Continous Integration on Azure Mobile Services? - tfs

Is there any way to enable continuous integration on azure mobile services using Team Foundation (TFS) source control?
I have seen its easily done on Azure Websites and Cloud Services but i dont see an option on mobile services.
My only option is to set up a custom server ?

You are looking for this:
and maybe you shoudl see this too:
Store project code in source control
Git Source Control Integration with Windows Azure Mobile
Update: your source control can be TFS and you should have your own CI Server, and when is all ok you should use a git command to push it to Azure.


Unable to install Test Manager extension on Azure DevOps Server 2019

Recently we have upgraded our TFS server to the latest 2019 version.
As the Admin, I was trying to install the downloaded Test Manager extension just like we did in TFS2017 and TFS2018.
However, I was unable to install it even with full access and TFS test plan subscription.
This extension does not support the version of the Server you are
currently using. See Works With for supported Server versions.
What should I do, am I missing something? Why it not work with TFS2019? Appreciate your help.
This is the expected behavior when you try to install the extension in Azure DevOps Server 2019. You do not need to install extra Test Manger for Azure DevOps Server 2019.
The official link is also clearly: This extension does not support the version of the Server you are currently using. See Works With for supported Server versions.
It only work Works with
Team Foundation Server 2017
Team Foundation Server 2018
Manual testers do not need this extension and can execute tests as a
Basic user in an Azure DevOps organization/collection.
this here.
This extension is available out-of-the-box in Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server (2019 onwards) and hence doesn't need to be acquired for them.
We strongly recommend you to use Azure Test Plans or the Test hub in Azure DevOps Service/Server (a fully featured Test management solution) over Microsoft Test Manager for all your test management requirements. There will be no new versions of Microsoft Test Manager.Microsoft Test Manager 2017 (which shipped with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017) is the last version.
More details please take a look at our official tutorial here.
Besides, to use Azure Test Plans in Azure DevOps service you need some License requirements
Azure Test Plans uses an access level called Basic + Test Plans, which is available from Azure DevOps.
For the Manual testing permissions and access suggest refer this link:
Hope this helps.
As mentiond in the Extension page:
This extension is available out-of-the-box in Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server (2019 onwards) and hence doesn't need to be acquired for them.
So you don't to install it, it's exist :) just go to the "Test Pans" tab in the left menu (maybe you need give permissions in the settings).

Implementing Azure DevOps Services with On-premise TFS Release Manager

We have Release Management for VS 2013 running for all our builds and releases on-premise. We are not ready to publish our systems to Azure Cloud yet, but would like to migrate our source-code to Azure DevOps Services in the mean time. We are also not ready to publish via Azure DevOps Pipelines to agents installed on our servers. Is it possible to have your source-code in Azure DevOps Repos, build the source using either Microsoft-hosted or self-hosted agents and then have Release Management for VS2013 release them to our environments?
I am able to do normal published via Azure DevOps Services totally to Azure Cloud, and even to on-premises with distributed agents running on servers, with test applications, but this would mean I have to recreate every build definitions, we have created, again in Azure DevOps, and also that we would bypass our Release Management server.
We would like to stick with Release Manager for now for releases, but want to migrate our source-code and work-items into Azure DevOps and build source in Azure DevOps Pipelines.
It's unlikely to work. Release Management Server 2013 only supported XAML builds. 2015 had support for JSON/visual designer builds, but the support wasn't particularly robust. I'm not even 100% sure that RM Server can communicate with a modern Azure DevOps instance. You're using a 6 year old tool that's been deprecated and unsupported for several years; you're not going to find a lot of options to keep it working properly with modern, supported tools.
There is a tool that can extract PowerShell deployment scripts from RM Server that can be used (with some degree of rework) in an Azure DevOps pipeline, but it's not a perfect solution. And I say that as the primary developer of that tool.

Is there a way to use MS TFS with SAP cloud plattform / WEB IDE?

SAP provides a git repository in the SAP cloud plattform to be used with SAP WEB IDE. But is there a way to use a client side Team Foundation Server (TFS) (behind a firewall) and without git as the version control system in WEB IDE?
If not, anyone tried to sync a git repo (SAP cloud) with the git repo if used as TFS backend automatically?
Presently there is no out of box connector for TFS-SAP integration. There has been a related uservoice, you could vote it to get more attention.
Integrate TFS with SAP Solutions Manager
As for syncing git repo between tfs and sap automatically, there is no this tool or plug-in. You may need do this with the help of git command,local git repo, pull from one and push to another. It's also be able to directly build external git remote repository in TFS.
At present WEBIDE can be only integrated with git available in SAP Cloud Platform as source control.

Can we use TFS as Source Code Repository for Salesforce?

Can we use TFS as Source Code Repository for Salesforce? If yes then is there any TFS/Salesforce API which can be used to fetch the latest code from Salesforce Dev Org?
You can store your code in any SCM system. Salesforce orgs also have meta-data that affect configuration and this must be exported, usually via an SFDC plug-in to an IDE like eclipse. Deploying code to SFDC must be through their interfaces and requires test code. This could all be scripted in .NET / PS via SFDC API, but that is beyond the scope of a post like this IMO.
Yes. You can fetch the code from Project collection and deploy into Sandbox.
However, the command line fetch from TFS is still evolving and in TFS 2013 , there are some new changes.
AutoRABIT - a release management suite for Salesforce Applications has support for deployments from Team Foundation Server [ TFS 2013 ] - Salesforce Sandbox or auto-commit from Sandbox to TFS .

Use Team Foundation Service and Git Support from Monodevelop

NOTE: This question was asked before the release of git support in the TFS Service, and this works quite well now. Read more about using tfs service with monodevelop here:
We decided to try out Team Foundation Service (the TFS cloud version) because it has Git support which would (we hoped) help us manage both our VisualStudio and MonoDevelop code in one place.
The question is how to connect to the TFS service in MonoDevelop? From what I can see, I should use HTTPS protocol, for server I just type the name of our TFS service, and for user I type in my live id and try to connect.
The problem is the url which becomes something like this
Note the two # signs in the url. Seems that whatever git Tools are used behind MonoDevelop barfs on that:
NGit.Api.Errors.JGitInternalException: Exception caught during execution of fetch command ---> NGit.Errors.NotSupportedException: Invalid URL
If I try to omit the user name from the dialog, I get another error about unauthorized access.
Is there a way to enter/store git username and password somewhere on the mac or in MonoDevelop? I'm pretty sure this would work eventually.
Team Foundation Service (, formerly does not host git repositories, only Team Foundation Server repositories.
It sounds like you may be conflating two different concepts:
Codeplex, Microsoft's hosting site for open source software, does support both TFS and git hosting, as well as Mercurial.
Microsoft recently announced the git-tf project that allows you to create a local git repository that tracks a remote Team Foundation Server repository.
git-tf was designed with cross-platform users in mind, who use an IDE that does not have native support for Team Foundation Server source code control. It sounds like using git-tf would probably be the most applicable for you.
