Handling development env variables when using foreman - ruby-on-rails

When using the foreman gem, I include a .env file to specify different environment variables for my development environment.
However, when collaborating with other developers on a project, what is a good way to keep our .env files in sync with each other without checking credentials from services like Twilio and Pusher into source control?
At the moment, I keep an updated README.md at the root that specifies which keys we need, but it is extra work to have to look at the readme on every pull.

We (I didn't come up with this, but my team has been using it for a while now) have an env subdirectory that's in the directory we run foreman from. In env, there are files like DATABASE_URI or MY_ENV_KEY or whatever else you need, the values of which are the values that environment variable should be set to.
Then we have a script called start_server.sh which we call from Foreman's procfile:
for env_file in `pwd`/env/*;
name_of_var=`basename $env_file`
get_val_of_var_cmd='echo "$'$name_of_var'"'
val_of_var=`eval "$get_val_of_var_cmd"`
if [[ "$val_of_var" == "" ]];
val_of_var=`cat $env_file`
cmd="export $name_of_var='$val_of_var'"
echo "Setting $name_of_var=$val_of_var"
eval $cmd
echo "Using $name_of_var=$val_of_var"
exec bundle exec unicorn $*
The env directory, and the files in it, can be added to your source control.

Since asking the question, I've found this post from John Resig about a tip he learned from his coworker, Craig Silverstein.
Instead of encrypting the keys into source control however, I will opt for his original solution of creating a dummy keys file that contains empty values, and storing the actual keys somewhere safe but accessible by my collaborators.


RHEL - Environment variable

I have an environment file named .env337_dev. I need to run this file to set the environment before running another command. How to run this file?
Inside the file, it contains several variables like this
export AB_HOME=/et/dev/abinitio/sit1/abinitio-V2 #/gcc3p32 # for 32-bit
export PATH=${AB_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
Apart from . ./.env337_devcommand which will run and set the environment, is there any other way to run this file ?
Are you looking for the user-specific .bashrc (bash is the default shell on RHEL 6) or a system-wide /etc/profile.d/<something>.sh? For the first, you would edit $HOME/.bashrc and append a line like . .env337_dev (it's still run before any "regular" command, because .bashrc is the Bash standard personal initialization file). Second option suggests that you use an absolute path.
If this doesn't answer your question, a more specific question and/or more details would be very helpful.
You tagged this ab-initio, so you should only be setting a very few environment variables, including:
export AB_HOME=<path-to-co>operating-system>
export PATH=$AB_HOME/bin:$PATH
If you are working with Ab Initio web applications:
export AB_APPLICATION_HUB=<path-to-application-hub>
export JAVA_HOME=<path-to-jdk>
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
and specific settings for different applications, e.g.
export AB_MHUB_HOME=<path-to-metadata-hub-installation>
Typically you put those into the file .profile in your home directory, which shells evaluate for interactive sessions.

How to Use Environment Variables in a .env file to fill out other environment variable in the same .env file

I am using a base.env as an env_file for several of my docker services.In this base.env I have several parts of the environment variable that repeat throughout the file. For example, port and ip are the same for three different environment variables.
I would like to specify these in an environment variable and reuse those variables to fill out the other environment variables.
Here is base.env:
### Kafka
# kafka's port is 9092 by default in the docker-compose file
# kafka topic that is to be created. Note that ':1:3' should remain the same.
# the url for connecting to kafka
I have tried writing
in the environment section of the appropriate service in the docker-compose.yml, but this gets interpreted as a literal string in the container.
Is there a way to do what I want in the base.env file?
Thank you for your help!
You can actually do it like this (at least in vlucas/dotenv package (php), not sure about others, please check it yourself)
Read more about it here
There is no way to do this in an env_file since it is not run as a bash command. This means that the variable is not created and then concatenated into the next variable it appears in. The values are just read in as they are in the env_file.
I used $ in Node.js and React.js , and both worked
and in react
#API Configurations
I know that I am a little late to the party, but I had the same question and I found a way to do it. There is a package called env-cmd, which allows you to use a .js file as an .env file. The file simply needs to export an object with the keys being your environment variable names and the values being, well, the values. This now allows you to run javascript before the environment variables are exported and thus use environment variables to set others.
I temporarly managed to deal with this where I create a script to replace env file vars from another env file vars like so:
# To allow using sed correctly from same file multiple times
cp ./.env.uris.default ./.env.uris
# Go through each variable in .env.baseurl and store them as key value
for VAR in $(cat ./.env.baseurl); do
key=$(echo $VAR | cut -d "=" -f1)
value=$(echo $VAR | cut -d "=" -f2)
# Replace env vars by values in ./.env.uris
sed -i "s/\${$key}/$value/g" ./.env.uris
then you can run docker run command to start the container and load it with your env vars (from .env.baseurl to .env.uris) :
docker run -d --env-file "./.env.uris" <image>
This is not the best solution but helped me for now.
Using Nextjs, in the .env.local file I have the following variables:
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL = http://localhost:5000
it works well, I used the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL in the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_API_USERS_URL_REGISTER.
There is a simple way to do this you will just need to run:
env >>/root/.bashrc && source /root/.bashrc
this will append all environment variables inside /root/.bashrc then convert those if they have not been converted while passing the env-file
you can use something like this ${yourVar}
I test this on PHP / Laravel .env it's working fine

$_SERVER and $_ENV not available if running php from shell

I have set up a cron job to run once an hour a script cron/cron.php
This script simply reads a table to check which scripts should run at a given time.
So far no problem.
I just noticed that $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is empty. Same to $_ENV['HOSTNAME']
What can be the reason? I would prefer to have my cron.php portable so I am searching for a solution which should work on every server.
Thanks in advance for any tips!
When the cron script is run, it's most likely executed by the php-cli binary and not the webserver.
$_SERVER entries are set by the webserver, here is the quote from $_SERVER page in the PHP manual:
$_SERVER is an array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations. The entries in this array are created by the web server.
As there is no webserver involved with your cron script, these are not set. You can try this your own by executing php on the command-line:
php -r 'var_dump($_SERVER);'
it will output all settings in $_SERVER in your command-line environment, "DOCUMENT_ROOT" most likely will be an empty string and "SERVER_NAME" is not set at all.
The $_ENV superglobal contains the environment variables of the system specifically, it's just that "HOSTNAME" is not set as environment variable by the cron binary.
Further Considerations
I normally suggest to not only create the PHP cron script (as you did with cron/cron.php) but also to create a shell-script that invokes the php script. Then use the shell-script in the crontab. This allows you to modify the environment easily without re-configuring the crontab or the cron.php too often. You can then set environment variables within that shell script as well as changing the working directory etc.
If you want to make your cron.php script more portable, figure out what the injected environment dependencies are (e.g. the document root your have) and make those variable, e.g. with variables or a parameter object. Then create a section in your script where those variables are populated and the rest of your script can run based on them in an injected manner. This reduces configuration changes only to a very limited part of your script and will allow you to create more re-useable code.

Passing many environment variables to Rails application ran by Unicorn

I need to pass a large number of environment variables to Rails application ran by Unicorn web server. The sample unicorn init script has the following lines:
test -f "$INIT_CONF" && . $INIT_CONF
So I created a $APP_ROOT/config/init.conf, put all my variables there like this:
I even made this file executable (not sure if it is necessary)
And restarted Unicorn. But ENV["VAR1"] returns nothing in my application...
Is it supposed to work this way? If yes, what am I doing wrong? If no, then how can I pass many env vars into Rails app in a clean way? (without polluting global environment or putting all of them in the command line)
Update My investigation showed that shell file like this:
. init.conf
echo $VAR1
works as expected. But this one:
. init.conf
ruby -e "puts ENV['VAR1']"
does not. So . imports code into the script but env vars set this way are not transferred further.
You probably have to "export" the variables from within the config file. Does it work if you put
export VAR1=value1
export VAR2=value2
into the config file?
I would consider using foreman, specifically for its use of .env files as defined here.

Where to put environment variables when using nginx and Passenger on Ubuntu

I was trying to set up a system similar to heroku where I would store secret keys in environmental variables and then access them from my rails app like this:
I know heroku lets you do heroku config:add EMAIL_PASSWORD=secret, and I wanted to do something like that for my own ubuntu box running nginx and Passenger.
Should I add these variables as exports in .bashrc or .bash_login so that on system reboot these variables are automatically set?
I'm not sure when each of those files gets read in.
You can use dotenv gem which loads the .env file as environmental variables. You can generate the .env file for different environments, and need not be rather should not checked into your repository.
Keep in mind that nginx may not be running under the same environment as you are, and usually (pronounced "Apache") we add env-vars in the server config file via SetEnv. However, nginx doesn't have such a feature... nor does it need one, I believe.
sudo -E /usr/local/sbin/nginx
When running nginx for it to be aware of your own user env vars.
Or, check out the env command (see here):
To answer your question, yes, you should use export statements in your shell config files.
This is documented in nginx. It removes all environment variables except TZ when running the workers. If you want to add an environment variable, add the following to the top of the nginx configuration:
# The top of the configuration usually has things like:
user user-name;
pid pid-file-name;
# Add to this:
env VAR1=value1;
env VAR2=value2;
# OR simply add:
env VAR1;
# To inherit the VAR1 from whatever you set in bash
The normal export or anything you do in bash has no guarantee of getting passed on to nginx, due to the way the init scripts are written (we don't know if they're using sudo with a clean environment, etc). So I'd rather put these in the nginx configuration file itself, rather than depending on the shell to do it.
Edit: Fix link
(this is probably a overkill, but maybe it'll be useful)
Some things to keep in mind:
Environment variables are somewhat public, and can be seen by other processes as easily as added an option to the ps(1) command (like ps e $$ in bash) or looking at /proc/*/environ, though both are restricted at least to the same user (or root) on modern systems. Don't rely on them being secret if you have another fairly easy option available.
~/.bashrc is the wrong place for environment variables, since they can be computed once at login in ~/.bash_login, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.profile, depending on your usage, and passed down to all descendent shells. In contrast, ~/.bashrc actions tend to be recomputed on every shell invocation (unless explicitly disabled).
Putting bash code in the ~/.profile can confuse other sh-descendent shells and non-shell tools which try to read that file, so having the bash-specific ~/.bash_login or -_profile contain the bash-specific things, and using . ~/.profile for the more general things (LESS, EDITOR, VISUAL, LC_COLLATE, LS_COLORS, etc), is friendlier to the other tools.
Environment variables in ~/.profile should be in the old Bourne shell form (VAR=value ; export VAR). On Linux, this isn't usually critical, though on other Unixen this can be a big issue when an older version of "sh" tries to read them.
Some X sessions will only read ~/.profile, not ~/.bash_login or the others mentioned above. Some will look for a ~/.xsession file will need to be modified to have . $HOME/.profile if it doesn't already somehow.
System-wide settings would be put instead in something like /etc/profile.d/similar-to-heroku.sh. Note that the ".sh" is only present since the file will be used with "." or "source" - shell scripts should never have command-name extensions in any form of Unix/Linux.
Most environment variables get ditched when one sudos to root, as ybakos points out. Similar issues show up in crontabs, at jobs, etc. When in doubt, adding env | sort > /tmp/envvars or the like a suspect script can really help in debugging.
Be aware some distributions have shell startup scripts so contorted they end up actually defying the order given in the bash(1) manual page. Anytime you find a default user ~/.profile checking for $BASH or $BASH_VERSION, you may be in one of these, um..., "interesting" environments, and may have to read through them to figure out where the control flow goes (they should be using a bash-specific ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login, which includes the more generic ~/.profile by reference, thus letting the bash executable do the work instead of having to write $BASH checks in shell code).
~/.bash_profile (or ~/.bash_login) can certainly include . ~/.bashrc, but the environment variables belong in the ~/.bash_profile (if bash-specific) or the ~/.profile included from it (if you're using this mechanism and have envvars for everything else in there) as DeWitt says, just remember to put the . ~/.bashrc AFTER the .bash_profile's . ~/.profile and other environment variables, so that both login and all other invocations of the ~/.bashrc can rely on the envvars already being set. An Example ~/.bash_profile:
# .bash_profile
[ -r ~/.profile ] && . ~/.profile # envvars
[ -r ~/.bashrc ] && . ~/.bashrc # functions, per-tty settings, etc.
The [ -r ... ] && ... works in any Bourne shell descendent and doesn't cause errors/aborts if the .profile is missing (I personally have a ~/.profile.d/*.sh setup as well, but this is left as an entirely optional exercise).
Note that bash only reads the first file of these three which it finds:
...so once you have that one, the use of the other two is entirely under control of the user, from bash's perspective.
I put them in my nginx config, specifically in the server definition for the app using the passenger_env_var command:
server {
server_name www.foo.com;
root /webapps/foo/public;
passenger_enabled on;
passenger_env_var DATABASE_USERNAME foo_db;
passenger_env_var DATABASE_PASSWORD secret;
passenger_env_var SECRET_KEY_BASE the_secret_keybase;
This works for me. See the phusion passenger docs for more info.
I have a script in /usr/local/bin folder that sets some env vars and then executes Ruby. I define the path to Ruby in my (Apache, not Nginx) conf file to that file in /usr/local/bin.
# setup env vars here
export FOO=bar
export PATH_TO_FOO=/bar/bin
# and execute Ruby with any arguments passed to this script
exec "/usr/bin/ruby" "$#"
You should read this response to another question, it will help:
Ok sorry i read it too fast, you can check how to save your ENV variables here :
If you use Nginx as server on your local computer, you can define your env variable into your nginx config file.
location / {
fastcgi_param EMAIL_PASSWORD secret; #EMAIL_PASSWORD = secret
I'm using rbenv as a version manager. Good solution to store environment variables for the project was installing the rbenv-vars plugin and putting them in .rbenv-vars file.
Here is a useful post:
Deploying app ENV variables with Rbenv, Passenger and Capistrano
For those battling this that are using RVM. Make sure that your default environments file is including your user's .bashrc and .profile files
file: $rvm_path/environments/default
to find the path run this command:
ls -lah `whereis rvm`/environments/default
add these two lines before the first line in that file:
source $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.profile
The best place to keep env variables for your project is /etc/profile.d/YOUR_FILE.sh,
Here you can find the documentation which explains in details where to keep env variables for different scenarios.
In case anyone had the same type of question as I did, here's a nice little writeup about the different .bash* files: http://www.joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html
In summary:
For the most part:
.bash_profile is read when you log into the computer and .bashrc is read when you start a new terminal. For Mac OSX .bash_profile is read with every terminal window you start.
So, the recommended procedure is to source .bashrc from .bash_profile so all the variables are set when you login to the computer. Just add this to .bash_profile:
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
source ~/.bashrc
You have to add the export lines into your .profile file under your home folder...
Environment variables are being set on login...
