IOS 8 Launch Screen Image iPad - ios

I've seen many similar questions in stack overflow and I've looked at the apple guidlines but the solutions didn't work for me. My problem is that my launch screen image for iPad IOS 8 (I don't have an iPhone 6 or 6+ to test with at the moment) isn't filling the screen or displaying in landscape if the ipad is in landscape mode.
I have portrait images of my launch image one at 750x1334 (background_-my_app_name#2x.png), the other at 1242x2208 (background_-my_app_name#3x.png). What I'm seeing is a square, portrait version of my launch image whether or not it's in portrait mode.
The launch screen uiimage has the aspect ratio constraints applied and the view mode is "Scale to Fill". I can stretch it down with "Aspect Fill" but it still leaves a white border to the right and bottom. Some people have suggested using "-Portrait~ipad" and "-Landscape~ipad" as part of the image name or just using iPhone portrait and landscape images in xcassets but this didn't fix things for me. When doing this I also had landscape versions of both launch image sizes.
What naming convention do I use for launch images for iPad and iPhone 6/6+, both portrait AND landscape? And how should I set it up?
Removing "LaunchScreen" from "Launch Screen File", and using a 750x1334 (myimage-Portrait#2x.png), 1242x2208 (myimage-Portrait#3x.png) and 2208x1242 image (myimage-Landscape#3x.png) in xcassets now means the portait version fills the screen, but the landscape one is black.


Launch Screen Storyboard

As LaunchScreen I want to have an exact image of the start page that appears right after the launch.
Therefore, I made screenshots of all resolutions of the start page, both portrait and landscape. Then I removed all fonts because I generate two variants of the app in different languages and the texts (e.g. in the buttons) are different. The launch screens should fit both variants.
In Images.xcassets I added LaunchImage and assigned all positions with the correct resolutions (for both, iPhone and iPad).
LaunchScreen.storyboard has an ImageView in the ViewController with the image name LaunchImage.
1 All launch images displayed are scaled even though the correct resolutions are available.
Only the portrait images are used, also for landscape, and therefore scaled and distorted.
on iPads only iPhone images are displayed, portrait version also in landscape, scaled accordingly.
On some devices (e.g. iPhone X), only a white or black screen is displayed at launch (portrait and landscape).
Under no circumstances will the correct launch screen be displayed.
On the image you see all relevant areas and the list of all used launch images.
What did I do wrong or miss?
I just followed another tip and deactivated "Clears Graphic Context" in UIImageView and changed the display to "Aspect Fit".
Result: The portrait launch image is still used in the iPad, but is no longer scaled and is now centered.
So the most important question now is why an iPhone portrait launch image is used for iPad in both directions.
If you are using a LaunchImage, you should set that image in the Target settings. Go to your target and under the General tab, set the Launch Images Source value to the image you have in your asset catalog:
Also delete the text LaunchScreen in the Launch Screen File field.

iPhone 6s Plus Portrait is using the Landscape Launch Image

I built my Cordova & Ionic iPhone app and launched it on my iPhone 6s+. It used the 6+ (Retina HD 5.5") landscape launch image instead of the 6+ portrait launch image. In the general settings, I have device orientation set to portrait only. Why would it be using the landscape image for portrait?
The splash images we received for the 6s/6s+ were the incorrect sizes. Xcode would then default to the landscape since it was there. Once we put the correct sized portrait splash images everything was okay.

Launch Screen .XIB with full screen image view

I have created LaunchScreen for my iOS app project which has an image view which is anchored to top, left, bottom and right edges of root view with 0 space.
Q1.What should be the resolution of the image for supporting all screen sizes for iPhone and iPad in landscape or portrait?
Q2.Should I be again providing images of different resolutions for different screen sizes and orientations for iPhone and iPad like LaunchImage asset?
Q1.What should be the resolution of the image for supporting all screen sizes for iPhone and iPad in landscape or portrait?
Regarding to #heximal
You can set "Scale to fill" mode for your image view and provide any image size (size of you xib, for example).
Q2.Should I be again providing images of different resolutions for different screen sizes and orientations for iPhone and iPad like LaunchImage asset?
Create new image set in assets and provide just 3 images for your launch screen -#1x #2x #3x
Or visit below link for all image sizes:

Launch Screen Image size for all iOS screen sizes

I am trying to create a lunch screen image for my iOS app. But I am not sure whats the right size for it.
According to apple website for iPhone 6 the size should be 750 x 1334 (#2x) for portrait.
But my question is, how to create a launch screen image that will fit for all screen sizes such as iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, iPads etc?
Whats the correct way of doing this?
Go to images.xcassets
there you can see launch image sizes.Just Enable iOS version from right side.
iPhone Portrait iOS 8:- 1242*2208 (5.5 inch)
750*1334 (4.7 HD)
iPhone Landscape iOS 8:-2208*1242 (5.5inch)
iphone Portrait iOS 7,8 :- 640*960 (#2x)
640*1136 (Retina)
iPhone Portrait 5,6 :- 320*480 (#x)
640*960 (#2x)
640*1136 (retina4)
But my question is, how to create a launch screen image that will fit
for all screen sizes such as iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6 plus, iPads etc?
That will be very hard to do. The devices have different aspect ratios and the difference in size between say iPhone 5 and iPad Air is pretty big to use one image for all. If you want to use the classical launch screen with a screenshot, resizing one image won't look the same as the user interface on different devices. If you want a launch bitmap image you will need to supply all the necessary sizes.
Whats the correct way of doing this?
You can create either launch PNG image or launch screen as a storyboard.
For launch image, your project has an assets catalog. Either use existing or add new iOS launch image. The editor will show you all required sizes.
For a storyboard, your application probably already has LaunchScreen.storyboard. You typically won't create specific size or sizes here, but use auto layout that will resize the screen appropriately.

Can't add Launch Image for Landscape in XCode5

I added Lanch Image in my iOS Project with XCode5.
Here is problem ,When i added Landscape Non-Retina , the Landscape Retina image showing is disappearing.
So i added Landscape Retina again , above Landscape Non-Retina image showing is disappearing too.
Only one is working not both.
I don't know why i can't add both.
I need to add both image for Retina and Non-Retina.
How can i add it?
