iOS arm64 project with 32 bit third party library - ios

As you may know, 1 February 2015 apple pushes us to build projects both 64 and 32 bit supports. However, our projects use third party library which does not include arm64 slice. Is there any way that i can add exception for 32 bit library to build project as arm64.
For example: iOS projects that use ARC system can make exception for single file which does not use ARC system by settings compiler flags with -fno-objc-arc.

The answer is quite simple: unfortunately no. To have a 64-bit binary app you have to recompile all thirdy part libraries used in your project.
This mean that if you don't have the source code of these libraries and the authors didn't release a 64-bit version of the lib, your app will never been compliant for 64-bit requirements.


Xcode 14 deprecates bitcode - but why?

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Xcode 14 Beta release notes are out, all thanks to the annual WWDC.
And alas, the Bitcode is now deprecated, and you'll get a warning message if you attempt to enable it.
And I was wondering, why has this happened? Was there any downside to using Bitcode? Was it somehow painful for Apple to maintain it? And how will per-iPhone-model compilation operate now?
Bitccode is actually just the LLVM intermediate language. When you compile source code using the LLVM toolchain, source code is translated into an intermediate language, named Bitcode. This Bitcode is then analyzed, optimized and finally translated to CPU instructions for the desired target CPU.
The advantage of doing it that way is that all LLVM based frontends (like clang) only need to translate source code to Bitcode, from there on it works the same regardless the source language as the LLVM toolchain doesn't care if the Bitcode was generated from C, C++, Obj-C, Rust, Swift or any other source language; once there is Bitcode, the rest of the workflow is always the same.
One benefit of Bitcode is that you can later on generate instructions for another CPU without having to re-compile the original source code. E.g. I may compile a C code to Bitcode and have LLVM generate a running binary for x86 CPUs in the end. If I save the Bitcode, however, I can later on tell LLVM to also create a running binary for an ARM CPU from that Bitcode, without having to compile anything and without access to the original C code. And the generated ARM code will be as good as if I had compiled to ARM from the very start.
Without the Bitcode, I would have to convert x86 code to ARM code and such a translation produces way worse code as the original intent of the code is often lost in the final compilation step to CPU code, which also involves CPU specific optimizations that make no sense for other CPUs, whereas Bitcode retains the original intent pretty well and only performs optimization that all CPUs will benefit from.
Having the Bitcode of all apps allowed Apple to re-compile that Bitcode for a specific CPU, either to make an App compatible with a different kind of CPU or an entirely different architecture or just to benefit from better optimizations of newer compiler versions. E.g. if Apple had tomorrow shiped an iPhone that uses a RISC-V instead of an ARM CPU, all apps with Bitcode could have been re-compiled to RISC-V and would natively support that new CPU architecture despite the author of the app having never even heard of RISC-V.
I think that was the idea why Apple wanted all Apps in Bitcode format. But that approach had issues to begin with. One issue is that Bitcode is not a frozen format, LLVM updates it with every release and they do not guarantee full backward compatibility. Bitcode has never been intended to be a stable representation for permanent storage or archival. Another problem is that you cannot use assembly code as no Bitcode is emitted for assembly code. Also you cannot use pre-built third party libraries that come without Bitcode.
And last but not least: AFAIK Apple has never used any of the Bitcode advantages so far. Despite requiring all apps to contain Bitcode in the past, the apps also had to contain pre-build fat binaries for all supported CPUs and Apple would always only just ship that pre-build code. E.g. for iPhones you used to once have a 32 Bit ARMv7 and a 64 Bit ARM64 version, as well as the Bitcode and during app thinning, Apple would remove either the 32 Bit or the 64 Bit version, as well as the Bitcode, and then ship whats left over. Fine, but they could have done so also if no Bitcode was there. Bitcode is not required to thin out architectures of a fat binary!
Bitcode would be required to re-build for a different architecture but Apple has never done that. No 32 Bit app magically became 64 bit by Apple re-compiling the Bitcode. And no 64 bit only app was magically available for 32 bit systems as Apple re-compiled the Bitcode on demand. As a developer, I can assure you, the iOS App Store always delivered exactly the binary code that you have built and signed yourself and never any code that Apple has themselves created from the Bitcode, so nothing was server side optimized. Even when Apple switched from Intel to M1, no macOS app magically got converted to native ARM, despite that would have been possible for all x86 apps in the app store for that Apple had the Bitcode. Instead Apple still shipped the x86 version and let it run in Rosetta 2.
So imposing various disadvantages onto developers by forcing all code to be available as Bitcode and then not using any of the advantages Bitcode would give you kinda makes the whole thing pointless. And now that all platforms migrated to ARM64 and in a couple of years there won't even be fat binaries anymore (once x86 support for Mac has been dropped), what's the point of continuing with that stuff? I guess Apple took the chance to bury that idea once and for all. Even if they one day add RISC-V to their platforms, developers can still ship fat binaries containing ARM64 and RISC-V code at the same time. This concept works well enough, is way simpler, and has no downsides other than "bigger binaries" and that's something server side app thinning can fix, as during download only the code for the current platform needs to be included.
Apple Watch Series 3 was the last device to not support 64-bit. (i.e. i386 or armv7)
Apple has now stopped supporting the Apple Watch Series 3. [1] They would have been happy to drop support for bitcode.
xcode remove armv7/armv7s/i386 targets support. bitcode use for build different cpu targets. but now all devices might be arm64 . and now no more developer use this tech. so deprecated maybe a wise choice
Bitcode was always pointless, as even if you compiled bitcode to another architecture, there's high chance it won't actually work because the ABI is different. For example, when you compile C program, the libc headers actually are different for every architecture. I'm glad they are finally getting rid of it, as it caused more problems than solved. At most they could've done is re-optimize the binary for the same architecture, or similar enough architecture. There is also the problem of unwanted symbols leaking in bitcode builds, so you either have to rename/obfuscate those or get hit by collisions (big problem if you are a library/framework vendor).

Swift compatibility between versions for a library

I'm distributing libraries for other developers to use ( I've noticed that between swift versions, even 2.0 to 2.1, I'll get Module file was created by a (newer/older) version of the compiler.
I need to be distribute in a future-proof way.
How can I make sure my compiled frameworks can be used by newer versions of Swift in the future so I don't have to recompile as soon as Apple puts a new beta out?
From Apple's website:
Binary Compatibility and Frameworks
While your app’s runtime compatibility is ensured, the Swift language
itself will continue to evolve, and the binary interface will also
change. To be safe, all components of your app should be built with
the same version of Xcode and the Swift compiler to ensure that they
work together.
This means that frameworks need to be managed carefully. For instance,
if your project uses frameworks to share code with an embedded
extension, you will want to build the frameworks, app, and extensions
together. It would be dangerous to rely upon binary frameworks that
use Swift — especially from third parties. As Swift changes, those
frameworks will be incompatible with the rest of your app. When the
binary interface stabilizes in a year or two, the Swift runtime will
become part of the host OS and this limitation will no longer exist.
Until the Swift ABI (application binary interface) stabilises (I'm guessing another year or two) the only way to distribute libraries that will work across different Xcode versions is to distribute the source code. Cocoa pods and Carthage are both good tools for making library distribution easier but for Swift code they will still rely on source code being available.
It might be possible to have an Cocoapod that detects the version of Xcode it is run with and then downloads and provides the correct build of your library but you will still need to build the libraries for all Xcode versions that you want to support and recompile every time Apple release a new Xcode but at least the user wouldn't need to download a new version manually.

How to link 32-bit framework for 64-bit compiler (Architecture)

I have old app which has linked few frameworks. Those frameworks haven't 64-bit version. Is it possible to build the app with those frameworks in 64-bit mode? Thank you for reply!
The short answer is "no". If the library you need to link is open source then your best bet is probably to compile it yourself in to a 64-bit library; otherwise you can contact the vendor of the library and request the status of a 64-bit build.

How to use armv6 third party libraries in an armv7 app?

I have two 3rd party libraries. One just has a build for armv6 and the other just has a build for armv7. I need to use both of them in my iOS enterprise application. I've asked the armv6 library vendors to supply a armv7 version, but they haven't been able to do so. (Note: I've already got the answer and will provide it. Someone else asked this in a comment and there wasn't enough room to answer, so I've created its own question, and will provide my answer.)
The answer is to hack the armv6 library into thinking it's an armv7 library. This will get you running until the vendor supplies the library. The reason this works is because the arm spec requires all arm architectures to be able to run code generated by previous architectures. So if an armv6 library told the linker it's an armv7, the processor should still be able to run the code. Of course, you can't go the other way. Use otool -h on both libraries to see the cputype and cpusubtype. On my libraries it was 12 for both cputypes, and 6 and 9 for the subtypes, indicating armv6 and armv7.
Using a hex editor, look for the hex string 0xcefaedfe which is the marker MH_MAGIC (0xfeedface) reversed due to big/little endian.
Following that, there's a whole word with just 0xC. That's the 12 for the cputype. Next is a word for 0x6. Change that to 0x9 for all cases.
Now ld will think your library is an armv7, and act accordingly.
You're probably not done, because the armv6 may have linked in some thumbs library routines. If you get link errors (I got some for switch8 and switch16), you need to find the Darwin code that has them. Look for the file lib1funcs.asm on the web. This will probably have your missing functions. They're probably conditionaled out, so adjust the #ifdefs and make sure they're being compiled. This file tries to open some includes at the end, but since they're at the end, they don't affect anything, so just comment them out.
Yes, it is a tremendous hack, but it gets you up and running. If you get your revised library, you just have to drop it in. No code change required. If it works for you, you're still using Apple's code, and it would be the same code you'd be running if you were armv6 only.

using a C Dll and lib in obj c - ios

I have a C lib and dll file from windows application. No source code with me.
Is it possible to use that in an IOS application.
I have seen mixed responses and am confused.
If we have source code , i think we need to create dylib and then we can use the same after including relevant header file.
Please share any expert ideas to guide me in right direction.
Appreciate your help .
Dynamic Libraries are not permitted on iOS to begin with, but above that, the DLL file format is not recognized by Darwin or the underlying XNU Kernel at all, as the binary format is different.
Windows APIs are not usable on the Darwin OS either (Both Mac OS X and iOS are wrappers around the basic Darwin OS). You will need to rewrite the code from the DLL to use the POSIX and/or Objective-C APIs and compile it as a static library to use it.
You need to get a iOS compatible library, no other way around it. There are several reasons:
iOS doesn't support DLLs as they are windows format, but moreover, you can't use any dynamic library on iOS, as Apple restricts it.
DLLs are usually for intel CPUs, while iOS devices have ARM CPUs.
Most dlls are calling windows APIs - are you sure this one's not?
No. If you all you have is a compiled binary DLL, there is no way to use it on iOS. Unless you happen to have an ARM DLL for the upcoming Windows 8, your DLL contains either x86 or x86-64 machine code (or maybe IA64 if you have a lot of money), which absolutely will not run on iOS devices, which are all ARM architectures. Plus many more reasons.
If you have the source code, you can recompile it for iOS, either directly into your app, as a static library that can be linked in with your app, or as a dynamic library as part of a framework. But in all cases, you need to recompile it from source code using the iOS compiler.
You are going to have to recompile it as a static library (.a file). Apple doesn't allow dynamic libraries except for their own frameworks (so you can't compile it as a dylib).
