Why are redundant parenthesis not allowed in syntax definitions? - rascal

This syntax module is syntactically valid:
module mod1
syntax Empty =
And so is this one, which should be an equivalent grammar to the previous one:
module mod2
syntax Empty =
( )
(The resulting parser accepts only empty strings.)
Which means that you can make grammars such as this one:
module mod3
syntax EmptyOrKitchen =
( ) | "kitchen"
But, the following is not allowed (nested parenthesis):
module mod4
syntax Empty =
(( ))
I would have guessed that redundant parenthesis are allowed, since they are allowed in things like expressions, e.g. ((2)) + 2.
This problem came up when working with the data types for internal representation of rascal syntax definitions. The following code will create the same module as in the last example, namely mod4 (modulo some whitespace):
import Grammar;
import lang::rascal::format::Grammar;
str sm1 = definition2rascal(\definition("unknown_main",("the-module":\module("unknown",{},{},grammar({sort("Empty")},(sort("Empty"):prod(sort("Empty"),[
The problematic part of the data is on its own line - alt({seq([])}). If this code is changed to seq([]), then you get the same syntax module as mod2. If you further delete this whole expression, i.e. so that you get this:
str sm3 =
], {})))))));
Then you get mod1.
So should such redundant parenthesis by printed by the definition2rascal(...) function? And should it matter with regards to making the resulting module valid or not?

Why they are not allowed is basically we wanted to see if we could do without. There is currently no priority relation between the symbol kinds, so in general there is no need to have a bracket syntax (like you do need to + and * in expressions).
Already the brackets have two different semantics, one () being the epsilon symbol and two (Sym1 Sym2 ...) being a nested sequence. This nested sequence is defined (syntactically) to expect at least two symbols. Now we could without ambiguity introduce a third semantics for the brackets with a single symbol or relax the requirement for sequence... But we reckoned it would be confusing that in one case you would get an extra layer in the resulting parse tree (sequence), while in the other case you would not (ignored superfluous bracket).
More detailed wise, the problem of printing seq([]) is not so much a problem of the meta syntax but rather that the backing abstract notation is more relaxed than the concrete notation (i.e. it is a bigger language or an over-approximation). The parser generator will generate a working parser for seq([]). But, there is no Rascal notation for an empty sequence and I guess the pretty printer should throw an exception.


How to parse dot operator in language syntax?

Let's say I'm writing a parser that parses the following syntax:
foo.bar().baz = 5;
The grammar rules look something like this:
program: one or more statement
statement: expression followed by ";"
expression: one of:
- identifier (\w+)
- number (\d+)
- func call: expression "(" ")"
- dot operator: expression "." identifier
Two expressions have a problem, the func call and the dot operator. This is because the expressions are recursive and look for another expression at the start, causing a stack overflow. I will focus on the dot operator for this quesition.
We face a similar problem with the plus operator. However, rather than using an expression you would do something like this to solve it (look for a "term" instead):
add operation: term "+" term
term: one of:
- number (\d+)
- "(" expression ")"
The term then includes everything except the add operation itself. To ensure that multiple plus operators can be chained together without using parenthesis, one would rather do:
add operation: term, one or more of ("+" followed by term)
I was thinking a similar solution could for for the dot operator or for function calls.
However, the dot operator works a little differently. We always evaluate from left-to-right and need to allow full expressions so that you can do function calls etc. in-between. With parenthesis, an example might be:
(foo.bar()).baz = 5;
Unfortunately, I do not want to require parenthesis. This would end up being the case if following the method used for the plus operator.
How could I go about implementing this?
Currently my parser never peeks ahead, but even if I do look ahead, it still seems tricky to accomplish.
The easy solution would be to use a bottom-up parser which doesn't drop into a bottomless pit on left recursion, but I suppose you have already rejected that solution.
I don't understand your objection to using a looping construct, though. Postfix modifiers like field lookup and function call are not really different from binary operators like addition (except, of course, for the fact that they will not need to claim an eventual right operand). Plus and minus intermingle freely, which you can parse with a repetition like:
additive: term ( '+' term | '-' term )*
Similarly, postfix modifiers can be easily parsed with something like:
postfixed: atom ( '.' ID | '(' opt-expr-list `)` )*
I'm using a form of extended BNF: parentheses group; | separates alternatives and binds less stringly than concatenation; and * means "zero or more repetitions" of the atom on its left.
Another postfix operator which falls into the same category is array/map subscripting ('[' expr ']'), although you might also have other postfix operators.
Note that like the additive syntax above, selecting the appropriate alternative does not require looking beyond the next token. It's hard to parse without being able to peek one token into the future. Fortunately, that's very little overhead.
One way could be for the dot operator to parse a non-dot expression, that is, a rule that is the same as expression but without the dot operator. This prevents recursion.
Then, when the non-dot expression has been parsed, check if a dot and an identifier follows. If this is not the case, we are done. If this is the case, wrap the current node up in a dot operation node. Then, keep track of the entire string text that has been parsed for this operation so far. Then revert everything back to before the operation was being parsed, and now re-parse a "custom expression", where the first directly-nested expression would really be trying to match the exact string that was parsed before rather than a real expression. Repeat until there are no more dot-identifier pairs (this should happen automatically by the new "custom expression").
This is messy, complicated and possibly slow, and I'm not entirely sure if it'll work but I'll try it out. I'd appreciate alternative solutions.

How to use context free grammars?

Could someone help me with using context free grammars. Up until now I've used regular expressions to remove comments, block comments and empty lines from a string so that it can be used to count the PLOC. This seems to be extremely slow so I was looking for a different more efficient method.
I saw the following post: What is the best way to ignore comments in a java file with Rascal?
I have no idea how to use this, the help doesn't get me far as well. When I try to define the line used in the post I immediately get an error.
lexical SingleLineComment = "//" ~[\n] "\n";
Could someone help me out with this and also explain a bit about how to setup such a context free grammar and then to actually extract the wanted data?
Kind regards,
First this will help: the ~ in Rascal CFG notation is not in the language, the negation of a character class is written like so: ![\n].
To use a context-free grammar in Rascal goes in three steps:
write it, like for example the syntax definition of the Func language here: http://docs.rascal-mpl.org/unstable/Recipes/#Languages-Func
Use it to parse input, like so:
// This is the basic parse command, but be careful it will not accept spaces and newlines before and after the TopNonTerminal text:
Prog myParseTree = parse(#Prog, "example string");
// you can do the same directly to an input file:
Prog myParseTree = parse(#TopNonTerminal, |home:///myProgram.func|);
// if you need to accept layout before and after the program, use a "start nonterminal":
start[Prog] myParseTree = parse(#start[TopNonTerminal], |home:///myProgram.func|);
Prog myProgram = myParseTree.top;
// shorthand for parsing stuff:
myProgram = [Prog] "example";
myProgram = [Prog] |home:///myLocation.txt|;
Once you have the tree you can start using visit and / deepmatch to extract information from the tree, or write recursive functions if you like. Examples can be found here: http://docs.rascal-mpl.org/unstable/Recipes/#Languages-Func , but here are some common idioms as well to extract information from a parse tree:
// produces the source location of each node in the tree:
// produces a set of all nodes of type Stat
{ s | /Stat s := myParseTree }
// pattern match an if-then-else and bind the three expressions and collect them in a set:
{ e1, e2, e3 | (Stat) `if <Exp e1> then <Exp e2> else <Exp e3> end` <- myExpressionList }
// collect all locations of all sub-trees (every parse tree is of a non-terminal type, which is a sub-type of Tree. It uses |unknown:///| for small sub-trees which have not been annotated for efficiency's sake, like literals and character classes:
[ t#\loc?|unknown:///| | /Tree t := myParseTree ]
That should give you a start. I'd go try out some stuff and look at more examples. Writing a grammar is a nice thing to do, but it does require some trial and error methods like writing a regex, but even more so.
For the grammar you might be writing, which finds source code comments but leaves the rest as "any character" you will need to use the longest match disambiguation a lot:
lexical Identifier = [a-z]+ !>> [a-z]; // means do not accept an Identifier if there is still [a-z] to add to it; so only the longest possible Identifier will match.
This kind of context-free grammar is called an "Island Grammar" metaphorically, because you will write precise rules for the parts you want to recognize (the comments are "Islands") while leaving the rest as everything else (the rest is "Water"). See https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=837160

How does groovy distinguish division from strings?

Groovy supports / as a division operator:
groovy> 1 / 2
===> 0.5
It supports / as a string delimiter, which can even be multiline:
groovy> x = /foo/
===> foo
groovy:000> x = /foo
groovy:001> bar/
===> foo
Given this, why can't I evaluate a slashy-string literal in groovysh?
groovy:000> /foo/
clearly groovysh thinks this is unterminated for some reason.
How does groovy avoid getting confused between division and strings? What does this code mean:
groovy> f / 2
Is this a function call f(/2 .../) where / is beginning a multiline slashy-string, or f divided by 2?
How does Groovy distinguish division from strings?
I'm not entirely sure how Groovy does it, but I'll describe how I'd do it, and I'd be very surprised if Groovy didn't work in a similar way.
Most parsing algorithms I've heard of (Shunting-yard, Pratt, etc) recognize two distinct kinds of tokens:
Those that expect to be preceded by an expression (infix operators, postfix operators, closing parentheses, etc). If one of these is not preceded by an expression, it's a syntax error.
Those that do not expect to be preceded by an expression (prefix operators, opening parentheses, identifiers, literals, etc). If one of these is preceded by an expression, it's a syntax error.
To make things easier, from this point onward I'm going to refer to the former kind of token as an operator and the latter as a non-operator.
Now, the interesting thing about this distinction is that it's made not based on what the token actually is, but rather on the immediate context, particularly the preceding tokens. Because of this, the same token can be interpreted very differently depending on its position in the code, and whether the parser classifies it as an operator or a non-operator. For example, the '-' token, if in an operator position, denotes a subtraction, but the same token in a non-operator position is a negation. There is no issue deciding whether a '-' is a subtraction operator or not, because you can tell based on its context.
The same is, in general, true for the '/' character in Groovy. If preceded by an expression, it's interpreted as an operator, which means it's a division. Otherwise, it's a non-operator, which makes it a string literal. So, you can generally tell if a '/' is a division or not, by looking at the token that immediately precedes it:
The '/' is a division if it follows an identifier, literal, postfix operator, closing parenthesis, or other token that denotes the end of an expression.
The '/' begins a string if it follows a prefix operator, infix operator, opening parenthesis, or other such token, or if it begins a line.
Of course, it isn't quite so simple in practice. Groovy is designed to be flexible in the face of various styles and uses, and therefore things like semicolons or parentheses are often optional. This can make parsing somewhat ambiguous at times. For example, say our parser comes across the following line:
println / foo
This is most likely an attempt to print a multiline string: foo is the beginning of a string being passed to println as an argument, and the optional parentheses around the argument list are left out. Of course, to a simple parser it looks like a division. I expect the Groovy parser can tell the difference by reading ahead to the following lines to see which interpretation does not give an error, but for something like groovysh that is literally impossible (since, as a repl, it doesn't yet have access to more lines), so it's forced to just guess.
Why can't I evaluate a slashy-string literal in groovysh?
As before, I don't know the exact reason, but I do know that because groovysh is a repl, it's bound to have more trouble with the more ambiguous rules. Even so, a simple single-line slashy-string is pretty unambiguous, so I believe something else may be going on here. Here is the result of me playing with various forms in groovysh:
> /foo - unexpected char: '/' # line 2, column 1.
> /foo/ - awaits further input
> /foo/bar - unexpected char: '/' # line 2, column 1.
> /foo/bar/ - awaits further input
> /foo/ + 'bar' - unexpected char: '/' # line 2, column 1.
> 'foo' + /bar/ - evaluates to 'foobar'
> /foo/ - evaluates to 'foo'
> /foo - awaits further input
> /foo/bar - Unknown property: bar
It appears that something strange happens when a '/' character is the first character in a line. The pattern it appears to follow (as far as I can tell) is this:
A slash as the first character of a line begins a strange parsing mode.
In this mode, every line that ends with a slash followed by nothing but whitespace causes the repl to await further lines.
On the first line that ends with something other than a slash (or whitespace following a slash), the error unexpected char: '/' # line 2, column 1. is printed.
I've also noticed a couple of interesting points regarding this:
Both forward slashes (/) and backslashes (\) appear to count, and seem to be completely interchangeable, in this special mode.
This does not appear to happen at all in groovyConsole or in actual Groovy files.
Putting any whitespace before the opening slash character causes groovysh to interpret it correctly, but only if the opening slash is a forward slash, not a backslash.
So, I personally expect that this is just a quirk of groovysh, either a bug or some under-documented feature I haven't heard about.

scala: parser help

I'm learning to write a simple parser-combinator. I'm writing the rules from bottom up and write unit-tests to verify as I go. However, I'm blocked at using repsep() with whitespace as the separator.
object MyParser extends RegexParsers {
lazy val listVal:Parser[List[String]]=elem('{')<~repsep("""\d+""".r,"""\s+""".r)~>elem('}')
The rule was simplified to illustrate the problem. When I feed the parser with "{1 2 3}", it always complains that it doesn't match:
[1.4] failure: `}' expected but 2 found
I'm wondering what's the correct way of writing a rule as I described?
By default, RegexParsers-derived parsers skip whitespace before attempting to match any terminal symbol. Unless your whitespace interpretation is unusual, you can just work with that. If the particular character (sequences) you wish to treat as ignored whitespace is something other than the default (\s+), you can override the projected val whiteSpace: Regex = ... value in your RegexParsers parser. If you do not what any such whitespace skipping to occur, override def skipWhitespace = false.
Edit: So yes, changing this:
to this:
and leaving everything else defined in RegexParsers unchanged should do what you want.
By the way, the common use of repsep is for things like comma-separated lists where you need to ensure the commas are there but don't need to keep them in the resulting parse tree (or AST).

Create a Print Function

I'm learning Bison and at this time the only thing that I do was the rpcalc example, but now I want to implement a print function(like printf of C), but I don't know how to do this and I'm planning to have a syntax like this print ("Something here");, but I don't know how to build the print function and I don't know how to create that ; as a end of line. Thanks for your help.
You first need to ask yourself:
What are the [sub-]parts of my 'print ("something");' syntax ?
Once you identify these parts, "simply" describe them in the form of grammar syntax rules, along with applicable production rules. And then let Bison generate the parser for you; that's about it.
To put you on your way:
The semi-column is probably a element you will use to separate statemements (such a one "call" to print from another).
'print' itself is probably a keyword, or preferably a native function name of your language.
The print statement appears to take a literal string as [one of] its arguments. a literal string starts and ends with a double quote (and probably allow for escaped quotes within itself)
The bolded and italic expressions above are some of the entities (the 'symbols' in parser lingo) you'll likely need to define in the syntax for your language. For that you'll use Bison grammar rules, such as
stmt : print_stmt ';' | input_stmt ';'| some_other_stmt ';' ;
prnt_stmt : print '(' args ')'
{ printf( $3 ); }
args : arg ',' args;
Since the question asked about the semi-column, maybe some confusion was from the different uses thereof; see for example above how the ';' belong to your language's syntax whereby the ; (no quotes) at the end of each grammar rule are part of Bison's language.
Note: this is of course a simplistic implementation, aimed at showing the essential. Also the Bison syntax may be a tat off (been there / done it, but a long while back ;-) I then "met" ANTLR never to return to Bison, although I do see how its lightweight and fully self contained nature can make it appropriate in some cases)
