iOS Swift Briefly Display Info - ios

I want to have some information drop down from the top of a view, stay on the screen for a second or two, and then go back up out of the view. I have search for displaying notifications and/or banners. All I get is either push notifications (which I don't need to use) or iAds banners.
I'm working on a barcode scanning app and I want to briefly show the value of the barcode shown without requiring the user to tap on anything. How can I accomplish this?

Don't use notifications and banners, because that might not work: the user can turn them off. In any case this is not a notification of anything, so it's a misuse of notifications.
Just do what you described, yourself: animate a view onto the screen, and then (in the animation's completion handler) use delayed performance to animate the view right back off the screen after a short delay.

You should use a view which manages its own state (INCOMING, STAY PUT, OUTGOING). This way you can reduce the memory footprint and many other bugs in the process. I coded something for a similar process. Check it out


How to disable the home indicator of iOS in Expo?

I am using expo SDK 46. I would like to make the home indicator inactive or hide it. In my case, just one gesture movement closes the application. I want to make it harder for users since they can accidentally send the app to the background. As far as I see, we need two separate gesture movements to send the game to the background. An example game is Pokemon Unite. So, it should be possible.
I am already using expo-status-bar to hide the Status bar, and it seems it is not affecting the home indicator.
Any help is appreciated.

iOS Push Notification with Rich Content - Can I prevent a notification from being tappable?

I have a push notification with rich content.
Can I make it in such way that it is not tappable, i.e., a single tap will not open the application. It must be dragged down to rich content or 3D touched, or deleted from the notification center by swiping.
How should I indicate to the user to drag down (3D touch) in order to reveal rich content on notification?
No, a tap on a push notification will always open the notification in the app, and as far as I know there is no way in public API to override this behavior. It does appear there is a private API to get the behavior you’re looking for, as some iOS-generated (local, not push) notifications appear to do exactly what you’re asking. If you can manage to uncover that, use at your own risk should Apple find out.
Now, as for possible solutions: I would consider implementing code on your app’s delegate to respond appropriately when the notification is opened. For example, send the user to an appropriate location in the app when the app is launched from a notification…perhaps a view controller that shows the same content that would be shown as the rich notification content. I don’t know the exact use case, but the wording implies to me that if the app launches to its main interface, it could be confusing to a user.
It’s impossible for me to tell you how exactly you wish to respond to notifications, so for more on responding appropriately when the app was launched from a push notification, see the following documentation from Apple:
Determine Why Your App Was Launched
Hopefully from that you can find a suitable solution. But if that isn’t an option, consider directly telling the user at some point to press firmly (or tap and hold, as many devices do not support 3D Touch) to view the content. You could do this during some onboarding process or, as an absolute last resort, in the notification itself.
Before proceeding down that route, though, understand that not all users know 3D Touch and/or this rich-content functionality even exists — even fewer use it regularly — and if they become confused, they may decide to clear the notification or outright disable your app’s notifications. In general, it’s also a bad idea to “teach” your user unfamiliar ways of using their device. If a user is used to tapping on notifications, as many are, they will most likely tap on your notifications. It can be tough to break that muscle memory.

How to stop/handle UI Operations in iOS when app moves to background state?

My app can be launched via UIApplicationLaunchOptionsLocalNotificationKey in the background. In that case the usual flow to setup initail view controller and some animations on the app's landing-page/first-page of the app take place.
My question is, Is this a good practice, If I leave these animations like this even when my app is launched via OS in background? Three things I am concerned about:
Some animations are continuous, like a circular-dot(UIImage) expanding and shrinking, using CAAnimation.
Some views are added and removed as subviews to the keyWindow, based on user location.
When user taps the home button, do I need to stop the animations and subview additions then also?
Making the animation stop and resume via applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillEnterForeground seems tedious.

IOS: Smooth launch when becoming active

When my app has been inactive and I then click on it, initially it brings up the last screen it was on. Then it segues to the the entry screen.
This is a bit jarring especially because the entry screen is a New screen and if nothing is New, it, in turn, segues to yet another screen.
Is there a way to better control what happens on return to active so that it stays on the last active screen or goes straight to the entry screen without first flashing the last active screen? I imagine this may have something to do with applicationWillEnterForeground: but with no experience with this, I find Apple's documentation fairly dense going.
You want to check out state restoration, which is a way for you to implement a seamless transition to the last point the user left off. There are also great WWDC videos on it.

VOIP App window (in foreground) blocked from receiving user input during Active Cellular Call

During an active VOIP call, my app is put into the background when an incoming cellular call is received and answered. If, while on the cellular call, I bring my app back to the foreground the app view appears but is unresponsive. The "Touch to return to call" banner appears at the top of the view in green but the app view appears as if there is a darker transparent window overlaid on top of it preventing the view from receiving input. If I put my app into the background, bring another app to the foreground and then bring my app back to the foreground everything works as expected so the problem seems to be specific to active cell calls and/or the green banner only? In Settings->Notifications->Phone I tried turning Notification Center OFF and Alert Style NONE in the hopes of removing the banner to see if the problem still exists but these settings do not effect that banner. In addtion to the App window appearing to have a transparent window overlaid on it, if I touch the window I'm able to drag the entire app window (or view) in all directions (up down side to side) and it has a bounce effect (like tableview vertical scroll) when I release it.
If I dont know the problem I cannot fix it (:
Are you sure there's no view being added on top your view which might be intercepting all your events? My second guess would've been that your app received a memory warning and unloaded a bunch of views. However, that's not very likely since you still see all the views.
I don't know what you really mean to "bring your app back to the foreground",but I can tell you for sure that you cannot call in the same thread the UI and the incoming call, so for situations like this when you want to render some view during a call you can try something like this:
public void InvokeGUIThread(Action action)
For example if you want to set a text in a textblock do something like this:
InvokeGUIThread(() =>
textBlockSome.Text = e.Item.ToString();
