How to generate URL with host in Rails development environment? - ruby-on-rails

I am working on an application that has set its default host to localhost:
config.action_controller.default_url_options = { host: "localhost" }
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: "localhost" }
This works fine if you're serving your app on a specific port (like http://localhost:3000). I am using Pow so that I can access the app from a URL like
How can I change this setting so that it will work with my domain as well as the other developers using localhost? I need to generate full URLs since they will be used in emails. Is it possible to pass some sort of config value to Pow?

This is the best way I found:
1- Create a config/smtp_settings.example.yml file:
:method: :letter_opener
:host: localhost
:port: 3000
production: &production
:method: :smtp
port: 465
# etc ...
<<: *production
:method: :test
This uses letter_opener as development mailer, change to your own method
There is a staging environment defined as an exact copy of the production environment, remove if you don't use staging
2- Remove config.action_mailer.delivery_method and config.action_mailer.default_url_options and config.action_mailer.smtp_settings from all files under config/environments/ folder
3- Add in the file config/application.rb the following:
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = config_for(:smtp_settings)[:method]
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = config_for(:smtp_settings)[:url_options]
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = config_for(:smtp_settings)[:smtp_settings] if config_for(:smtp_settings)[:method] == :smtp
Notes: config_for has been introduced in the latest version of Rails (4.2.0 as per writing). If you use an older version of rails you must manually load the yml files
And the trick on top of all of that to answer your question:
Push to your repository the file config/smtp_settings.example.yml and ignore the file config/smtp_settings.yml.
Each developper of your team would have to create their own config/smtp_settings.yml by copying the file smtp_settings.example.yml and changing the host to match their machine's IP address, so the mail send by each developer leads to their own machine.
You off course requires you to start the local development server binded to so it's accessible from other hosts (considering your security environment off course)

You could use an environment variable to configure a default host. See Luc Boissaye's answer on how to set this up with dotenv. If you don't add the .env to your repo, each developer can create his own .env and configure his (or her) own preferences.
But you can also use existing environment variables to configure the default_url_options. For example sets the POW_DOMAINS variable:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {
ENV['POW_DOMAINS'].present? ? '' : 'localhost'
As far as I know you only need to set the config.action_controller.default_url_options if you want to force it to some default. When you use the rails _path helpers in your views, this will generate a relative URL (/path). If you use the _url helpers, this will generate an absolute URL (, but both the protocol (http) and host ( are request based.

In development, I like to use dotenv gem(
I put in .env :
And I put inside config/route.rb:
MyApplication::Application.routes.draw do
default_url_options host: ENV['DOMAIN']
In production I define on heroku my domain with this command :
h config:set
or with a custom domain :
h config:set

This will check if Application root directory is symlinked in .pow of current user and set the host accordingly.
if File.exists?(Dir.home+"/.pow/#{Rails.root.basename}")
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: "#{Rails.root.basename}.dev" }
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: "localhost" }

Described on Action Mailer Basics:
Unlike controllers, the mailer instance doesn't have any context about the incoming request so you'll need to provide the :host parameter yourself.
As the :host usually is consistent across the application you can configure it globally in config/application.rb:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: '' }
Because of this behavior you cannot use any of the *_path helpers inside of an email. Instead you will need to use the associated *_url helper. For example instead of using
<%= link_to 'welcome', welcome_path %>
You will need to use
<%= link_to 'welcome', welcome_url %>
The use of Pow makes things a little trickier but thankfully it integrates with so you can access from machines on the local network. Just follow the instructions here: Accessing Virtual Hosts from Other Computers.
The question doesn't mention this, but it might be useful information - If you'd like to actually send mail in your dev (or perhaps test/staging) environment, Instead of seeing mail just in the rails console (with something like powder applog), I'd recommend just hooking it up to a gmail.

You need to override default_url_options in your application controller (at least in rails 3)
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def default_url_options
if Rails.env.production?
{:host => ""}


Rails use of yml file

My first doubt is what is the difference between yml and yaml. Which one I should use. Also I have to put my label in yml file and to load them. So I don't have any idea how to do that. Any example or tutorial for that will be very helpful.
Setting Rails environment variables. Using ENV variables in Rails, locally and with Heroku. Rails configuration and security with environment variables.
Environment Variables
Many applications require configuration of settings such as email account credentials or API keys for external services. You can pass local configuration settings to an application using environment variables.
Operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X, Windows) provide mechanisms to set local environment variables, as does Heroku and other deployment platforms. Here we show how to set local environment variables in the Unix shell. We also show two alternatives to set environment variables in your application without the Unix shell.
Gmail Example
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
address: "",
port: 587,
domain: "",
authentication: "plain",
enable_starttls_auto: true,
user_name: ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"],
You could “hardcode” your Gmail username and password into the file but that would expose it to everyone who has access to your git repository. Instead use the Ruby variable ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] to obtain an environment variable. The variable can be used anywhere in a Rails application. Ruby will replace ENV["GMAIL_USERNAME"] with an environment variable.
Option One: Set Unix Environment Variables
Option Two: Use the Figaro Gem
This gives you the convenience of using the same variables in code
whether they are set by the Unix shell or the figaro gem’s
config/application.yml. Variables in the config/application.yml file
will override environment variables set in the Unix shell.
Use this syntax for setting different credentials in development,
test, or production environments:
HELLO: world
HELLO: developers
HELLO: users
In this case, ENV["HELLO"] will produce “developers” in development, “users” in production and “world” otherwise.
Option Three: Use a local_env.yml File
Create a file config/local_env.yml:
Hope this help your answer!!!
'yml' is the extension you would use for 'YAML' files, so there's no difference between them.
Loading a YAML file in Ruby is as simple as YAML.load_file( <filename> ): it will read the whole file as a normal Hash.
To convert back to yaml use the homonymous method to_yaml.
You can get started here or here

How to use secrets.yml for API_KEYS in Rails 4.1?

In one of my recent projects I started out by .gitignoring the files containing secrets and environment variables. So the entire project is committed to the repo except the files that contain third party secrets such as that of Stripe, Twitter API or Facebook Graph or internal api_keys, ala the ./config/initializers/secret_token.rb file.
Now I am at a point where the project is about to go live (excited!) and I need to port all the environment variables on to the production server using Capistrano i.e. cap production deploy.
[Edit 4: Yr, 2018]
In case of initializers/secret_token.rb it is clear that Rails 4.1 has a new way of handling secrets.yml file that pulls in the :secret_key_base value to the production server. Here, I recommend using the capistrano-secrets-yml gem which works right out of the box and is dead simple to use.
What is left is the way to carry other secrets like API_KEYS, APP_IDs etc. to the production server without checking any of those into the repo. How to do this, what is the most recommended/securest way or the best practices?
NOTE: I'll be editing the question as it progresses/I get more clarity.
EDIT1: Server is a Ubuntu/Linux VPS on DigitalOcean [Answer to Denise, below].
EDIT2: Can the env_variables/secrets be carried over to the server via secrets.yml? Secret_token for sessions is not the only secret after all! [Answered on Edit3]
EDIT3: Yes! It's possible to send in the API_keys via secrets.yml according to this blog. Will share my findings in sometime. :-)
First rule: DO NOT CHECK-IN secrets.yml into the repo.
All right, here's how a secret.yml would look:
secret_key_base: 6a1ada9d8e377c8fad5e530d6e0a1daa3d17e43ee...
# Paste output of $ rake secret here for your dev machine.
secret_key_base: _your_secret_ as above
secret_key_base: <%= secure_token %>
STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY: 'Put your stripe keys for production'
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY: 'Put actual keys for production here'
FB_APP_SECRET: 'same as above'
FB_CALLBACK_URL: 'FB url here'
GOOGLE_KEY: 'Put your keys for production'
GOOGLE_SECRET: 'same as above'
TWITTER_KEY: 'same as above'
TWITTER_SECRET: 'same as above'
TWITTER_USERNAME: 'same as above'
LINKEDIN_KEY: 'same as above'
LINKEDIN_SECRET: 'same as above'
Note the secure_token up there in the production: block. On production server I'm using an initializer to dynamically generate secret_tokens on-the-fly.
sidenote: be careful about spaces and tabs inside the .yml file. It must be properly formatted and spaced (such as having a space after the ':' symbol).
To set it up on production you could then scp the file directly from your local or use the capistrano-secrets-yml gem.
This will not work. See an updated method as per #OddityOverseer's answer below.
To access the environment variables in your app environments/production.rb use:
UPDATED August-2016:
To access the environment variables in your app environments/production.rb use:
FB_APP_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.FB_APP_SECRET
FB_CALLBACK_URL = Rails.application.secrets.FB_CALLBACK_URL
GOOGLE_KEY = Rails.application.secrets.GOOGLE_KEY
GOOGLE_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.GOOGLE_SECRET
TWITTER_KEY = Rails.application.secrets.TWITTER_KEY
TWITTER_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.TWITTER_SECRET
LINKEDIN_KEY = Rails.application.secrets.LINKEDIN_KEY
LINKEDIN_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.LINKEDIN_SECRET
That's about it.
One way to do it is to store those secret keys in environment variables. How to set an environment variable is different depending on what operating system you're on. For a linux machine, usually you're editing a .bashrc or .bash_profile file in your home directory and adding a line that looks like:
export API_KEYS=apikeygoeshere
You'll have to edit the file for whatever user will run rails.
Then in production.rb, you can refer to those environment variables as:
Another option is to use a ruby gem that essentially takes care of that for you, like figaro. The way it works is that you create another file that you don't check in and figaro takes care of setting them up as environment variables, which you can then refer to in your development.rb/production.rb scripts using the ENV["API_KEYS"] above. Because you aren't checking in the file that has all of the environment variables, you'll have to find some way to get that file onto whatever machines are running the code.
I know this question is specific to Rails 4.1, but those who upgrade to Rails 5.1 it now includes built in secret generation. Which seems a much better way to handle sensitive data in your rails app.
A nice approach to deal with different environments would be to:
EDITOR=vim rails credentials:edit
cloud_name: dxe1hjkoi
api_key: 361019726125669
api_secret: Cn6tHfSf019278367sZoO083eOI
cloud_name: oiajsu98u
api_key: 091828812791872
api_secret: KJS98182kjaksh89721jhS9812j
Then use it as:
Cloudinary.config do |config|
config.cloud_name =
Rails.application.credentials.dig(Rails.env.to_sym, :cloudinary, :cloud_name)
config.api_key =
Rails.application.credentials.dig(Rails.env.to_sym, :cloudinary, :api_key)
config.api_secret =
Rails.application.credentials.dig(Rails.env.to_sym, :cloudinary, :api_secret)

how to place SMTP configuration on a separate file?

I'm configuring my app to send emails through gmail smtp, so I'm writing the action_mailer setup in the production.rb file.
Though I don't want to have my gmail credentials written in the production.rb file, which is git versioned.
this is what I have made so far:
in production rb:
require "SmtpData"
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {:host => 'my server's ip'}
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
enable_starttls_auto: "true",
address: SmtpData::ADDRESS,
port: SmtpData::PORT,
domain: "",
authentication: :plain,
:user_name => SmtpData::USER,
:password => SmtpData::PASS
then I created config/initializers/smtp_data.rb containing:
class SmtpData
USER = ''
PASS = 'password'
PORT = "587"
But when my capistrano tries to precompile the assets, I get :
rake aborted!
uninitialized constant SmtpData
any clue on how to solve this. or better approach to this issue?
You need to store your configuration in a file excluded from Git but shared between deployments. Assuming you are using Capistrano 3, it would be something like this:
1) On your server create a file shared/config/smtp.yml (using YAML is not something crucial, but it's just cleaner for configs) in Capistrano root folder with the following content:
pass: your_password
port: 587
2) Add this file to your linked_files in config/deploy.rb (ideally, config/database.yml should be stored this way too):
set :linked_files, %w{config/database.yml config/smtp.yml}
3) Read SMTP config in production.rb from config/smtp.yml.
4) You can also have config/smtp.yml locally for your development environment, but don't forget to add it to your .gitignore then.
I believe that production.rb gets loaded before smtp_data.rb, which is why production.rb isn't able to access the class you have defined.
One solution we use, to keep sensitive credentials out of our git versions, is to create (as in your example) production.rb.template and add this to your git repository. This file is pretty much a copy of what you currently have for production.rb, except that you would have placeholders for where credentials should go. For example,
Then, we remove production.rb from the repository (and, optionally, set it to be ignored by git). When you check out your local copy of the repository, you copy production.rb.template as production.rb, and you fill in the credential information. This will only exist in your local deployment and would not be pushed to git.

Use root_url in config.action_mailer.default_url_options

I have a staging app and a production app on Heroku. I'm using Devise for authentication, which for my production app requires that I set
# in config/environments/production.rb
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: '' }
For my staging app, I have to set host: ''
I would rather not have to change it when deploying to different apps, as I am bound to forget that at some point. Is there a way to use root_url in place of the string for host?

Re-source .bashrc when restarting unicorn?

I have some ENV variables that are sourced for the deploy user. (Similar to what Heroku recommends, but without using Heroku.)
My rails app depends on these for certain functions, for example, in application.rb:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: ENV['MY_HOST'] }
This is necessary because we have several staging hosts. Each host has MY_HOST defined to its correct hostname in .bashrc like so:
export MY_HOST=""
This allows us to only use one rails staging environment, but still have each host's correct hostname used for testing, sending email, etc since this can be set on a per-machine basis.
Unfortunately it looks like when I restart Unicorn using USR2 it doesn't pick up changes to those variables. Doing a hard-stop and start will correctly load any changes.
I'm using preload_app = true which may I'm guessing has something to do with it. Any ideas?
In the end I went away from this approach altogether in favor of loading my app config from an app_config.yml file. Ryan Bates covers this approach in Railscast #226.
The only thing I did differently is that I load a shared app_config.yml for each server I use. Since I'm using capistrano, I just symlink the file on deploy.
For example, on staging2 my shared/configs/app_config.yml looks like this:
host: ""
... whereas on staging3 it looks like this:
host: ""
Now my application.rb has this line instead:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: APP_CONFIG[:host] }
I removed the actual config/app_config.yml from git so that it's not included on deploy. (I moved it to config/app_config.yml.template.) Then on deploy I use a capistrano task to symlink shared/configs/app_config.yml to config/app_config.yml:
namespace :deploy do
desc "Symlinks the app_config.yml"
task :symlink_app_config, :roles => [:web, :app, :db] do
run "ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/app_config.yml #{release_path}/config/app_config.yml"
This strategy has these benefits over using ENV vars:
Deployed to all nodes via capistrano
We can do conditional hosts by simply changing the file on the appropriate server
Unicorn will get changes with USR2 since everything's done inside of rails
Everything's kept in one place, and the environment isn't affected by some other variables outside of the codebase
