iPhone - requesting Motion activity - ios

I'm working on an iOS application in which I use Motion Activity Manager (in more detail - pedometer). When application launches I need to check is Motion Activity is allowed by user. I do this by doing
_motionActivityManager = [[CMMotionActivityManager alloc] init];
_pedometer = [[CMPedometer alloc] init];
[_pedometer queryPedometerDataFromDate : [NSDate date]
toDate : [NSDate date]
withHandler : ^(CMPedometerData *pedometerData, NSError *error) {
// BP1
if (error != nil) {
// BP2
else {
// BP3
As discussed here ☛ iOS - is Motion Activity Enabled in Settings > Privacy > Motion Activity
In my understanding this code will trigger "alert window" asking user to opt-in/out.
What happens in my case is that when I run application first time (aka. all warnings are reset), application hangs before 'BP1' (callback is never executed) and then if I stop application with xCode or press home button "alert window" appears. And if I opt-in everything is good, on second run 'BP3' is reached (or 'BP2' if I opt-out).
What I tried do far:
I implemented another way of checking using async execution
[_pedometer queryPedometerDataFromDate : [NSDate date]
toDate : [NSDate date]
withHandler : ^(CMPedometerData *pedometerData, NSError *error) {
// Because CMPedometer dispatches to an arbitrary queue, it's very important
// to dispatch any handler block that modifies the UI back to the main queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
authorizationCheckCompletedHandler(!error || error.code != CMErrorMotionActivityNotAuthorized);
This doesn't hang the application, but "alert window" is never showed
I executed this "checking snippet" in later time in code - but again - application hangs

Essentially, use can first be sure that the alert view will not block your App, when the first view has appeared, ie. in onViewDidAppear.
For example do:
-(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
if ([MyActivityManager checkAvailability]) { // motion and activity availability checks
[myDataManager checkAuthorization:^(BOOL authorized) { // is authorized
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (authorized) {
// do your UI update etc...
else {
// maybe tell the user that this App requires motion and tell him about activating it in settings...
This is what I do myself. I based my App on the Apple example code as well and noticed, that the example also has the problem you are describing.


WCSession sendmessage is twice as slow after updating from 2.1 to 2.2

The iOS application that I work on has an apple watch app that goes along with it. We recently started getting complaints that the GPS distance updates have slowed down and the watch is a few seconds behind the phone. I have been looking into this and wrote some test code, the reply block from [[WCSession defaultSession] sendMessage:message
is definitely twice as slow in watchOS 2.2 vs 2.1. I have attached the test code below.
#pragma mark - Location Update.
* #description Provides an NSBlockOperation to be executed in an operation queue. This is an attempt to force serial
* processing
- (NSBlockOperation*)distanceUpdateBlock {
NSBlockOperation *blockOp = [[NSBlockOperation alloc] init];
__weak NSBlockOperation * weakOp = blockOp;
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
[blockOp addExecutionBlock:^{
typeof(weakSelf) blockSafeSelf = weakSelf;
typeof(weakOp) blockSafeOp = weakOp;
if (!blockSafeOp.isCancelled) { // Make sure we haven't already been cancelled.
__block NSDate *startDate = [NSDate date];
__block BOOL completed = NO;
void (^replyBlock)(NSDictionary*) = ^(NSDictionary *message){
if (!blockSafeOp.isCancelled) {
[blockSafeSelf processUserLocationOnWatch:message];
double replyTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate];
NSLog(#"Reply Time: %.03f", replyTime);
completed = YES;
void (^failBlock)(NSError*) = ^(NSError *error) {
if (!blockSafeOp.isCancelled) {
double replyTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate];
NSLog(#"Reply Time Fail: %.03f", replyTime);
completed = YES;
[self fetchUserLocationFromIphoneWithReplyHandler:replyBlock errorHandler:failBlock];
do {
usleep(10000); // 1/100th second wait to throttle evaluations (Don't worry - in final code I will subclass NSOperation and control when it actually finishes - this is for easy testing.)
} while (!completed && !blockSafeOp.isCancelled && [blockSafeSelf isWatchReachable]); //(isWatchReachable just makes sure we have a session with the phone and it is reachable).
blockOp.completionBlock = ^{
typeof(weakSelf) blockSafeSelf = weakSelf;
typeof(weakOp) blockSafeOp = weakOp;
if (!blockSafeOp.isCancelled) {
[blockSafeSelf addOperationForLocationUpdate]; // since we are finished - add another operation.
return blockOp;
- (void)addOperationForLocationUpdate {
[distanceUpdateOperationQueue addOperation:[self distanceUpdateBlock]];
- (void)startUpdatingLocation {
[self addOperationForLocationUpdate];
- (void)stopUpdatingLocation {
[distanceUpdateOperationQueue cancelAllOperations];
- (void)fetchUserLocationFromIphoneWithReplyHandler:(nullable void (^)(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *replyMessage))replyHandler errorHandler:(nullable void (^)(NSError *error))errorHandler {
if (self.isSessionActive) {
NSDictionary *message = #{kWatchSessionMessageTag:kWatchSessionMessageUserLocation};
if (self.isWatchReachable) {
[[WCSession defaultSession] sendMessage:message
} else {
} else {
[self activateSession];
The handler on the iPhone side simply get's the User location and calls the replyHandler with the encoded information.
The logs for time on 2.2 look like (consistently about a second)
Reply Time: 0.919
Reply Time: 0.952
Reply Time: 0.991
Reply Time: 0.981
Reply Time: 0.963
Same code on 2.1 looks like
Reply Time: 0.424
Reply Time: 0.421
Reply Time: 0.433
Reply Time: 0.419
Also, I've noticed that after 5 mins (300 seconds) the error handlers start getting called on the messages that have already had the reply handler called. I saw another thread where someone mentioned this as well, is anyone else having this happen and know why?
So, Q1 - has anyone run into this performance slow down and figured out how to keep the replyHandler running faster, or found a faster way to get updates?
Q2 - Solution for the errorHandler getting called after 5 mins.
Just a few things to eliminate - I have done my due diligence on testing the iOS code between receiving the message and calling the replyHandler. There is no change in the time to process between iOS 9.2/9.3. I have narrowed it down to this call. In fact, the way we did this in previous versions is now backing up the sendMessage's operationQueue. So now I am forcing a one at a time call with this test code. We don't get backed up anymore, but the individual calls are slow.
So, I was running tests today on the same piece of code, using the same devices, and although the code has not changed, it is now running twice as fast as it initially did (in 2.1). Logs are coming in the range of .12 - .2 seconds. Only thing that has happened since then is software updates. Also, the fail block is no longer called after 5 mins. So both parts of this question are magically working. I am currently using iOS 9.3.4(13G35) and watch is at 2.2.2. Seems to have been an OS issue somewhere in the chain of processing the queue between the watch and the phone. All is good now.

nested callback hell in objective c

I am now working on an app that works with BLE, Backend server and location. I am facing a problem which I am not sure how to get out of which is what people call "Callback hell". The entire CoreBluetooth framework in iOS is based on a delegate pattern, which until you can use the CBPeripheral has to go to at least 3 callbacks:
But in fact there could be many more, and every action you take with the device will come back as a callback to one of those functions. Now when I want to "Rent" this ble product, I must connect to it, after connecting send a requests to the server and get the user's current location, after that all happens I have to write a value in the bluetooth device and get confirmation. This would not be so difficult, but unfortunately each and every one of those stages is failable, so error handling needs to be added. Not to mention implementing timeout.
I am sure I am not the only one to approach such issues so I looked around and I found 2 things that might help:
the Advanced NSOperations talk in the wwdc 2015, but after trying for 4 days to make it work, it seems like the code is too buggy.
Promisekit but I couldn't find a way to wrap CoreBluetooth.
How are people with even more complicated apps deal with this? in swift or objc.
Some sample problematic code:
-(void)startRentalSessionWithLock:(DORLock *)lock timeOut:(NSTimeInterval)timeout forSuccess:(void (^)(DORRentalSession * session))successBlock failure:(failureBlock_t)failureBlock{
//we set the block to determine what happens
NSAssert(lock.peripheral, #"lock has to have peripheral to connect to");
if (!self.rentalSession) {
self.rentalSession = [[DORRentalSession alloc] initWithLock:nil andSessionDict:#{} active:NO];
self.rentalSession.lock = lock;
[self connectToLock:self.rentalSession.lock.peripheral timeOut:timeout completionBlock:^(CBPeripheral *peripheral, NSError *error) {
self.BTConnectionCompleted = nil;
if (!error) {
[[INTULocationManager sharedInstance] requestLocationWithDesiredAccuracy:INTULocationAccuracyHouse timeout:1 delayUntilAuthorized:YES block:^(CLLocation *currentLocation, INTULocationAccuracy achievedAccuracy, INTULocationStatus status) {
if (status == INTULocationStatusSuccess || status == INTULocationStatusTimedOut) {
[self startServerRentalForSessionLockWithUserLocation:currentLocation.coordinate forSuccess:^(DORRentalSession *session) {
if (self.rentalSession.lock.peripheral && self.rentalSession.lock.peripheral.state == CBPeripheralStateConnected) {
[self.rentalSession.lock.peripheral setNotifyValue:YES forCharacteristic:self.rentalSession.lock.charectaristics.sensorCharacteristic];
//shouldnt come here
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (self.rentalSession.lock.peripheral.state == CBPeripheralStateConnected) {
!self.rentalSession.lock.open ? [self sendUnlockBLECommandToSessionLock] : nil;
if (successBlock) {
[self endCurrentRentalSessionWithLocation:self.rentalSession.lock.latLng andPositionAcc:#(1) Success:^(DORRentalSession *session) {
if (failureBlock) {
failureBlock([[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:DonkeyErrorDomain code:46 userInfo:#{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:#"Could't connect to lock"}],200);
} failure:^(NSError *error, NSInteger httpCode) {
if (failureBlock) {
failureBlock([[NSError alloc] initWithDomain:DonkeyErrorDomain code:45 userInfo:#{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:#"fatal error"}],200);
} failure:^(NSError *error, NSInteger httpCode) {
if (failureBlock) {
NSError *gpsError = [self donkeyGPSErrorWithINTULocationStatus:status];
if (failureBlock) {
if (failureBlock) {
To get rid of this nested calls you can use GCD group + serial execution queue:
dispatch_queue_t queue = ddispatch_queue_create("com.example.queue", NULL);
dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create();
// Add a task to the group
dispatch_group_async(group, queue, ^{
// Some asynchronous work
// Make dispatch_group_async and dispatch_group_sync calls here
// Callback to be executed when all scheduled tasks are completed.
// Do smth when everything has finished
// wait for all tasks to complete
dispatch_group_wait(group, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
The other solution based on GCD groups is described here

Determine authorization status of Core Motion Services (eg. M7) before prompting user?

WWDC 2014 Session 612 (45:14) highlights how to check the authorization status of Core Motion Services:
- (void)checkAuthorization:(void (^)(BOOL authorized))authorizationCheckCompletedHandler {
NSDate *now = [NSDate date];
[_pedometer queryPedometerDataFromDate:now toDate:now withHandler:^(CMPedometerData *pedometerData, NSError *error) {
// Because CMPedometer dispatches to an arbitrary queue, it's very important
// to dispatch any handler block that modifies the UI back to the main queue.
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
authorizationCheckCompletedHandler(!error || error.code != CMErrorMotionActivityNotAuthorized);
While this works, the first call to -queryPedometerDataFromDate:toDate:withHandler: will prompt the user for authorization via a system dialog. I would prefer to check the status without having to ask the user for permission for obvious UX reasons.
Is what I am trying to achieve possible or am I just thinking about the API the wrong way?
For iOS 11: Use the CMPedometer.authorizationStatus() method. By calling this method, you can determine if you are authorized, denied, restricted or notDetermined.
For devices running iOS 9-10, use CMSensorRecorder.isAuthorizedForRecording().
Here's a method that will work for all devices running iOS 9-11:
var isCoreMotionAuthorized: Bool {
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
return CMPedometer.authorizationStatus() == .authorized
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
return CMSensorRecorder.isAuthorizedForRecording()
[stepCounter queryStepCountStartingFrom:[NSDate date]
to:[NSDate date]
toQueue:[NSOperationQueue mainQueue]
withHandler:^(NSInteger numberOfSteps, NSError *error) {
if (error != nil && error.code == CMErrorMotionActivityNotAuthorized) {
// The app isn't authorized to use motion activity support.
This method will allow you to notify the user if the app isn't authorized to access Core Motion data. Simply create a CMPedometer instance called stepCounter and run the method above.

Touch ID causing app to become non-responsive

I Added ios-8's new touchID API to my app.
It usually works as expected, BUT when entering app while my finger is already on home-button - API's success callback is called but pop-up still appears on screen. after pressing CANCEL UI becomes non-responsive.
I also encountered the same issue, and the solution was to invoke the call to the Touch ID API using a high priority queue, as well as a delay:
// Touch ID must be called with a high priority queue, otherwise it might fail.
// Also, a dispatch_after is required, otherwise we might receive "Pending UI mechanism already set."
dispatch_queue_t highPriorityQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0);
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 0.75 * NSEC_PER_SEC), highPriorityQueue, ^{
LAContext *context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
NSError *error = nil;
// Check if device supports TouchID
if ([context canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&error]) {
// TouchID supported, show it to user
[context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics
localizedReason:#"Unlock Using Touch ID"
reply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (success) {
// This action has to be on main thread and must be synchronous
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
else if (error) {
When testing our app, we found a delay of 750ms to be optimal, but your mileage may vary.
Update (03/10/2015): Several iOS developers, like 1Password for example, are reporting that iOS 8.2 have finally fixed this issue.
Whilst using a delay can potentially address the issue, it masks the root cause. You need to ensure you only show the Touch ID dialog when the Application State is Active. If you display it immediately during the launch process (meaning the Application is still technically in an inactive state), then these sorts of display issues can occur. This isn't documented, and I found this out the hard way. Providing a delay seems to fix it because you're application is in an active state by then, but this isn't guarenteed.
To ensure it runs when the application is active, you can check the current application state, and either run it immediately, or when we receive the applicationDidBecomeActive notification. See below for an example:
- (void)setup
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// We need to be in an active state for Touch ID to play nice
// If we're not, defer the presentation until we are
if([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateActive)
[self presentTouchID];
__weak __typeof(self) wSelf = self;
_onActiveBlock = ^{
[wSelf presentTouchID];
-(void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notif
_onActiveBlock = nil;
- (void)presentTouchID
_context = [[LAContext alloc] init];
_context.localizedFallbackTitle = _fallbackTitle;
[_context evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics
reply: ^(BOOL success, NSError *authenticationError)
// Handle response here
This accepted answer does not address the underlying cause of the problem: invoking evaluatePolicy() twice, the second time while the first invocation is in progress. So the current solution only works sometimes by luck, as everything is timing dependent.
The brute-force, straightforward way to work around the problem is a simple boolean flag to prevent subsequent calls from happening until the first completes.
AppDelegate *delegate = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
if ( NSClassFromString(#"LAContext") && ! delegate.touchIDInProgress ) {
delegate.touchIDInProgress = YES;
LAContext *localAuthenticationContext = [[LAContext alloc] init];
__autoreleasing NSError *authenticationError;
if ([localAuthenticationContext canEvaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics error:&authenticationError]) {
[localAuthenticationContext evaluatePolicy:LAPolicyDeviceOwnerAuthenticationWithBiometrics localizedReason:kTouchIDReason reply:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
delegate.touchIDInProgress = NO;
if (success) {
} else {
I started getting the "Pending UI mechanism already set." error mentioned as well, so I decided to see if other apps were affected. I have both Dropbox and Mint set up for Touch ID. Sure enough Touch ID wasn't working for them either and they were falling back to passcodes.
I rebooted my phone and it started working again, so it would seem the Touch ID can bug out and stop working. I'm on iOS 8.2 btw.
I guess the proper way to handle this condition is like those apps do and fallback to password / passcode.

Start something asynchronously, then wait on it later only if needed

I want to start a task that runs on another thread "just in case it is needed" to minimize the time the user will have to wait on it later. If there is time for it to complete, the user will not have to wait, but if it has not completed then waiting would be necessary.
Something like, opening a database in viewDidLoad: that will be needed when and if the user pushes a button on the screen. If I wait to open the database until the user actually pushes the button there is a lag. So I want to open it early. Since I don't know how long it will take to open and I don't know how long until the user hits the button, I need a way of saying, if that other task has not completed yet then wait, otherwise just go ahead.
For example:
#implementation aViewController
- (void) viewDidLoad {
[self.dbManager openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSError *err) {
if( err ) NSLog( #"There was a problem opening the database" );
- (IBAction) goButtonTouched: (id) sender {
// Wait here until the database is open and ready to use.
if( ???DatabaseNotAvailableYet??? ) {
[self putSpinnerOnScreen];
[self takeSpinnerOffScreen];
// Use the database...
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self theDatabaseContext];
// Build the search request for the attribute desired
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName: NSStringFromClass([Destinations class])];
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: #"dId == %#", sender.tag];
request.sortDescriptors = nil;
// Perform the search
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *matches = [context executeFetchRequest: request error: &error];
// Use the search results
if( !matches || matches.count < 1 ) {
NSLog( #"Uh oh, got a nil back from my Destination fetch request!" );
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: #"No Info"
message: #"The database did not have information for this selection"
delegate: nil
cancelButtonTitle: #"OK"
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
} else {
MyOtherViewController *movc = [[MyOtherViewContoller alloc] init];
movc.destDetails = [matches lastObject];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: movc animated: YES];
My hope is that there is never a spinner on the screen and never any delay for the user but, since I don't know how long it will take for the database connection to be established, I have to be prepared for it not being ready when the user pushes the button.
I can't use the call back for when openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: completes since I don't want to do anything then, only when the user pushes the button.
I thought about using a semaphore but it seems like I would only signal it once (in the completion handler of the openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: call) but would wait on it every time a button was pushed. That seems like it would only work for the first button push.
I thought about using dispatch_group_async() for openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: then dispatch_group_wait() in goButtonTouched: but since openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: does its work on another thread and returns immediately, I don't think the wait state would be set.
I can simply set a my own flag, something like before the openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler:, self.notOpenYet = YES;, then in its completion handler do self.notOpenYet = NO;, then in goButtonTouched: replace ???DatabaseNotAvailableYet??? with self.notOpenYet, but then how do I block progress on its state? Putting in loops and timers seems kludgy since I don't know if the wait will be nanoseconds or seconds.
This seems like a common enough situation, I am sure that you have all done this sort of thing commonly and it is poor education on my side, but I have searched stackOverflow and the web and have not found a satisfying answer.
I think, blocking execution is a bad habit unless you are building your own event loop, which is rarely necessary. You also don't need to do any GCD stuff in your case. Just get a feeling for async.
The following should work:
#implementation aViewController
- (void) viewDidLoad {
self.waitingForDB = NO;
self.databaseReady = NO;
[self.dbManager openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler: ^(NSError *err) {
if( err ){
NSLog( #"There was a problem opening the database" )
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(handleDatabaseReady) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)handleDatabaseReady{
self.databaseReady = YES;
[self takeSpinnerOffScreen];
[self go];
- (IBAction) goButtonTouched: (id) sender {
// Wait here until the database is open and ready to use.
if( !self.databaseReady ) {
self.waitingForDB = YES;
[self putSpinnerOnScreen];
[self go];
// Use the database...
NSManagedObjectContext *context = [self theDatabaseContext];
// Build the search request for the attribute desired
NSFetchRequest *request = [NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName: NSStringFromClass([Destinations class])];
request.predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: #"dId == %#", sender.tag];
request.sortDescriptors = nil;
// Perform the search
NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *matches = [context executeFetchRequest: request error: &error];
// Use the search results
if( !matches || matches.count < 1 ) {
NSLog( #"Uh oh, got a nil back from my Destination fetch request!" );
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle: #"No Info"
message: #"The database did not have information for this selection"
delegate: nil
cancelButtonTitle: #"OK"
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[alert show];
} else {
MyOtherViewController *movc = [[MyOtherViewContoller alloc] init];
movc.destDetails = [matches lastObject];
[self.navigationController pushViewController: movc animated: YES];
Performing the call to handleDatabaseReady on the main thread guarantees that no race conditions in setting/reading your new properties will appear.
I'd go with the flag. You don't want to block the UI, just show the spinner and return from the goButtonTouched. However, you do need to cancel the spinner, if it is active, in openOrCreateDbWithCompletionHandler:.
This is rather a simple scenario. You make a method that does the stuff. Lets call it doStuff. From main thread, you call performSelectorInBackgroundThread:#selector(doStuff). Do not enable the button by default. Enable it at the end of doStuff so that user won't tap on it until you are ready. To make it more appealing, you can place a spinner in the place of the button and then replace it with the button when doStuff completes.
There are a number of classes and APIs you can use to achieve this kind of thing. You can use NSThread with synchronization primitives like semaphores and events to wait for it to finish when the user actually presses the button. You can use an NSOperation subclass (with an NSOperationQueue), and you can use GCD queues.
I would suggest you take a look at some the information in the Concurrency Programming Guide from Apple.
In your case you would probably be best served adding the operation to a GCD background queue using dispatch_async in combination with a semaphore which you can wait on when the user taps the button. You can check out the question "How do I wait for an asynchronously dispatched block to finish?" for an example.
