Calculate vertices for n sided regular polygon - ios

I have tried to follow this answer
It works fine for creating the polygons, however I can see that it doesn't reach the edges of the containing rectangle.
The following gif shows what I mean. Especially for the 5 sided polygon it is clear that it doesn't "span" the rectangle which I would like it to do
This is the code I use for creating the vertices
func verticesForEdges(_edges: Int) -> [CGPoint] {
let offset = 1.0
var vertices: [CGPoint] = []
for i in 0..._edges {
let angle = M_PI + 2.0 * M_PI * Double(i) / Double(edges)
var x = (frame.width / 2.0) * CGFloat(sin(angle)) + (bounds.width / 2.0)
var y = (frame.height / 2.0) * CGFloat(cos(angle)) + (bounds.height / 2.0)
vertices.append(CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
return vertices
And this is the code that uses the the vertices
override func layoutSublayers() {
var polygonPath = UIBezierPath()
let vertices = verticesForEdges(edges)
for v in vertices {
self.path = polygonPath.CGPath
So the question is. How do I make the the polygons fill out the rectangle
The rectangle is not necessarily a square. It can have a different height from its width. From the comments it seems that I am fitting the polygon in a circle, but what is intentioned is to fit it in a rectangle.

If the first (i=0) vertice is fixed at the middle of top rectangle edge, we can calculate minimal width and height of bounding rectangle:
The rightmost vertice index
ir = (N + 2) / 4 // N/4, rounded to the closest integer, not applicable to triangle
MinWidth = 2 * R * Sin(ir * 2 * Pi / N)
The bottom vertice index
ib = (N + 1) / 2 // N/2, rounded to the closest integer
MinHeight = R * (1 + Abs(Cos(ib * 2 * Pi / N)))
So for given rectangle dimensions we can calculate R parameter to inscribe polygon properly


How to calculate the correct position for a matrix of circles to fit inside given view with proportional gaps?

I am pretty new to iOS development and I am trying to display a 10x10 grid inside a UIView respecting its bounds and I would like that the circles would be calculated based on the available width/height of the device.
What I tried so far without luck:
func setUpPoints() {
let matrixSize = 10
let diameter = (min(painelView.frame.size.width, painelView.frame.size.height) / CGFloat(matrixSize + 1)).rounded(.down)
let radius = diameter / 2
for i in 0...matrixSize {
for j in 0...matrixSize {
let x = CGFloat(i) * diameter + radius
let y = CGFloat(j) * diameter + radius
let frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: diameter, height: diameter)
let circle = Circle(frame: frame)
circle.tag = j * matrixSize + i + 1
My goal is to distribute the circles inside the gray rectangle proportionally so it will look like the Android pattern lock screen:
Can someone please give me some pointers?
If I understand what you are trying to do, then the following line:
let radius = (painelView.frame.size.width + painelView.frame.size.height) / CGFloat(matrixSize * 2)
should be:
let radius = (min(painelView.frame.size.width, painelView.frame.size.height) / CGFloat(matrixSize + 1)).rounded(.down)
The above change will allow the "square" of circles fit within whichever is smaller - the view's width or height, allowing for a gap around the "square" equal to half the diameter of each circle.
You also need to change both loops to start with 0.
for i in 0..<matrixSize {
for j in 0..<matrixSize {
BTW - your radius variable is really the diameter. And gap is really the radius.
The following code provides a border around the square of circles and it includes some space between the circles. Adjust as needed.
func setUpPoints() {
let matrixSize = 10
let borderRatio = CGFloat(0.5) // half a circle diameter - change as desired
let gapRatio = CGFloat(0.25) // quarter circle diameter - change as desired
let squareSize = min(painelView.frame.size.width, painelView.frame.size.height)
let diameter = (squareSize / (CGFloat(matrixSize) + 2 * borderRatio + CGFloat(matrixSize - 1) * gapRatio)).rounded(.down)
let centerToCenter = (diameter + diameter * gapRatio).rounded(.down)
let borderSize = (diameter * borderRatio).rounded()
for i in 0..<matrixSize {
for j in 0..<matrixSize {
let x = CGFloat(i) * centerToCenter + borderSize
let y = CGFloat(j) * centerToCenter + borderSize
let frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: diameter, height: diameter)
let circle = Circle(frame: frame)
circle.tag = j * matrixSize + i + 1

How do I create a circle packing algorithm for circles with unequal sizes in iOS?

I am trying to pack a bunch of round UIViews in a hexagonal pattern.
They all have different sizes.
First I randomly generate the UIViews and put them on the screen as shown:
Then I have an algorithm that arranges the views in a circular pattern around the center. This is the algorithm:
func arrangeViews()
let viewCenter =
let radius: Double = 50?? <- What do I put here? All the views has different radius?
var currentDistFromCenter: Double = (radius * 2)
var numMoved = 0
let amountOfViews = views.count
numMoved += 1
while numMoved < amountOfViews {
var numberToFit = Double(M_PI / asin(radius / currentDistFromCenter))
if numberToFit > Double(amountOfViews - numMoved) {
numberToFit = Double(amountOfViews - numMoved)
for i in 0 ..< Int(numberToFit) {
let currentView = views[numMoved]
let angle = Double(M_PI * 2.0 * Double(i) / numberToFit)
let x = Double(viewCenter.x) + cos(angle) * currentDistFromCenter
let y = Double(viewCenter.y) + sin(angle) * currentDistFromCenter
var newPoint = CGPoint(x: CGFloat(x), y: CGFloat(y))
views.first?.center =
if newPoint.x != currentView.frame.origin.x || newPoint.y != currentView.frame.origin.y {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: { = newPoint
numMoved += 1
currentDistFromCenter += radius * 2
Here is my result after I run this function:
Now this algorithm is for circles (views) with the same size. You see that they don't lie next to each other as they would if they all had the same size. As shown here:
Is there anyone out there that has any form of clue as to what I could change in the algorithm so I can pack views with different sizes?
Here are some links that I've encountered during my research, but they haven't gotten me very far because Maths isn't my strongest side:
Packing different sized circles into rectangle - d3.js
Thank you in advance and happy programming!
As per the result needed, I would prefer firstly to draw all 7 circles at same center.
Suppose the red colored center circle is of size (x, y, W, H)
1st (Top left) - (x-W/2, y-(H+H/2), W, H)
2nd (Top right) - (x+W/2, y-(H+H/2), W, H)
3rd (Right) - (x+W, y, W, H)
4th (Bottom right) - (x+W/2, y+(H+H/2), W, H)
5th (Bottom left) - (x-W/2, y+(H+H/2), W, H)
6th (Left) - (x-W, y, W, H)
This will be applied in all cases of hexagonal part, just W/H will change for each circle like
1st (Top left) - (x-W/2, y-(H+H/2), W1, H1)
2nd (Top right) - (x+W/2, y-(H+H/2), W2, H2)
3rd (Right) - (x+W, y, W3, H3)
4th (Bottom right) - (x+W/2, y+(H+H/2), W4, H4)
5th (Bottom left) - (x-W/2, y+(H+H/2), W5, H5)
6th (Left) - (x-W, y, W6, H6)

Using a Bezier Curve to draw a spiral

This is for an iPad application, but it is essentially a math question.
I need to draw a circular arc of varying (monotonically increasing) line width. At the beginning of the curve, it would have a starting thickness (let's say 2pts) and then the thickness would smoothly increase until the end of the arc where it would be at its greatest thickness (let's say 12pts).
I figure the best way to make this is by creating a UIBezierPath and filling the shape. My first attempt was to use two circular arcs (with offset centers), and that worked fine up to 90°, but the arc will often be between 90° and 180°, so that approach won't cut it.
My current approach is to make a slight spiral (one slightly growing from the circular arc and one slightly shrinking) using bezier quad or cubic curves. The question is where do I put the control points so that the deviation from the circular arc (aka the shape "thickness") is the value I want.
The shape must be able to start and end at an arbitrary angle (within 180° of each other)
The "thickness" of the shape (deviation from the circle) must start and end with the given values
The "thickness" must increase monotonically (it can't get bigger and then smaller again)
It has to look smooth to the eye, there can't be any sharp bends
I am open to other solutions as well.
My approach just constructs 2 circular arcs and fills the region in between. The tricky bit is figuring out the centers and radii of these arcs. Looks quite good provided the thicknesses are not too large. (Cut and paste and decide for yourself if it meet your needs.) Could possibly be improved by use of a clipping path.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
// As appropriate for iOS, the code below assumes a coordinate system with
// the x-axis pointing to the right and the y-axis pointing down (flipped from the standard Cartesian convention).
// Therefore, 0 degrees = East, 90 degrees = South, 180 degrees = West,
// -90 degrees = 270 degrees = North (once again, flipped from the standard Cartesian convention).
CGFloat startingAngle = 90.0; // South
CGFloat endingAngle = -45.0; // North-East
BOOL weGoFromTheStartingAngleToTheEndingAngleInACounterClockwiseDirection = YES; // change this to NO if necessary
CGFloat startingThickness = 2.0;
CGFloat endingThickness = 12.0;
CGPoint center = CGPointMake(CGRectGetMidX(self.bounds), CGRectGetMidY(self.bounds));
CGFloat meanRadius = 0.9 * fminf(self.bounds.size.width / 2.0, self.bounds.size.height / 2.0);
// the parameters above should be supplied by the user
// the parameters below are derived from the parameters supplied above
CGFloat deltaAngle = fabsf(endingAngle - startingAngle);
// projectedEndingThickness is the ending thickness we would have if the two arcs
// subtended an angle of 180 degrees at their respective centers instead of deltaAngle
CGFloat projectedEndingThickness = startingThickness + (endingThickness - startingThickness) * (180.0 / deltaAngle);
CGFloat centerOffset = (projectedEndingThickness - startingThickness) / 4.0;
CGPoint centerForInnerArc = CGPointMake(center.x + centerOffset * cos(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0),
center.y + centerOffset * sin(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0));
CGPoint centerForOuterArc = CGPointMake(center.x - centerOffset * cos(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0),
center.y - centerOffset * sin(startingAngle * M_PI / 180.0));
CGFloat radiusForInnerArc = meanRadius - (startingThickness + projectedEndingThickness) / 4.0;
CGFloat radiusForOuterArc = meanRadius + (startingThickness + projectedEndingThickness) / 4.0;
endingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
startingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
startingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
endingAngle * (M_PI / 180.0),
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor redColor].CGColor);
One solution could be to generate a polyline manually. This is simple but it has the disadvantage that you'd have to scale up the amount of points you generate if the control is displayed at high resolution. I don't know enough about iOS to give you iOS/ObjC sample code, but here's some python-ish pseudocode:
# lower: the starting angle
# upper: the ending angle
# radius: the radius of the circle
# we'll fill these with polar coordinates and transform later
innerSidePoints = []
outerSidePoints = []
widthStep = maxWidth / (upper - lower)
width = 0
# could use a finer step if needed
for angle in range(lower, upper):
innerSidePoints.append(angle, radius - (width / 2))
outerSidePoints.append(angle, radius + (width / 2))
width += widthStep
# now we have to flip one of the arrays and join them to make
# a continuous path. We could have built one of the arrays backwards
# from the beginning to avoid this.
allPoints = innerSidePoints + outerSidePoints # array concatenation
xyPoints = polarToRectangular(allPoints) # if needed
A view with a spiral .. 2023
It's very easy to draw a spiral mathematically and there are plenty of examples around.
Put it in a view in the obvious way:
class Example: UIView {
private lazy var spiral: CAShapeLayer = {
let s = CAShapeLayer()
s.strokeColor = UIColor.systemPurple.cgColor
s.fillColor = UIColor.clear.cgColor
s.lineWidth = 12.0
s.lineCap = .round
return s
private lazy var sp: CGPath = {
let s = UIBezierPath.getSpiralPath(
center: bounds.centerOfCGRect(),
startRadius: 0,
spacePerLoop: 4,
startTheta: 0,
endTheta: CGFloat.pi * 2 * 5,
thetaStep: 10.radians)
return s.cgPath
override func layoutSubviews() {
clipsToBounds = true
spiral.path = sp

Algorithm for creating a circular path around a center mass?

I am attempting to simply make objects orbit around a center point, e.g.
The green and blue objects represent objects which should keep their distance to the center point, while rotating, based on an angle which I pass into method.
I have attempted to create a function, in objective-c, but it doesn't work right without a static number. e.g. (It rotates around the center, but not from the true starting point or distance from the object.)
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view heading:(int)heading
// int distanceX = 160 - view.frame.origin.x;
// int distanceY = 240 - view.frame.origin.y;
float x = 160 - view.image.size.width / 2 + (50 * cos(heading * (M_PI / 180)));
float y = 240 - view.image.size.height / 2 + (50 * sin(heading * (M_PI / 180)));
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
My magic numbers 160, and 240 are the center of the canvas in which I'm drawing the images onto. 50 is a static number (and the problem), which allows the function to work partially correctly -- without maintaining the starting poisition of the object or correct distance. I don't know what to put here unfortunately.
heading is a parameter that passes in a degree, from 0 to 359. It is calculated by a timer and increments outside of this class.
Essentially what I would like to be able to drop any image onto my canvas, and based on the starting point of the image, it would rotate around the center of my circle. This means, if I were to drop an image at Point (10,10), the distance to the center of the circle would persist, using (10,10) as a starting point. The object would rotate 360 degrees around the center, and reach it's original starting point.
The expected result would be to pass for instance (10,10) into the method, based off of zero degrees, and get back out, (15,25) (not real) at 5 degrees.
I know this is very simple (and this problem description is entirely overkill), but I'm going cross eyed trying to figure out where I'm hosing things up. I don't care about what language examples you use, if any. I'll be able to decipher your meanings.
Failure Update
I've gotten farther, but I still cannot get the right calculation. My new code looks like the following:
heading is set to 1 degree.
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view heading:(int)heading
float y1 = view.frame.origin.y + (view.frame.size.height/2); // 152
float x1 = view.frame.origin.x + (view.frame.size.width/2); // 140.5
float radius = sqrtf(powf(160 - x1 ,2.0f) + powf(240 - y1, 2.0f)); // 90.13
// I know that I need to calculate 90.13 pixels from my center, at 1 degree.
float x = 160 + radius * (cos(heading * (M_PI / 180.0f))); // 250.12
float y = 240 + radius * (sin(heading * (M_PI / 180.0f))); // 241.57
// The numbers are very skewed.
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
I'm getting results that are no where close to where the point should be. The problem is with the assignment of x and y. Where am I going wrong?
You can find the distance of the point from the centre pretty easily:
radius = sqrt((160 - x)^2 + (240 - y)^2)
where (x, y) is the initial position of the centre of your object. Then just replace 50 by the radius.
You can then figure out the initial angle using trigonometry (tan = opposite / adjacent, so draw a right-angled triangle using the centre mass and the centre of your orbiting object to visualize this):
angle = arctan((y - 240) / (x - 160))
if x > 160, or:
angle = arctan((y - 240) / (x - 160)) + 180
if x < 160
Edit: bear in mind I don't actually know any Objective-C but this is basically what I think you should do (you should be able to translate this to correct Obj-C pretty easily, this is just for demonstration):
// Your object gets created here somewhere
float x1 = view.frame.origin.x + (view.frame.size.width/2); // 140.5
float y1 = view.frame.origin.y + (view.frame.size.height/2); // 152
float radius = sqrtf(powf(160 - x1 ,2.0f) + powf(240 - y1, 2.0f)); // 90.13
// Calculate the initial angle here, as per the first part of my answer
float initialAngle = atan((y1 - 240) / (x1 - 160)) * 180.0f / M_PI;
if(x1 < 160)
initialAngle += 180;
// Calculate the adjustment we need to add to heading
int adjustment = (int)(initialAngle - heading);
So we only execute the code above once (when the object gets created). We need to remember radius and adjustment for later. Then we alter rotateGear to take an angle and a radius as inputs instead of heading (this is much more flexible anyway):
-(void) rotateGear: (UIImageView*) view radius:(float)radius angle:(int)angle
float x = 160 + radius * (cos(angle * (M_PI / 180.0f)));
float y = 240 + radius * (sin(angle * (M_PI / 180.0f)));
// The numbers are very skewed.
view.frame = CGRectMake(x, y, view.image.size.width, view.image.size.height);
And each time we want to update the position we make a call like this:
[objectName rotateGear radius:radius angle:(adjustment + heading)];
Btw, once you manage to get this working, I'd strongly recommend converting all your angles so you're using radians all the way through, it makes it much neater/easier to follow!
The formula for x and y coordinates of a point on a circle, based on radians, radius, and center point:
x = cos(angle) * radius + center_x
y = sin(angle) * radius + center_y
You can find the radius with HappyPixel's formula.
Once you figure out the radius and the center point, you can simply vary the angle to get all the points on the circle that you'd want.
If I understand correctly, you want to do InitObject(x,y). followed by UpdateObject(angle) where angle sweeps from 0 to 360. (But use radians instead of degrees for the math)
So you need to track the angle and radius for each object.:
relative_x = x-center.x
relative_y = y-center.y
object.radius = sqrt((relative_x)^2, (relative_y)^2)
object.initial_angle = atan(relative_y,relative_x);
newangle = (object.initial_angle + angle) % (2*PI )
object.x = cos(newangle) * object.radius + center.x
object.y = sin(newangle) * object.radius + center.y
dx=dropx-centerx; //target-source
dy=-(dropy-centery); //minus = invert screen coords to cartesian coords
radius=sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx); //faster if your compiler optimizer is bad
if dx=0 then dx=0.000001; //hackpatchfudgenudge*
angle=atan(dy/dx); //set this as start angle for the angle-incrementer
Then go with the code you have and you'll be fine. You seem to be calculating radius from current position each time though? This, like the angle, should only be done once, when the object is dropped, or else the radius might not be constant.
*instead of handling 3 special cases for dx=0, if you need < 1/100 degree precision for the start angle go with those instead, google Polar Arctan.

Get angle from 2 positions

I have 2 objects and when I move one, I want to get the angle from the other.
For example:
Object1X = 211.000000, Object1Y = 429.000000
Object2X = 246.500000, Object2Y = 441.500000
I have tried the following and every variation under the sun:
double radians = ccpAngle(Object1,Object2);
double degrees = ((radians * 180) / Pi);
But I just get 2.949023 returned where I want something like 45 degrees etc.
Does this other answer help?
How to map atan2() to degrees 0-360
I've written it like this:
- (CGFloat) pointPairToBearingDegrees:(CGPoint)startingPoint secondPoint:(CGPoint) endingPoint
CGPoint originPoint = CGPointMake(endingPoint.x - startingPoint.x, endingPoint.y - startingPoint.y); // get origin point to origin by subtracting end from start
float bearingRadians = atan2f(originPoint.y, originPoint.x); // get bearing in radians
float bearingDegrees = bearingRadians * (180.0 / M_PI); // convert to degrees
bearingDegrees = (bearingDegrees > 0.0 ? bearingDegrees : (360.0 + bearingDegrees)); // correct discontinuity
return bearingDegrees;
Running the code:
CGPoint p1 = CGPointMake(10, 10);
CGPoint p2 = CGPointMake(20,20);
CGFloat f = [self pointPairToBearingDegrees:p1 secondPoint:p2];
And this returns 45.
Hope this helps.
Here's how I'm doing it in Swift for those interested, it's based on #bshirley's answer above w/ a few modifications to help match to the calayer rotation system:
extension CGFloat {
var degrees: CGFloat {
return self * CGFloat(180) / .pi
extension CGPoint {
func angle(to comparisonPoint: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let originX = comparisonPoint.x - x
let originY = comparisonPoint.y - y
let bearingRadians = atan2f(Float(originY), Float(originX))
var bearingDegrees = CGFloat(bearingRadians).degrees
while bearingDegrees < 0 {
bearingDegrees += 360
return bearingDegrees
This provides a coordinate system like this:
180 0
point.angle(to: point2) CGPoint(x: 0, y: 1)) // 90
I modified #tomas' solution to be streamlined. It's likely (it was for me) that this math is going to be called frequently.
In my incarnation, you have to perform the difference between the two points yourself (or if you're lucky, (0,0) is already one of your points). The value being calculated is the direction of the point from (0,0). Yes, that's simple enough and you could inline it if you really want to. My preference is for more readable code.
I also converted it to a function call:
CGFloat CGPointToDegree(CGPoint point) {
// Provides a directional bearing from (0,0) to the given point.
// standard cartesian plain coords: X goes up, Y goes right
// result returns degrees, -180 to 180 ish: 0 degrees = up, -90 = left, 90 = right
CGFloat bearingRadians = atan2f(point.y, point.x);
CGFloat bearingDegrees = bearingRadians * (180. / M_PI);
return bearingDegrees;
If you don't want negative values, you need to convert it yourself. Negative values were fine for me - no need to make unneeded calculations.
I was using this in a cocos2d environment, this is how I call it: (Mathematically, we are translating the plane to make p0 the origin. Thus subtracting p0 from p1 (p0 - p0 = {0,0}). The angles are unchanged when the plane is translated.)
CGPoint p0 = self.position;
CGPoint p1 = other.position;
CGPoint pnormal = ccpSub(p1, p0);
CGFloat angle = CGPointToDegree(pnormal);
ccpSub is provided by cocos2d, it's subtraction of a tuple - you can do that yourself if you don't have that available
aside: it's generally not polite style to name the method as above with the CG___ naming scheme, which identifies the function as part of CoreGraphics - so if you want to rename it to MyConvertCGPointToBearing() or FredLovesWilma() then you should do that.
Tomas' answer in Swift 5
func angle(between starting: CGPoint, ending: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let center = CGPoint(x: ending.x - starting.x, y: ending.y - starting.y)
let radians = atan2(center.y, center.x)
let degrees = radians * 180 / .pi
return degrees > 0 ? degrees : 360 + degrees
There is no angle between two points. If you want to know the angle between the vectors from the origin (0,0) to the objects, use the scalar (dot) product:
theta = arccos ( (veca dot vecb) / ( |veca| * |vecb| )
The math std lib of the language your are using surely provides functions for arcus cosine, scalar product and length.
The vertex of the angle is the point (0,0).
Consider object1X=x1 ....object2Y=y2.
Angle(object1-object2) =
90 * ( (1 + sign(x1)) * (1 - sign(y1^2))
- (1 + sign(x2)) * (1 - sign(y2^2)) )
+ 45 * ( (2 + sign(x1)) * sign(y1)
- (2 + sign(x2)) * sign(y2) )
+ 180/pi() * sign(x1*y1) * atan( (abs(x1) - abs(y1)) / (abs(x1) + abs(y1)) )
- 180/pi() * sign(x2*y2) * atan( (abs(x2) - abs(y2)) / (abs(x2) + abs(y2)) )
Will leave it here. Corrected code, plus with rotation of the axis by 90 degrees counterclockwise. I've used it for touches. viewCenter is just center of the view
override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) {
if let touch = touches.first {
let location = touch.location(in: self)
guard let viewCenter = self.viewCenter else { return }
let angle = angle(between: CGPoint(x: location.x, y: location.y) , ending:viewCenter)
func angle(between starting: CGPoint, ending: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
let center = CGPoint(x: ending.x - starting.x, y: ending.y - starting.y)
let angle90 = deg2rad(90)
//Rotate axis by 90 degrees counter clockwise
let rotatedX = center.x * cos(angle90) + center.y * sin(angle90)
let rotatedY = -center.x * sin(angle90) + center.y * cos(angle90)
let radians = atan2(rotatedY, rotatedX)
let degrees = radians * 180 / .pi
return degrees > 0 ? degrees : degrees + 360
func deg2rad(_ number: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return number * .pi / 180
