Jenkins Slave build locations - jenkins

I have just added a slave to my Jenkins build - with the idea that I can now deploy artefacts to either my dev server or my test server.
However i've now hit a problem.
When I deploy a job on the master slave, the job build directory is
$JENKINS_HOME/localmoduledirectory (as defined in the build job)
However when I deploy my job via the slave the build directory is different which breaks my jobs. The build directory is
$JENKINS_HOME/workspace/build job title/localmoduledirectory
I know I can change the workspace root directory location for the master under configure settings /advances .. so can change it to $JENKINS_HOME/workspace, but I want to stop the slave using the build job title in the path.
The end result I'm after is to have jenkins, building / deploying from the same location on two servers i.e /opt/jenkins/workspace/localmoduledirectory.
Any ideas ?

ok after lots of head scratching ...
managed to discover that the mvn plugin has a custom workspace option hidden under advanced. so configured all jobs with a customer workspace of /opt/jenkins.


How to checkout and run pipeline file from TFS on specific node in Jenkins?

I am trying to run a pipeline job that get its' pipeline file from TFS but the mapping of the workspace and the checkout is done on the Master instead of the Slave.
I have Jenkins-master which is installed on a linux machine and I connected a windows machine as a slave to it. I created a pipeline job with 'Pipeline script from SCM' option selected for TFS.
How can I make the windows slave run that pipeline job?
The master can't run that job because it is running on linux and it fails when it is trying to map a workspace to TFS in order to download the pipeline script and run it.
Even if I create another pipeline job and select to hard-code a script to run my original pipeline job like this:
node('WIN_SLAVE') {
build job: 'My_Pipeline'
It doesn't work.
And I can see in the output that the initiali script (above) is in fact running on my windows slave, but when it's building the job 'My_Pipeline' it still tries to map a workspace to the Jenkins-master at it's linux machine path /var/jenkins/... and it fails.
If the initial pipeline script ran at the windows slave, why does the other pipeline script not running on the same node? Why is it trying again to checkout the pipeline file from TFS to the Jenkins-Master?
How can I make the windows slave checkout the pipeline file and run it?
Here are some things to check...
Make sure you disabled the original job, or you are completely redefining it for running on the slave, because you indicated you set up “another job” for the slave. It appears that this other job is just triggering the previous job, rather than defining its own specifications. When the job is ran on the slave, it’s just running whatever settings are in that original job.
Also, If you have the box checked to build when a change is pushed to TFS, then your original job could still be trying to run every time a change is made to TFS.
Verify the slaves Remote root directory is set properly in the slave configuration under Manage Jenkins -> Manage Nodes.
Since this slave job is triggering the other job you originally created on the master, then it will build on the master as expected.
Instead of referencing the My_Pipeline job, change the My_Pipeline job itself to run on the slave. If you are using a declarative Pipeline for the original job, then change that original job to run on the slave within the original job settings. You can do it similarly to how you have indicated above, just define the node in the original job.
If the original job is a freestyle project, there is a checkbox titled Restrict where this project can be run. Check that and include the name of the slave in the Label Expression. When you run the job, it will then be restricted to the slave.
Lastly, posting the My_Pipeline job will be helpful.

View jenkins workspace on slave

We're running tests and producing build files on a jenkins master and a jenkins slave for extra parallellisation, our RCPTT tests takes ages.
Our problem is that Jenkins -> -> Show workspace only shows the workspace on the master, so we have no way to get the builds except copying files manually over ssh.
We don't want duplication since different patches run either on master or slave, and we want to be able to get the files from both master and slave nodes.
You can use "Copy To Slave Plugin" to copy any files from master to slave.
If you use the Jenkins pipeline plugin
then you can use stash / unstash:
Her an example:

Jenkins: how to run builds in unique directories

I am configuring Jenkins for the first time, have been a user of it until now.
I read the documentation and understand what "$WORKSPACE" means on the slave.
I had a misconception that by default the jobs on Jenkins Slave run in a unique directory per job inside the workspace directory. This doesnt seem to be the case.
How do I assign a unique directory per job run?
Will Jenkins automatically cleanup this job run directory after its done?
By default jenkins runs from $WORKSPACE/JOB Name ; here WORKSPACE is defined in the node configuration. This could be changed by choosing Advance Project options -> Use custom workspace under your job configuration.
Regarding cleanup: Choose Build Environment -> Delete workspace before build starts under jobs configuration if you like to cleanup for each new job.
Jenkins will create workspace directory by default if jobs is successfully executed at-least once

How to copy build XMLs from Master to the Slave node in Jenkins?

I have created a Jenkins job which used to run in the master and I have the build.xml file in the master.
Now I have added a slave node and added the setting Restrict where this project can be run so that my job always runs on a particular slave.
Now my build jobs are failing and I can see:
[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on demo_slave_inst2 (slave1) in workspace /root/slave/workspace/demo_job
FATAL: Unable to find build script at /root/slave/workspace/demo_job/autobvt.xml
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Recording test results
Finished: FAILURE
This autobvt.xml file already exists in the master. So looks like I need to copy this file over to the slave node manually which does not looks like quite handy.
How I can instruct jenkins to copy this as part of the build?
Use "Copy data to Workspace" using which you can copy the files from master to slave and run them as a part of build process (No manual effort needed!)
I sorted the issue using the Copy to Slave plugin.

Jenkins- Create Jobs on different servers

I want to configure Jenkins to build my code on 1 server. Then want to deploy it on another server using Jenkins.Both servers are using Linux I want to automate the entire process as much as possible. I went through some of plugins like pipeline, Job Import Plugin, etc
Can anyone guide me how to go about it ? Which plugins will be useful ? Any example or tutorial somewhere will be useful. The configuration of build pipeline plugin on jenkins was not seamless for me.
I would work it this way :
Install jenkins on your first server
Install the following plugins : ssh credentials, ssh slaves, copy to
slave, and restart jenkins
Go to Manage jenkins -> Manage credentials, and add ssh credentials
for your second server
Go to Manage jenkins -> Manage nodes, and create a passive slave.
The launch method should be "Launch slave agents on Unix machines
via ssh". You should use the credentials that you have added in step
Create a job to build your code. In the advanded options of job, you
should indicate that the job must only be built on master node.
Create a job to deploy your code on the second server. In the
avanded options of job, you should indicate that the job must only
be built on slave node.
In the "Build Environment" section, check the "Copy files into workspace before building" box and configure what files you want to copy from first server (
The code will be copied into the jenkins slave's workspace.
