how to run Phonegap app for ios audio file in background - ios

I want to run my html5 audio player which is online streaming radio link to be played even if the device is locked (sleep mode) or the app is turned in background while opening another app. The player works very well when I start it as web app from Safari browser but now after I have built it for ios using Phonegap Build when the device is locked or the user switched between the apps in the device then the player stops. Is there any solution for this? Maybe a plugin?
Here is my web app in github:

I have solved this problem using Background-audio ios Phonegap plugin. Here you can find more informations about plugin and usage from official Phonegap plugins directive.


How to play react-native-webview audio while the iPhone is muted?

I'm currently running an Expo project with react-native-webview 9.4.0 installed, and I'm trying to use the WebView to play audio from a local .html file with a custom JS script using the Web Audio API. The audio works fine on the iOS simulator and on an iPhone when not on Silent Mode, but once I turn on Silent Mode it's impossible to get any audio to play.
There seems to have been a couple attempts to fix this issue over the past couple months ( and (, but even with the most recent version of react-native-webview I still can't get the Web Audio to play with the iPhone muted. I've tried various workarounds from StackOverflow without any success either. Does anyone else have this issue or have a workaround to suggest?

To achieve local media tracks when deploying ionic application in IOS using twilio

I am building an ionic application. I am using twilio-video sdk to implement video call. I am able to work it in android devices and browser. When i try to deploy it on IOS, the mobile UI Webview browser does not let me use the getUserMedia() function.
Error: getUserMedia() is not supported
Apple developer forums states that it supports only safari 11 and not any other Webkit Views. Has anyone came to a solution?
Also is there a way to get local media tracks when building an ionic application in ios?

Debugging PhoneGap on Device

Normally I'm a JEE guy but these days I'm working on a mobile app. I chose PhoneGap because there are not so many needs to UI and I thought this would be the easiest way to serve the app on many platforms.
I'm wondering if my setup is good and if it's possible to get console output when running on the device. I'm working on MacOS and iPhone6.
I installed PhoneGap and Cordova via npm and serving the files with phonegap serve.
For local debugging I'm using the chrome plugin "Ripple".
For debugging on the device I'm using the PhoneGap Developer App from the AppStore, together with weinre on my Laptop to get some debugging data. In weinre I can see everything except console outputs. Is this normal? Or any idea how I could get the console to weinre, too?
I also found some tutorials on the web using XCode and some native iPhone emulator but didn't get this working yet. Which way is the more preferable way of debugging on device?
You don't need any tool for debugging cordova app. For iOS just start the app in stimulator and start safari. In safari go to Develop > 'your pc name' > ios simulator.
For Android run the app in your device and in the chrome go to http://chrome://inspect/#devices
Weinre is quite old and should not be be used anymore, instead, you want to use the remote debugging tools in your browser. For iOS, you can use Safari to debug your Cordova app. I've got a full article here,, but the process involves doing one setting on your mobile device, and then simply opening up Safari and going to the debug menu. You can also do this with Chrome and Android apps.
Another option is GapDebug ( which lets you do iOS and Android together in one Chrome tab.

Cannot Play Audio in a SCORM Package from Moodle in Safari

We are using Moodle 2.5.4 to launch a SCORM 1.2 package on the iPad 4th gen in Mobile Safari and a Mac to launch it in Safari 7.0.1 and 7.0.6. There is both a video file and an audio file playing at the same time in the course, but on the iPad only the video plays when we launch the course in Moodle. Upon inspection it appears the audio file is being played with an HTML5 audio tag.
We have verified that both the client's old LMS system and SCORM cloud are capable of running this content. We did not alter anything to do with SCORM module launches and the same course runs all audio and video just fine in other browsers.
Is there any way in which we could get this content to play in Moodle the same as it does everywhere else?
Turns out Safari and Mobile Safari don't like playing audio over HTTPS when the server is using a self-signed certificate. Upon testing in an environment with a valid SSL certificate everything worked fine. So in the end this was not a Moodle issue at all.

Capturing Video on Mobile device using Adobe AIR

I am tasked with creating a video recording app for mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) where the users are asked to record a short clip using their phones/tablets.
The video is then uploded to a server (either within the same app or a secondary app/site or via email)
Is it possible for an AIR app to record and save quality video and audio to the camera roll/gallery, or alternatively open the built-in video recorder app from the AIR app?
I am stuck between attempting this using Flash CS5.5 and deploy to iOS and Android using one code base, or building native apps and possibly duplicating my workload.
If I attempt the AIR route, will I hit problems with quality/resolution/usability etc? Or should I stick to building a native app? Time is of the essence too :)
I've done lots of research and not really found anything to swing my decision.
Thank in advance.
