ComputerCraft Run Chat Command - lua

I host a server and I was wondering: is there any way to run chat commands through ComputerCraft? I want to be able to run /tps through the ComputerCraft terminal and then have it print out the TPS. Help would be greatly appreciated.

In the new Computercraft 1.7 there is a new type of computer, the Command Computer. It allows the user to run commands the same way as"mkdir", "foo"). It can only be obtained by ops, and can only directly be controlled (we are talking without using rednet and such) by ops
commands.exec(string command) -- Runs and outputs command output in chat.
commands.execAsync(string command) -- Quietly runs command without output.
Here is the wiki page:
Commands (API)
But if we are talking 1.6.4 (Which almost all modpacks use) there is no "stock" version of doing that.
Hope it helps /Tyrerexus

I believe that you can use this thing called the Chat Box.
It's not part of the default Computercraft, however. It is part of the Misc Peripherals mod I believe.


certutil.exe is returning localized output

We have an PowerShell automation script that uses certutil.exe to list CA, issued certificates, etc... on a given Windows Server.
We wrapped some functions around a system Invoke of certutil.exe and we are grepping its output to look for some given patterns. However, in a French/German (and others for sure) installed Windows server, our script does not work at all, because certutil is returning localized outputs and it's impossible to predict that, and impossible to support all the languages of the world. Is there any way to force certutil.exe to print its output in English instead of the current machine language ?
I know that in Linux environment, we can do that:
LANG=en_EN.UTF-8 ls /tmp/toto
It will force ls to answer in English
Thanks for your help

Run a linux command (i.e. ls) from a RoR web application

I had to build a RoR web application that executes linux commands, for instance on my web page I have an "ls" button, how can I make the system run the command, retrieve the output and show the output on my web page? Is there a particular gem?
I think that you should be able to do that simply by doing something like:
<?= `ls` ?>
I don't think you have access to the machine from the web app due to security policies. Anyway with Ruby you can use this gem.
Hope this helps.
Check out this extremely informative link: He describes the advantages / disadvantages to the various ways ruby can call shell commands, including how to pass stdin, capture stderr, etc.

Extract information from a log file using powershell

Hi I am new to the language of powershell s i though about playing around with it. I am trying to extract information out of a log file (the file belongs to a program called event viewer). I need to use the information under Boot Duration.
Could somebody guide me a little bit?
It will be greatly appreciated
Logs are always the same. Not sure if you are going to monitor boot log of windows or linux or what.. but will try to answer.
If you edit your question and add info on the operating system and an example of relevant lines of boot log file I can provide you with some powershell code.
In general you should do:
Identify how to manually see boot time in log file. For example
probably it will have a starting boot time and a finished boot time.
Something similar to this.
[2012-06-08 12:00:04] starting boot
lot of log entries
[2012-06-08 12:00:34] finished boot
Once you know how to do it manually, you have to convince powershell to do it for you. You can use regular expressions to look for the pattern of dates. In my example look for lines that contains "starting boot" and then parse it to load date.
Here you have an useful link on powershell and regular expressions:

example command line and dataset for

after reading I've identified this is EXACTLY what I would like to do... however.. I don't actually have any examples to confirm this.
Can a kind sole out there please just give me a linux cmd line (preferably with a 5 line data example) of how I can run mahout with this dataset ? It's installed exactly as per the install instructions, ie via svn and maven.
The command line options are spelled out right there -- what are you looking for?
Maybe you want to read up on how you run a Hadoop job on the command line, which would be the rest of the command line you want.
This is also covered in detail in Mahout in Action.

How to tell if process is run by the Service Control Manager

I have a few Windows Services written in C# that I have setup to support being run from the command line as a console app if a specific parameter is passed. Works great but I would love to be able to detect whether the app is being run by the service control mananger or from a command line.
Is there any way to tell at runtime if my app was started by the SCM?
Environment.UserInteractive will return false if the process is running under the SCM.
The SCM will call your OnStart method, so you could mark that event and make sure when you run from the command line, you don't call OnStart. Or, you could check the startup parameters to see how the application was started.
In C the function StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() will fail with ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT. This is the best way in C, wonder if C# exposes any of this?
This error is returned if the program is being run as a console application rather than as a service. If the program will be run as a console application for debugging purposes, structure it such that service-specific code is not called when this error is returned.
