How to make UITableView scroll both horizontally and vertically - ios

I don't know How to make UITableView scroll both horizontally and vertically as Kickstarter ios app. Would you please explain briefly how can they do both way? Thank you.
Tab scroll horizontally
Tab scroll vertically
P/s: sorry, my reputation point is so low that i cannot embed the image.

There are actually two different levels to the two directions of the "table view". The vertical scrolling is some sort of paginated table/scroll/collection view; this can be accomplished using a table view, a scroll view, or a collection view. Here's a great answer on how to do vertical paging in a scroll view. Within each page, it looks like a UICollectionView.

That is simply a vertical UIScrollView with paging enabled. Each page is populated with a horizontal UICollectionView.


Scroll horizontally in UITableView - Swift 3, iOS

I need to horizontally scroll through a list of thumbnails at the bottom of the screen that shows all the user's recently taken photos / videos.
I created a UIScrollView with a UITableview inside of it.
Is this the correct approach because I can't seem to find an override method in its superclass for scrolling direction?
Most of the topics I can find online deals with putting a UIscrollview inside a TableCell, which will not work for my specific application?
The hierarchy is:
View > Scroll View > Table View > Table Cel > Content > PhotoThumbnail
Below is a screenshot of what I'm trying to do:
I am not really sure why do you want to use UITableView for horizontal scrolling which lay out there cells in vertical manner. If you want horizontal scrolling I would recommend using UICollectionView where cells can be added horizontally or vertically or both.
Still if you want tableview to be scrollable in horizontal direction I would suggest you to check this project to get inspiration or using it.
Instead of using UITableView you can use UICollectionView to achieve the desired result i.e, horizontally scrollable cells with imageView and other elements that you need.

Horizontal UICollectionView with Header on Top

I'm kind of stuck with a problem here. I need to create a horizontal scroll Collection View, but when I select to add its header, xcode sticks it on the left side of the cells and I need it to be above the cells, as on the vertical scroll.
Any tips?
embed UICollectionViews in a UITableView like so:

How to horizontally scroll between pages of controls in UIScrollView iOS/Swift

I am trying to find the way to implement a scroll view on my viewController screen, which allows the user to scroll between different pages of controls and have the controls around it, outside the scroll view, react to whatever data or actions take place in the scroll view.
All the tutorials I have found is adding a scroll view that shows a carousel of images, or programmatically adding coloured frames. Very little control interaction.
But none that shows how to create 2-3 pages of controls (buttons and labels), and how to integrate it with the parent view (so the parent view and scroll view talk to each other in one view).
So for now, what would be the first step to create a scroll view with 2 'pages' of controls? Has anyone come across any good resources for this? How is the best way to achieve this?
Add Scroll View. Add top,left,right, bottom constraint to scroll view. Set horizontal only in storyboard.
Add a view inside scroll view. Now add height constraint from this view to super view. (Not the scroll view.) Specify some width and add width constraint.
I suggest you to use UIPageViewController for this type of scrolling.
I suggest you go for UICollectionViewLayout and enable paging to true. Using this will give you the finest control of each page and the horizontal as well as vertical scroll.

horizontal scrolling for each section in a table view

I want to implement a UICollectionView with multiple sections which each section scrolls horizontally and independently like the attached image
I suggest you to use UITableView with customized UITableViewCells with UIScrollView as subview on its contentViews.
There are many samples, for example here
You can use multiple UICollectionViews in table cells. The tableView will scrolls vertically and The collection views can be configured to scroll horizontally by setting particular set of properties which will restrict them to scroll vertically, and they will only scroll horizontally. One constraint to consider is it is much more difficult to do animations that need to move from one table cell to another and you can't use a neat single change of collection view layout to animate all the items in your table view. But if these constraints aren't a problem then this is a relatively easy solution. I also tried it once. It worked for me. Hope that it works for you as well.

How to UITableView & UICollectionView link vertical scroll and UICollectionView & anotherView link horizontal scroll, like a SpreadSheet iOS

I have a problem with the creation of the layout shown in the picture.
Does anyone know how can I create it.
I want to link left tableview's (only vertical scroll enabled) horizontal scrolling with collection's view horizontal scrolling, and create scale view (only horizontal scroll enabled) horizontal scroll linked with collectionView horizontal scroll.
I know it is a bit chaotic, but I think that diagram best represents my problem.
I would also like to load collectionview's data in real time while scrolling.
At the end I will add that I am using the storyboard in my app.
Link to my schema picture
