How to keep track of daily data? - ruby-on-rails

In my rails application, I want to keep several daily metrics in order to see how this data changes over times. In other words, if I want to see how many times a user logged in on a particular date (and therefore allowing me to accumulate this data over times).
Some of this data I can figure out through queries, such as the number of posts a user made on a particular day (because the post model includes a date). However, there are many different daily metrics I want to keep track of.
I thought of creating a DataPlayers model which has data for every player and every day creating a new instance of this, but I don't think that is the best approach.
Are there best practices for this type of data collection?

You could use a gem like SqlMetrics to track events as they happen.
It stores the events in your own database so its easy to query them via sql.


Rails saving and/or caching complicated query results

I have an application that, at its core, is a sort of data warehouse and report generator. People use it to "mine" through a large amount of data with ad-hoc queries, produce a report page with a bunch of distribution graphs, and click through those graphs to look at specific result sets of the underlying items being "mined." The problem is that the database is now many hundreds of millions of rows of data, and even with indexing, some queries can take longer than a browser is willing to wait for a response.
Ideally, at some arbitrary cutoff, I want to "offline" the user's query, and perform it in the background, save the result set to a new table, and use a job to email a link to the user which could use this as a cached result to skip directly to the browser rendering the graphs. These jobs/results could be saved for a long time in case people wanted to revisit the particular problem they were working on, or emailed to coworkers. I would be tempted to just create a PDF of the result, but it's the interactive clicking of the graphs that I'm trying to preserve here.
None of the standard Rails caching techniques really captures this idea, so maybe I just have to do this all by hand, but I wanted to check to see if I wasn't missing something that I could start with. I could create a keyed model result in the in-memory cache, but I want these results to be preserved on the order of months, and I deploy at least once a week.
Considering Data loading from lots of join tables. That's why it's taking time to load.
Also you are performing calculation/visualization tasks with the data you fetch from DB, then show on UI.
I like to recommend some of the approaches to your problem:
Minimize the number of joins/nested join DB queries
Add some direct tables/columns, ex. If you are showing counts of comments of user the you can add new column in user table to store it in user table itself. You can add scheduled job to update data or add callback to update count
also try to minimize the calculations(if any) performing on UI side
you can also use the concept of lazy loading for fetching the data in chunks
Thanks, hope this will help you to decide where to start 🙂

Ruby on Rails - Most efficient solution for this Class?

I'm a senior Comp. Sci. major working on a senior design project for our faculty. The name of this project is "Gradebook", and it is responsible for allowing instructors to record grades for students and for students to check their grades in a class. This project is written in Ruby on Rails, and this feature set is integrated into our current CS Website.
One requirement for our project is to constantly keep the course average and each of the student's averages updated. So I designed a CourseInfo class and a StudentInfo class to help with this process.
The CourseInfo class accepts a Gradebook (an ActiveRecord object) as a parameter and calculates the course average. It creates an Associative Array of StudentInfo objects, with each StudentInfo object containing the student's overall average in the class. The benefit of this is that I can calculate the Course Average with one line of code that initializes the class, and it is very clean.
But there is one issue that I'm mulling over. The problem is, the CourseInfo object does not survive when another HTTP request is made, I have to keep recreating it. Whether I'm adding an assignment, editing a category, or recording grades, I have to keep it updated because this project uses AJAX requests all the time. Instructors do not have to refresh any pages, because AJAX requests are created with every action.
For example, suppose I'm recording grades for a specific assignment. With each grade I record into the spreadsheet, an AJAX request is made and the course average updates with each new grade. But the problem is, if I want to update the Course Average after recording a student's grade, since the CourseInfo object does not stay alive in the next request, I have to recreate the object to keep the average updated. But that is a LOT of work. That involves calculating each of the student's average for EACH assignment, and then calculating the course average for EACH student. I know, a lot of work and could be simpler right?
So naturally, I want this CourseInfo object to live forever as long as the client is using the website. I've thought of many different ways to solve this problem:
1) Global Variables or Class Variables - I honestly want to stay away from this approach because I hear it is bad design. I also hear that this approach is not thread-safe. But it seems to provide a simple solution to my problem?
2) Serialize the Object in the Database - This is what I'm learning towards the most. I hear that sometimes people will serialize a Hash that contains user preferences in a web app, why not serialize my CourseInfo object? I've also done some research on the MessagePack gem, and I could potentially encode the CourseInfo object using MessagePack and then store it into the database. I feel like this would be a noticeable performance increase.
3) Use some kind of cache - Gems such as Redis act as a cache, and I liked Redis because it is a key value store. I can store a CourseInfo object for each Gradebook that was used during the session, and if I need to update the CourseInfo object, I can simply fetch the CourseInfo object by using the Gradebok's ID as a key. But I'm not sure if this is thread-safe. What if two instructors attempt to update two different grades at the same time? Will there be multiple instances of this CourseInfo object for each client using Gradebook?
4) Store it in the Session - Yeah I pretty much crossed this option off my list. I researched this approach, and I hear it is horrible to store a lot of data in the session. I don't want to do this.
What do you think? If I don't want to reinitialize this large object for each request, how can I make it live forever? What is the most efficient solution? What do you think about my design?
Help would be much appreciated! Thanks!
2) Serialize the Object in the Database
due to agile philosophy of implementing the simplest thing that could possibly work first.
see Saving arrays, hashes, and other non-mappable objects in text columns
The course_average allways reflects the persistent state of the users records. Serializing it is a no braner in ActiveRecord. If you are using postgres , you can even use the native json store, which you can not only deserialize but also query through. No need for additional complexity to maintain an extra store. This solution has also the benefit of having a persistent counter cache.(no need to recalculate if nothing changes)
However using a cache is also a valuable option. Just remember, if you want to use redis as a cache store you have to explicitly configure a cache expiring policy, as by default none of the keys will expire and you will recieve an out of memory error, when redis grows beyound the size of RAM on the machine.
The redis-rails gem will setup rails to use redis for caching.
Storing this information in the session might also work, but watch out you session not getting to big. The whole session data is allways loaded completely into memory, regardles of some information in it is required or not. Allways loading megabytes of data into memory for every http connection might be not a great idea.
There is also a 5th option, i would evaluate first. Check, does the computation of averages really takes so long. Or can the peformance of it, pobably be improved, e.g. by reducing n+1 queries, setting proper indexes, doing the whole computation in sql or preparing the necessary data completly in sql, so that all the necessary data can be fetched in 1 query.

Using statistical tables with Rails

I'm building an app that needs to store a fair amount of events that the users carry out. (Think LOTS as in millions per month).
I need to report on the these events (total of type x in the last month, etc) and need something resilient and fast.
I've toyed with Redis etc to store aggregates of the data, but this could just mean that I'm building up a massive store of single figure aggregates that aren't rebuildable.
Whilst this isn't a bad solution, I'm looking at storing the raw event data in tables that I can then query on a needs basis, and potentially generate aggregate counters on a periodic basis. This would thus give me the ability to add counters over time, and also carry out ad-hoc inspections on what is going on, something which aggregates don't allow.
Question is, how is best to do this? I obviously don't want to have to create a model for each table (which is what Rails would prefer), so do I just create the tables and interact with raw SQL on a needs basis, or is there some other choice for dealing with this sort of data?
I've worked on an app that had that type of data flow and the solution is the following :
-> store everything
-> create aggregates
-> delete everything after a short period (1 week or somehting) to free up resources
So you can simply store events with rails, have some background aggregate creation from another fast script (cron sql), read with rails the aggregates and yet another background script for raw event deletion.
Also .. rails and performance don't quite go hand in hand usually ;)

ASP.NET MVC 3 - Web Application - Efficiently Aggregate Data

I am running an ASP.NET MVC 3 web application and would like to gather statistics such as:
How often is a specific product viewed
Which search phrases typically return specific products in their result list
How often (for specific products) does a search result convert to a view
I would like to aggregate this data and break it down:
By product
By product by week
I'm wondering what are the cleanest and most efficient strategies for aggregating the data. I can think of a couple but I'm sure there are many more:
Insert the data into a staging table, then run a job to aggregate the data and push it into permanent tables.
Use a queuing system (MSMQ/Rhino/etc.) and create a service to aggregate this data before it ever gets pushed to the database.
My concerns are:
I would like to limit the number of moving parts.
I would like to reduce impact on the database. The fewer round trips and less extraneous data stored the better
In certain scenarios (not listed) I would like the data to be somewhat close to real-time (accurate to the hour may be appropriate)
Does anyone have real world experience with this and if so which approach would you suggest and what are the positives and negatives? If there is a better solution that I am not thinking of I'd love ot hear it...
I needed to do something similar in a recent project. We've implemented a full audit system in a secondary database, it tracks changes on every record on the live db. Essentially every insert, update and delete actually updates 2 records, one in the live db and one in the audit db.
Since we have this data in realtime on the audit db, we use this second database to fill any reports we might need. One of the tricks I've found when working with a reporting DB is to forget about normalisation. Just create a table for each report you want, and have it carry just the data you want for that report. Its duplicating data, but the performance gains are worth it.
As to filling the actual data in the reports, we use a mixture. Daily reports are generated by a scheduled task at around 3am, ditto for the weekly and monthly reports, normally over weekends or late at night.
Other reports are generated on demand, using mostly the data since the last daily, so its not that many records, once again all from the secondary database.
I agree that you should create a separate database for your statistics, it will reduce the impact on your database.
You can go with your idea of having "Staging" tables and "Aggregate" tables; that way, if you want to access the near-real-time data you go o the staging table, when you want to historical data, you go to the aggregates.
Finally, I would recommend you use an asynchronous call to save your statistics; that way your pages will not have an impact in response time.
I suggest that you will create a separate database for this. The best way is to use BI technique. There is a separate services in
SQL server for Bi.

Recommendations on handling object status fields in rails apps: store versus calculate?

I have a rails app that tracks membership cardholders, and needs to report on a cardholder's status. The status is defined - by business rule - as being either "in good standing," "in arrears," or "canceled," depending on whether the cardholder's most recent invoice has been paid.
Invoices are sent 30 days in advance, so a customer who has just been invoiced is still in good standing, one who is 20 days past the payment due date is in arrears, and a member who fails to pay his invoice more than 30 days after it is due would be canceled.
I'm looking for advice on whether it would be better to store the cardholder's current status as a field at the customer level (and deal with the potential update anomalies resulting from potential updates of invoice records without updating the corresponding cardholder's record), or whether it makes more sense to simply calculate the current cardholder status based on data in the database every time the status is requested (which could place a lot of load on the database and slow down the app).
Recommendations? Or other ideas I haven't thought of?
One important constraint: while it's unlikely that anyone will modify the database directly, there's always that possibility, so I need to try to put some safeguards in place to prevent the various database records from becoming out of sync with each other.
The storage of calculated data in your database is generally an optimisation. I would suggest that you calculate the value on every request and then monitor the performance of your application. If the fact that this data is not stored becomes an issue for you then is the time to refactor and store the value within the database.
Storing calculated values, particularly those that can affect multiple tables are generally a bad idea for the reasons that you have mentioned.
When/if you do refactor and store the value in the DB then you probably want a batch job that checks the value for data integrity on a regular basis.
The simplest approach would be to calculate the current cardholder status based on data in the database every time the status is requested. That way you have no duplication of data, and therefore no potential problems with the duplicates becoming out of step.
If, and only if, your measurements show that this calculation is causing a significant slowdown, then you can think about caching the value.
Recently I had similar decision to take and I decided to store status as a field in database. This is because I wanted to reduce sql queries and it looks simpler. I choose to do it that way because I will very often need to get this status and calculating it is (at least in my case) a bit complicated.
Possible problem with it is that it get out of sync, so I added some after_save and after_destroy to child model, to keep it synchronized. And of course if somebody would modify database in different way, it would make some problems.
You can write simple rake task that will check all statuses and, if needed, correct them. You can run it in cron so you don't have to worry about it.
