Get UUID of BLE IOS Peripheral, not service UUID - ios

how is it possible to fetch the UUID from Peripheral side. Not the service UUIDs out of the advertising package.
Lets see it from the central side:
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central
didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData
What I need is the UUID out of peripheral.identifier, not the ones included in the advertisementData. I can fetch them from the central side, but I need to do this also from the peripheral side.

I don't think there is a way do get UUID from CBPeripheralManager side.
Since this UUID is hard coded in Bluetooth chip,and people barely change their iPhone's Bluetooth chip,this method would be used to track down user ,which is versus to Apple's intend.
Apple banned UDID in iOS 5,banned MAC address in iOS 6.
So there is no reason Apple gave you access to Bluetooth UUID when Apple add CBPeripheralManagerin iOS 6.


The background advertised peripheral to be scanned from other BLE devices either in foreground/background

I'm working on with BLE of iOS where in i could able to establish a peripheral advertisement and scanning at the same time.
I have 2 devices where in both would scan advertise at the same time, it works fine when the devices are in foreground.
Now the issue is: The device is in background meaning the advertisement is not working(not able to show the Local Name and UUID as it will mask as per Apple) because as per Apple Docs:
advertisement key are placed in a special “overflow” area; they can be discovered only by an iOS device that is explicitly scanning for them.
Now my question how can i scan for this overflow area?
Also note when a device is advertising in background i do not get a call back in below delegate too:
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI;
Any possible way i can do this approach, which would really helpful.
The Solution to the above scenario is as per #Paulw11 said.
We just need to scan for specific Peripheral Id.
Thanks Paulw11

how to get public Bluetooth Device Address using core_bluetooth

We have one bluetooth devices.Bluetooth devices have one public bluetooth device address(BDA).In android they get bluetooth like (30:03:5B:00:15:12).I can get only device name and device UUID
like this
-(void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI {
NSLog(#"Discovered peripheral %# (%#) (%#)",,peripheral.identifier.UUIDString); //PHARMACELL CAREOUSEL (0BEF07EA-7680-4223-2D5E-6CE159333F7E)
Please any one guide to us how to get BDA value
The simple answer is clearly: NO.
It is not possible (practically) to get the BDA from the seeds that generated a particular UUID. Provided that in fact the algorithm that generated your UUID did used the MAC Address of your device to generate it, and I guess you cannot guarantee that it is the case for the UUID generator you use, unless you have access to the UUID Generator code or algorithm.
As apple while generating UUID might use the MAC address of the device, other components like timestamps, hashing, UDID (iOS Devices) and also some other factors so its looks impossible to get it back from UDID also.
Android 6 has REMOVED ability to read own Device WIFI and BT MAC address, they will be hardcoded to 02:00:00:00:00:00.
This is "to protect user data" or more correctly "privacy". Too many big mall's have abused harvesting these addresses for getting user behavioral information.
On iOS it is not possible to get the MAC address of the device, it's abstracted by the CBPeripheral class and is identified internally in os by the identifier property. One way to get the MAC address, that's actually most popular, is to include the MAC address in the scan response. You could ask this feature from your BLE device manufacturer. Also the MAC address could be read from one of the GATT characteristics. Ask your BLE manufacturer for more details.

In iOS how to connect to Peripheral without scanning using the harware address

How can we perform a BLE GATTConnect to a peripheral device in iOS without scanning (already knowing the hardware address of the peripheral device)?
I am more familiar with Android, knowing the solution in Android, I am looking for how above can be done in iOS. The above can be performed using the BluetoothDevice object which can be created using a hardware address. Hardware address can be obtained in any way by the application, not just be scanning.
In iOS connectPeripheral method of CBCentralManager requires a CBPeripheral object to make a connection to the GATT server. Instance of the CBPeripheral is returned for each advertisement seen by the central device.
In our iOS application,We know the hardware address (6 byte address in the advertisement) of peripheral and also know when the device is advertising ready to be connected.
In iOS how do we connect with the peripheral without performing a scan knowing the hardware address of the peripheral?
I think that you will have to do a scan, but in the didDiscoverPeripheral CBCentralManager Delegate, you can check the Manufacturer Data field of the advertisementData for your 'address'
//CBCentralManager Delegate
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI
//Pull the localName and manufacturing Data out of the advertising data
NSString *localName = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataLocalNameKey];
NSData *mfgData = [advertisementData objectForKey:CBAdvertisementDataManufacturerDataKey];
//Now check for your 'address' in mfgData and connect if it matches.

UUIDs of iBeacons are different on different devices

I'm developing an application that will use iBeacons for indoor navigation, and I found that the rate the function locationManager:rangingBeaconsDidFailForRegion:withError: is being called is not high enough, so I'm going to add the RSSI data from CoreBluetooth's centralManager:didDiscoverPeripheral:advertisementData:RSSI:.
And I found a curious fact: when I listen to the iBeacon with CoreLocation and log the peripheral id:
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central
didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral
advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData
NSLog(#"%#, RSSI: %#", peripheral, RSSI);
each beacon is reported with different UUID on different devices:
A25804BD-D77A-5004-4C2C-301D996C7367 - my iPhone 5
843F4237-6059-9A5E-AA34-0BD92304BE1F - colleague's iPhone 5
77685805-C253-52BD-B787-8B95308834FB - other colleague's iPad mini
The idea was to bind UUID of each beacon to its location, so this behavior is quite functionality-breaking.
Why the UUID of physically the same beacon (not powered off/on) is different on different devices? Is it an expected behavior? If it is, how could I opt out of it?
You cannot read the identifiers of standard iBeacons using CoreBluetooth. As Chris Stratton said in his comment, the UUID that CoreBluetooth gives you is a device UUID, which is randomly generated on a per-session basis by iOS. It has nothing to do with the iBeacon ProximityUUID.
More details on why you can't read iBeacon identifiers with CoreBluetooth are here:
It is true that you only get on RSSI measurement per locationManager:didRangeBeacons:inRegion: callback. This is a real obstacle to doing a custom distance estimate. Behind the scenes, iOS can gather 10x as many measurements for iBeacons transmitting at 10Hz. You are correct that you can get more measurements using CoreBluetooth, but the problem is that there is no reliable way of lining up which bluetooth devices you see with CoreBluetooth correspond to the iBeacons you can see with CoreLocation.

Get advertisement data for BLE in iOS

I'm creating an app that gets the UUID of all BLE devices within range. I've gotten it working fine in Android, where it gives me the advertisement data as a byte array. Now I'm trying to do the same in iOS.
I'm running a scan and it's detecting the device, and in the callback there's an NSDictionary called advertisementData. But the only information in it is as follows:
kCBAdvDataChannel = 39;
kCBAdvDataIsConnectable = 1;
kCBAdvDataLocalName = jaalee;
kCBAdvDataTxPowerLevel = 0;
Am I right in thinking I should be getting the entirety of the advertising packet? If not, how can I get it?
Unfortunately, iOS does not allow you to access the raw advertisement data. I wrote a blog post demonstrating this. While the post is specifically about iBeacons, it applies to any BLE advertisement.
EDIT: To clarify, you can read the raw manufacturer data bytes or service data bytes of non-iBeacon advertisements. It is only the iBeacon advertisements that have their manufacturer data bytes hidden by CoreLocation. See here: Obtaining Bluetooth LE scan response data with iOS
The equivalent MacOS CoreLocation methods do allow this, so it is probably an intentional security or power saving restriction on iOS.
Based on official documentation from Apple iOS and my personal experience:
YES, iOS does not allow you to access the RAW advertisement data.
If your intention is to put information in advertising packet and read them from the iOS app without connect with the peripheral, this is possible to do.
Here is described how:
1) in the peripheral firmware you have to insert your manufacturer specifica data in the advertising packet, with the data type GAP_ADTYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC (0xFF)
Remember that in the Manufacturer Specific Data, first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by the additional manufacturer specific data
2) in the iOS
- (void)centralManager:(CBCentralManager *)central didDiscoverPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral advertisementData:(NSDictionary *)advertisementData RSSI:(NSNumber *)RSSI
You can see the manufacturer specific data in advertisementData dictionary with key:
3) if you want that in your App receive a callback notification every advertising packet sent by peripheral to iOS, remember to change the scan option to YES. Look at this post about that: Core Bluetooth - constant RSSI updates of in-range devices
In my blog post will be soon a tutorial:
