using both Visual Studio Team Services and Codeplex for repository - tfs

I started a utilities project in Visual Studio Team Services where you could have multiple developers on a project, but ended up not needing the extra developers, but still liked the Visual Studio Team Services interfaces. I wanted to be able to share some of the projects I do to people that read my blog, but found out after I was using it for a while that I could not give access to the public (or at least I couldn't find away). I know Codeplex allows you to do this since it is specifically for open source projects.
Is there any way to keep the Visual Studio Team Services and the TFS on Codeplex in sync so I can work from one source control primarily? or even better, is there a way to publicly share by URL stuff you work on Visual Studio Team Services?

There is not currently a way to share any Team Services content publicly.
However, if you use Git as your VCS in Team Services you can easily add two Origins and push to both with "git push -all".
If your codeplex repo is also git you can easily share.


Can not connect to tfvc with visual studio code

First of all, I am very new in the programming. I learnt a lot (thanks to my teacher :D) and now I and my 2 friends has a common project. We thought that we could build a webpages with .ASP, jQuery, C#, sql. I am the front-end guy therefore I use Visual Studio Code. We have a common vsts. I downloaded the latest version of visual studio code and the latest version of team services extension, red a lot of documentation that explains how I need to do this. I got this error message:
(team) No Team Services or Team Foundation Server repository configuration was found. Ensure you've opened a folder that contains a repository.
Please someone explain me how can I connect. I would appreciate it, if you make a short and fast tutorial video. I can do almost everything from documentations or tutorials, but now, I really don't know where I am.
Thanks your help in advance! <3
First you should use the official Visual Studio Team Services Extension for Visual Studio Code which released by Microsoft.
It supports both TFVC and GIT version control type.
Clone your Git repository
With Git, the extension uses the remote origin of your repository to
determine how to connect to Team Services (or your Team Foundation
Server), in most cases you will need to have a Git repository already
cloned locally. If you intend on cloning an existing repository, do so
before proceeding. If you do not have a Git repository cloned locally
but already have a Team Services account (or a Team Foundation Server
instance), you may create a local repository (via git init) and once
you set the "origin" remote for that local repository, the extension
will detect the change to the remote and attempt to contact the Team
Services account (or Team Foundation Server).
Create your TFVC workspace
With TFVC, the extension uses information about the current workspace
to determine how to connect to Team Services (or your Team Foundation
Server). Workspaces can be created using the Visual Studio IDE,
Eclipse or with the JetBrains IDEs (e.g, Android Studio, IntelliJ).
Note: At this time, you will need to have a local TFVC workspace already available on your local machine. More information about the
difference between the two types (and how to determine which one
you're using) can be found here.
You could also take a look at below videos to help get you started using the extension quickly:
Set up the Team Services extension for Visual Studio Code - If
you haven't used the extension before, this video will show you how
to set it up, create a personal access token and get up and running.
Walkthrough of the Team Services extension for Visual Studio
Code - This is a walkthrough of most of the features of the Team
Services extension.
TFVC Source Code Control for Visual Studio Code - This video shows
you how to set up the TFVC support on Windows and demonstrates much
of the functionality available for Team Foundation Version Control.
Above is for windows machine, if you are working on Mac, please take a look at this answer.

Migrate visual studio team services to tfs

I'd like to know if it's possible to migrate from a Visual Studio Team Services to a local Team Foundation Server. I've seen many questions about the reveser process but not this.
I know I can download source code from VSTS and upload it manually to TFS, but I'd like to keep as many work items and project structure as possible.
You can try with TFS Integration Platform, it may have some errors but can work. Refer to this link for details: Migrate VSO to on premises TFS.

Sharing code between 2 TFSVC repositories with git-tfs

I have 2 different TFS repositories (one using Visual Studio Online and another using my own local on premise TFS instance) which I want to keep in sync using git-tfs. How do I need to set things up so that I can work locally in git and push changes up to both repositories? Please note both TFS repositories are using TFSVC.
As the main developer of git-tfs, believe me, that's not possible...
Git-tfs can only manage one TFVC repository.
Short answer: Not support.
If you want to sync Visual Studio Online and local TFS. You can use the TFS Integration Tools to setup a unidirectional sync, that should allow you to ensure that a TeamProject on your local TFS system remains in sync. However, they are complicated to setup and will be painfull to run. And There are commercial options that are ridiculously expensive, like OpsHub.

How to publicly share a Visual Studio Online Repository?

I was wondering if there was a way I could share my repository on VSO publicly? I use TFVC in Visual Studio, but I'll admit I'm new at it so I'm not really sure how to go about doing nor the steps to take to do it.
UPDATE 2018-05-10 There is now limited public preview of Public projects in VSTS
I have joined and have made one of my projects public. There are still significant limitations in its capabilities and the current goal is to enable folks using GitHub for Issues and Code to now use VSTS for CI/CD.
While VSTS Public projects are still limited in capability you can still push your code to GitHub
You can use the build tasks from the marketplace to publish/push your code to GitHub to make it public.
I do this with all of my Open Source projects so that i can use VSTS as primary and just post to GitHub. Even works to bring pull requests in from GitHub.

Visual Studio Team Services (cloud) - Server Workspace

We have several of our projects at my company in source control using Visual Studio Team Services ( For the life of me I can't figure out how to get the workspace on my machine to flip to a Server workspace type. We don't want multiple checkouts and we want to get latest when we edit a file, and server workspaces (as I understand it) are the only way to accomplish this. Is it even possible to use server workspaces with the "cloud" version of TFS/Visual Studio Team Services?
Connect to your server with Visual Studio
Go to Team Explorer
Go to Settings
This part can be a little tricky so I attach a screen shot:
Under "Team Project Collection" go to Source Control
On the new dialog go to the second tab - Workspace Settings
So as you can see it is pretty obscure and I believe it is on purpose. By default the workspaces are of type "local" and these have their benefits. You may want to check out this article to make an informed decision:
