Access call history on iOS - ios

In my iOS application I need to get all call history (dialled,recieved,missed) from an iOS device and display as a list in my application.
So many answers are there previously for this question.But I didn't get exact answer for my question.
If anybody worked on this question previously please let me know the answer immediately.

There is no public API for accessing the call history on iOS.
If you wanted to do this in a private app that couldn't be released on the App Store you could look at this link.
There are apps on the store that use the above method, but I wouldn't rely on it passing review. I think the apps that do use it may have slipped through the net.

Apple has introduced framework called Callkit. Though you cannot access all the call log, you can have some control over calls like
Identifying incoming calls
Blocking calls etc


Is there an iOS API for accessing call logs?

I want to access the call log of the device in my application. I have R&D a lot and found some posts here on Stack Overflow as well (for example, this one), but none of them have clear vision whether we can do this.
When I look into these apps:
quickReminder seems that they managed to get the call history in their app and customized it as well.
Any help/feasibility would be appreciated.
It is not possible to extract the call log programmatically.
First of all Apple officially does not expose any public API to access the call log. That means you can hack all you want to access the call log(Using private API's) but when submitting your app to Apple by sure it will be rejected.
Regarding the app you have mentioned(quickRemainder)
It gets the call log using a cvs file or a text file. It is not taking the info via device calllog db.
Extract from their app description.
You can import text or cvs files containing phone calls into this app.
TrueCaller does not get the call log they just use the app to search the contacts and update the contacts with info they got. They are not reading the callogs
Update: Apple has introduced framework called Callkit. Though you cannot access all the call log, you can have some control over calls like
Identifying incoming calls
Blocking calls

How to access iOS 8 sms history with private frameworks?

I want to read iPhone's sms history in my app. My application is for my own use (Enterprise distribution without jailbreak) and it's not for apple store so there is no limits for using private frameworks. The solutions I have tested so far are:
Reading the sms database -> Didn't work because of sandbox restrictions.
Using ChatKit; I saw CKConversationList class that has a method -(id)conversations which I guess returns an array of CKConversations. Then I can retreive all the history. The problem is CKConversationList.sharedConversationList().conversations() returns nil when I call it in my app. Although it doesn't return nil when I call it in MobileSMS process (I checked it with a tweak and tested it on a jailbroken phone). I saw a method named +(void)initialize and I called it before calling the above method but it still doesn't work.
IMCore private framework could be used maybe but I don't know how.
Thanks in advanced:)

In iOS 8 api is there a way to know when a user accepts a call?

I'm very new to iPhone development. Sorry, if this sounds silly.I need to know if there is any method that is triggered when a user gets a call and know if he accepted or rejected it. I want to know this this on real time, and not from the logs. What is the apis thats related to these kind of functionality in ios 8.

How to display view contact on call screen and get info comming call?

I want to display a view on call screen of iPhone and get info comming call but I can't.
I found one link access private API but it saying that apple will not approve this,
But i saw some application on appstore.
Can any body tell me how to do this?
You may have luck using the APIs in the new CoreTelephony framework Apple added, specifically the CTCall class. This doesn't reveal the caller, but it may be possible to somehow get that.
Using private APIs in any way is not recommended and will break on future releases of the OS, and it's doubtful if you'll even get in the App Store using them. Don't do it.
It's possible that the application you cited as an example uses these private APIs, seeing as it has iOS 5 compatibility. If you really need to use that API, it's possible to obfuscate your use of it with method swizzling, or getting function pointers and calling those, although that can will break when Apple changes their private APIs.
Lastly, you could download and install this app, then dump its symbols to see what APIs it uses.

How to search the App Store programmatically and return App information

I would like to search the Apple App Store from within my app, and return App information such as Icon, Description, Name, etc.
I found some examples using URL's. But from what I understand, they cause your app to pause as it opens either the App Store or the browser. If I am mistaken, please may you provide me with an example on how to accomplish this (seemingly) simple task?
I don't think there is an API available to do what you are describing directly in the iOS device. However, you could hack something together using the search API available from apple. Check it out at here. You could do this behind the scenes rather then using the browser. It's not a simple task, but it is doable. Besk of luck.
