Umbraco 6.2.0 Render maco inside a razor macroscript - umbraco

I have the below code which works but is there a better way using the RenderMacroContent method. Not sure how to add parameters to that.
<umbraco:Macro runat="server" language="cshtml">#{
HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(this.Output);
var macroPressLogin = new umbraco.presentation.templateControls.Macro();
macroPressLogin.Alias = "Security-PressLogin";
macroPressLogin.Attributes.Add("TargetNode", Parameter.TargetNode);
macroPressLogin.RenderControl(writer); }</umbraco:Macro>

As long as your view inherits from Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoTemplatePage or Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<YourModel> you should just be able to write something like:
#Umbraco.RenderMacro("MacroAlias", new { ParameterAlias1 = "value1", ParameterAlias2 = "value2" })
So in your case it would be:
#Umbraco.RenderMacro("Security-PressLogin", new { TargetNode = "targetNodeValue" })
If you're talking about calling one macro from within another then this should also work as long as your macro partial view inherits from Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
From your example it looks like you're working with a legacy razor macro using umbraco.MacroEngines. If possible I would recommend upgrading to a partial view macro. Click here for some further info.

I know this question is a year old, but I hope someone finds a use for this information (using Umbraco version 6.x):
#(Html.Raw(umbraco.library.RenderMacroContent("<?UMBRACO_MACRO macroAlias=\"MacroAliasHere\" dynamicParameter=\""+ #dynamicValue + "\" staticParameter=\"staticValue\" ></?UMBRACO_MACRO>", Model.Id)))
Option number 2, which I prefer, is actually code to output a contour form using a value from the form picker datatype:
var helper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);
#Html.Raw(helper.RenderMacro("umbracoContour.RazorRenderForm", new { formGuid = #Model.formPickerAlias }))


Randomly selecting an image from a folder in Umbraco

I have created a folder in Umbraco and I would like to display a random image from that folder on my page.
I found a solution from a few years ago which was giving me compile errors
dynamic folder = Library.MediaById(1054);
var randomImage = folder.Children.Where("nodeTypeAlias = \"Image\"").Random();
I found that I have to add the proper inherits in my file
#using umbraco.MacroEngines
#inherits DynamicNodeContext
but this it gives me an error because I already have a #model I'm using in the first line
The 'inherits' keyword is not allowed when a 'model' keyword is used.
Thanks for any help
You can take a look and learn from sample macro partial views pre-installed in each Umbraco website. There is a snippet called List Images From Media Folder.
The code of the default snippet looks like this:
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
Macro to display a series of images from a media folder.
How it works:
- Confirm the macro parameter has been passed in with a value
- Loop through all the media Id's passed in (might be a single item, might be many)
- Display any individual images, as well as any folders of images
Macro Parameters To Create, for this macro to work:
Alias:mediaId Name:Select folder with images Type:Single Media Picker
#{ var mediaId = Model.MacroParameters["mediaId"]; }
#if (mediaId != null)
#* Get all the media item associated with the id passed in *#
var media = Umbraco.Media(mediaId);
var selection = media.Children("Image");
if (selection.Any())
#foreach (var item in selection)
<img src="#item.umbracoFile" alt="#item.Name" />
We need to remember to add the parameter to macro if we're using them there.
Then we can use both: Media or TypedMedia helper methods to retrieve folder (which is typical media item with different type), despite of the required returned type. I usually use TypedMedia to be able to operate on strongly typed object and preview properties in Visual Studio.
If we create macro properly and insert it on the template using code like this (with proper folder ID):
#Umbraco.RenderMacro("Test", new { mediaId="1082" })
we should see a list of images from this folder (all of them at that moment).
The final part is almost the same as you previously did it, but we need to adjust it a little bit. My final code and suggestion is below:
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
var folderId = Model.MacroParameters["mediaId"];
if (folderId != null)
var media = Umbraco.TypedMedia(folderId);
var rand = new Random();
var imagesInFolder = media.Children("Image");
if(imagesInFolder.Any()) {
var pick = imagesInFolder.ElementAt(rand.Next(0, imagesInFolder.Count()));
if (pick != null)
<img src="#pick.GetCropUrl()" alt="#pick.Name" />
Let me know if it solved your problem :)

I am unable to access a variable used in my select tag from my ModalInstance controller

I have taken the codes shared from the Modal example page and instead of an LI I have decided to use a select element. My select element has ng-model="selectedColor" in it, and I can use {{selectedColor}} all over the partial I created, however, I can not use "$scope.selectedColor" from the "Model Instance Controller" or any controller for that matter. I assume this is because something is off with $scope but I cant seem to figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
The problem in your code is that $scope.selectedColor and the selectedColor in the modal markup are two different references. For details on this, please read Understanding Scopes, you will probably benefit from it as it is a common task.
Instead of writing $scope.selectedColor, you should make an object in your controller, then store the result in it.
var ModalInstanceCtrl = function ($scope, $modalInstance, colors) {
$scope.colors = colors;
$scope.o = {}
$scope.ok = function () {
console.log($scope.o.selectedColor, "$scope.o.selectedColor");
$scope.cancel = function () {
and in the markup, refer to o.selectedColor.
Here is a working version of your Plunker

ActionLink MVC4 Razor with icon class

I have this code HTML:
<a class="tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" href="...."><i class="entypo-menu"></i><span>Page Example</span></a>
And I would use this:
#Html.ActionLink("Crea mensilizzazione " + s.nome, "CheckCredentials", "giornaliero", new { #class= "tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" ,, isScuole = false},null)
How can add the <i class="entypo-menu"></i> in this #HTML.ActionLink???
I don't think the ActionLink helper can accomplish this. but you can use #Url.Action() in custom markup to accomplish the same thing:
<a class="tooltip-tip2 ajax-load" href="#Url.Action("CheckCredentials", "giornaliero")"><i class="entypo-menu"></i><span>Page Example</span></a>
Url.Action basically just creates the URL for the link, not any of the markup related to building the link itself. So it can be used in all sorts of custom client-side code. (For example, another common use is to embed it in some JavaScript code to define an AJAX service URL.)
Edit: You can add route values exactly the same way as you do with #Html.ActionLink:
#Url.Action("CheckCredentials", "giornaliero", new { id =, isScuole = false })

JSF 2 doesn't find my method

So I have a view that create pie chart. Th recurring code looks like this.
function drawChart() {
var dataBest = new google.visualization.DataTable();
dataBest.addColumn('string', 'Name');
dataBest.addColumn('number', 'Number');
<ui:repeat value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling()}" var="sale">
[ '#{sale[0].prodId.prodName}', #{sale[1]}],
</ui:repeat >
var options = {'title':'Best Sold Products', 'width':400,'height':300};
var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('test'));
chart.draw(dataBest, options);
And in my controller called DashboardController I have:
public String bestSelling() {
List<Sales> bestSelling = saleService.getBestSellingProduct(country,gender,status,income);
return new Gson().toJson(bestSelling);
But, when I go on my page, I have the following error:
/faces/all.xhtml #22,83 value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling}": The class 'com...managedbean.DashboardController' does not have the property 'bestSelling'.
I don't understand what I did wrong there.
You're not running the code you think you're running. Look at the error message:
/faces/all.xhtml #22,83 value="#{dashboardController.bestSelling}
It mentions the method without the parentheses. So, you've apparently added it later in, but the webapp project is not properly been saved/cleaned/rebuilt/redeployed/restarted.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, there's many more wrong with this approach (attempting to use <ui:repeat> to iterate over a Java String as #1 thinking mistake), but you'll experience this as soon as you fix the current problem. Hint: JSF is a HTML code generator and JS is part of that HTML.

DevExpress DateEdit using MVC

I have just started using the
<% Html.DevExpress().DateEdit()
control and i got it to work fine in my ASP.Net MVC application. The code is as shown below:
aspx page:
<% Html.DevExpress().DateEdit(settings =>
settings.Name = "EndDate";
settings.Properties.NullText = "dd/MM/yyyy";
settings.Properties.EditFormat = EditFormat.Custom;
settings.Properties.EditFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy";
settings.Properties.DisplayFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy";
settings.Date = Model.EndDate;
settings.Width = 100;
Above this code i have a reference to my javascript file (DateChanges.js) in this file i want to be able to do something like:
//do whatever i want
I cant do this now cause using firefox i can see that the actual textbox that this datepicker assigns a value to has be named "EndDate_I". So my question is how can i easily do this since i want to be able to catch the change event of this control and play around with it in jQuery??
The DevExpress MVC Extensions offer their own infrastructure for the client-side processing needs (see the help topic to getting started).
It is necessary to handle the client-side ASPxClientDateEdit.DateChanged event, and retrieve the newly selected Date via the client-side ASPxClientDateEdit.GetDate() method. Use the retrieved js Date object for your additional needs:
<script type="text/javascript">
function OnDateChanged(s, e) {
var newDate = s.GetDate();
settings.Properties.ClientSideEvents.DateChanged = "OnDateChanged";
There is a rather long Blog post at discussing your problem
( I think it is to long to have it pasted here, and the author deserves the credits )
following on from your comment on Mikhails's answer, there will be a property in the global namespace with the name of your control, so it's just like this:
CalculateDayDifference(s.GetDate(), EndDate.GetDate());
All the mvc controls do this, for some you might have to set the EnableClientSideApi property to start using them.
