Does destroy() method deallocate the memory of page? - memory

I am using destroy() method as follows:
onPopTransitionEnded: {
my question is does this destroy() method deallocates all the memmory occupied by the page and its child?
will the destroy() method destroy every thing in content property of page?
The reason behind asking this question is, when I observe the memory using QNX Memory analyzer. I couldn't see the decrease in memory uses. I also observed the memory usage of app in device monitor, as I navigate to next page it shows increment in memory uses but when page is destroyed onPopTransitionEnded the memory uses didn't come down.
Please let me know if there is any tool that may help me to observe the memory uses. or any documentation that may help me.:Helpsmilie:

First of all - yes, "detroy()" will also destroy all implicit and explicit children of your Page, but not instantly:
Note that it is safe to call destroy() on an object within that object. Objects are not destroyed the instant destroy() is called, but are cleaned up sometime between the end of that script block and the next frame (unless you specified a non-zero delay).
You can use Component.onDestroyed() attached signal to ensure that object was deleted.
Seems that memory can be freed little bit later when threshold memory value will be achieved. You can try to test it via creating and deleting a lot of object and obesrving memory usage.


Get Xamarin.iOS NSObject (new or cached) from IntPtr handle

In Xamarin documentation for Foundation.NSObject, in Lifecycle section, it says:
C# NSObjects are also created on demand when you invoke a method or a property that returns an NSObject. At this point, the runtime will look into an object cache and determine whether a given Objective-C NSObject has already been surfaced to the managed world or not. If the object has been surfaced, the existing object will be returned, otherwise a constructor that takes an IntPtr as a parameter is invoked to construct the object.
Is there a way to do the above from my code? In other words, given an IntPtr handle, can I get a C# NSObject if it already exists or let Xamarin create a new one if it doesn't?
The reason I want to do the above is that I want to keep the IntPtr handle of a C# NSObject and then Dispose() it. Later in the code, I want to get the NSObject back from that IntPtr.
The reason I want to do the above is that I've read enough documentation, blogs and SO questions about the interaction between the C# garbage collector and the native refcounted objects in Xamarin.iOS that I decided to Dispose() everything as soon as possible. So in all methods, I use using whenever I get an NSObject argument. For example:
public void RatingButtonTapped(UIButton button) {
using (button) {
Console.WriteLine("Hello world");
So if I had kept a reference to the UIButton earlier during initialization, it will be disposed when this action is run. So instead, I plan to keep the IntPtr handle instead and re-get the UIButton when I need it later.
You can use this method to get the managed object for a handle:
ObjCRuntime.Runtime.GetNSObject (handle);
But have in mind that if the native object has been freed, you will crash.
If you don't want to crash, you need to retain the native handle, and then release it when you don't need it anymore.
If you add logic to retain+release the native handle, then you can just as well keep the managed object around, and only call Dispose when you determine you don't need the object anymore.
Curiously you link to the XY problem, and you're falling into that exact trap: your actual problem is that you have memory leaks (I assume, but you didn't explain), and you're asking about your attempted solution (dispose everything).
But that's the wrong solution to the problem. You will run into a world of pain with this solution (you've already found one, and if you go ahead with keeping handles around you'll end up in a much worse place: how to solve crashes instead of how to solve memory leaks).
The correct solution is:
Diagnose (and profile) to understand what's really happening (with the memory leaks).
Only dispose objects that you know are no longer needed (and that the GC couldn't already determine isn't needed). You want to dispose as little as possible (it makes your code easier to maintain), and you need to do step 1 first in order to know those objects.

Can we use deinitialized variables in code, or are they pretty much useless because they are deallocated right after?

Im a little confused on the topic of deallocation when comparing it to deinitaizlization. Doesn't deallocation happen the moment after a variable is deinitialized.....My main point here is, Could we use/manipulate deinitialized variables somehow? or they are pretty much useless because deallocation takes place right after...?
In Swift the deinit method is called as part of the deallocation process. Precisely when the memory allocated to an object is released you cannot know, but you can't access the object after it has been deinitalised.
Aside from it not making any sense to do so, it isn't possible to manipulate the object after deinit since the deallocation process is initiated by the removal of the last strong reference to the object. as there are no references how could you manipulate the object anyway. (I suppose you could use an unowned/unsafe reference to attempt to access the object but this would result in your app crashing)

Something from GPUImageFilters remains in memory even after deallocation

I'm using GPUImage to do a bunch of image processing both in real time and on static images, I noticed that after churning through ~100 thumbnail images each of which has slightly different image processing done to each that there are still objects in memory after they're done processing and they're all related to GPUImageFilters:
(Allocation lifespan is 'created & still living')
You can see the memory spike from some processing I'm doing and after its done, on the other side of the mountain I have some stuff left in memory, I chose some 24KB blocks to examine (there are others). You can see on the right, the first item comes from GPUImageSoftLightBlendFilter, if I click on all 12 items each one comes from a GPUImageFilter (GPUImageHardLightBlendFilter, GPUImageMultiplyBlendFilter, etc). Now if I do the same processing a second time, and expand the memory graph selection you'll see no NEW instances of these objects were made, its as if they took up space in memory once and just hang around:
Sure enough, if I change the memory graph selection to only show the second mountain you see that those line don't show up again because they weren't 'created & still living' again:
Why is this, I don't want the memory from these GPUImageFilter objects hanging around for the lifetime of my app running? I put some logging in the GPUImageFilters to confirm they're being deallocated and dealloc is being called.
From code inspection of the GPUImage source, it looks like the GLProgram object from the last filter used remains set (and retained) by the shared GPUImageContext, which means that its corresponding OpenGL program objects also can't go away. However, the dealloc for the existing GLProgram implementation only marks the current program for deletion. Unlike glDeleteTextures, glDeleteProgram does not unbind the currently-bound program if it's the one being deleted, which means it can't be completely destroyed yet. Therefore, you probably have to make two changes:
Call [GPUImageContext setActiveShaderProgram:nil] to clear the current GLProgram binding, which releases the last reference to GLProgram and marks the current program for deletion.
Ensure that the program is unbound by calling glUseProgram(0). You can either do this any number of ways:
Call it explicitly immediately after the call above, since the correct EAGLContext will already be bound.
Add the call to the body of +[GPUImageContext setActiveShaderProgram:], either by adding it unconditionally above [shaderProgram use], or by calling either [shaderProgram use] or glUseProgram(0) depending on whether shaderProgram is nil.
Have -[GLProgram dealloc] check whether or not it is the currently-bound program with glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &program), and unbinding itself if it is.

Debugging strategies for over-retain in ARC?

I've got some objects that are passed to a lot of different views and controllers in my application. They're not getting deallocated when I expect them to. Obviously there is an errant strong pointer somewhere, but the surface area of where it could be is very large--these objects are moved into and out of a lot of different data structures.
My usual go-to solution here is Leaks (which reports no cycles) and Allocations (which lists 500+ retain/releases for this object). Is there any way to reduce my search space here?
Ideally there would be a tool that would let me type in a pointer and see all the strong references to the object, and I could probably eyeball the list and find the extra reference in about 60 seconds. In fact, there is such a tool -- the Object Graph instrument -- but it's not available for iOS software.
You want the Allocations instrument. To track an individual object type, start the application. You need to create a heapshot at every significant event (I usually create them at points when you've just transitioned to or from a view controller).
Once you've got a heapshot that should have the object you're interested in tracking down, then you should be able to find that object type under the heapshot's disclosure triangle. For each object of that type, you can get a history of what retains and releases have been sent to that object by clicking on the arrow in that object's row.
The simplest method to identify whether there is retain cycle or not by just putting a breakpoint in your controller's dealloc()/deinit()(swift) method and whenever you pop your controller check this methods getting called or not if there is retain cycle present in your controller this methods won't get called.
deinit {
print("Memory to be released soon")
Objective C
- (void)dealloc {
NSlog("Memory to be released soon");
If you want to get more details about the strong references and root causes you should go with Instrument as the other answer.

Clean JavaFX property listeners and bindings (memory leaks)

I haven't found a simple answer for these two questions:
do I have to remove a listener before deleting the property instance (the listener is not used anywhere else)?
BooleanProperty bool = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
bool.removeListener(myListener); // is it necessary to do this?
bool = null;
do I have to unbind a uni-directional bounded property before deleting the property instance?
BooleanProperty bool = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
bool.unbind(); // is it necessary to do this?
bool = null;
Case 1
Given that myListener "is not used anywhere else" and therefore I assume, a [method-] local variable, the answer is no. In the general case though, the answer is mostly a no but can sometimes be a yes.
As long as myListener is strongly reachable, then it will never become eligible for finalization and it will continue to consume memory. For example, this would be the case if myListener is a "normally" declared static variable (*all "normal" references in Java are strong references*). However, if myListener is a local variable, then the object will not be reachable anymore after the return of the current method call and bool.removeListener(myListener) is a bit meaningless over-engineering. Both the observer and the Observable goes out of scope and will eventually be finalized. A quote from my own blog post about this answer might paint a better picture:
It doesn’t matter if the box know about the cat inside of it, if you
throw the box into the ocean. If the box isn't reachable, nor is the
To fully understand the situation here, we have to remind ourselves of the life-cycle of a Java object (source):
An object is strongly reachable if it can be reached by some thread
without traversing any reference objects. A newly-created object is
strongly reachable by the thread that created it. [..] An object is
weakly reachable if it is [not] strongly [..] reachable but can be
reached by traversing a weak reference. When the weak references to a
weakly-reachable object are cleared, the object becomes eligible for
In the case of static variables, these will always be accessible as long as the class is loaded, thus reachable. If we didn't want a static reference to be the one that hinder the garbage collector to do his job, then we could declare the variable to use a WeakReference instead. JavaDoc says:
Weak reference objects [..] do not prevent their referents from being
made finalizable, finalized, and then reclaimed. [..] Suppose that the
garbage collector determines at a certain point in time that an object
is weakly reachable. At that time it will atomically clear all weak
references to that object [..]. At the same time it will declare all
of the formerly weakly-reachable objects to be finalizable.
Explicit management
For illustration, let's assume that we write a JavaFX space simulation game. Whenever an Observable planet moves into the view of a spaceship observer, the game engine register the spaceship with the planet. It is quite apparent that whenever the planet goes out of view, the game engine should also remove the spaceship as an observer of the planet by using Observable.removeListener(). Otherwise, as the spaceship continues to fly through space, memory will leak. Eventually, the game cannot handle five billion observed planets and it will crash with an OutOfMemoryError.
Do note that for the vast majority of JavaFX listeners and event handlers, their life-cycle is parallel to that of their Observable so the application developer has nothing to worry about. For example, we might construct a TextField and register with the text field's textProperty a listener that validate user input. As long as the text field sticks around, we want the listener to stick around. Sooner or later, the text field is not used anymore and when he is garbage collected, the validation listener is also garbage collected.
Automatic management
To continue on the space simulation example, assume that our game has limited multiplayer support and all the players need to observe each other. Perhaps each player keep a local score board of kill metrics or perhaps they need to observe broadcasted chat messages. The reason is not the important point here. What would happen when a player quit the game? Clearly, if the listeners are not explicitly managed (removed), then the player who quit will not become eligible for finalization. The other player's will keep a strong reference to the offline player. Explicit removal of the listeners would still be a valid option and probably the most preferred choice for our game, but let's say that it feels a bit obtrusive and we want to find a more slick solution.
We know that the game engine keep strong references to all players online, for as long as they are online. So we want the spaceships to listen for changes or events of each other only for as long as the game engine keep the strong references. If you read the "theory" section, then surely a WeakReference sounds like a solution.
However, just wrapping something in a WeakReference is not the entire solution. It seldom is. It is true that when the last strong reference to the "referent" is set to null or otherwise become unreachable, the referent will be eligible for garbage collection (assuming that the referent cannot be reached using a SoftReference). But the WeakReference is still hanging around. The application developer need to add some plumbing so that the WeakReference itself is removed from the data structure he was put in. If not, then we might have reduced the severity of the memory leak but a memory leak will still be present because dynamically added weak references consume memory too.
Lucky for us, JavaFX added interface WeakListener and class WeakEventHandler as a mechanism for "automatic removal". The constructors of all related classes accept the real listener/handler as provided by client code, but they store the listener/handler using a weak reference.
If you look at the JavaDoc of WeakEventHandler, you'll notice that the class implement EventHandler, so the WeakEventHandler can be used wherever an EventHandler is expected. Likewise, a known implementation of a WeakListener can be used wherever an InvalidationListener or a ChangeListener is expected.
If you look into the source code of WeakEventHandler, you'll notice that the class is basically only a wrapper. When his referent (the real event handler) is garbage collected, the WeakEventHandler "stop working" by not doing anything at all when WeakEventHandler.handle() is called. The WeakEventHandler doesn't know about which object he has been hooked up with, and even if he did, the removal of an event handler is not homogeneous. All known implementing classes of WeakListener has a competitive advantage though. When their callbacks are invoked, they are implicitly or explicitly provided a reference to the Observable they are registered with. So when the referent of a WeakListener is garbage collected, eventually the WeakListener implementation will make sure that the WeakListener itself is removed from the Observable.
If it is isn't already clear, the solution for our space simulation game would be to let the game engine use strong references to all online spaceships. When a spaceship goes online, all other online spaceships are registered with the new player using a weak listener such as WeakInvalidationListener. When a player goes offline, the game engine remove his strong reference to the player and the player will become eligible for garbage collection. The game engine doesn't have to bother about explicit removal of the offline player as a listener of the other players.
Case 2
No. To better understand what I'll say next, please read my case 1 answer first.
BooleanPropertyBase store a strong reference to otherBool. This in itself does not cause otherBool to always be reachable and thus potentially cause a memory leak. When bool becomes unreachable, then so do all its stored references (assuming they are not stored anywhere else).
BooleanPropertyBase also works by adding itself as an Observer of the property you bind it to. However, it does so by wrapping itself in a class that works almost exactly like the WeakListeners described in my case 1 answer. So once you nullify bool, it will be only a matter of time before it is removed from otherBool.
I completely agree with the case 1 answer, but the case 2 is a bit more tricky. The bool.unbind() call is necessary. If ommitted, it does cause a small memory leak.
If you run the following loop, the application will eventually run out of memory.
BooleanProperty p1 = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
while(true) {
BooleanProperty p2 = new SimpleBooleanProperty();
The BooleanPropertyBase, intenally, does not use a real WeakListener (an implementation of the WeakListener interface), it is using a half-baked solution. All the "p2" instances get eventually garbage-collected, but a listener holding an empty WeakReference remains in the memory forever for each "p2". The same holds for all properties, not only BooleanPropertyBase. It's explained here in detail, and they say it is fixed in Java 9.
In most cases, you do not notice this memory leak, because it leaves only a few dozen bytes for every binding that has not been unbound. But in some cases it caused me real trouble. An good example are table cells of a table that gets frequently updated. The cells then re-bind to different properties all the time, and these left-overs in the memory accumulate quickly.
