connecting the nodes with relationships in py2neo - neo4j

I have the following python code to make a graph in neo4j. I am using py2neo version 2.0.3.
import json
from py2neo import neo4j, Node, Relationship, Graph
graph = neo4j.Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
with open("example.json") as f:
for line in f:
while True:
file = json.loads(line)
except ValueError:
# Not yet a complete JSON value
line += next(f)
# Now creating the node and relationships
news, = graph.create(Node("Mainstream_News", id=unicode(file["_id"]), entry_url=unicode(file["entry_url"]),
title=unicode(file["title"]))) # Comma unpacks length-1 tuple.
authors, = graph.create(
Node("Authors", auth_name=unicode(file["auth_name"]), auth_url=unicode(file["auth_url"]),
graph.create(Relationship(news, "hasAuthor", authors ))
I can create a graph with nodes Mainstream_News and Authors with a relation 'hasAuthor'. My problem is when I am doing this I am having one Mainstream_News node with one Authors but in reality one author nodes has more than one Mainstream_News. I would like to make auth_name property of a Author nodes as a index to connect with the Mainstream_news nodes. Any suggestions will be great.

You are creating a new Authors node each time through your loop, even if an Author node (with the same properties) already exists.
First, I think you should create uniqueness constraints on Authors(auth_name) and Mainstream_News(id), to enforce what seem to be your requirements. This only needs to be done once. A uniqueness constraint also creates an index for you automatically, which is a bonus.
graph.schema.create_uniqueness_constraint("Authors", "auth_name")
graph.schema.create_uniqueness_constraint("Mainstream_News", "id")
But you will probably have to empty out your DB first (at least of all Authors and Mainstream_News nodes and their relationships), since I presume it currently has a lot of duplicate nodes.
Then, you can use the merge_one and create_unique APIs to prevent duplicate nodes and relationships:
news = graph.merge_one("Mainstream_News", "id", unicode(file["_id"]))["entry_url"] = unicode(file["entry_url"])["title"] = unicode(file["title"])
authors = graph.merge_one("Authors", "auth_name", unicode(file["auth_name"]))["auth_url"] = unicode(file["auth_url"])["auth_eml"] = unicode(file["auth_eml"])
graph.create_unique(Relationship(news, "hasAuthor", authors))

This is what I normally do, as I find it easier to know what's happening. As far as I know there are a but when you create_unique with only a Node, and there are no need to create the nodes, when you also have to create an edge.
I don't have the database on this computer, so please bear with me, if there are some typo'es, I'll correct it in the morning, but I guess you'll rather have a fast answer.. :-)
news = graph.cypher.execute_one('MATCH (m:Mainstream_News) '
'WHERE = {id} '
'RETURN p'.format(id=unicode(file["_id"])))
if not news:
news = Node("Mainstream_News")['id] = unicode(file["_id"])['entry_url'] = unicode(file["entry_url"])['title'] = unicode(file["title"])
# You can make a for-loop here
authors = Node("Authors")['auth_name'] = unicode(file["auth_name"])['auth_url'] = unicode(file["auth_url"])['auth_eml'] = unicode(file["auth_eml"])
rel = Relationship(new, "hasAuthor", authors)
# For-loop should end here
I've included the tree first lines, to make it more generic. It returns a node-object or None.
#cybersam use of schema is cool, implement that to, I'll try to use it myselfe also.. :-)
You can read more about it here:


Neo4J Match & Set Multiple Relationships/Nodes in One Query

I'm currently running the following query to update the properties on two nodes and relationships.
I'd like to be able to update 1,000 nodes and the corresponding relationships in one query.
MATCH (p1:Person)-[r1:OWNS_CAR]->(c1:Car) WHERE id(r1) = 3018
MATCH (p2:Person)-[r2:OWNS_CAR]->(c2:Car) WHERE id(r2) = 3019
SET c1.serial_number = 'SERIAL027436', c1.signature = 'SIGNATURE728934',
r1.serial_number = 'SERIAL78765', r1.signature = 'SIGNATURE749532',
c2.serial_number = 'SERIAL027436', c2.signature = 'SIGNATURE728934',
r2.serial_number = 'SERIAL78765', r2.signature = 'SIGNATURE749532'
This query has issues when you run it in larger quantities. Is there a better way?
Thank you.
You could work with a LOAD CSV. Your input would contain the keys (not the ids, using the ids is not recommended) for Person and Car and whatever properties you need to set. For example
personId, carId, serial_number, signature
00001, 00045, SERIAL78765, SIGNATURE728934
00002, 00046, SERIAL78665, SIGNATURE724934
Your query would then be something like :
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///input.csv' AS row
MATCH (p:Person {personId: row.PersonId})-[r:OWNS_CAR]->(c:Car {carId: row.carId})
SET r.serial_number = row.serialnumber, c.signature = row.signature
Note that you should have unique constraints on Person and Car to make that work. You can do thousands (even millions) like that very quickly ...
Hope this helps,

How to correctly use conditionals like IF or CASE in Cypher query language (Neo4J) to successfully create relationships?

I failed to create relationships in Neo4J and I would like to encourage anyone who has sucessfully done it to help me.
The desired result is to have a detailed visualisation of who is a brother to whom, who is who's mother and so on. I want to extract the data from single parent-child relationships. That means, setting a relationship like [:relatedTo {:how['daughter']}] if a node has a parent whose name corresponds to the field and the gender of the node is F.
I have my CSV file that looks like this.
1;Jakub Hančin;M;1994;4;3
2;Hana Hančinová;F;1991;4;3
3;Alojz Hančin jr.;M;1968;15;14
4;Viera Hančinová;F;1968;9;
5;Miroslav Barus sr.;M;1965;9;
6;Helena Barusová;F;1942;;
7;Miroslav Barus jr.;M;1995;6;5
8;Martin Barus;M;1991;6;5
9;Hedviga Barusová;F;1945;;
10;Peter Hančin jr.;M;1991;12;13
11;Zuzka Hančinová;F;1996;12;13
12;Andrea Hančinová;F;1966;;
13;Peter Hančin sr.;M;1965;15;14
14;Alojz Hančin sr.;M;1937;;
15;Anna Hančinová;F;1945;;
This is my personal family tree and I would like to visualize it through Neo4J.
It is a file created with Excel, where I put the information into a table and create a database. Then it was converted to .csv file which is importable into Neo4J. I have sucessfully installed it and now I am at the point of writing the Cypher script to manage it. So far, I have this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:c:/users/Skelo/Desktop/Family Database/Family Database CSV UTF.txt" AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
CREATE (n:Person)
SET n = row, =,
n.personID = toInt(row.personID) , n.G = row.G,
n.Year = toInt(row.Year), n.Parent1 = row.Parent1, n.Parent2 = row.Parent2
WHERE n.Parent1 = OR n.Parent2 =
CASE b.gender
WHEN b.gender = 'F' THEN
CREATE (b)-[:isRelatedTo{how:['mother']}]->(n)
WHEN b.gender = 'M' THEN
CREATE (b)-[:isRelatedTo{how:['father']}]->(n)
The error message shown looks like this.
Invalid input 'A': expected 'r/R' (line 11, column 2 (offset: 389))
"CASE b.gender"
Somehow, I can't figure out why this does not work. Why can't I use the Case command? The Neo4J does not allow me to use anything but the command CREATE (it expects a letter R after C and not an A, this means the CREATE command).
Again, I want to do this. I have a few nodes that are correctly set. For each of those nodes (they represent people), I want to look into the Parent1 and Parent2 fields and to look for a node that has the same name as one of these fields. If it matches one of these, I want to mark that node as a father or a mother to the previous node (judging by the gender of the node, which represents the person).
This way I would like to fill the graph database with many relationships, but I fail at this very basic step. Please help me. If you can, please do not only say what is wrong and why it is wrong, but present a solution that works.
Since you want to create the isRelatedTo relationship regardless of gender and only the property is dependent upon a conditional, do this:
CREATE (b)-[r:isRelatedTo]->(n)
SET = CASE b.gender WHEN 'F' THEN 'mother' ELSE 'father' END

py2neo return number of nodes and relationships created

I need to create a python function such that it adds nodes and relationship to a graph and returns the number of created nodes and relationships.
I have added the nodes and relationship using graph.cypher.execute().
arr_len = len(dic_st[story_id]['PER'])
for j in dic_st[story_id]['PER']:
graph.cypher.execute("MERGE (n:PER {name:{name}})",name = j[0].upper()) #creating the nodes of PER in the story
print j[0]
for j in range(0,arr_len):
for k in range(j+1,arr_len):
graph.cypher.execute("MATCH (p1:PER {name:{name1}}), (p2:PER {name:{name2}}) WHERE upper(<>upper( CREATE UNIQUE (p1)-[r:in_same_doc {st_id:{st_id}}]-(p2)", name1=dic_st[story_id]['PER'][j][0].upper(),name2=dic_st[story_id]['PER'][k][0].upper(),st_id=story_id) #linking the edges for PER nodes
What I need is to return the number of new nodes and relationships created.
What I get to know from the neo4j documentation is that there is something called "ON CREATE" and "ON MATCH" for MERGE in cypher, but thats not being very useful.
The browser interface for neo4j do actually shows the number of nodes and relationship updated. This is what I need to return, but I am not getting quite the way for it to access it.
Any help please.
In case you need the exact counts of properties either created or updated then you have use "Match" with "Create" or "Match" with "Set" and then count the size of results. Merge may not return which ones are updated and which ones are created.
When you post your query against the Cypher endpoint of the neo4j REST API without using py2neo, you can include the argument "includeStats": true in your post request to get the node/relationship statistics. See this question for an example.
As far as I can tell, py2neo currently does not support additional parameters for the Cypher query (even though it is using the same API endpoints under the hood).
In Python, you could do something like this (using the requests and json packages):
import requests
import json
payload = {
"statements": [{
"statement": "CREATE (t:Test) RETURN t",
"includeStats": True
r ='http://your_server_host:7474/db/data/transaction/commit',
The response will include statistics about the number of nodes created etc.
After executing your query using x = you can use x.summary.counters to get the statistics noted in Martin Perusse's answer. See the documentation here.
In older versions the counters are available as a "private" field under x._summary.counters.

Too much time importing data and creating nodes

i have recently started with neo4j and graph databases.
I am using this Api to make the persistence of my model. I have everything done and working but my problems comes related to efficiency.
So first of all i will talk about the scenary. I have a couple of xml documents which translates to some nodes and relations between the, as i already read that this API still not support a batch insertion, i am creating the nodes and relations once a time.
This is the code i am using for creating a node:
var newEntry = new EntryNode { hash = incremento++.ToString() };
var result = client.Cypher
.Merge("(entry:EntryNode {hash: {_hash} })")
.Set("entry = {newEntry}")
_hash = newEntry.hash,
.Return(entry => new
EntryNode = entry.As<Node<EntryNode>>()
As i get it takes time to create all the nodes, i do not understand why the time it takes to create one increments so fats. I have made some tests and am stuck at the point where creating an EntryNode the setence takes 0,2 seconds to resolve, but once it has reached 500 it has incremented to ~2 seconds.
I have also created an index on EntryNode(hash) manually on the console before inserting any data, and made test with both versions, with and without index.
Am i doing something wrong? is this time normal?
Thanks for the answer, really helped. Now i am using the foreach statement in the neo4jclient to create 1000 nodes in just 2 seconds.
On a related topic, now that i create the nodes this way i wanted to also create relationships. This is the code i am trying right now, but got some errors.
.ForEach("(n in {set} | " +
"FOREACH (e in (CASE WHEN e.hash = n.EntryHash THEN [e] END) " +
"FOREACH (p in pointers (CASE WHEN p.hash = n.PointerHash THEN [p] END) "+
"MERGE ((p)-[r:PointerToEntry]->(ee)) )))")
.WithParam("set", nodesSet)
What i want it to do is, given a list of pairs of strings, get the nodes (which are uniques) with the string value as the property "hash" and create a relationship between them. I have tried a couple of variants to do this query but i dont seem to find the solution.
Is this possible?
This approach is going to be very slow because you do a separate HTTP call to Neo4j for every node you are inserting. Each call is then a transaction. Finally, you are also returning the node back, which is probably a waste.
There are two options for doing this in batches instead.
From, you can do something like this, where you pass in a set of objects and then FOREACH through them in Cypher. This means one, larger, HTTP call to Neo4j and then executing in a single transaction on the DB:
FOREACH (n in {set} | MERGE (c:Label {Id : n.Id}) SET c = n)
The other option, coming soon, is that you will be able to write something like this in Cypher:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file://c:/temp/input.csv' AS n
MERGE (c:Label { Id : n.Id })
SET c = n

CREATE UNIQUE with labels and properties

I'm using Neo4j 2.0.0-M06. Just learning Cypher and reading the docs. In my mind this query would work, but I should be so lucky...
I'm importing tweets to a mysql-database, and from there importing them to neo4j. If a tweet is already existing in the Neo4j database, it should be updated.
My query:
MATCH (y:Tweet:Socialmedia) WHERE
HAS (y.tweet_id) AND y.tweet_id = '123'
CREATE UNIQUE (n:Tweet:Socialmedia {
body : 'This is a tweet', tweet_id : '123', tweet_userid : '321', tweet_username : 'example'
} )
Neo4j says: This pattern is not supported for CREATE UNIQUE
The database is currently empty on nodes with the matching labels, so there are no tweets what so ever in the Neo4j database.
What is the correct query?
You want to use MERGE for this query, along with a unique constraint.
MERGE (t:Tweet {tweet_id:'123'})
SET t:SocialMedia,
t.body = 'This is a tweet',
t.tweet_userid = '321',
t.tweet_username = 'example';
This will use an index to lookup the tweet by id, and do nothing if the tweet exists, otherwise it will set those properties.
I would like to point that one can use a combination of
CREATE CONSTRAINT and then a normal
This is for cases where one expects a unique node and wants to throw an exception if the node unexpectedly exists. (Far cheaper than looking for the node before creating it).
Also note that MERGE seems to take more CPU cycles than a CREATE. (It also takes more CPU cycles even if an exception is thrown)
An alternative scenario covering CREATE CONSTRAINT, CREATE and MERGE (though admittedly not the primary purpose of this post).
