Image class cant read target file - imagemagick

I am trying to read image deep in TEMP folder with method in order to convert it.
I've seen example like this
I've tried this
Image image;"result-0.bmp");
and this
Image image;"C:\\Users\\GrayMP\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ImageMagick\\Images\\result-0.bmp");
, but I catch next exception.what():
app.exe: unable to open image `↑Ё)': Invalid argument # error/blob.c/Op
Convertion via ImageMagic works fine, I can do all what I want, but, lib integration doesn't work.
I can't get what I am doing wrong


Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL with webContentLink

My application is trying to insert a bunch of images to google drive sheet using google app script.
The script method is calling from a Rails app as following:
#app_script.run_script(script_id, request)
The script method is trying to fetch the image through the id and insert it to the sheet.
var srcfile = DriveApp.getFileById(object.image_file_id);
srcfile.setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.VIEW);
var image = SpreadsheetApp.openById(object.spreadsheet_id).getSheetByName(object.sheet_name).insertImage(Drive.Files.get(srcfile.getId()).webContentLink, object.column, object.row);
The problem is coming intermittently with the response error from google script:
Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:
Note that I can download the image successful if I just copy the link and paste it to browser.
The image file and its parent folder are public share.
It seem hard to detect the problem when it does not always happen.
For those who concern about my script, it is here
Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL
This is a common error message when the image size is too big.
See here for more information.
You need to recuce the image size - either manually or programmatically - before inserting.
If the suggestion above does not solve your issue, implement the following workaround:
Instead of inserting the image by its webContentLink with the method insertImage(url, column, row) , use the method insertImage(blobSource, column, row):
var image = SpreadsheetApp.SpreadsheetApp.openById(object.spreadsheet_id).getSheetByName(object.sheet_name).insertImage(DriveApp.getFileById(srcfile.getId()).getBlob(), object.column, object.row);
This should solve the issue.

jpg images without extension aren't displayed

from kivy.uix.image import Image
self.img = Image(source="image") # This works when image is an PNG image
self.img = Image(source="image.jpg") # This works when image.jpg is a JPG image
self.img = Image(source="image") # This doesn't work when image is a JPG image
I need to specify images without extention for the app to be generic (working with more image types). Can I achieve it somehow?
Kivy is using "imghdr" to determine the image type here, and as a fallback it uses the file extension here.
That explains why the image loads fine when it has a file extension, even though "imghdr" can't find the file type in the file's content.
I tested on a list of JPEG files, and each time "imghdr" was able to detect the file type each time. That is done here im imghdr. Notably, "imghdr" does not consider the file extension.
$ python
>>> import os, imghdr
... for f in os.listdir('.'):
... print('%s -- %s' % (f, imghdr.what(f)))
Maybe the JPEG file is missing the "JFIF" or "Exif" string that imghdr is looking for? You could use hexedit to see if one of those string is present at Byte 6 of the image file.

Reading Image file in Opencv without ext

I am trying to download an image from URL, but it's difficult to get the complete file name and extension.
Currently, I save the downloaded image with any name and without an extension.
with open(path, "wb") as f:
I then use opencv to read this image which has no extension and it works. How is this possible?
opencv tries magic numbers / signatures for known image formats:
Implementation details:

SKTexture: Error loading image resource

This seems to work perfectly fine:
and when I created a new project with exactly the same thing, just new images, it doesn't work:
I even tried
var mainChartxt = SKTexture(imageNamed: "mainC.png")
and it still gives me the same error:
SKTexture: Error loading image resource: "img/mainC.png"
I tried cleaning the project and deleting the derived data folder and still no luck as the image doesn't show up on the app!
Where / How did you add the image in your project ?
The second syntax (without the path) should be ok. You don't even have to specify .png if that's the file format (but you need to if it something else : .jpg, .jpeg, ...
You might want to check that your asset is "checked" for the target membership. On the right side (Utilities) > File Inspector > Target Membership : check your target (not the tests one if you don't have any tests).
A similar error occurred to me while following a tutorial to develop a game using spritekit.
Error was "SKTexture: Error loading image resource:"imagename""
In my case the path was not set properly.
We can recheck to be sure that the path is always set correctly.

RMagick, Tempfile, Paperclip: how to save a image file with large dimensions and small kbs as a thumbnail?

I have a Rails rake task that is processing a batch of images. It strips out the white background (using RMagick), replaces it with a transparent layer, writes it to a tempfile and then saves it as a PNG on Amazon S3 (using Paperclip).
It works for the bulk of the images. However, it runs into an error for at least 1 image. Can someone help me figure out why and how to fix it?
Code sample:
require 'RMagick'
require 'tempfile'
include Magick
task :task_name => :environment do
x = Item.find(128) # image 128 is the one giving me trouble
sourceImage =
processedImage = sourceImage[0].transparent("white")
tempImageFile =["processed_image",".png"])
processedImage.write("png:" + tempImageFile.path)
x.image_transparent = tempImageFile!
The error message:
rake aborted! Validation failed: Image transparent C:/Users/Roger/AppData/Local/Temp/processed_image20130107-8640-1ck71i820130107-8640-i6p91w.png is not recognized by the 'identify' command., Image transparent C:/Users/Roger/AppData/Local/Temp/processed_
image20130107-8640-1ck71i820130107-8640-i6p91w.png is not recognized by the 'identify' command.
This message appears upon running the last line (the save operation).
Tempfile problem with small files?
I think the error has something to do with Tempfile not actually writing a file to the temp path. This error may have to do with small filesize? The specific image that it's having trouble with has an usually amount of white space, so the resulting filesize after processing is about 30k for an 800x800 pixel image.
How can I verify if this is the case? And if it is, how can I work around it?
Other observations:
When I write the trouble image to a normal file (rather than Tempfile), it saves successfully locally.
The task works fine for other images, which tend to be much bigger (~1-2MB)
After processedImage.write, I've checked tempImageFile.size. It says that it's 30kb as expected.
When I observe the temp file directory when the rake task runs, I can see the temp files being created when the task is run other images successfully. The files seem to show up when processedImage.write runs. However, for the trouble image, I don't see temp files ever being created.
Thanks for any advice.
Update 7 Jan 2013
I've investigated this more. I reran #1 above, but attempted to save onto S3 with Paperclip. This generated the same error message.
So now I believe the issue is that this is a small file in terms of bytes (32kb), but with a decent height and width (800x800). Paperclip is trying to save a thumbnail version of it, which is 90x90. Typically this generates a filesize that is <1% the original, which I assume is the source of the errors.
If anyone has an elegant workaround / fix for this, I'd appreciate hearing about it.
