to the superview).
