Perform action on Notification when it comes under notification tray - ios

How to perform an action(save Unique id coming with notification, in a text file) if notification comes on Notification tray but not viewed?

Technically application delegates for notification trigger when you tap on notification in tray(open or view). you can not do anything on notification receive until any user-action on it. But when the app is in foreground applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification automatically triggered by ios on notification receive, at that point you can do what you want. But not when your app is in background or not running.


Be notified about an APNS notification when app is in background WITHOUT background notifications

I have subscribed to APNS notifications in my Swift iOS app.
I am only interested in user-facing notifications, so i have not setup a background mode.
If the app is open, the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate's userNotificationCenter:willPresent:withCompletionHandler is called. If the app is in the background AND the user taps on the notification (which opens my app by default) userNotificationCenter: didReceive: withCompletionHandler is called.
However, if the user simply dismisses the notification in the notification center, then my app doesn't know that the notification was delivered.
Is it possible to somehow inspect which notifications were delivered when app was in the background or killed and that user hasn't tapped on, upon app launch?
Do you control the payload of the notification?
If you can put 'mutable-content' in the aps dictionary you can use a UNNotificationServiceExtension.
The extension will get notified before a notification is displayed.
You don't have to edit the notification but you'll be able to save any info about it that you want.

Handle push notification when app is running and notification tray is opened

While trying to implement FCM in my iOS app, I came across this issue. I have my app opened, at the same time I slide down the Notification tray of my device. When I send a push notification, my application state prints as INACTIVE (which is correct since the tray comes in foreground, leaving my app in the background)
I am loading a URL on notification tap, hence when user slides up the tray, the url is directly loaded and no notification is displayed in the tray.
In this scenario, I wish to display notification in the tray and open URL only when the user taps on the notification. Is there any way to detect if the Notification tray is visible over my app specifically?
you can use Third party library : or you can show alert by handling if app is in foreground or inactive state in notification recieving delegate.

Push Notifications for iOS while in the background

My app is receiving a notification and my problem is that when I received one or more notifications in the background and when i click the app icon to bring me in my app foreground then the notification message(s) doesn't able to display in the foreground it will only works if I click the pop up message in notification center not the icon.
You will not get remote push notification data on launch of app after tapping icon. You can only parse push notification body only on tap of notification alert.
So if you want to do any MUST NEED operation for such notifications there is only way is to introduce server in between. So you can use any web service for it and this will be called every time your app launches or comes to foreground. Call that API on background and do the needful you want.

Swift UILocalNotification: Is it possible to fire an event when Notification is displayed?

So I know the didReceiveLocalNotification event is fired when a user selects an action on a Local Notification.
But, is an event fired prior to that when the notification is displayed as a banner or alert when the app is not active? And can that be accessed to do some background code?
I am looking for an answer in Swift if you can help.
No, local notifications do not and cannot awake the app when firing and the application is not active. The user must tap the notification, or perform a developer defined action on it before the app hears anything.
If you need your app to wake up, you need to use a remote notification with content available flag set.

How to bring application to foreground in ios?

I am detecting for iBeacon in background. When my device comes in a particular region application should comes to foreground.
It cannot be done without user interaction. The only option is you can generate a push notification to tell the user to bring the application to foreground.
This is from the Apple documentation about this issue:
When the operating system delivers push notification (iOS or OS X)
and the target application is not running in the foreground, it
presents the notification (alert, icon badge number, sound). If there
is a notification alert and the user taps or clicks the action button
(or moves the action slider), the application launches and calls a
method to pass in the local-notification object or remote-notification
payload. If the application is running in the foreground when the
notification is delivered, the application delegate receives a local
or push notification.
To answer to some comments about WhatsApp, with it, when you receive a classic vocal call, IOS use CallKit to display your call and wake up your phone, but it's not inside app. I try to make a video call with WhatsApp, and in this case, there is a notification. Press notification open app and answer to the call.
Conclusion : It's impossible to wake up app from background to foreground in IOS, but it's not really a problem because you can use notification to display what you want and get the user to your app after a touch on your notification. All of iPhone users are familiar with this kind of interaction, it's better to deal with it.
