Drag MapBox map on different UIView (iOS) - uiview

Our UIView contains a MapBox map. At certain moments during our apps lifespan we display a UIView on top of the Map.
This view had a transparant background and a couple of controls inside it. What we want is to be able to drag the map on the spots where the view is transparent. (It should basically pass through the gestures to the view below it..which is the map).
To get a basic picture of what we try to accomplish: think of a map and above it is a view which shows a big + sign. What we want is when we drag the actual sign...nothing happens. But when you drag in the empty corners, it should drag the map.
Any ideas how to accomplish that?

Check out -[UIView userInteractionEnabled] and set it to NO for the transparent view. Be sure to set it to YES for the control subviews. That should do the trick.


How do I add an overlay that does not move with the map to a GMSMapView?

I'm trying add a crosshair in the middle of a GMSMapView. The crosshair will not move with the map as the user pans it. It will move with the camera.
I looked at the google maps guide but it doesn't seem to talk about the kind of overlays I'm interested in. What it says is just adding overlays and shapes that moves with the map.
Therefore, I tried to come up with something on my own. I tried to add an UIImageView on top of the map view he storyboard. (Note that both the image view and the map view is in the storyboard and they are both direct subviews of the view that the VC controls)
When I run the app, I did not see the crosshair anywhere on the map. I looked at the UI hierarchy and saw this:
The little view is the image view with the crosshair, and as you can see there are 3 more views in front of it. I think this is why the crosshair did not show. The three views are, from right to left: GMSVectorMapView, GMSUISettingsPaddingView and GMSUISettingsView.
I have not idea how to bring the image view to front. I tried bring it to front by calling bringSubview(toFront:). I tried to call this in both viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear but it did nothing in both times.
How can I make such an overlay work?
You can use zPosition to achieve this
YourView.layer.zPosition = 1
by doing this you will put your view's layer to the frontmost position, but not the view itself. So position of the view won't change.
self.view.bringSubview(toFront: YourView)
Should also work, it's probably juat a timing problem.

iOS touch event triggering by movement of other view

Here's the scenario I am trying to implement:
I already have a view that can let user draw doodles by touching inside the view directly (like a doodle canvas). This view implements touchesBegan, touchMoved, and touchEnded handlers to draw lines from touch event parameters.
Now instead of that, I want user to be able to drag and move another UIView on this canvas view and can still draw lines just like they touch directly. For example, user can drag a pen image view on the canvas view to draw pen-style lines.
In this case, how can I transfer the movement of this pen image view to the canvas so it recognize it? One more question: if I want this canvas view to only recognize movements of drag other views rather than touching directly, what I should do?
(Sorry that this question is little too general, just want to get some pointer of it)... Thanks!
A better way to look at the problem is
How can I transfer movement on the canvas into the location of a pen
image view?
That's easy. You already have all the code that keeps track of movement in the canvas (touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded), so all you need to do is change to center property of the pen view to track the movement in the canvas. (Obviously, you'll need to apply small X and Y offsets to put the center of the pen view at the correct location).
The only non-obvious detail that you need to be aware of is that the pen view must have userInteractionEnabled set to NO. That way, the pen view won't interfere with touches reaching the canvas view.
Note that UIImageView has user interaction disabled by default, so you don't need to do anything if the pen view is a UIImageView. However, if you're using a generic UIView to display the pen, then you need to disable user interaction in storyboard under the Attributes inspector or disable it in code, e.g. in viewDidLoad.

Placing a control over a mapview iOS 7 using storyboards

I'm trying to place a button over a mapview. In storyboard I have it as the last control in the view hierarchy, the map view still covers it up. I've tried adding this line in my viewDidLoad method to bring my button view to the front but it doesnt seem to work either
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:self.flagButton];
anyone have any idea why this wouldnt be working? the map view covers most of the screen, and I want to place a few buttons on top of the map, but so far can't get them to show up, they are under it every time.
I was able to do this by making my view as subview of map view.
self.view = self.gmsMapView;
[self.gmsMapView addSubview:_myBtnView];
I know this is an old post, but I'm answering for the sake of someone facing the same problem.
I was having the same issue, then I found a solution, and is as follows:
First, open your project and go to your StoryBoard then click on "Show Document Outline" switch that is on bottom left very small switch. After that select your "Scene" that you are having problems with then click "View". Find your MKMapView object and drag it up until you reach the first row. This will make your MKMapView object (or any other) "the first in a layer" so to speak.
I hope someone will find this helpful.
I was using storyboards and was not seeing the button. I had to set the MKMapView to hidden until the button was displayed and in position. Then I set the MKMapView to visible.
Here are the steps I had to take in the interface builder to get my button to show
Create a UIViewController which contains a view
Add an MKMapView and set constraints
Add UIButton in the same view as the MKMapView, set the image and text, whatever is applicable. If MKMapView disappear when you try to resize or move the button, the map view has just set its width and height to zero. Enter new values in the Size Inspector for the map view and it will resize back. Or you can move the button elsewhere off the MKMapView and then move the button back to where you want it.
The important part is to set constraints for the UIButton. I also had to set the MKMapView hidden until I got the size and placement right and then set it back to visible.
Here's how it looks in the simulator
You can't add a subview to an MKMapView via the storyboard. Add it as a sibling view instead.
Edit: Your map view should also be a subview of the root view (i.e. self.view) for this to work.
I was having similar issues and I did the following:
Made sure both the map view and the button are at the same level in the view hierarchy, I accomplished this by creating a View that both the map view and button were children of.
Made sure the button is dragged below the map view in the left gutter of the storyboard (so it is actually rendered on top).
Made sure there were valid constraints for the button.
The only thing new that hasn't already been mentioned was double-checking the constraints, and that appeared to resolve it for me. Hope that helps.

iOS Overlay UI on Google maps

The bars at the top and bottom are made with ImageViews, the buttons and the logo are children of a view overlaid onto the mapView as seen here:
My specific problem is that the MapView is sucking away all touch events so no buttons are working. Ive solved it by enabling user interactions on the view that contains all my overlaid controls but it disables all interactions with the map. I have also tried to wrap the ui around a view that is not user interactable with two subviews (containing the bars) that are, which ends up in weird presentation errors and a lot of NSLog'd constraint errors.
Any ideas on how to properly achieve this layout? The map is not supposed to work if the user tries to interact with it by touching the grey-ish bars.
It looks like you have a single view that holds all of the overlay elements and it is above the Map View, therefore it will handle all touches and not your Map View.
Based on this design, what I would do is create a view that contains the top section and a view that contains the bottom section. Then, place those in their locations above the Map View, this will make it so that there is no view above the Map View in the middle.
Here you see, the green section is "Top Overlay" and the purple section is "Bottom Overlay", there is no view covering the mid section of the map view where you want your user to be able to interact with it.

Draw animations dynamically (interactively) on MKMapView

I want to draw an animation over MKMapView. I want it to be something like a compass arrow, that follows (rotates) user's taps / swipes .
So the arrow goes from the center of the screen and is of a fixed length. I don't need the line to be coordinate-specific, but I need to keep the map interactions intact (i.e. still being able to pinch-zoom on the map).
I tried to do that via MKPolyline (creating and then destroying a line), but that does not work (and from the way I had to do that I feel like it won't work). I wonder what would be the best way to handle that? Quartz?
I would accept just an explanation (which kind of view overlay over what, which classes to use), no code is necessary (but if you have a working example that's so much better ))
I draw views like a map ruler not as subview from MkMapView. I put kMapView and my ruler view into a container view. This works for views which positions are fixed on screen, like on center of screen, and are not related to a geographical position.
