ALV tooltip in a single cell of a row. Possible? - tooltip

It is possible to put a tooltip on a single cell of my alv? I know that it is possible in a column by a field catalog, but what about single cell?
I have ALV with icon like that, which is called via cl_gui_alv_gridv
I want information about this item in tooltip when I hover mouse over this icon

The information on how to display a symbol with a tooltip is easily available if you google for " tooltip icon". Since you seem to be unable to find it, here is the actual link. Make the target field large enough (132 characters is a common size), then use the function ICON_CREATE.
If you don't want an icon to appear, you can use ICON_SPACE. And since the tooltip is contained in the value of each cell, of course it is possible to have different tooltips for different cells.


I want to export a pdf from a google spreadsheet without the empty cells making it bigger than it needs to

I have a spreadsheet created with importrange functions that pulls data from another file. The problem I'm facing is that when I try to print out the spreadsheet and save as pdf, the pdf includes all the cells I've set up to receive my data, the empty ones too, and I end up with a 4 page pdf with 3 empty pages.
I tried to put a filter() function in front of the importrange, so that if the importrange somehow imports null values and puts them in the empty cells making them no empty even though they look like it, that would do it, it didn't.
I've also read that google spreadsheet interpretes white background color as fill color, and to set it back to default background, and I did, but it didn't solve it.
I've removed the importrange functions at all to see if it was that that was doing it, it wasn't.
Finally, I've thought about formatting, because those cells are formatted with white borders, but I removed all custom borders and it still prints out all the cells.
To reiterate, I need to be able to do print > save as pdf and get a pdf that contains only the cells used, and I have an old spreadsheet that I'm improving upon that does exactly this (that is not made by me) and has very similar formatting, so I don't understand what's the issue here.
Here's one workaround:
Select the cells you want to include in your PDF
Click on "File" > "Download" > "PDF"
When the Print Settings/Export window appears, select "Selected cells" instead of "Current sheet" under "Export" in the top right corner
This screen capture shows the window in question.
Bois, I figured it out.
It's a pretty dumb thing, but I didn't know it.
The solution is absolutely no formatting of any kind, it's ok to have formulas that dont output anything, and custom text color for the cell, but all the cells must be separated and with default background color and default border color (AKA no border option).
What kept bugging me is the fact that my reference project had no cell borders and it had this loong table that never printed out if not necessary, and I assumed it had white borders, but it didn't.
Turns out the option to hide cell borders (VIEW > SHOW > GRID LINES) at all is connected to the spreadsheet itself, not the user, so if you disable it, everytime you open the file, from every account connected, it is not gonna show, so that's how they did it.

Google Sheets - Applying Fill Colour to Several Individual Cells (without having to use dropdown menu)

Very very minor thing I find annoying and / or haven't figured out what I am doing wrong on Google Sheets.
In Excel, when you turn a cell a specific colour, it remembers the last colour you used, so you can click on the colour fill button and it will apply the same colour, rather than having to re-select it in the dropdown menu (see example screenshot of 'Excel').
In Google Sheets, the button shows the current colour of the cell (which I think is self-evident anyway), so I have to go into the drop down menu each time to select the new colour (see example screenshot of 'Sheets').
So my question is - is there a way for Google Sheets to retain the last colour used on the fill colour button?
What might be handy, is the format painter (Circled icon). Not perfect, but may save you 1 or more clicks. Just select the cell you want to copy the format, click on the format painter and click on the new cell or range (with control) you want to apply the format.
unfortunately no. in Google Sheets you always need to enter the color picker so this can be done by a minimum of two clicks
the only tool that remembers color is border color

Can I assign scripts to inserted images within cells or hyperlinks in Google Sheets?

I'm curious if there's a way to “assign script” to an image inserted into a cell using the =IMAGE(“URL”) method for Google Sheets? If not, is there a way to “assign script” to a hyperlink?
What I’d like to do is create a table of contents tab inside a Google Sheet that has many other tabs. On the table of contents, I’d love to have inserted images that act as buttons to navigate to these different tabs. I can “assign script” to images that have been inserted through the menu toolbar (e.g., Insert > Image or Insert > Drawing). However, it’s extremely clunky to have to realign my images if a new row is inserted into the table of contents.
I could always just use hyperlinks to navigate to each tab, but I don’t like how it opens a new window every time you click on the hyperlink. And I don’t like how it requires two clicks of a hyperlink (one click for the hyperlink, and then another click for the web address that pops up) to arrive at the desired tab.
So I guess, is there any option that exists to insert an image inside a cell, which can then be assigned a script?
This functionality would be so helpful.
Thanks for you time!
I've been searching and haven't found a way to insert a link to anything with an Image placed with the =IMAGE () option. I've resorted to text and formatting .
You can assign a script to change tabs via "floating" Images that are Inserted via insert menu. then on the picture on the top right corner click the arrow and assign the script " goToPage1 " or whatever you decide to call your function and page. it's not as fast as Excel but it works
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
function goToPage1(){
My only solution to this problem is to insert image within cell, then insert a transparent drawing and assign the script to that. It's not ideal, but at least it means the images are aligned perfectly, the transparent floating image just needs to be in the general area
At this time, only to OverGrid images.

DELPHI : String grid header background/font color

I've created a string grid with a certain amount of columns and rows. I've also handle a right clic event on the string grid which displays a popup menu when you clic on the right button. You have some options inside this popup menu.
My question is how do i change background or police font color of a cell when i select an option from my popup menu. I know we can get the selected col using stringGrid.Col and same for the row, and i also know we ca change color on draw cell event. But i want to change the color on user action only.
For example, in my table i open up a file and i load the file content into a string grid (it's a CSV file). This file will be modified in my application from the string grid and then exported to a databse. An user can select a particular col with the right clic and then press primary key or foreign key or any other option. When he selects primary key, for example, i want to change the color of the column header so he can know which clumn is the primary key, which is the foreign key and so on. See what i mean?
PS: I am using delphi 2006 and can't change to another version.
PS: i've searched for a delphi forum on stackoverflow/exchange but didn't find the correct forum i guess
Paint the background in the desired colour in an OnDrawCell handler as you currently do.
When you need to change colours, in response to user action, force a paint cycle by calling Invalidate on the grid.
If for some reason you don't want to invalidate the entire control, calculate the rectangle that needs to be re-painted and pass it to InvalidateRect.

Delphi 7 - cxDBGrid Column : How to display a check mark next to some character string

I have to display in a cxdbGrid column 'Test √', and I got the check mark by using a symbol font but the rest of the characters changed.
I don't have an answer if you do actually need to have the check as part of actual text in the text column. I don't think I've ever seen an app that did it that way though. The usual way of doing this is to add a column to the left or right of the text column in question and have the new column use a checkbox control. Then just set the value of the checkbox column to true or false.
It's quite common to include some type of image to represent the state of a column in a grid control. You could implement your own OnCustomDrawCellEvent to put an icon image there, instead of text and a font. Below is a link to a tutorial of how to accomplish this.
How to draw an icon along with the text in a grid cell
