Google push-to-deploy jenkins image fails after reboot - jenkins

I am using the most recent jenkins setup from in order to CI my development environment codebase. I noticed that the jenkins git plugin in the image provided is out of date and seems to have a bug with regex branch matching. I updated the plugin to the latest version but after that it seems that jenkins will not restart.
Rebooting the server got jenkins back up, but the google startup script doesn't relaunch and reconnect the docker slave images properly.
Has anyone had this experience and resolved it?


Launch agent via execution of command on the master options not found in jenkins Slave Setup

I was using Jenkins 1.7.4 version in RHEL Linux server. I can able to configure the slave using "launch agent via execution of command on the master" option during slave setup.
Now we have upgraded jenkins to 2.121.1 version. Now we unable to find that option in the upgraded version.
How to fix this issue.
Manually I Installed command-launcher, jdk-tools plugin. Then it works.

jenkins kubernetes-plugin slaveConnectTimeout not honoured

i am running jenkins 2.103 in docker and have connected it to a kubernetes on arm cluster.
i have been able to manually connect the jnlp (v3.16) slave to the master, however it appears to take around 15mins for it to fully connect and report as online. Once online I can run builds as expected.
The problem is that it appears the 'slaveConnectTimeout' setting in the podTemplate is not honoured in the pipeline configuration, and neither is the default template setting of 'Timeout in seconds for Jenkins connection' in Pod Template section of Global Settings.
has anyone be able to make this setting work, and, does anyone have any idea what could be causing the 15min delay in registration?
this issue has been raised as a bug JENKINS-49281 now as well.
the issue ended up being openjdk and me not fully understanding what the kubernetes timeout is all about.
the delay in agent registration is not just a jenkins issue, i have seen the same behaviour in gocd and other java based apps. platform issue, not app issue

Jenkins 2.89.2 and launching slaves via script on master

I have a Jenkins system where I connect to slaves using a custom command which is run on master.
It seems that with version 2.89.2 this option has been removed from the UI, only allowing SSH, Java Web Start or Windows server.
Is this intentional? Is there a way to restore the previous behavior?
I was having this issue after the update as well - broke all my agents. Looking at the patch notes this is an intentional change, as the functionality has been moved into a new plugin:
Installing this should restore the old behaviour.

jenkins on demand slaves windows

The on-demand slaves are being created successfully from Jenkins. The first build on the slave is successful but the subsequent builds are fails. The restart of the slave or restart of the wimrc services allows the build to proceed again.
The tcpdump shows no errors. Can't figure out what the issue is. Looks like issues Jenkins communicating with on demand slaves using wimrc.
Has anybody faced similar issue?
The on-demand slaves are windows slave
The issue was with the "MaxMemoryPerShellMB" parameter of the Winrm. This was set to too low. So when the npm or git was doing a checkout it was running out this memory in the Winrm shell.
I have increased to 1GB and its working fine now

Jenkins docker-plugin - Job does not start (waiting for executor)

I'm trying not (not hard enough it seems) to get our jenkins server to provision a jenkins-slave using docker.
I have installed the Docker-plugin and configured it according to the description on the page. I have also tested the connectivity and at least this part works.
I have also configured 1 label in the plugin and in my job. I even get a nice page showing me the connected jobs for this slave.
When I then try to start a build nothing really happens. A build is scheduled, but never started - (pending—Waiting for next available executor).
From the message it would seem like jenkins is not able to start the slave via docker....
I'm using docker 1.6.2 and the plugin is 0.10.1.
Any clue to what is going on would be much appreciated!
It seems the problem was that I had added the docker version in the plugin config. That is apparently a no-go according to this post
