jsPDF downloading blank pdf - jspdf

I'm using jsPDF to generate a pdf from the current HTML, the code works fine if I paste it on the console and downloads a PDF with the current HTML, but when I put it on a JS file it downloads a blank PDF:
This is the code:
function descargar_pdf(){
var pdf = new jsPDF();
pdf.addHTML(document.body,function() {});
The function is called from a button:
<button class="descargar_pdf" id="ignorePDF" onclick="descargar_pdf();"> Descarga tu estado de cuenta</button>

The second argument in the addHTML function is a callback function which gets called after the HTML is rendered.
pdf.addHTML(document.body, function() {

The last correctly working version of html2canvas is RC1. Downgrade to that one and it should work as expected.

This may sound stupid but there's a lot of security plugins that see JSPDF as an "unsafe" js and just block it , i had the same problem as you did but after testing it out on incognito mode (no extensions) it worked fine.
This may not the solution to your problem but its a advice you should keep in mind


Getting going with jsbundling-rails

Trying to grok how to work with js files in Rails 7 using the jsbundling-rails gem and ES modules...
In short, I want to code up functions and have them available in the page.
Here's a simple example. Working with app/javascript/controllers/application.js....
If I paste
I get an alert in the browser so I know I'm in the right file.
Now, if I paste a simple function
function hello() {
That function does not appear in the compiled js file.
I've tried including the export keyword in front of the function as well...
export function hello() {
I don't know if it's the gem or the way I am writing javascript, but I'm not sure how to proceed.
window.hello = function(){

Video upload paperclip ffmepg

ffmepg and qtfaststart to process my video uploads. The converting is working fine and the video gets uploaded. My problem is that i can't display it. When I first tried <%= video_tag(#post.file.url) %> I just get a blank area. I've also tried jplayer, got the installation and all working and when i tried to call my video path it doesn't work.
Here is the js code when I tried with jplayer.
ready: function () {
$(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
m4v: "<%= video_tag(#post.file.url) %>"
swfPath: "/",
supplied: "m4v",
solution: "flash, html"
I don't know how to call the uploaded video and display it, Please really need some help!
please always read the documentation. otherwise you will get comments a la RTFM.
when you use video_tag it inserts an html5 video element into the page. read about it here: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActionView/Helpers/AssetTagHelper.html#method-i-video_tag
<video src="/trailers/hd.avi" width="16" height="16" />
this is probably not what you want for your jPlayer. when you inspect the html source, this should be obvious. i did never use jPlayer, but i assume that it would like to be pointed to the streaming source, which i guess is #post.file.url in your case.

when & how dust.render will get call

I have written dust js I call render function from my jquery local function.
Anyone please example how dust render get back. Do I need to call in onload function or not?
dust.render("tmp_skill", json_object, function(err, html_out) {
//HTML output
your code is ok, you can call the render method at any time. if you call it in the onload, you have to compile and load that template (tmp_skill) in the dust cache previously.
the steps to render dust are:
1) compile the template
2) load it to the dust cache with a name.
3) render the template
var compiled = dust.compile("Hello world {name}", "tmp_skill");
dust.render("tmp_skill", json_object, function(err, html_out) {
//HTML output
Anything you need you can read our wiki. you will find a lot of documentation and examples here: https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs/wiki
I suppose this question is related to your previous question, How to write dustjs in php code without nodejs
I tested your code and it works just fine.
do check your browser's console to see if there are errors after loading the page.
also, do use the linkedin fork of dust: https://github.com/linkedin/dustjs - it's much more actively developed.

Why isn't jquery working in Rails 3.1?

If I go to http://localhost:3000/assets/application.js my code (which works fine in 3.0) exists, because I've referenced it fine in the new application.js assets pipeline file:
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'
But it's not being called. Jquery is present, too, and my gemfile got upgraded ok. What could be wrong?
OK, the problem was that I had a number of bits of code within a .js file I'd called various.js, and not all of them were wrapped in $(document).ready... }); Once I added that to each separate bit of code it worked fine. Also, I have to restart the server each time I make a change to the .js file - just touching it doesn't work for me. I found a simple Hello World alert really useful in debugging this (just in case anyone out there is as new to jquery as me!):
$(document).ready(function() {
alert("Hello world!")

error on firefox: $.widget is not a function

I have a few multiselect boxes from the Jquery UI on a page that work perfectly well in Chrome & Safari but not in Firefox for some reason... when I load the Error Console in Firefox I see:
Error: $.widget is not a function
Source File: http://localhost:3000/javascripts/jquery.multiselect.js?1302660373
Line: 563
Any ideas why?
edit: the line itself is within the open function right where it says "// react to option changes after initialization"
// open the menu
open: function(e){
var self = this,
button = this.button,
menu = this.menu,
speed = this.speed,
o = this.options;
widget: function(){
return this.menu;
// react to option changes after initialization
_setOption: function( key, value ){
var menu = this.menu;
case 'header':
menu.find('div.ui-multiselect-header')[ value ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
I am assuming you are using the jQuery Multiselect plugin… which depends on jQuery UI.
Sounds like you have not included enough of the jQuery UI library or just none of it. You need to include the core parts of jQuery UI (including Widget) if you build a custom download. Or just download the whole jQuery UI and include it instead.
For anyone else who is getting this but has the requirements; make sure you are including the Javascript files in the correct order. This error was being caused by my jquery-ui.js being included after the multiselect js file.
This answer is probably unrelated to the situation of the questioner, but I put it here for the sake of others Googling the question.
I got this error using Rails 3.2 and fixed it by deleting (renaming) the public/assets folder. It seems there are a lot of problems with the assets pipeline still. I don't know the details but have had other Javascript failures that are fixed this way.
Actually if you are getting this error then it's either
a) per #andyb answer - you haven't included the correct jQuery UI components
b) your DOM is not loaded yet with the correct $.widget and therefore your function is attempting to call before $.widget has loaded. to fix the problem, ensure $.widget is called BEFORE your function
