Automatically clear old data - influxdb

Is it possible automatically to clear old data in Influx DB? Let's say some configuration option to keep records for 1 month only? In my server I store quite much statistics, so preventing running the free storage out I would like to have such feature.

Yes, it's simple, just add shard with Retention on 7 days.


how to cache channel aggregation feed that can be customizable for each user?

we already use Redis in our development stack and I prefer to use it but I know that neo4j has some great tools for it.
there are about 14 channels that publish contents every day.
there are about 1M users and every user can customize his (her) own feed to aggregate data of a combination of these channels
Maybe the "graphity model" is for you.

Ruby on Rails performance on lots of requests and DB updates per second

I'm developing a polling application that will deal with an average of 1000-2000 votes per second coming from different users. In other words, it'll receive 1k to 2k requests per second with each request making a DB insert into the table that stores the voting data.
I'm using RoR 4 with MySQL and planning to push it to Heroku or AWS.
What performance issues related to database and the application itself should I be aware of?
How can I address this amount of inserts per second into the database?
I was thinking in not inserting into the DB for each request, but instead writing to a memory stream the insert data. So I would have a scheduled job running every second that would read from this memory stream and generate a bulk insert, avoiding each insert to be made atomically. But i cannot think in a nice way to implement this.
While you can certainly do what you need to do in AWS, that high level of I/O will probably cost you. RDS can support up to 30,000 IOPS; you can also use multiple EBS volumes in different configurations to support high IO if you want to run the database yourself.
Depending on your planned usage patterns, I would probably look at pushing into an in-memory data store, something like memcached or redis, and then processing the requests from there. You could also look at DynamoDB, which might work depending on how your data is structured.
Are you going to have that level of sustained throughput consistently, or will it be in bursts? Do you absolutely have to preserve every single vote, or do you just need summary data? How much will you need to scale - i.e. will you ever get to 20,000 votes per second? 200,000?
These type of questions will help determine the proper architecture.

Storing sessions in db in rails

I've recently encountered cookieOverflow exception in my rails application. I've googled a bit and found this answer to be most helpful :
After having implemented storing sessions in database I'm trying to figure out the drawbacks of this approach so far I see around 1200 entries in sessions table which was populated in only few hours.
When does actual interaction with database occurs, only when writing data to session or?
This grows rather fast so is there a way to purge old unused sessions from db other than having some daily cron jobs or something.
I'm just looking some additional information regarding this approach, right now I'm thinking should I keep it or change logic of my app.
> 4KB in a cookie is a lot, so changing your app is probably not a bad idea to consider.
That said, 1200 in a few hours doesn't seem outlandish. If you're worried about growing it unbounded, you can use memcache or redis as a caching layer to store your cookies instead of your database. That would free you from worrying about growth in your database. The downside is that evictions probably mean that you're logging people out.
All that said, we have a number of daily cron-like jobs that clean out our database tables, not for sessions, but it's similar. They run at night when utilization is low anyway.

Amazon DynamoDB Provisioned Throughput (iOS SDK)

I am new to DynamoDB. I am very much confused about provisioned throughput. I am creating a iPhone game in which the users can chat within the game. I am having a Chat table. The Chat table contains GameID, UserID and Message. How do I find the size of the item to calculate throughput. The size of the item entirely depends on the Message right? How to calculate the size of an item?
Amazon tells that we can either modify the throughput by using UpdateTable API or by manually from the console. If I want to change it form code, how will I know that the provisioned throughput has been exceeded for a certain table? How to check that from code?
I am also confused about the CloudWatch. How to understand this?
Could anyone please help me? Please don't point me to the documentation.
I will do my best to help with the confusion.
DynamoDB is a key:value database
CloudWatch is Amazon's products monitoring tool
Provisioned throughput is roughly the number Items KB you plan to Read/Write per seconds
Whenever you exceed your provisioned throughput,
DynamoDB answers with ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
DynamoDB notifies CloudWatch
What Cloudwatch does is basically record and aggregates data-points. For most applications, it will only keep track of aggregated data over each consecutive 5min periods.
You can then access these data for "manual" monitoring or set up "alarms".
There was a really interesting question on SO a couple of weeks earlier on DynamoDB auto-scaling using alarms. You might be interested in reading it:
Knowing this, you can start building your application.
As for every DynamoDB services, one needs credentials to access it. Even though they can be restricted to a specific table or set of action, it is very dangerous to bundle them in an application. Would you give MySQL or MongoDB or credentials, even Read Only to any untrusted people ?
May I suggest you do build your application to rely on a server of your own ? This server being trusted and build by you, you could safely perform any authorization check there and grant it full access to your table.
I hope this helps. Feel free to ask for more precisions.

RavenDB - Planning for scalability

I have been learning RavenDB recently and would like to put it to use.
I was wondering what advice or suggestions people had around building the system in a way that is ready to scale, specifically sharding the data across servers, but that can start on a single server and only grow as needed.
Is it advisable, or even possible, to create multiple databases on a single instance and implement sharding across them. Then to scale it would simply be a matter of spreading these databases across the machines?
My first impression is that this approach would work, but I would be interested to hear the opinions and experiences of others.
Update 1:
I have been thinking more on this topic. I think my problem with the "sort it out later" approach is that it seems to me difficult to spread data evenly across servers in that situation. I will not have a string key which I can range on (A-E,F-M..) it will be done with numbers.
This leaves two options I can see. Either break it at boundaries, so 1-50000 is on shard 1, 50001-100000 is on shard 2, but then with a site that ages, say like this one, your original shards will be doing a lot less work. Alternatively a strategy that round robins the shards and put the shard id into the key will suffer if you need to move a document to a new shard, it would change the key and break urls that have used the key.
So my new idea, and again I am putting it out there for comment, would be to create from day one a bucketting system. Which works like stuffing the shard id into the key, but you start with a large number, say 1000 which you distribute evenly between. Then when it comes time to split the load into a shard, you can say move buckets 501-1000 to the new server and write your shard logic that 1-500 goes to shard 1 and 501-1000 goes to shard 2. Then when a third server comes online you pick another range of buckets and adjust.
To my eye this gives you the ability to split into as many shards as you originally created buckets, spreading the load evenly both in terms of quantity and age. Without having to change keys.
It is possible, but really unnecessary. You can start using one instance, and then scale when necessary by setting up sharding later.
Also see:
I think a good solution is to use virtual shards. You can start with one server and point all virtual shard to a single server. Use module on the incremental id to evenly distribute the rows across the virtual shards. With Amazon RDS you have the option to turn a slave into a master, so before you change the sharding configuration (point more virtual shards to the new server), you should make a slave a master, then update your configuration file, and then delete all the records on the new master using modulu that doesn't comply with the shard range that you use for the new instance.
You also need to delete rows from the original server, but by now all the new data with IDs that are modulu based on the new virtual shard ranges will point to the new server. So you actually don't need to move the data, but take advantage of Amazon RDS server promotion feature.
You can then make replica off the original server. You create a unique ID as: Shard ID + Table Type ID + Incremental number. So when you query the database, you know to which shard to go and fetch the data from.
I don't know how it's possible to do it with RavenDB, but it can work pretty well with Amazon RDS, because Amazon already provide you with replication and server promotion feature.
I agree that their should be a solution that right from the start offer seamless sociability and not telling the developer to sort the problems out when those occur. Furthermore, I've find out that many NoSQL solution that evenly distribute data across shards need to work within a cluster with low latency. So you have to take that into consideration. I've tried using Couchbase with two different EC2 machines (not in a dedicated Amazon cluster) and data balancing was very very slow. That adds to the overall cost too.
I also want to add that what pinterest had done to solve their scalability issues, using 4096 virtual shards.
You should also need to look into paging issues with many NoSQL databases. With that approach you can page data quite easily, but maybe not in the most efficient way, because you might need to query several databases. Another problem is changing schema. Pinterest solved this by putting all the data in a JSON Blob in MySQL. When you want to add a new column, you create a new table with the new column data + key, and can use Index on that column. If you need to query the data, for example, by email, you can create another table with the emails + ID and put an index on the email column. Counters are another problem , I mean atomic counters. So it's better taking those counters out from the JSON and put them in a column so you can increment the counter value.
There are great solutions out there, but at the end of the day you find out that they can be very expensive. I preferred spending time on building my own sharding solution and prevent myself the headache later on. If you choose the other path, there are plenty of companies waiting for you to get into trouble and ask for quite a lot of money to solve your problems. Because at the moment that you need them, they know that you will pay everything to make your project work again. That's from my own experience, that's why I am breaking my head to build my own sharding solution using your approach, which also be much cheaper.
Another option is to use middleware solutions for MySQL like ScaleBase or DBshards. So you can continue working with MySQL, but at the time you need to scale, they have well proven solution. And the costs might be much lower then the alternative.
Another tip: when you create your config for shards, put a write_lock attribute that accepts false or true. So when it false, data won't be written to that shard, so when you fetch the list of shards for specific table type (ie. users), it will be written only to the other shards for that same type. This is also good for backup, so you can show a friendly error for visitors when you want to lock all the shard when backing up all the data to get a point-in-time snapshots of all the shards. Although I think you can send a global request for snapshoting all the databases with Amazon RDS and using point-in-time backup.
The thing is that most companies won't spend time working with a DIY sharding solution , they will prefer paying for ScaleBase. Those solution comes from single developers that can afford paying for a scalable solution from the start, but want to rest assured that when they reach to the point they need it, they have a solution. Just look at the prices out there and you can figure out that it will cost you A LOT. I will gladly share my code with you once I'm done. You are going with the best path in my opinion, it's all depends on your application logic. I model my database to be simple, no joins, not complicated aggregation queries - this solves many of my problems. In the future you can use Map Reduce to solve those big data queries needs.
