Given the following UTC time:
2009-11-17 10:45:32
How can I create an org.jode.time.LocalDateTime with that exact time, but in UTC?
In other words, that time-stamp represents a UTC time. I'd like to make a new Timestamp object in joda with that time in UTC.
I tried the following unsuccessfully:
scala> org.joda.time.LocalDateTime.parse("2009-11-17 10:45:32",
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "2009-11-17 10:45:32"
I suspect the problem here is just the lack of a T in the value. Note that the idea of "a LocalDateTime [...] but in UTC" is meaningless. A LocalDateTime value has no time zone.
The simplest fix is probably just to create a DateTimeFormatter from a pattern:
// Java code, but Scala should be similar
DateTimeFormatter format = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
LocalDateTime dateTime = format.parseLocalDateTime(value);
You can create the DateTimeFormatter once and store it in a static final variable - DateTimeFormatter is thread-safe (unlike SimpleDateFormat, for example.)
I got this value from an API 2022-03-15T02:33:53.488427, it is a string which represents a UTC timestamp, my current zone time is UTC-5, I'm trying this code:
createdAt = DateTime.tryParse('2022-03-15T02:33:53.488427').toLocal();
But createdAt contains the same datetime like the original string, What I'm missing?
the string 2022-03-15T02:33:53.488427 does not include a timezone. So to tell Dart that you want this to be UTC time, then append a "Z" to the string. Then it knows that it is Zulu time. Otherwise it's going to assume that you are in local time when it parses it.
createdAt = DateTime.tryParse('2022-03-15T02:33:53.488427Z').toLocal();
Use print(createdDate?.timeZoneName) to confirm UTC or your local
I am trying for many hours to parse this date String which is returned by Shodan. "2019-02-23T13:59:13.312401" ISO format is throwing exception.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid format: "2019-02-14T10:16:35.313860" is too short
at org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.parseDateTime(
I am using Joda DateTime library with Google Gson. Anyone knows which format is this and how can I convert it to DateTime object from String.?
Shodan stores the timestamps in ISO 8601 format which you can read more about here:
And see here for a previous answer on parsing the format using Joda time:
Converting ISO 8601-compliant String to java.util.Date
I need to convert Swift Date object to date ticks string like "/Date(631148400000+0100)/".
The following link tells me how to convert date ticks string to Date object but not the vice-versa:
How to convert date like \/Date(1440156888750-0700)\/ to something that Swift can handle?
How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
From Stand-Alone JSON Serialization:
DateTime values appear as JSON strings in the form of "/Date(700000+0500)/", where the first number (700000 in the example provided) is the number of milliseconds in the GMT time zone, regular (non-daylight savings) time since midnight, January 1, 1970. The number may be negative to represent earlier times. The part that consists of "+0500" in the example is optional and indicates that the time is of the Local kind - that is, should be converted to the local time zone on deserialization. If it is absent, the time is deserialized as Utc. The actual number ("0500" in this example) and its sign (+ or -) are ignored.
And from Use JSON.NET to parse json date of format Date(epochTime-offset)
... In this screwy format, the timestamp portion is still based solely on UTC. The offset is extra information. It doesn't change the timestamp. You can give a different offset, or omit it entirely and it's still the same moment in time.
So the number of ticks is the number of milliseconds since Januar 1, 1970 GMT. Adding a time zone specification would only change how the
date is presented locally in .NET, and one can simply omit that part
when generating a JSON date string:
extension Date {
var jsonDate: String {
let ticks = lround(timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
return "/Date(\(ticks))/"
print(Date().jsonDate) // /Date(1481446227993)/
I need to convert a string that represents a date to a timestamp object in Ruby.
For example:
date_string = "18-Feb-2016 09:01:04"
convert to a timestamp like so
2016-02-18 14:01:04
I need to save this to a mysql database were the column is type timestamp.
I have researched this for most of the day and can not find a solution. I know you can use Time.parse but that includes timezone and DateTime.parse().to_time includes the timezone. Since it has to be a timestamp i can not use strftime method.
I need the time to be included because it will be used for calculation purposes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
datetime = DateTime.parse("18-Feb-2016 09:01:04").to_s(:db)
"2016-02-18 09:01:04"
Here's a quick explanation...
1. Convert your string to a Date object with DateTime.parse
You can use the .parse method from the Date or DateTime class in order to parse a string. The parse method will return a Date object like this:
$ DateTime.parse("18-Feb-2016 09:01:04")
$ => #<DateTime: 2016-02-18T09:01:04+00:00 ((2457437j,32464s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
.parse is a method provided by Ruby.
2. Format the string with DateTime.parse.to_s
Ruby on Rails gives you access to the DateTime.to_formatted_s method to change the formatting of the Date object prior to storing it in your database.
To match the format that you specified:
$ datetime = DateTime.parse("18-Feb-2016 09:01:04").to_formatted_s
Note: to_s is aliased from to_formatted_s and to_formatted_s is a method provided by Rails, not Ruby.
Use to_datetime method in Rails.
=> Mon, 12 Oct 2015 10:36:00 +0000
Edited to add precise answer.
You can use .to_time or .to_datetime, the .to_time returns the date and time with timezone but the .to_datetime returns full date with week name but it shows +0000 as timezone, you will see the difference in both the formats, see the following example.
# used .to_time
"18-Feb-2016 09:01:04".to_time
## Output
2016-02-18 09:01:04 +0530
# used .to_datetime
"18-Feb-2016 09:01:04".to_datetime
## Output
Thu, 18 Feb 2016 09:01:04 +0000
I've interpreted the question to be that you wish to convert the string "18-Feb-2016 09:01:04" to the string "2016-02-18 14:01:04" (generalized to arbitrary date-time strings, of course).
str = "18-Feb-2016 09:01:04"
What you want is done in two steps. The first is to convert this string to a DateTime object, that is, an instance of the class DateTime. The second step is to construct the desired string from the DateTime object.
One way to create the DateTime object is to use the method DateTime::parse:
require 'date'
#=> #<DateTime: 2016-02-18T09:01:04+00:00 ((2457437j,32464s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
That works fine for the string format you gave, but can be problematic with other formats. For example:
DateTime.parse "4-5-16 09:01:04"
#=> #<DateTime: 2004-05-16T09:01:04+00:00 ((2453142j,32464s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
As long as you know the format that will be used, it's generally better to use DateTime#strptime with the appropriate pattern comprised of format directives:
pattern = "%d-%m-%y %H:%M:%S"
DateTime.strptime("4-5-16 09:01:04", pattern)
#=> #<DateTime: 2016-05-04T09:01:04+00:00((2457513j,32464s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
See DateTime#strftime for the format directives.
For the problem at hand:
dt = DateTime.strptime(str, "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S")
#=> #<DateTime: 2016-02-18T09:01:04+00:00 ((2457437j,32464s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
The second step is to construct the desired string with the above-referenced strftime method:
dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
#=> "2016-02-18 09:01:04"
I am pulling a Date from a database, reassigning it as a TextField, and then toString() it, but the date comes out "Thurs 0900 OCT 12 2015" when all I need is MM/DD/YYYY format. How do I change the format?
Date myDatabaseDate = someDBGetMethod();
TextField myDateTF = new TextField()
myDateTF.setCaption("My date is: ");
FormLayout fLayout = new FormLayout();
What's happening: Thu Oct 22 12:19:04 CDT 2015
What I want: 22/10/2015
Thank you in advance!
Examples make the most sense to me as I am very new to vaadin.
Vaadin Not The Problem
If trying to display a String representation of a date-time object, then Vaadin is not a part of the problem. Vaadin offers a widget, DateField, for the user to pick a date-time value. You do not need that widget for simply displaying the string representation. For display, use a TextField as you described in the Question.
So the problem is how to generate that String representation.
First be aware that Java includes two classes named "Date":
Confusingly, they are not parallel. The util one is a date plus a time-of-day in UTC. The sql one is meant to represent a date-only, but is poorly designed; as a hack it subclasses the util one but alters the time-of-day to be 00:00:00.000. These old date-time classes in early Java are a bad mess.
From a database you should be receiving the latter, java.sql.Date for a date-only stored value. If you were storing date-time values, then you should be getting java.sql.Timestamp objects from your JDBC driver.
java.time LocalDate
As java.sql.Date is one of the old clunky date-time classes bundled with early Java, we should convert to the new classes found in the java.time framework built into Java 8 and later. See Tutorial.
For a date-only value, java.time offers the LocalDate class. The "Local" in the name refers to any locality rather than a particular locality. It represents the vague idea of a date, but is not tied to the timeline. A date starts earlier in Paris than in Montréal, for example. If you care about exact moments on the timeline, you would be using java.sql.Timestamp rather than java.sql.Date.
Converting from java.sql.Date to java.time.LocalDate is an easy one-liner, as a conversion method is provided for you.
LocalDate localDate = myJavaSqlDate.toLocalDate();
Going the other way is just as easy, when storing data into the database.
java.sql.Date myJavaSqlDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf( localDate );
With a LocalDate in hand, you can call on the java.time.format package to format a string localized for easy reading by the user. Specify the Locale expected by the user.
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale( Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );
String output = localDate.format( formatter );
Example output:
dimanche 1 novembre 2015
Let’s consider if you did get a java.sql.Timestamp rather than java.sql.Date.
We can convert from a java.sql.Timestamp to a Instant, a moment on the timeline in UTC.
Instant instant = myTimestamp.toInstant();
Next, assign a time zone.
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of( "America/Montreal" );
ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant( instant , zoneId);
We use the java.time.format package to create the String representation. Note the chained calls, the second one setting a specific Locale. If not specified, your JVM’s current default Locale is implicitly applied. Better to be explicit.
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDateTime ( FormatStyle.FULL ).withLocale ( Locale.CANADA_FRENCH );
String output = zdt.format ( formatter );
Example output:
dimanche 1 novembre 2015 2 h 24 EST object does not contain any information how to present himself as String. That's because in different locations communities writes dates in different ways. So Java separates operations on dates from printing them out on the screen.
What you are missing in your code is a DateFormat.
Date myDatabaseDate = new Date(2014,10,10);
DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, Locale.UK);
TextField myDateTF = new TextField();
myDateTF.setCaption("My date is: ");
I would strongly encourage you however to use Java 8 Dates API since Java 7 Dates API is a total mess. You can read more about that here What's wrong with Java Date & Time API?