How to simulate bad internet connection on simulator with code - ios

I have downloaded Network Link Conditioner but is there a way I can test this with code? Preferably swift

I don't think so. Because you get the internet connection from the device itself. You can't say in your swift-code:
Hey I'd like to drop every second data-package to simulate a
package-lost rate.
The cause of that is, that you can't change the internet-connection from within your app-sandbox. That's why you need to use an app like NLC to simulate the connection.


Why don't downloads switch back to wifi after been on a cellular network?

I have encountered a rather strange behavior when trying to implement download functionality on iOS. The download implementation works fine in that it finishes successfully, can run in the background, and file is stored on device. However during a download, I can turn of wifi to let the task switch to and continue on cellular network (or just start the download using cellular). This behaves as aspected. But when I enable wifi again, the download never seem to switch back to using wifi. The device is connected, and the wifi-connection-bars displays at the statusbar. Using rechability functions to check what connection that is available will even return Wifi, but the download seems to be stuck at using cellular.
The way I am detecting this is looking at the Usage stats in the system settings. The cellular data usage will rise in sync with the pending download, and continue to rise until the download is finished (even if wifi is turned on again).
I have tested with both Alamofire and by using NSURLSession and NSURLSessionDownloadTask directly, and they both behaves similarly. I have also seen this behavior in two completely seperate projects, on multiple devices, in iOS 8.4 and 9.1, when the apps are in the foreground or the background, and even AppStore behaves like this when downloading apps!
Has somebody else experienced this?
And if so, did you find any way to gracefully switch tasks back to wifi?
Thanks in advance.
This is normal behavior. Adding a new network interface (e.g. turning Wi-Fi on) doesn't stop existing TCP connections. They will continue until the original network interface goes away.
If you want to pause the request and reconnect when Wi-Fi becomes available, you'll need to call cancelByProducingResumeData: on the task, then create a new request with that resume data to restart the request from where it left off. That new request will go over the currently active network interface, which would typically be the Wi-Fi interface if Wi-Fi is up and running.
Before you stop the existing request, though, I would suggest trying a probe request for something like Google's generate 204 or one of Apple's captive portal detection URLs, to ensure that Wi-Fi really is working.

Reachability code not working accurately in ios

In my application i want to check server accessibility before going to the next screen when a button is tapped.
I have used tony million reachability and AFNetworking reachability, they are all working fine. But the issue is when i turned off my wifi, it is taking 10 secs time to reflect the same in iPad, meantime if i check the server connectivity it is showing that server is reachable (i am using iPadAir and it is not connected to Mobile Data). After iPad is detecting that wifi is switched off only it is giving not reachable. i even tried with apple simple ping example, still i am getting the same issue.
Please advice
Run reachability function viewdidload and save value. Use this value buttonPress event and in buttonPress event Run reachability function on background again.
Finally i found a solution
Please go through this website
SimplePingHelper is written on top of SimplePing and is very easy to use

How to make iOS believe there is Internet Connectivity

I am working on a web application for iOS that is going to be accesed from a local webserver in a network that has NO internet connectivity at all.
My problem is that everytime an iOS device is locked, it disconnects from the WiFi network, so when the device is unlocked again, it has to reconnect. Part of that reconnection process is determining if there is Internet connection (which there isn't). Until the process is not finished iOS does not allow any DNS resolution (so if I write it will go there, but not if I request
Since we control that network, we want to know how to does iOS verifies Internet connectivity so that we can fake the responses it expects.
I don't know if it's possible to resolve DNS without an internet connection on iOS, but if that's the case, that would be a way better solution since you don't need to mess with your router settings. Use my solution only if it really isn't possible with only code.
I'll suggest you to follow this guide: to check which actions your iPhone executes to detect an internet connection.
Using this information you could forward the is-there-internet-requests on your router to a local server which fakes the there-is-internet-responses.
This assumes Apple really uses an external server to detect this, which I'm not sure about. But it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
Have you looked at the Reachability Class? You don't have to use the reachabilityForInternetConnection method, which checks if a default route is available. You can use the reachabilityWithAddress: method and check if your server is reachable.

How to specify that WiFi or 3G is required?

First of all, I know I can use UIRequiresPersistentWiFi to specify that my app needs WiFi.
But in fact, my app works fine with both WiFi or 3G. How can I express such a network requirement? It there any Info.plist key for this? Or is testing myself with Reachability the only way to go?
What exactly are you trying to do? If all you need is network access, then you don't have to do anything at all to make it work. Reachability can be useful, because it lets you quickly test if the network is available before attempting to connect anywhere, but that's only useful if you need to know if there is a network before even attempting to use it. Under normal circumstances, you can just attempt to use the network, and gracefully handle any errors that may occur.
My suggestion would be use SCNetworkReachabilitySetCallback (which gets called whenever the status of the network changes) and then throw an error if there's no WiFi or 3G connection.
b.t.w., all the keys UIKit supports in Info.plist can be seen at

How to sync counter via sockets on iPad

I have a Application on a PC which displays time-information for a mp3 song that is played. I now need to display this time information within an iPad App. The counting timers for remaining time, player position and song length must be in sync between iPad an PC.
I thought about using a socket connection (AsyncSocket on iPad) to keep the counters in sync.
Is there a better way doing this? I don't want to run in the wrong direction...
Additional, it should be possible to have more than one iPad showing the Information in future. That's a "nice to have" feature...
I don't need ready to use code snippets, it's more a theoretical question. (if someone has a ready to use code snippet, that's also good for me :-) )
i now used the AsyncSocket to solve the requirements. It works perfectly. Don't forget the handling of closing the socket connection if the app goes in background. Depending on the server the app is talking with, not closing the socket can lead to a problem in reconnecting.
