Whats the best way to animate images to my apporach? - ios

I have used
image.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image1"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image2"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image3"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image4"], nil];
[image setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
image.animationDuration = 1;
[image startAnimating];
but it gives a flip book effect to the animation. What I am looking for is a smooth animation to set each image at given time. I have currently is NSTimers to trigger a method then I have code within the method to set a image and another NSTimer to set another image which is in a method so fourth. It gives the animation I am looking for but the problem I am facing is that I am developing a game and I want when the user pauses the game it stops on the current image it is on. The game runs on a NSTimer which triggers a method. All I do to pause the game is to invalidate the NSTimer.
What approach should I take?

you should add NSTimer and user_flag input.
This user_flag input you can declare as static int user_flag = 0
and when you are doing stop then simply make this variable as user_flag = 1.
Now implement the logic in all this condition that will look something like this one :
if(NSTimer_obj == condition && user_flag == 0)
//your code...


Selecting image during Animation

I have an outlet called myImage for an imageView that is set up with an animation of 5 images. With a Tap Gesture Recognizer on it, I want to have the users tap on the correct image as it quickly passes to move onto the next level.
There is an error in my code and this does not work:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.myImage.animationImages =
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic1.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic2.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"correctPic.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic4.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic5.png"],
[self.myImage setAnimationRepeatCount:0];
self.myImage.animationDuration = 1;
[self.myImage startAnimating];
- (IBAction)TapGestureRecognizer:(id)sender {
if (self.myImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"correctPic.png"]) {
// Launch next level
else {
// Vibrate Device and subtract points from score
You have a fundamental misconception in your code about objects and equality. I assume that you meant "==" in your TapGestureRecognizer method. However, even if you changed the = to == would not give you what you want.
The expressions like
[UIImage imageNamed:#"examplePic1.png"]
call a class method of UIImage that creates a new UIImage object. You have created 5 of these objects, put them into an array, an set the animationImage array of your UIImage object to these images. These objects are all different objects from myView.image: I can tell because I can see from your code that you have assigned 5 new objects to the animationObjects array. Your == test cannot ever work because you are comparing self.image to a brand new UIImage object.
What you are trying to do is determine which image the user touched. There is no method in UIImageView that tells you which animation UIImage is currently showing. You are assuming that the image property of the view will be changed as the animation images are displayed, but there is no reason for this assumption to be true: it is certainly not stated in the documentation. Even if you corrected your code (by doing something like this):
if(self.image == [self.animationImages objectAtIndex:2]){
your code would not be correct.
If I were trying to do what you want, I would create a UIView with 5 UIImageView as subview, each with their own gesture recognizer. I would use the frame property of each subview to do my animation.
Looks like the options are to determine which image "should" be showing based upon the startTime of the animation.
Determine which of its animationImages a UIImageView is displaying?
Or, just use a timer to set the currently displayed image.
Detect which image was clicked in UIImageView with animationImages

What is the best way to animate images to my apporach?

I have used
image.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image1"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image2"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image3"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"image4"], nil];
[image setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
image.animationDuration = 1;
[image startAnimating];
but it gives a flip book effect to the animation. What I am looking for is a smooth animation to set each image at given time. I have currently is NSTimers to trigger a method then I have code within the method to set a image and another NSTimer to set another image which is in a method so fourth. It gives the animation I am looking for but the problem I am facing is that I am developing a game and I want when the user pauses the game it stops on the current image it is on. The game runs on a NSTimer which triggers a method. All I do to pause the game is to invalidate the NSTimer.
What approach should I take?

How can I make an animation correlate to the current position of a UIImageView?

I have an ImageView that changes between 2 different images. When an event happens and it's in ImageView1, I want it to play a specific animation. And when an event happens and it's in ImageView2, I want it to play a specific, different animation. My code set up so far is essentially
if (ImageView1 == YES)
ImageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate1.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate2.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate3.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate4.png"], nil];
[ImageView setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
ImageView.animationDuration = 1;
[ImageView startAnimating];
ImageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate5.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate6.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate7.png"],
[UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageAnimate8.png"], nil];
[ImageView setAnimationRepeatCount:1];
ImageView.animationDuration = 1;
[ImageView startAnimating];
I'm aware it doesn't need to have 2 different sets of animation repeats and duration, but that was just the beginning in the event they change later.
The main problem is, the first set of animations only plays if i'm currently setting it to ImageView1. What I mean is, If i'm tapping/ touching the screen to the left it creates ImageView1, and if i'm tapping to the right it creates ImageView2. How can I change it from having to currently be tapping to the left to play that animation, to just playing the animation when the ImageView is currently displayed as such?
It might be as simple as setting it to the current UIImage, but i'm not exactly sure how to do it.
In other words, I would want to somehow write.
if (UIImage ImageViewLeft = YES)
ImageView.animationImages etc etc etc.
else ImageView.animationImages would be the second variation.
EDIT: I just changed it to
if (ImageView.image == [UIImage imageNamed:#"ImageLeft.png"])
{ code here
What happens is though now i cant change direction until another event happens. Essentially it will be stuck in either left or right until the event happens and then it correlates to the correct image then. .
A simple way would be to create a BOOL for imageIsRight. You set it to YES when you start playing an animation on the right, you set it to NO, when it goes left. Then create a timer which fires every .05 seconds (or whatever works). That timer can call a method which checks the BOOL you created and either repeats/continues the current animation or stops it and starts the other.
The above details may not be perfect for your scenario, which is a bit fuzzy to me, but the approach should get you where you need to be.

Timer in my app; delay in between commands

Okay, so I am making an app somewhat similar to flappy bird, but instead using a helicopter and a tap and hold mechanic instead of a tap, first of all when I press and hold I have the helicopter file a picture of the helicopter going up, and when I let go, I have the file a picture of it going down. To make it more look fluid I want to create an animation of just simply shifting the helicopter up/down about 10 degrees every .05ish seconds, how would I right a timer to be able to do this. This is the command that switches the image file:
Heli.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"HeliUp.png"];
Heli.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Helidown.png"];
Basically I want this:
Heli.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"HeliUp1.png"];
(wait .05 seconds)
Heli.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"Heli2.png"];
(wait .05 seconds)
Heli.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"HeliUp5.png"];
Something along the lines of that, however I know you need to use a timer with intervals and such..
SECOND of all, how would I make it so that I only can move the helicopter up and down when this animation isn't going on, so it doesn't look stupid.
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
In this case, the animation is straight-forward enough that you can handle it all within the UIImageView:
Heli.image = normalImage;
Heli.animationImages = #[ normalImage, upImage, normalImage, downImage ];
Heli.animationDuration = 4 * .05;
Heli.animationRepeatCount = 0;
To stop the animation just set animationImages to nil, to restart the animation reset animationImages = #[ ... ]
When you assign an array of images to animationImages, the images will be cycled through at a rate determined by animationDuration. If you subsequently assign nil to animationImages, then the the image property will be used to determine what is displayed. So, by assigning either nil or the array #[ normalImage, upImage, normalImage, downImage ] you can turn animation on and off.

iOS Animation for balloon blown

How to create a balloon blown animation in iOS?
I'm using this code:
UIImage *image1 = [UIImage imageNamed:#"exp0.png"];
UIImage *image2 = [UIImage imageNamed:#"exp1.png"];
_ImageView.animationImages = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:image1, image2, nil];
[_ImageView setAnimationDuration:0.75f];
[_ImageView startAnimating];
Only one image is animated using this code, so what would I have to do? Have to create a for loop to change image with respect to time interval?
With UIImageView animation, you don't use a for loop. You give the image view an array of images and a duration, and you start it animating. The system takes care of displaying each frame of your animation in sequence.
You could not use a for loop anyway because the for loop would run too quickly. If you want to do timed animation yourself you would need to use a relating timer. You could use NSTimer, but it isn't super-accurate. It would be better to use CADisplayLink. But then you're back to doing what the UIImageView animation methods are doing.
What is the code you posted doing differently than what you want it to do? Your question is not at all clear.
