App store review guidelines 2.10 - should iPhone app be adjusted to iPad? - ios

I find paragraph 2.10 of App store review guidelines a bit ambiguous. It says : "iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution"
My app is deployment target is iphone and the supposed device orientation is portait
When I tested my app on ipad simulator it looks as follows:
This is just a piece of the view to give you the notion of how it actually look like - the app view does not fit the whole frame of ipad simulator.
The reason why I got my app rejected is completely different, however I don't want to waste another 8 days to see the rejection again because of some weird issue, so that's why I ask. Moreover, do you know if they stop review when they encounter a problem? Or they always undeline all the issues?
My question is: should I do something with this ipad view even if my app's target device is iphone? If yes, what do you suggest me to do?
Thanks in advance

iPad will be able to download your iPhone app and run it, but your app won't be fully compatible with it. iPad users may encounter issues such as bugs and incompatible features.
iPad users will only be able to download your app from the App Store by searching its name and filtering the search results with "iPhone Only". Therefore don't expect full visibility.
Your iPhone app will run successfully on an iPad most of the times but it will be presented with a scaled screen.


Apple Rejection App: We also noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2.1 [duplicate]

I made an iPhone App with Xcode. The devices setting is set to "iPhone". But in iTunes Connect it is rejected because it doesn't run on the iPad.
That is weird because it is an iPhone app, but when I checked it in Xcode, I can run it with the iPad simulator,however I think that normally this is not possible with an iPhone app.
I have added pictures to make my question clearer:
So what is gone wrong and how can I fix it?
Picture from resolution center:
Thanks all, I Found the problem/solution:
In my info.plist there was an extra row called supported interface orientations(iPad) where the portrait mode was added.
I have no idea how this got added here but when I removed it, the problem was solved.
From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Basically, if you set an app to "Universal" it will have iPad and iPhone versions of the UI and will appear in the search results for both. If you set it to iPhone only, it will still be installable on iPads, but it doesn't appear in the search results by default. Additionally when a user does install it on an iPad it will just scale up the UI to best fit the screen. You cannot prevent your app from running on iPads.
Every app can run on the iPad no matter if it is supported or not. The option you have in Xcode is if you want to configure it to look good on the iPad using it's own storyboard. If you configure it for both iPad and iPhone your app fill get a + in the right corner of the price on the App Store and show up on iPad searches. However if you don't configure it to support iPads it'll not show up on searches of the Apple App Store, unless osmose selects iPhone only. You can easily submit your app to the App Store, without it being rejected my friend.
Hope that helps. Keep coding.
Nothing is wrong here , you can do this in debug mode for development purpose. Even you can run it on your iPad device from xCode. Don't worry about it, nothing wrong here.

iPhone only app rejected for not running on iPad

I received the following from Apple. I tried fixing the constraints for just iPad but I can get the scroll bar to come on top. How would I fix this? It is an iPhone only app. Thanks
From Apple
Performance - 2.4.1
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2. Specifically, we were unable to register as the sign-up option was behind the amount section.
We've attached screenshot(s) for your reference.
Next Steps
Please revise your app to ensure it runs and displays properly at iPhone resolution on iPad.
For information on iOS device screen sizes and resolutions, please see the iOS Human Interface Guidelines as well as the Points versus Pixels in the View Programming Guide for iOS.
Additional Information
If you have difficulty reproducing a reported issue, please try testing the workflow described in Technical Q&A QA1764: How to reproduce bugs reported against App Store submissions.
If you have code-level questions after utilizing the above resources, you may wish to consult with Apple Developer Technical Support. When the DTS engineer follows up with you, please be ready to provide:
- complete details of your rejection issue(s)
- screenshots
- steps to reproduce the issue(s)
- symbolicated crash logs - if your issue results in a crash log
This is not an issue with supported devices - even if the iOS app is for iPhone only, it has to run on iPhone resolution on an iPad. This is the same sizing (or very, very close) as running on a iPhone 4 simulator, based on the screenshots.
Fix the constraints for iPhone 4 and it will be approved.
I got the same issue with my app which had the Deployment Info set to iPhone. Did they attach a screenshot with their response?
The issue with mine was that the constraints weren't set up properly. On smaller screen sizes (which the 1x setting on the iPad shows) my buttons were pushed together.
Check out your build on the simulator using an iPhone 5.
I had the same issue with my app.
My application was intended for iPhone and not for iPad, but the apple review team told me this:
It would be appropriate to revise your app to ensure that it runs on
iPad at iPhone resolution.
My solution:
Optimize the user interface for iPhone 4
I hope it helps.
Supported minimum iOS version is not relevant! I got rejection with iPad (1X) screenshot. App supports min version 10!
The problem is your app supports "minimum iOS version=9". it means your app must support 1x (not only2x or 3x) . Probably Apple itc review team tests the apps on ipad mini with 1x screen for iphone 4 device testing.
just optimize UI for 1x (iphone 4/4s)
I had also same issues throw me by apple. i search and got it solution to give support iPhone4 . this will resolved the issues.
Update your view constraint and give support to iphone4 or Run the app in the ipad and give support.
Simple remove suffix _iphone.storyboard or _ipad.storyboard, just may use Main.storyboard will fix this appstore issue

Converting app for iPhone 3Gs and iPad

Need advice.
I developed an app that is only meant for the iPhone. I also developed the app's look an feel for iPhone 5 and above (bigger screens).
I submitted my app and Apple is saying I have to have it compatible with iPhone 3Gs and iPad.
Seems like this is going to take significant work for an app that is not meant to run on an iPad and for obsolete iPhones.
Has anyone run into this before. Is there a way to get around this? Is there a simple way to convert iPhone 5 and beyond views to 3Gs and iPad?
Reply from apple:
Thank you for your response. In order to bring your app into compliance
with our guidelines it would be appropriate for your app to have
complete functionality on iPad at 2X iPhone 3Gs resolution per our 2.10
guideline. Please address this issue upon submitting your new binary.
Best regards,
App Store Review

2.10 - iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution

my app was rejected the other day, and I got this rejection message:
2.10 Details
We noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 8.3, which is a violation of the App
Store Review Guidelines. We’ve attached screenshot(s) for your
Next Steps
Please revise your app to ensure it runs at iPhone resolution on iPad.
They also provided me with a screenshot, which I don't understand. I have tested the app on iPad and it seems to run perfectly. This is the screenshot I got:
I just can't seem to understand what is wrong on it. What do I have to change?
Thanks a lot
If you have developed an app specific for iPhone devices only, then whenever you run it on iPad for testing, its size should be smaller than the iPad's screen size. Also you should get a 2X button at upper right/left corner(not sure exact corner) to increase the size.
I have found this from a website,I hope it will help you

Titanium - How to make an iphone-only app run nicely in iPad's compatibility mode?

so today my app was rejected in the app store because of this:
2.10: iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Considerations:- This app is an iphone-only, meaning that is the only target that I chose in the tiapp.xml.- This app was already accepted once in the appstore, this is an update.- In my code sometimes I use px for imagens and sometimes DP, but I've tried switching all to DP in this screen and had even worse results.
As far as I can see, there are no errors associated with it (that means the app does NOT crash when you run it in iPad simulator) therefore I'm assuming they rejected it because of a layout problem.
Since this is an iphone-only app, iPad should run the app in compatibility mode, meaning that it might scale it up, but respecting the original sizes.
This is a pic of the app running in a retina simulator (with no problems):
And here's a picture of the app running in a retina iPad simulator (though the result is the same in a non-retina):
As you can see, everything's huge and I have no clue why. I'm running ios7.1, Titanium SDK version 3.3.0.GA and it's a alloy app.
Any help is very much appreciated, thanks.
The point 2.10 reference any resources of app. So, if you have not resources, for example, screenshot before load application, your app will be reject. The iPhone apps should have iPad resources, but iPad apps may be independent.
My problem was not the iPad resources or splash screens. Actually, I was using PIXELS instead of DP in many places in my application. This was not a problem for none of the iPhone versions, but was a problem when iPad tried to run the iPhone-only app in compatibility mode. In any case, now there's also the iPhone 6 with different resolutions so one should never use pixels.
