how to personilize "bootstrap-generators" gem - ruby-on-rails

Right now I'm feeling really dumb but I can't find a way to personalize the color in the gem "bootstrap-generators" I've tried to edit the color in bootstrap-variables.scss but is not working.
Bootstrap is correctly installed because it works and I tried to delete the cache folder to force rails to rebuild it but it' pointless.
I'm using rails 4.2.0 and bootstrap-generators 3.3.1

Try to do the following things for investigate problem:
1) Shutdown Rails app, clear cache (use rake tmp:clear), change color variable and run application again.
2) Try to broke bootstrap-variables.scss file. If your application really using(compile) it you will see a error.
3) Try to change any other variable. Probably you a trying to change wrong variable.


Bootstrap for Solidus frontend

I am using Solidus for the first time. I have been able to have it working as required. However, I am trying to make changes to the frontend. Although I'd rather use bootstrap 4, I could only find a way to port it with bootstrap 3 using a gem as described here.
I have followed the instruction as explained on the page. However when I make the test changes described, expecting to see the same changes, nothing happens. In fact the page is no longer structured as it was initially which I suppose is due to overwriting all.css used by spree on the app.
I am not sure why things are not working. I tried to undo changes by running rails destroy solidus_bootstrap_frontend:install but this doesn't restore the changes. Any help would be appreciated.
rails solidus_bootstrap_frontend:install
It'll tell you what files it tries to create, and will probably ask if you want to overwrite them.
Delete these files and you'll reset the appearance to how it was before you ran the command

pdf.js gem producing errors

I am a rails novice and trying to create my web portfolio in Cloud9. I wanted to display my resume.pdf in the user browser so I installed this gem gem 'pdfjs_rails' now my app doesn't even start in cloud 9. It show the following error messages in the terminal:
Please help me. How can i revert it back? thanks
Doesn't look like anything related to pdfjs (no point in that direction). Are you sure you've selected the right runner in Cloud9? See:
More in general: if you think an issue would be related to a gem, you can simply remove it from the Gemfile and run gem bundle to 'revert' to a previous state.

Controller not recognizing installed Gem

Okay, I know this is a bit of a simple question, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have installed the SmarterCSV gem in my Rails 4 app and am trying to use it in my controller like so:
I can do this exact process in the rails console for this app, but I cannot seem to get it to work in my controller. Every time I just get the Rails Dead Screen saying uninitialized constant MyController::SmarterCSV. I have tried adding the line
require 'smarter_csv'
But that also breaks to the Rails Dead Screen with the error cannot load such file -- smarter_csv
Any help would be greatly appreciated, Im not entirely sure what I can do...
you can try require 'smarter_csv/smarter_csv' as this is the path of the file in the gem
Don't forget to restart your application after bundle install

Rails 4.2 + Ember => unexpected identifier

I'm following Vic Ramon's tutorial. I tried to use the latest version of Rails and Ember-source and I get the following error when visiting home page:
After clicking on link next to error I get this:
How can I fix that?
I ran the following commands:
rails g ember:bootstrap -n App --javascript-engine coffee
rails g ember:install
I removed turbolinks. I also created home controller and an empty view for home#index. Root is set to home#index. Also created following view file:
// app/assets/javascripts/templates/application.js.emblem
h1 Hello World
Ember gems im using:
Using emblem-source 0.3.18
Using ember-data-source 1.0.0.beta.14.1
Using ember-rails 0.16.1
Using emblem-rails 0.2.2
This could be due to some version incompatibilities between your versions of ember-related gems, as there were quite substantial changes in recent versions of ember (e.g. introduction of HTMLBars, etc.)
Your best bet is to clone the original repo and then try to upgrade individual gems and check if it still works after each upgrade. This way you will be able to identify the troubling gem.
I have verified that the original repo code indeed works with the versions of gems in its current Gemfile.lock.
If you are starting a new Rails + Ember app, ember-cli-rails is probably the way to go, giving you the best of both worlds.
Emblem was the culprit. Replacing .emblem with .handlebars fixed the problem. I tried the tip from emblem-rails git page and icluded
gem "emblem-source", github: "machty/emblem.js"
but that didn't change anything.
I also followed this tutorial (alongside a few others) and I encountered several issues alongside the way ranging from handling templates to setting up the JSON API. I don't see your entire source code so I cannot pinpoint the exact problem. However, it seems that we have similar projects, so you can compare your code to my blog project source code and see what is causing these issues. Comparing to Ramon's tutorial, my blog has implemented everything until chapter 15.
If you are a beginner like myself, then I recommend avoiding CoffeeScript and Emblem and sticking to Javascript as much as possible for the first months because you will find more resources and examples. Also, let me know if you need assistance in setting up the project as I used .gitignore to hide things like secrets.yml

Rails 3 Locale switches when using different server

I've got a Rails 3.2.3 app with the default_locale set to :nl. When I start the app using Thin or Unicorn, the app's locale is set to :en. When I use Webrick, the locale is correctly set to :nl.
This change is triggered by a commit that updates several third-party gems, although I have not been able to single out any one gem upgrade in particular -- I can reverse each of them individually and get the same result. However, when I checkout the offending commit's parent, all is well too.
When I run the app on a remote server in production mode, it all works fine, so it seems to be local to my machine.
I have removed every single installed gem and re-installed them all, which made no difference.
Does anyone have any idea what might trigger this behaviour? And especially why using webrick or unicorn would make a difference?
Edit: I have pinpointed the bug to be triggered by upgrading Draper from 0.11 to 0.12 (issue at Github). Not sure if it is also the cause.
This problem has occured to me before wich was triggered by the "active_admin" gem you might want to use an earlier version to prevent this, I do not really know wich one so you can play around with it a little.
another option would be to set the active_admin locale in a before_filter,
config.before_filter :set_admin_locale
And set_admin_locale is in the application_controller:
def set_admin_locale
I18n.locale = :nl
hope it helped
I managed to track this problem down to a bad practice in my own Rails app that caused a bug by upgrading the Draper gem. There's a full explanation in the Draper documentation.
