Where is Microsoft.FSharp.Text.ArgParser? - f#

The old FSharp Powerpack seems to be obsolete, and most of its components have moved to other projects. Where can I find the ArgParser module? Is it still maintained?

An improved version of ArgParser is maintained as part of ExtCore. If you're looking for a library of extended library functions, ExtCore is an excellent choice.
If you don't mind a few more files, just put Arg.fs and Arg.fsi into your projects. They're self-contained; I did it here without issue.
As the comment above suggested, you should give UnionArgParser a try (see their docs at http://nessos.github.io/UnionArgParser/). It is a well-maintained and fully declarative alternative; that is much better than ArgParser.


How to use Automapper in Typescript?

Are there any packages available for mapping two object in typescript I.E Automapper? I found a couple of packages but they don't have enough document for implementation.
Here are a couple I am aware of:
https://github.com/loedeman/AutoMapper (https://www.npmjs.com/package/automapper-ts)
There is also a good discussion about this at https://www.reddit.com/r/javascript/comments/4tg69t/question_typescript_auto_mapping/ that might be of interest.
Unfortunately, it seems https://github.com/loedeman/AutoMapper is not well-maintained. As of answering your question, it has not been updated since 2017.
While digging through the "Issues" section I found a well-maintained fork: https://github.com/nartc/mapper
have you looked at
mpr the object mapper - for Typescript and JavaScript
Docs are here
Disclaimer I'm the author, I wrote it as I wanted some more of the advanced options (note it flexible with how classes are detailed and mapped)

Where can I find the current ProvidedTypes.fs API?

The last Type Provider I wrote just after F# 3.0 was released, and I used the ProvidedTypes.fs(i) files that came with the sample pack.
These files are quite old by now, and I wondered if there are more recent versions.
By googling alone I came up with six different versions. Where can I find the current, official version of ProvidedTypes.fs and ProvidedTypes.fsi?
Moreover, I heard that generated types are now easier to implement. Is this funtionality already inside newer versions of those files?
As requested by Nikon, here is the comment promoted to an answer :)
The starter pack is maintained at https://github.com/fsprojects/FSharp.TypeProviders.StarterPack

Is there documentation for turbopower's OnGuard anywhere?

Er...is there documentation for turbopower's OnGuard anywhere?
Finally got the source code to turn itself into components on the pallete (D2009) and can run the examples but I don't know what most of the components do or which I need.
There used to be documentation when it was a commercial product. Does it still exist?
Ah, I'd been looking for two days and eventually found the documentation five minutes after posting this message. To save anyone else the trouble they are here
The documentation is still available on SourceForge, along with the source code.
Update: Most of the TurboPower components are being maintained as part of TurboPack, a collection of open source tools being kept up to date by Roman Kassebaum. The most recent versions of the source code and documentation for OnGuard are on GitHub.
For two examples on how to use the OnGuard library look at this question.
The two approaches there are roughly equivalent, Runner's answer creates the OnGuard components at runtime, while my answer uses the procedural OnGuard API and has slightly less overhead as a result.
There is a third approach of dropping the components on a form directly rather than creating them at runtime. There's nothing particularly wrong with doing this, I've just found it unnecessary and not really saving anything more than a line or two of code.

Delphi: Free TSynEdit replacement

What's the best free replacement for TSynEdit? As I can see, it is developed very slow. Want to find some replacement for it. Or, may be, the version from another maintainer.
Need Delphi 2010 compatibility.
SynEdit works fine under D2010. There's one notable bug involving the Enter key not working under certain conditions. A patch for it can be found about halfway down the page on this thread. Search for // GB: BUG FIXED
Aside from that, it should work. Are you having some specific issues with it?
You can try out Scintilla. As of version 2.x it supports "virtual space" (most important feature for me - after syntax highlighting) and has more features like CodeFolding, Annotations http://www.scintilla.org/ScintillaDoc.html#Annotations, MultipleSelections, and many more.
AFAIK there is no wrapper for Delphi that is up-to-date and works with Unicode/D2009+.
I've created a project at http://code.google.com/p/dscintilla/ which should be in 'beta stage' in a week (or so).
I have never used SynEdit myself, but have always believed it to be the best free open-source advanced editor component for Delphi. Because it is open-source, you can yourself alter it to suit your needs.

Are there any support tools like coderush or resharper for F#?

Are there any support tools like coderush or resharper for F#?
Preview version of FSharpRefactor released in Visual Studio Gallery.
F# Refactor open source project on CodePlex (Apache license).
Take a look at the open-source Visual F# Power Tools project. They've got a rename refactoring, some code generation stuff (eg. record stub generation), graying out of unused declarations, as well as some other things. They're moving pretty fast at the moment, with lots of new features getting added all the time.
There's an effort to support F# in ReSharper via an external plug-in (itself written in F#). You can find preliminary info here.
FSharpRefactor 0.1 (Preview version) Released on the Visual Studio Gallery.
Not yet, as far as I know. I was also looking for something similar to no success. I suspect as soon as F# hits VS2010 as its integral part, or even a bit earlier, such tools will eventually emerge.
As far as ReSharper is concerned, you may want to drop JetBrains a quick email, it would be interesting to know whether these guys have any plans regarding F#.
Since the push in f# is towards light mode the reformatting possible is likely to be both limited, and hard to implement.
Normally reformatting takes the structural information and uses that to create the textual position. In the case of #light the textual position (of indenting at least) is the structure. As such any reformatting would be at best to sort inter symbol spacing, hardly onerous to do yourself.
I would therefore not expect a commercial product for it at least until the 'proper' integration with the IDE (I do not consider the current CTP proper in this regard since several outstanding bugs with it exist which will not be fixed in 2008)
CodeRush is working in F# editor. At least some code assistance and code templates. But code templates are not defined yet (you have to create your own).
