iOS 8 statusbar rotating twice when rotating phone - ios

So I have seen this for quite a while now but I still wonder why this happens. When your app is in landscape mode and you rotate your phone or simulator on to the other landscape side it appears as if the status bar is clearly rotating twice. If you don't see this at first try activating slow animatons (⌘T on the simulator). I can see it happening on my iPhone as well.
Does anyone know why this is happening?

That's nothing but a common iOS Simulator lag. It happens just because of the slow animation mode and you could even send a Bug Report to Apple, but that's nothing but a Simulator lag. Don't worry: This issue will never happen in a recent iOS device. Happy programming!
EDIT: Apparently you want deep details. Ok. If your app's rotation animations are faster than iOS standard animations, this should happen because the system probably notices that the app's rotation is not near ready and returns for keeping up the pace. For deep details and possibilities to change these details on the Info.plist file, please look on the iOS Library.
Best regards,


Expo Go works fine on iPhone8 Sim. but stuck at splash screen on other simulators or my real iPhone 11

I simply cannot figure out what’s going on here—My app works great in the simulator when it is set to iPhone 8, but if I change to 11, or try to open it in the expo app on my real iPhone, it hangs at the splash screen.
I am loading a few images and fonts with the splash screen, but it works perfectly well in the simulator when it’s set to iPhone 8, and I have no idea why it doesn’t just work equally well on any device size.
Does anyone have any ideas why the behavior would be different?
Edit: update on my findings. I have narrowed the issue down to a check for isClientReady which is a Boolean I create during the Splash Screen loading to check for an existing session and if so, connect to the Stream chat service’s client. When I remove this, then the Splash screen continues to load for the other device sizes, but then it sets up a race condition where the app loads before the user is connected to Stream and I get an error. I may be able to circumvent this by throwing up a spinner wheel once past the loading screen to await the Stream client check, but I wanted to avoid multiple loading states when the app starts and hide it behind the splash screen.
Weirdly, this is not and has never been a problem when using the iPhone 8 simulator, it works perfectly. It seems to be a problem with all other phone sizes, though, and my real iPhone 11.
So the question still remains—does anyone know why the behavior would vary between two different types of simulator? I’m stumped.

How to debug multiple scenes loading at the same time in unity?

We have a really weird bug in out game where when we upload it into Beta and send it out through test flight, so phones play the game as intended and other phones have a weird issue pictured below:
From the image you can see the problem. One it does a ghosting type of thing with the characters as they move. Two, it acts like no scene is actually closing, but keeps stacking them on top of each other.
This problem does not occur on iPhone 6s or iPad Pro. It also doesn't occur on Android. We have only seen it on 5S and iPads.
We have looked at versions and that doesn't seem to be an issue either. We are using Unity 5.3 for this build (we reverted to this build as we felt it was the most stable, just to make sure that wasn;t an issue)
Anyone have an idea of what could be causing this problem?
Keep in mind that the things that are being seen are in different scenes.
in your camera settings you probably set clear flags to Dont clear set it to Depth only

Swift SK game works correctly in simulator, labels missing in physical iPhone 5S (both iOS8)

I'm writing a game using sprite kit, first time so mistakes are inevitable :)
So running it in the simulator when certain events happen it's quite laggy (fps drops to 11 or less).
So I decided to see what happens on a real iPhone 5S.
Things run a little better: still lags at those events but not as badly.
However quite a few of my labels are missing: they appear fine in the Simulator but are completely missing in the physical device (just empty space where they should be).
Running ios8 in the simulator (5S) and on the 5S, code written in Swift.
Any hints at what I should look at?
Well, first you should try to isolate the problem. Try and see if the labels are indeed hidden or if they are behind a view. Download a hierarchy viewer such as Reveal App and try and find the UILabels. If they exist in both, the hierarchy viewer and the Simulator but not the physical iOS device, try and upload it to a different device. If it happens on the other device too, something is wrong with your code. We cant help unless we have something to work with. I recommend looking at to help with writing good questions.

App stays in splash screen in iOS 7.0.3

Recently in iOS 7.0.3, my app stays in the splash screen and was not going into the app at all.
If i kill the app and launch it again it opens up without any issues.
Can anyone help me on this issue?. I think the application -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions was not returning yes.
Note: I have a lot of stuffs like deleting database, initializing a dozen of buttons in appdelegate init function.
I know that it is a bad practice to have things in init but since its been there for more than 4 years and was working fine with previous OS versions i didn't find a good reason to change it.
Also this issue is not happening all the time.
My app size is 40 MB.
The iOS Guidelines say that you should not include anything which holds the Splash screen for much time its better if you do all the process in background so that splash screens loads up and user can play with app. But as you said your issue is not all the time so Try to reset the app and also quit simulator. Hope this helps.

Test Whether the screen is ON/OFF in iphone

I am developing a application to test whether the iphone screen is OFF or ON and i tried the code of accelerometer that specified in stack overflow it working well for screen on status but when i turn off the screen the accelerometer is not deactivating.
So i am getting doubt about the fact that did really accelerometer get deactivate automatically when the screen turns off. If anybody having clear idea about it please share it.
Application are paused when it sleep. You should realize a background task for it.
