epoll_wait - is there any reason for maxevents not to be 1? - epoll

When calling epoll_wait you pass in an event array for the returned events.
Is there any reason for this not to be a single element? eg:
epoll_event ev;
epoll_wait(fd, &ev, /*maxevents=*/1, /*timeout=*/-1);

I looked at the code for epoll_wait and the only reason I can see for having more than 1 event is that it avoids multiple trips into the kernel which may be a performance hit.


The difference between Mono.just(1) vs. Flux.just(1)

I wonder, is there any difference in behavior/guarantees between the MonoJust and FluxJust created with exactly one argument?
From the source code of the Reactor Core 3.3.7 I am able to see that the former one is using the Operators#ScalarSubscription as its subscription object, while the latter one uses its private WeakScalarSubscription.
The only difference between these two is that ScalarSubscription has this volatile int once thing (a counter) defined and checked on each method call and somewhat ensures the onComplete() is called exactly once. At the same time, WeakScalarSubscription uses the boolean terminado thing (a non-volatile flag) for the same purposes, but without the "exactly once" guarantees for onComplete() call.
Using volatile in Java has its price, which is payed off e.g. when one creates a lot of these things (with Mono.just(1) or Flux.just(1)) in the highly-concurrent client code. (As we do in our project inside the flatMap that runs in parallel on a dedicated thread pool.)
There's no class javadoc for MonoJust, so I wonder if my assumptions are correct: that the only difference is that FluxJust may send the completion signal more than once in some circumstances — and that's it? Or are there other subtle differences?
I think that the biggest difference is how you use Flux and Mono. Mono emits one item or error and then completes, whereas Flux can emit more than one element, error, and then completion signal.
just() methods are meant to evaluate one element (or vararg variant for Flux) and return it immediately. I can imagine cases when Flux with only one element is returned.

Why object's mutability is relevant to its Thread safe?

I am working on CoreImage on IOS, you guys know CIContext and CIImage are immutable so they can be shared on threads. The problem is i am not sure why objects' mutability is closely relevant to its thread safe.
I can guess the rough reason is to prevent multiple threads from do something on a certain object at the same time. But can anybody provide some theoretical evidence or give a specific answer to it?
You are correct, mutable objects are not thread safe because multiple threads can write to that data at the same time. This is in contrast to reading data, an operation multiple threads can do simultaneously without causing problems. Immutable types can only be read.
However, when multiple threads are writing to the same data, these operations may interfere. For example, an NSMutableArray which two threads are editing could easily be corrupted. One thread is editing at one location, suddenly changing the memory the other thread was updating. iOS will use what is called an atomic operation for simple data types. What this means is that iOS requires the edit operation to fully finish before anything else can happen. This has an efficiency advantage over locks. Just Google about this stuff if you want to know more.
Well, actually, you are right.
If you have an immutable objects, all you can do is to read data from them. And every thread will get the same data, since the object can not be changed.
When you have a mutable object, the problem is that (in general) read and write operations are not atomic. It means that they are not performed instantaneously, they take time. So they can overlap each other. Even if we have a single-core processor, it can switch between threads at arbitrary moments of time. Possible problems it might cause:
1) Two threads write at the same object simultaneously. In this case the object might become corrupted (for instance, half of data comes from the first thread, the other half – from the second, the result is unpredictable.
2) One thread writes the data, another one reads it. One problem is that thread might read already outdated data. Another one is that it might read a corrupted data (if the writing thread haven't finished writing yet).
Take the example with an array of values. Let's say I'm doing some computation and I find the count of the array to be 4
var array = [1,2,3,4]
let count = array.count
Now maybe I want to loop through all the elements in the array, so I setup a loop that goes through index i<4 or something along those lines. So far so good.
This array is mutable though, so on a separate thread, I could easily remove an element. So perhaps I'm on thread 1 and I get the count to be 4, I perhaps start looping through the array. Now we switch to thread 2 and I remove an element, so now this same array has only 3 values in it. If I end up going back to thread 1 and I still assume I have 4 values while looping through the array, my program is going to crash when it tries to access the 4th element.
This is why immutability is desirable, it can guarantee some level of consistency across threads.

Does the compiler optimize (close) identical FieldByName calls?

In some code I'm maintaining, I see two different methods used in TClientDataSet.OnCalcFields event handlers:
with DataSet do
// 1. Call FieldByName twice
if AMinDate > FieldByName(SPlanAllocatieFromDate).AsDateTime then
AMinDate := FieldByName(sPlanAllocatieFromDate).AsDateTime;
// 2. Put the retrieved FieldByName value in a temp var
lEmpID := FieldByName(SPlanAllocatieEmpID).AsInteger;
if lEmpID <> 0 then lTSAllocatedEmpIDs.Add(IntToStr(lEmpID));
Will the compiler (Delphi XE2, Win32 app) optimize method 2 to use a temp var? The two FieldByNames are quite close, you could even say nested.
If not, I should rewrite 1. because OnCalcFields executes often.
BTW. I know about Fields[] versus FieldByName(), or using a temp TField var when running an EOF loop, those are not the issue here.
No version of the Delphi compiler does anything like this.
Such optimizations would require the compiler to be able to prove that the two calls to FieldByName would always give the same result, and there is currently no provision for flagging a method as being deterministic.
Note that it is quite possible in theory (if unlikely in reality) for the two calls NOT to give the same result, in this case e.g. if a different thread deletes a field out of the collection between the first and second call. Generally, the compiler does not know or care at the call site what a particular method call actually does.
Does the compiler optimize (close) identical FieldByName calls?
No it does not.
The compiler does not look inside function calls to see what is within. It therefore has no way to prove that the value returned by successive calls to a function would be the same. Likewise it has no way to prove that the function has no side-effects. These are the two prerequisites for the optimisation under consideration.
You will need to perform the optimisation yourself, by explicitly adding and using a local variable to store the value returned by a single call to FieldByName.
Beyond the consideration of performance, I would argue that the use of a local variable to hold the field is semantically much better. This makes it clear to the reader that all actions are performed on the same field. That reason alone would be enough to persuade me to make the change you describe. Don't repeat yourself.
And while we are in code review mode, you might care to reconsider the use of with.

How expensive is the NSArray count method?

I am in a situation that I need to get the items in an array and time is sensitive. I have the option of using a separate variable to hold the current count or just use NSMutableArray's count method.
ex: if (myArray.count == ... ) or if (myArrayCount == ...)
How expensive is it to get the counting of items from the count method of an array?
The correct answer is, there is no difference in speed, so access the count of the array as you wish my child :)
Fetching NSArray's count method is no more expensive then fetching a local variable in which you've stored this value. It's not calculated when it's called. It's calculated when the array is created and stored.
For NSMutableArray, the only difference is that the property is recalculated any time you modify the contents of the array. The end result is still the same--when you call count, the number returned was precalculated. It's just returning the precalculated number it already stored.
Storing count in a variable, particularly for an NSMutableArray is actually a worse option because the size of the array could change, and access the count in this variable is not faster whatsoever. It only provides the added risk of potential inaccuracy.
The best way to prove to yourself that this is a preset value that is not calculated upon the count method being called is to create two arrays. One array has only a few elements. The other array has tens of thousands of elements. Now time how long it takes count to return. You'll find the time for count to return is identical no matter the size of the array.
As a correction to everyone above, NSArray does not have a count property. It has a count method. The method itself either physically counts all of the elements within the array or is a getter for a private variable the array stores. Unless you plan on subclassing NSArray and create a higher efficient system for counting dynamic and/or static arrays... you're not going to get better performance than using the count method on an NSArray. As a matter of fact, you should count on the fact that Apple has already optimized this method to it's max. My main ponder after this is that if you are doing an asynchronous call and your focus is optimizing the count of an NSArray how do you not know that you are seriously doing something wrong. If you are performing some high performance hitting method on the main thread or such... you should consider optimizing that. The performance hit of iterating and counting through the array using NSArray's count method should in no way effect your performance to any noticeable rate.
You should read up more on performance for NSArrays and NSMutableArrays if this is truly a concern for you. You can start here: link
If you need to get the item**s** then getting the count is not time critical. You'd also want to look at fast enumeration, or using enumeration with dispatch blocks, especially with parallel execution.
Asa's is the most correct answer. I misunderstood the question.
Asa is right because the compiler will automatically optimize this and use the fastest way on its own.
TheGamingArt is correct about NSArray being as optimal as could be. However, this is only for obj-c.
Don't forget you have access to c and c++ which means you can use vectors which should be only 'slightly' faster considering it won't use obj-c messaging. However, it wouldn't surprise me if the difference isn't noticeable. c++ vector benchmarks: http://baptiste-wicht.com/posts/2012/12/cpp-benchmark-vector-list-deque.html
This is a good example of Premature Optimization (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrematureOptimization). I suggest you look into GCD or NSOperations (http://www.raywenderlich.com/19788/how-to-use-nsoperations-and-nsoperationqueues)

What is difference between while loop and for loop when using autorelease

In my app, I use ASIHTTPRequest to download many files, when I use a for loop, the memory stay an acceptable level. But when I use while loop to do so, the memory usable reduce fast. All I do in ARC project. Does anyone know what happen when use for loop or while loop?
For loop is used for known no of iteration. While loop is used for unknown iteration
i Think when you are using for loop, no of loop are executing with in a limitation
in case of while loop coz of unknown iteration it execute so many time
