Always "Have Offline Access" | Google OAuth 2 - oauth-2.0

I am trying to get fetch user's profile using Google OAuth2 api. After user authentication, on the consent page, I am always asked for "Have Offline Access"
The URL in browser looks like :-
As visible in the URL above, I have passed scope parameter as 'email'
Google Auth API page says:-
"This scope requests that your app be given access to:
the user's Google account email address. You access the email address
by calling people.get, which returns the emails array (or by calling
people.getOpenIdConnect, which returns the email property in
OIDC-compliant format). the name of the Google Apps domain, if any,
that the user belongs to. The domain name is returned as the domain
property from people.get (or hd property from getOpenIdConnect). This
email scope is equivalent to and replaces the scope."
Why I am asked for Offline Access every time?

I had the same problem, and after googling for a long while, I found this link:
"This app would like to: Have offline access" when access_type=online
it suggests to remove 'localhost' in the redirect_uri, and it works for me.

Because you are redirecting back to http(s)://localhost:/. This makes sense because any app that requests redirection to localhost is obviously running locally.
Redirect it to a public web address and it will not bother you.

if you are using node js module 'everyauth' , you can override the googles default value by
.authQueryParam({ access_type:'online', approval_prompt:'auto' })

There are two parameters which can cause this prompt:
access_type (if it is 'offline', get refresh token)
approval_prompt (if it is 'force')
A reference about this can be found here.
Try to change the approval_prompt parameter to 'auto' or add it to your request and check the access_type parameter to 'online' or add it to your request.

Looks like you have registered your client as a "Native Application" instead of a "Web Application". Native apps get a refresh token by default which is a long lived token, for which the Resource Owner gets a notification and a consent screen because of its inherent security implications. Change your client type to "Web Application" assuming that's what it is...


Testing Google OAuth 2.0 with localhost?

How do I test the Google OAuth 2.0 on my app with localhost, since Google requires a top private domain as the authorized domain?
I tried to look up solutions, but all the solutions given have been a while ago, and I think Google has changed their service since then.
localhost is not a valid top-level domain, and it won't let you generate credentials without setting up a consent screen. You can add more than one authorized domain if you'd like, but you can't leave it empty. But you CAN delete the field if you have no domains / would not like to add domains for now. you just can't LEAVE it empty.
Notice the description -- "When a domain is used". so it's not an obligation to add authorized domain for consent screen. Moreover, the authorized domain here is only related with consent screen. Authorized origins and Authorized redirect URLs needs to be specified in the credentials part, which is all that matters; specifying the origin from which requests will be accepted and where it will be redirected. So just omit the authorized domain in the consent screen.
So how to delete it? Just in case if you haven't noticed, just hover over the field and this little man will pop up. delete it. that's all. Now you should be able to save and continue, where it might ask you to setup scopes.
I know it's really late, hoping it might help others..
After about an hour banging my head against the wall I found this article that has a step by step solution that works (as of July 2020).
Basically you need to create a service account, share the sheet with that account, and then it should work.
All of the other auth methods I tried either raised nonsense errors, or simply silently didn't work.
The list of authorized domains is required before you submit a request for app verification. If you want to configure a localhost redirect URI, that is configurable in your web OAuth client ID configuration.
In case anyone has struck out on the suggestions above, this answer did the trick for me. Set my authorized JavaScript origins URI to http://localhost:8080 in the google API console then emptied my Chrome cache.
Just add an OAuth-consent-screen from here without a domain or valid domain that's up to you, after that create Credentials from here, then select OAuth client ID and enter your from here you can add javascript origin url and there you go you've done.
You add your final domain for when you are ready to become verified. Until then you will generate an OAuth client ID and enable https://localhost:3000 in "Authorized JavaScript origins"
Simple screenshot of the field you can enter localhost
Not beautiful, but works!
I've made local website(domain) on Xampp like, added that domain in Authorized domains and started Chrome from separate shortcut with parameter --ignore-certificate-errors
Note, that when you start with this flag, Chrome must not be running!
It cause Chrome to open web site in the xampp\htdocs folder and I was forced to go to folder test1.git and then to public folder, where finally site opened and the url was:
ps. Use port 80 in httpd-vhosts.conf and not 443!

Account linking with actions on google

I am facing an issue regarding account linking in Actions on Google:
I am able to authenticate the user and access his email address and username however after this how can I redirect the user back to the google assistant and close the browser where he was authenticated?
Any help will be appreciated!
Update: Hey Prisoner thanks a lot for that.
I did what you said and yeah now it does redirect to but without result_code=SUCCESS when I test it in the simulator.
The link is:
Now if I type talk to... again it shows me the message you need to link your account!
In the device the browser automatically closes and it shows SIGNING_IN however when I type an intent it is not recognized.
It would be great if you could point me in the right direction! (I am not sure but I might be at the token exchange stage that you mentioned, but I don't have a clue how to proceed!)
Update 2: As requested the entire flow that I am following:
This is the URL that I receive from debugInfo:******_dev&scopes=email&return_url=
When I paste this in the browser the request that I receive at the authorization endpoint is:
('response_type', 'code'),
('client_id', ****'),
('redirect_uri', '****'),
('scope', 'email'),
('state', ' CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)')
The response (redirect_url) that I send back:**********
When it reaches my endpoint again the request arguments are:
('code', '4/***********')
Now I am able to access the email address and other details
The url that I redirect to from here:****?code=abcdefgh&state=CtcCQUxWM2ROU3hNMjl4LUItVXhQSGd4THRMLU4yNExnb3lYbGRKQnQwa3NwTVFva19NUWpYNE5jNGJURzIyZFN3RDBXd2d4enFGVWJGb0Q0ZW1vaS1OaFdkaHdhb05HZ2xlWTR6SllKVlRWYktwd09faklyUTVheFhQbGw2dmVKYzVFTk05N3B1QkxaZG41RVdHN0wyTktvRFdCYzFPVFBzM1dQUlFtN2RmM1VtRU4****(state)
This redirects me to :
Edit 3: I checked the network logs:
I also added /token/google as the token URL in AoG. It is detected in heroku however I never receive this request in my code.
Note: I am using python flask and hosting my app on heroku
Once you have authenticated the user, you'll need to return a temporary auth code back to Google. Later, Google will exchange this auth code for an access token and a refresh token, but you're not there yet. The important part is that this code needs to be unique and that, later, you'll be able to recognize what user it is for. The code should be valid for a limited time - 10 minutes is a generally accepted time frame.
In the request Google sent to you as part of the login, they've provided a redirect_uri and a state as parameters. You'll need to use these in your reply. (state can be anything - you shouldn't care what it is, you're just going to send it back with your redirect. Its purpose is to improve security by preventing replay attacks.)
Verify that the redirect_uri has the form
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is... you guessed it, the ID of your project. You can find this in the cloud console.
You'll then redirect the user to this URL with a few additional parameters:
Where YOUR_PROJECT_ID is as noted above, AUTHORIZATION_CODE is the code you've generated, and STATE_STRING is the value of the state parameter that you were sent in the request.
For details, you can see

Can't access Microsoft Graph users calendars 403

I have seen other posts that are very similar, but I don't find a real answer. Some say "it is coming", those are old.
I am authenticating with the Admin credentials to our O365 and trying to pull calendar information. The Scope has Calendars.ReadWrite (which falls under App-Only and Delegate as far as scopes), but it always returns a 403. ErrorAccessDenied, "Access is denied. Check credentials and try again"
The Graph doc for calendar views shows it can send in users/{id} in the request, and the id's came back when I listed all the users. Of course if I use mine, it works.
If there really is an App-Only scope vs a Delegate scope for this same scope name, how do you specify that?
Is there something I have to specify in O365 for my admin user so it has rights? I can delete or create any user with that account in O365, so it appears it should have what it needs.
So, App-Only has a slightly different flow.
First, instead of authenticating the user at "", you authenticate them at "".
Second, you pass in the same parameters minus "scope". Scope is determined by your Application Permissions defined in you application that you registered at
Third, when you receive your callback you will not have a "code" to use to go and retrieve your Access and Refresh tokens. Instead, you will receive a "tenant" property and an "admin_consent" property. "admin_consent" will tell you whether you have the rights or not.
Fourth, when requesting your access token, you will not supply the "scope" or "code" parameters, but you will provide a "resource" parameter, with the value "".
Lastly, the URL you contact to get the token will change from "" to "{tenant}/oauth2/token", where {tenant} will be the value returned.
Please note that in the URL that "v2.0" is missing. That isn't a typo. If you do not remove that from the path you will get errors about an invalid or missing "scope" parameter.
Once it successfully returns your Access and Refresh token, the flow seems to follow normal delegated access.
Here are a couple of links that Microsoft gave me, with their guidance to help figure this out.
(Big Thanks to Jeff at Microsoft)
Latest doc is here:
I followed it and I was able to read/write other's calendar with permission Calendars.ReadWrite.

Using Email Settings API from app engine with service account

I'm trying to use the Email Settings API from within a google marketplace app. Because I need all the logic to happen offline (in a cron job). I'm using an app engine Service Account, but when I'm trying to actually change the email settings for the users of the domain that installed it I'm getting this error:
You are not authorized to access this API.
Error 403
this is the scope:
I'm probably missing something, but I couldn't find the right docs to show me the way. How would I go about implementing an app that accesses the email settings even when the admin is offline?
You need to set the prn attribute to address of an admin account.
Examples for the directory API are at:
In terms of accessing the Email Settings API, you're really unlikely to get people to give you Service Account access to their domain.
On the other hand, if it's your domain (and thus you can add Service Account access), couple of pointers below:
What is important is that you add the following to the header:
"Authorization" = "Bearer <your_token>"
(note the very specific syntax - "Bearer+<1 space>+", as per section 2.1)
"Content-Type" = "application/atom+xml"
(important for POST/PUT/DELETE requests, doesn't matter for GET)
that should get you up and running.

Soundcloud OAuth2 API: Getting invalid_scope error after user connection

I'm trying to implement Soundcloud connect and having a weird issue.
First thing I do is send my users to
When users connect they get redirected to
The same happens if I use scope=*.
However, if I use scope=non-expiring it lets me go through, but I need the users email and that type of scope doesn't have enough grants.
I thought it had something to do with my app being in development mode, but Osman at Soundcloud said it doesn't.
The 'email' scope is not available to all integrations. It's used for a few custom integrations that have provided us with accepted terms of service / privacy policies. There is no way to get a user's email address using the SoundCloud API.
You should however be able to use the '*' scope to get an expiring access token. I'll check with our app team to see why this is giving you an error. I'll edit my answer once I have more information there.
For your purposes, I would stay with the 'non-expiring' scope and simply prompt a user for their email address (providing them with a way to agree to your terms of use / privacy information).
Using scope=* sometimes doesn't work because the url is not properly encoded. If you are getting this error while using the * wildcard, try properly encoding the url, using a function like urlencode() (for PHP).
