bwu_datagrid in paper-action-dialog messes up columns 2nd time dialog is opened - dart

I am using bwu_datagrid in my Dart/Polymer webapp. In a paper-action-dialog, I am using the "grouping" grid to show a tree-table. The first time the dialog is opened, the grid looks fine. The second time the dialog is opened, it is fine in Chrome, but when I use Firefox or Safari, the columns in the non-grouped rows are scrunched to the left (overlapping each other), and the column headers have disappeared.
This was also happening in Chrome until I added the following code in the dialog's core-overlay-open-completed event handler:
grid.setColumns = columns;
It appears that someone reported a similar issue back in November. Was this issue ever resolved and/or fixed?

I have come up with a workaround, that at least works for me and for the "issue 97 reattach" example that has been posted elsewhere. I don't know why it works, but I added a new method to bwu_datagrid.dart, called reshowGrid(). This new method is a stripped down version of "setColumns". I think the real key may be the commented out "style append".
void reshowGrid() {
if (_initialized) {
I call grid.reshowGrid() instead of grid.setColumns.


bwu_datagrid setColumns dynamically deforms while running as JS

I was able to dynamically update the columns/data by using something like this:
void setDV(List<Column> cols, List<DataItem> datum) {
print('setColnData cols.length: ${columns.length}, datum.length: ${data2.length}');
print("--1: ${data2.length}");
if(this.columns.length < 1){
this.columns = cols;
grid.setColumns = columns;
datum.forEach((e) => this.data2.add(e));
print("--2: ${data2.length}");
Which works in Chromium flawlessly as a Dart app. I'm able to pass new columns with different renderers, properties, etc. But, If I run my project as JS, it works just as expected on Chrome and it fails in both FireFox and Safari. All the columns appear scrounged up and the top headers are all gone. (I have a picture, but I lack the pointage to post it here).
Also, I'm including 'dart_support.js' on my entrypoint, because without it bwu_datagrid would not show up while running as JS.
I guess my questions are:
A) Am I updating the columns/data incorrectly?
B) Is this expected behavior for now...
C) I overlooked a small detail somewhere.
Thanks in advanced for any help anyone can provide.

JQuery table sorter pager with AJAX - sorting not working ok

I have a problem with JQuery table sorter pager plugin.
I am trying to use paging with AJAX call. It seems to work OK for most cases, but I am unable to get the sorting working.
The problem is that when the request is made it always looks like (assuming the code from example here):
just like the last parameter {sortList:col} is never actually replaced with proper sorting column.
If I'm reading the example correctly the request for sortList = [[2,0],[3,0]] should actually look like:
But in my case it never is. Also when I click on the header the sorting is performed, but no request is made.
Is there anything I am missing in the linked example?
The first part of my problem has been solved by replacing the plugin with the newest version.
For the second part, I still cannot get a request when clicking (sorting) columns. The ajaxProcessing function is almost exactly the same as in the example here, only headers variable is renamed.
As Mottie sugested I am posting an example result from AJAX call (MS MVC JsonResult):
"headers":["Id.","Date","User name","File name","status","Hash","Link"],
"UserName":"John Doe",
"FileNameLink":"\u003ca style=\"padding-left:10px\" href=\"GetFile?Id=21&fileName=test.txt\"\u003eSave\u003c/a\u003e"
I apologize, but I didn't get a chance to thoroughly test the latest changes to the pager. Some of the code was written by someone else, so I might have missed something obvious.
Anyway, this might be the bug that is causing you problems. It resets the table to the first page after each sort... I'll have fixed in the next update.
In the pager plugin, lines 460-470 is this code:
.bind('filterEnd.pager sortEnd.pager', function() {
//Prevent infinite event loops from occuring by setting this in all moveToPage calls and catching it here.
if ($.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered')) {
$.data(table, 'pagerUpdateTriggered', false);
} = 0;
updatePageDisplay(table, c);
moveToPage(table, c);
changeHeight(table, c);
Just change the = 0 to this:
if (e.type === 'filterEnd') { = 0; }
and add an e to the function(e).

Text URL in AIR iOS app not selectable

I'm using AIR 2.0 (soon will be updating to 3.3 with Flash CS6) to create an iPad app. We have textfields (Classic, dynamic) which sometimes contain one or multiple htmlText links which need to be clickable. In the desktop version of the program, all text is selectable and the links are easily accessed. My problem is that it takes me mashing the link like 20 times on the iPad before it will recognize that there's a link and navigate to it in Safari. The other strange thing is that none of the text appears to be selectable - I can't get the iPad cursor, copy/paste menu, etc. to show up.
I think, from reading other threads, that the hit area for the URL is only the stroke on the text itself... if that's true, what can I do to increase the hit area? Or make text selectable? It was suggested elsewhere to put movieclips behind the URLs but that's not really possible as this is all dynamic text from XML files.
I've read about StageText but I gather this is only used for input fields, which is not the case here.
I'm reasonably advanced in AS3 but I'd prefer an easy solution over re-writing large chunks of code. At the moment the only thing I can think to do is get the URL and make it so that as soon as you touch anywhere on the textfield, it navigates to the link. But this would break down if there were more than 1 URL in a given textfield.
Any ideas?
I had this exact same issue, and it's had me flummoxed for a while.
Here's what I did to get the desired behaviour:
1) Instead of using a listener for TextEvent.LINK, listen for MouseEvent.CLICK (or TouchEvent.TAP) on the TextField.
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, linkClicked);
2) In the linkClicked() handler, you use getCharIndexAtPoint() to determine the index of the character that was clicked, and then from that determine the URL from the TextFormat of the character. This is adapted from a post by Colin Holgate on the Adobe Forums (
public function linkClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {
var idx:int =, e.localY);
var tf:TextFormat =;
if(tf.url != "" && tf.url != null) {
var linkURL:String = tf.url;
// Hyperlink processing code here
dispatchEvent(new UIEvent(UIEvent.LINK_TAPPED,tf.url));
3) The last line (dispatchEvent()) is sending a custom event to another function to process the link, but you could easily inline your code here.
I've tested on an iPad 3 running iOS6.1, building with AIR3.5. Links are much more responsive, and I don't find myself mashing the screen trying to hit the stroke of the text!

ie9: annoying pops-up while debugging: "Error: '__flash__removeCallback' is undefined"

I am working on a mvc site that uses facebook social widgets. Whenever I launch the debugger (ie9 is the browser) I get many error popups with: Error: '__flash__removeCallback' is undefined.
To verify that my code was not responsible I just created a brand new mvc site and hit F5.
If you navigate to this url: you will see the pop-ups appearing.
When using other browsers the pop-up does not appear.
I had been using the latest ie9 beta before updating to ie9 RTM yesterday and had not run into this issue.
As you can imagine it is extremely annoying...
How can I stop those popups?
Can someone else reproduce this?
Thank you!
I can't seem to solve this either, but I can at least hide it for my users:
$('#video iframe').attr('src', '').hide();
try {
} catch(ex) {}
The first line prevents the issue from screwing up the page; the second eats the error when jquery removes it from the DOM explicitly. In my case I was replacing the HTML of a container several parents above this tag and exposing this exception to the user until this fix.
I'm answering this as this drove me up the wall today.
It's caused by flash, usually when you haven't put a unique id on your embed object so it selects the wrong element.
The quickest (and best) way to solve this is to just:
add a UNIQUE id to your embed/object
Now this doesn't always seem to solve it, I had one site where it just would not go away no matter what elements I set the id on (I suspect it was the video player I was asked to use by the client).
This javascript code (using jQuery's on document load, replace with your favourite alternative) will get rid of it. Now this obviously won't remove the callback on certain elements. They must want to remove it for a reason, perhaps it will lead to a gradual memory leak on your site in javascript, but it's probably trivial.
this is a secondary (and non-optimal) solution
$(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
if (typeof __flash__removeCallback != "undefined") {
__flash__removeCallback = __flash__removeCallback__replace;
} else {
setTimeout(arguments.callee, 50);
}, 50);
function __flash__removeCallback__replace(instance, name) {
if(instance != null)
instance[name] = null;
I got the solution.
try {
} catch(ex) {
It's been over a months since I last needed to debug the project.
Facebook has now fixed this issue. The annoying pop-up no longer shows up.
I have not changed anything.

WatiN: Print Dialog

I have a screen that pops up on load with a print dialog using javascript.
I've just started using WatiN to test my application. This screen is the last step of the test.
What happens is sometimes WatiN closes IE before the dialog appears, sometimes it doesn't and the window hangs around. I have ie.Close() in the test TearDown but it still gets left open if the print dialog is showing.
What I'm trying to avoid is having the orphaned IE window. I want it to close all the time.
I looked up DialogHandlers and wrote this:
var printDialogHandler = new PrintDialogHandler(PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
And placed it before the button click that links to the page, but nothing changed.
The examples I saw had code that would do something like:
someDialogHandler.WaitUntilExists() // I might have this function name wrong...
But PrintDialogHandler has no much member.
I initially wasn't trying to test that this dialog comes up (just that the page loads and checking some values on the page) but I guess it would be more complete to wait and test for the existence of the print dialog.
Not exactly sure about your situation, but we had a problem with a popup window that also displayed a print dialog box when loaded. Our main problem was that we forgot to create a new IE instance and attach it to the popup. Here is the working code:
btnCoverSheetPrint.Click(); //Clicking this button will open a new window and a print dialog
IE iePopup = IE.AttachToIE(Find.ByUrl(new Regex(".+_CoverPage.aspx"))); //Match url ending in "_CoverPage.aspx"
WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler pdhPopup = new WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler(WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
using (new WatiN.Core.DialogHandlers.UseDialogOnce(iePopup.DialogWatcher, pdhPopup)) //This will use the DialogHandler once and then remove it from the DialogWatcher
//At this point the popup window will be open, and the print dialog will be canceled
//Use the iePopup object to manage the new window in here.
iePopup.Close(); // Close the popup once we are done.
This worked for me:
private void Print_N_Email(Browser ie)
//Print and handle dialog.
ie.Div(Find.ById("ContentMenuLeft")).Link(Find.ByText(new Regex("Print.*"))).Click();//orig
Browser ie2 = Browser.AttachTo(typeof(IE), Find.ByUrl(new Regex(".*Print.*")));
PrintDialogHandler pdh = new PrintDialogHandler(PrintDialogHandler.ButtonsEnum.Cancel);
new UseDialogOnce(ie2.DialogWatcher, pdh);
You still might want to check your browser AutoClose property ie.AutoClose
