Placeholder polyfill for Opera Mini - placeholder

I am using Placeholders.js as a placeholder polyfill which works fine apart from in Opera Mini which I am guessing is because it's a proxy browser. Does anyone have a placeholder polyfill for Opera Mini?

Opera Mini supports onfocus and onblur event. So you can add handler to hide placeholder on focus event and show on blur event (simple case).
My tests for iOS Opera Mini and Android Opera Mini(last versions) shows that placeholder polyfill works fine only if you press done on device keyboard like in this video from docs. If you will tap outside the keyboard the text input will lose focus, but blur hander will not trigger. Also not, that such behavior is true, because Opera Mini render run not on your device. More info here.
My test code, I create a form with 2 text inputs and add to first input handlers to attributes. For second input I add handlers using addEventListener.
<form action="">
<input type=text value="Аttributes handler" onfocus="(this.value === 'Аttributes handler') && (this.value = '')" onblur="(this.value === '') && (this.value = 'Аttributes handler')">
<input type=text value="" data-placeholder="Listener handler">
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
var listenerInputNode = document.querySelector('input:last-child'),
placeholderText = listenerInputNode.getAttribute('data-placeholder');
(listenerInputNode.value === '') && (listenerInputNode.value = placeholderText);
listenerInputNode.addEventListener('focus', function () {
(this.value === placeholderText) && (this.value = '');
}, false);
listenerInputNode.addEventListener('blur', function () {
(this.value === '') && (this.value = placeholderText);
}, false);
So I think there is really working polyfill for placeholder in Opera Mini, but focus/blur events really do not fire as you expect.

Managed to get round this using some UA sniffing to detect Opera Mini and hiding/showing the labels using an if statement. Can post code if anyone finds it useful.


jquery mobile selectmenu not working in chrome

I have a jquery-mobile selectmenu that has previously worked fine in both Safari and Chrome, but just recently the selectmenu won't select the option choice. It still works fine in Safari. When using development tools either from an emulator or chrome on my desktop, I get no errors. I do have an issue with glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 not loading and I have tried all of the suggestions found here on stack, but none of those seem to work and most all research I've done comes up with answers that are >4 yrs old.
I'm using jquery mobile 1.4.5 and bootstrap 3.3.6 and the application resides on Azure.
Here's what I've got right now...
<div class="ui-field-contain" id="regionDiv">
<label for="region">Region:</label>
<select class="text-left" name="select-region" id="region" data-native-menu="false" data-mini="true" onchange="changeRegion();"></select>
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="projectmob">Project:</label>
<select class="text-left" name="select-proj" id="projectmob" data-native-menu="false" data-mini="true" onchange="dwmChange();"></select>
Both the region and the project selectmenus do not select the item, they just leave a blank box or won't let you select the item.
The .js that runs when selected (I think it is fine)...
function changeRegion()
var regid = Number($("#region").val());
var projsel = $("#projectmob");
projsel.append("<option id='selproj' value='placeholder' data-placeholder='true'>Select Project...</option>");
var projNumber = 0;
var projValue = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < proj.length; i++) {
if (proj[i].region == regid) {
projsel.append("<option id='oc1-" + proj[i].id + "' value='" + proj[i].id + "'>" + proj[i].wono + ': ' + proj[i].name + "</option>");
projValue = proj[i].id;
$("#projectmob").selectmenu('refresh', true);
if (projNumber == 1) {
function dwmChange()
var projid = Number($("#projectmob").val());
if (projid > 0) {
var regValue = findRegion(projid);
getFilteredEvents(); hits the azure sql database and sets up the screen with the data retrieved.
This all ran fine up until about a week ago as far as I know. I have made changes and updates, but none that I think should affect the selectmenus from working.
Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
It seems a problem with Chrome 50.0.2661.89.
Looking further into this...
I have to question the logic behind JQuery Mobile hiding the toolbars on select >element focus by default. The native browser select elements overlay the page in >their various special ways, and even the non-native select popup (which you get >when specify the data attribute data-native-menu="false" in html or nativeMenu: >false in the selectmenu options) is absolutely positioned as a dialog. This >means that the toolbars really do not intrude on the real-estate given to the >selectmenu options as they'll always overlay everything including the toolbars. >To me, this makes the code from line 12664 - 12692 commented as: this hides the >toolbars on a keyboard pop to give more screen room rather unnecessary for >select elements.
Workaround/solution: thankfully jQuery-Mobile does nicely allow you to override >this setting in your header/footer with the data-attribute data-hide-during->focus - simply set this to:
data-hide-during-focus="input, textarea"
and it won't try to hide the toolbars anymore when a select element gets focus."

Prevent select2 from autmatically focussing its search-input when dropdown is opened

I'm looking for a way to prevent select2's search-input being automatically focussed when the select2-dropdown is opened. I know this is select2's intended default behavior - and while this is fine for desktop clients, I need to prevent this behavior for the iPad where it triggers the iPads software keyboard, which is not what we want as a default.
I've searched for an option to do so with no luck. reflects our setup - we're using a simple -element as a base for our select2-functionality:
This worked for me on select2 v4:
// keep search input, but avoid autofocus on dropdown open
$('#research .filter').on('select2:open', function (e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus',false);
credit goes to this github comment
Sometimes select2 "steals" focus from other elements. After messing around for quite a bit, I just used this solution below.
At the very end of the event handler for the YourSelect2.on('change', function(){
setTimeout(firstInputFocus, 300);
function firstInputFocus() {
By setting this slight delay it works. I am able to change focus away from the dropdown. Following the "change" event for select2, it does something internal to the select2 code which prevents you from IMMEDIATELY changing focus. Inserting this slight delay did the trick for me at any rate.
Ok, I am not sure if changing the focus is possible unless you change the select2 script itself (I could be wrong about this though). As a workaround what you could do is hide the search box by setting minimumResultsForSearch property to a negative value.
<select id="test">
And then:
$(document).ready(function() {
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
None of the solutions posted here worked for me so I did this work around:
This will make the search input readonly when opened (prevents keyboard on mobile), then when you click the input it removes readonly and opens keyboard.
$('#myselectbox').select2({placeholder: "Select Something"}).on('select2:open', function(e){
$('.select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('body').on('click', '.select2-search input', function(){
The only 'solution' I found is to remove .select2-input and .select2-focusser right after creation of the dropdown. This only works fine when you don't need the input field for searching, e.g. when the list is short enough.
Removing only .select2-focusser at least prevents the keyboard from popping up when an option was selected.
If you want to disable the searchbox and also the auto focus as a text input, e.g. preventing ios browsers to scroll-in the keyboard, use this code:
// will remove the searchbox and focus initially
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
// will remove the searchbox and focus on selection/close
$('select').on('select2:closing', function (e) {
$(".select2-search, .select2-focusser").remove();
Although #Choma's answer is fine, it will alter the select2 default behavior on both desktop and mobile devices.
I had to find a solution for a responsive website: prevent the auto-focus of the search input only on mobile devices, and keep the default behaviour on desktops.
In order to detect the mobile devices, I've used Modernizr library, which can test for the existence of Touch Events in the browser.
We can use Modernizr.touch on Modenizr v2, which will return true if touch events are supported, or false otherwise.
So we can modify #Choma's answer like this:
$('select').on('select2:open', function() {
if (Modernizr.touch) {
$('.select2-search__field').prop('focus', false);
Tested on:
Desktop: IE 11, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari
Android 4.2.2
Android 5.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S4)
Android 6.0.1 (Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge)
iOS 11.2.5 (iPhone 8)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPhone 6 Plus)
iOS 10.3.2 (iPad Mini 3)
I got JQuery's "too much recursion" error in the console when using Choma's solution.
The following worked for me for v4:
// keep search input available, but avoid autofocus and thus mobile
// keyboard appearing when dropdown opens.
$('body').on('select2:open','#subject', function (e) {
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',true);
$('#modal .select2-search input').click(function(ev){
$('#modal .select2-search input').attr('readonly',false);
As you can tell this select2 field is on a modal with the id modal and the select2 field itself has an id of subject. Of course change the selector to what's appropriate for your own code.
It basically adds a readonly attribute to the input when the select2 field opens preventing a mobile keyboard from appearing, and then removes it when the search field is clicked/pressed on allowing the keyboard to appear only then.
Following trick worked for me. You can disable input search field of select2 element :
$('select').on('select2:opening', function() {
$('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password");
setTimeout(function(){ $('.select2-search__field').attr("autocomplete", "new-password"); }, 2000);
maybe someone need~
I've tried this and it works~
$('#selectID').on('select2:opening', function (e) {
The solution worked perfectly for me. tested on mobile
// prevent auto-focus on select2 search input
$('select').on('select2:opening', function(e) {
$('.select2-search input').prop('focus', 1);

Jquery Mobile Swipe issue - Is there any fix

Swiping is not working properly when we use Jquery Mobile on Android devices. Swiping is not smooth or sometimes it does not work at all.
$(document).off('swipeleft swiperight','.test')
.on('swipeleft swiperight','.test', function(event) {
.test - refers to a div class.
Please help. And, what is the problem in JQM, even it is not working on Samsung galaxy S4 native browser. Is there any easy way to achieve this without using any new plugins?
Test this:
set it to default
$(document).on('mobileinit', function () {
// settings
$.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled = true;
$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "slide";
and then try this:
$('div').on('swipeleft', function(e) {

Jquery Mobile Paste event on input text

I'm using Jquery Mobile to develop an web app for Android and iPhone. I want to handle the event when the users change their value in the input text field.
Initially, I use .on("keyup change") and everything seem to work ok. However, when the users paste some text on the text field (by holding and tap on the "Paste"), my event handler is not called.
Please help me if you know how to solve this problem.
Thank you all.
Works on all browsers but not on FireFox.
$('input').on('paste', function (e) {
if (e.originalEvent.clipboardData) {
var text = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
Credit goes to: jQuery Detect Paste Event Anywhere on Page and "Redirect" it to Textarea
For Android add a timeout as it is in this example
For iPad add event 'change' together with paste, worked on iphone
Here is what worked for me on mobile Safari and Chrome.
if (document.getElementById('search_input')) {
document.querySelector('#search_input').addEventListener('paste', (e) => {
let pasteData = (e.clipboardData || window.clipboardData).getData('text');
pasteData = pasteData.replace(/[^\x20-\xFF]/gi, '');
window.setTimeout(() => {
//do stuff

Jquerymobile textBox - onChange Event - Does not work in Operamobile browsers

I am developing the sample apps using the jquerymobile alpha 4.1. In my design, I have to get the value from textbox while enduser change the value of control.
So I am using the following code.
<input type="text" id="username" > </input>
JS :
$("#username").live("change" , function() {
alert("hai"+ $("username").val());
It is working fine in the iphone-safari browser, Android , blackberrry native browsers.
But It does not work in the Operamobile- 11 and Operamobile 10. ( It could not detect the this events.)
Please share your suggestion. Shall I use any other event for avoiding this error ?
Live Example
Try this:
$("#username").live("change" , function() {
alert("hai "+ $("#username").val());
instead of this:
$("username").live("change" , function() {
alert("hai"+ $("username").val());
Alternative: ( Without the live() ): Example
$("#username").change(function() {
alert("hai "+ $("#username").val());
