selecting 3D world points to process a camera calibration - image-processing

I have 2 images for the same object from different views. I want to form a camera calibration, but from what I read so far I need to have a 3D world points to get the camera matrix.
I am stuck at this step, who can explain it to me

Popular camera calibration methods use 2D-3D point correspondences to determine the projective properties (intrinsic parameters) and the pose of a camera (extrinsic parameters). The most simple approach is the Direct Linear Transformation (DLT).
You might have seen, that often planar chessboards are used for camera calibrations. The 3D coordinates of it's corners can be chosen by the user itself. Many people choose the chessboard being in x-y plane [x,y,0]'. However, the 3D coordinates need to be consistent.
Coming back to your object: Span your own 3D coordinate system over the object and find at least six spots, from which you can determine easy their 3D position. Once you have that, you have to find their corresponding 2D positions (pixel) in your two images.
There are complete examples in OpenCV. Maybe you get a better picture when reading the code.


Project a 2D point from one camera view onto the corresponding 2D point in another camera view of the same scene

I'm using open cv in C++ in multi-view scene with two cameras. I have the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters for both cameras.
I would like to map a (X,Y) point in View 1 to the same point in the second View. I'm am slightly unsure how I should use the intrinsic and extrinsic matrices in order to convert the points to a 3D world and finally end up with the new 2D point in view 2.
It is (normally) not possible to take a 2D coordinate in one image and map it into another 2D coordinate without some additional information.
The main problem is that a single point in the left image will map to a line in the right image (an epipolar line). There are an infinite number of possible corresponding locations because depth is a free parameter. Secondly it's entirely possible that the point doesn't exist in the right image i.e. it's occluded. Finally it may be difficult to determine exactly which point is the right correspondence, e.g. if there is no texture in the scene or if it contains lots of repeating features.
Although the fundamental matrix (which you get out of cv::StereoCalibrate anyway) gives you a constraint between points in each camera: x'Fx = 0, for a given x' there will be a whole family of x's which will satisfy the equation.
Some possible solutions are as follows:
You know the 3D location of a 2D point in one image. Provided that 3D point is in a common coordinate system, you just use cv::projectPoints with the calibration parameters of the other camera you want to project into.
You do some sparse feature detection and matching using something like SIFT or ORB. Then you can calculate a homography to map the points from one image to the other. This makes a few assumptions about things being planes. If you Google panorama homography, there are plenty of lecture slides detailing this.
You calibrate your cameras, perform an epipolar rectification (cv::StereoRectify, cv::initUndistortRectifyMap, cv::remap) and then run them through a stereo matcher. The output is a disparity map which gives you exactly what you want: a per-pixel mapping from one camera to the other. That is, left[y,x] = right[y, x+disparity_map[y,x]].
(1) is by far the easiest, but it's unlikely you have that information already. (2) is often doable and might be suitable, and as another commenter pointed out will be poor where the planarity assumption fails. (3) is the general (ideal) solution, but has its own drawbacks and relies on the images being amenable to dense matching.

Calibration of stationary video camera

I have a problem in which i have a stationary video camera in a room and several videos from it, i need to transform the image coordinates into world coordinates.
What i know:
1. all the measurements of the room.
2. 16 image coordinates and their respected world coordinates.
The problem i encounter:
At first i thought i just need to create a geometric transformation (According to, but i have a problem since the edge of the room are distorted in the image, and i cant calibrate the camera because i can't get a hold of the room or the camera.
Is there anyway i can overcome those difficulties and measure the distance in the room with some accuracy?
You can calibrate the distortion of the camera by extracting first the edges of your room and then finding the best set of distortion parameters (that will minimize edge distortion).
There are few works that implement this approach though:
you can find a skeleton of distortion estimation procedure in R. Szeliski's book, but without an implementation;
alternatively, you can find a method + implementation (+ an online demo where you can upload your images) on IPOL.
Regarding the perspective distortion, after removing the lens distortion just proceed with the link that you have found by applying this method to the image of the four corners of the room floor.
This will give you the mapping between an image pixel and a ground pixel (and thus the object world coordinate, assuning you only want the X-Y coordinates). If you need the height measurement, then you need to find an object with a known height in your images to calibrate it too.

Getting 3D coordinates with two known correlating points in OpenCV

I am tracking a moving vehicle with a stereo camera system. In both images I use background segmentation to get only the moving parts in the pictures, then put a rectangle around the biggest object.
Now I want to get the 3D coordinates of the center of the rectangle. The identified centers in the two 2D pictures are almost correlating points (I know not exactly). I did a stereo calibration with MATLAB, so I have the intrinsic parameters of both cameras and the extrinsic parameters of the stereo system.
OpenCV doesn't provide any function for doing this as far as I know and to be honest reading Zisserman didn't really help me, but maybe I am just blind to the obvious.
This should work:
1. For both camera's, compute a ray from your camera origin through the rectangle's center.
2. Convert the rays to world coordinates.
3. Compute the intersection between the two rays (or the closest point, in case they do not exactly intersect)

Correspondence between a set of 3D model points and their image projections

I have a set of 3-d points and some images with the projections of these points. I also have the focal length of the camera and the principal point of the images with the projections (resulting from previously done camera calibration).
Is there any way to, given these parameters, find the automatic correspondence between the 3-d points and the image projections? I've looked through some OpenCV documentation but I didn't find anything suitable until now. I'm looking for a method that does the automatic labelling of the projections and thus the correspondence between them and the 3-d points.
The question is not very clear, but I think you mean to say that you have the intrinsic calibration of the camera, but not its location and attitude with respect to the scene (the "extrinsic" part of the calibration).
This problem does not have a unique solution for a general 3d point cloud if all you have is one image: just notice that the image does not change if you move the 3d points anywhere along the rays projecting them into the camera.
If have one or more images, you know everything about the 3D cloud of points (e.g. the points belong to an object of known shape and size, and are at known locations upon it), and you have matched them to their images, then it is a standard "camera resectioning" problem: you just solve for the camera extrinsic parameters that make the 3D points project onto their images.
If you have multiple images and you know that the scene is static while the camera is moving, and you can match "enough" 3d points to their images in each camera position, you can solve for the camera poses up to scale. You may want to start from David Nister's and/or Henrik Stewenius's papers on solvers for calibrated cameras, and then look into "bundle adjustment".
If you really want to learn about this (vast) subject, Zisserman and Hartley's book is as good as any. For code, look into libmv, vxl, and the ceres bundle adjuster.

Camera Calibration

I am using OpenCV, a newbie to the entire thing.
I have a scenario, I am projecting on a wall, I am building a kind of a robot which has a camera. I wanted to know how can I process the image so that I could get the real-world values of the co-ordinates of the blobs tracked by my camera?
First of all, you need to calibrate the intrinsic of the camera. Use checkerboard-patterns printed on cardboard to do this, OpenCV has methods for this although there are finished tools for this as well.
To get an idea, I have written some python code to calibrate from a live video stream, move the cardboard along the camera in some different angles and distances. Take a look here:
Then you need to calibrate the extrinsic of the camera, that is the position of the camera wrt. your world coordinates. You can place some markers on the wall, define the 3D-position of those markers and let OpenCV calibrate the extrinsic for this (cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams2).
In my sample code, I calculate the extrinsic wrt. the checkerboard so I can render a Teapot in the correct perspective of the camera. You have to adjust this to your needs.
I assume you project only onto a flat surface. You have to know the geometry to get the 3D coordinates of your detected blob. You can then find the blobs in your camera image and knowing intrinsic, extrinsic and the geometry, you can cast rays for each blob from the camera according to your intrinsic/extrinsic and calculate the intersection of each such ray with your known geometry. The intersection then is your 3D point in world space where the blob is projected to.
