How to create a server for your app to load files - ios

I am not sure even if i am using the right term "Server".
So many apps has this feature now a days where you go to setting and it shows you a local IP. Using the IP you can upload files to the app from a locally connected computer. This is very handy if you don't have iTunes to upload files or a usb cable to connect your device.
My question is what is this feature called? Any reference to API/Examples i can look into?
Here is an example of Comic Flow app with the same feature:


Associated Domains with `applinks:` is not working in development

I'm trying to set up Associated Domains in my unpublished app for iOS 14. I followed the documentation as good as possible. I'm testing locally with my local dev web server and the app itself in simulator and a real iPhone.
Not only are links not opening in my app, the app does not even attempt to request the file https://mycomputer.local/.well-known/apple-app-site-association from my local web server (I let the web server print a debug message whenever it is requested, but the message is only printed when I manually load it from a web browser).
This is a list of things I have done/checked:
Xcode 12.2:
Under Signing & Capabilities added Associated Domains
Added to Domains: applinks:mycomputer.local?mode=developer (I also tried IP address)
I disabled Automatically manage signing and instead created a Profile on (type Development, platform iOS, it has Associated Domains amongst other enabled capabilities and it's linked to my app bundle ID) and selected that profile for the debug build.
I made sure that the URL https://mycomputer.local/.well-known/apple-app-site-association is accessible from all devices involved, i.e. my computer, Safari in simulator, Safari on real iPhone (all are connected to the local network and successfully display my JSON file).
As mentioned above, I can pretty much rule out that the problem lies with the JSON file itself as I can proof that the device is not even accessing it. Am I missing something or misunderstanding the concept?
My own answer: Using the query string ?mode=developer in the entitlement as described in the documentation simply appears not to work at all.
To verify this I have set up a real server that can be publicly reached on the internet and tried both variants:
Number 1 works, but the JSON is loaded via Apple's CDN and you cannot use it for local development or for quickly testing different versions of the JSON file as Apple will cache the file for probably one day.
Number 2 does not work at all, no request to the server will be made.
Also, good to know these requirements when testing on actual devices. (And using a domain thats not publicly available in testing period.)
Turn on Developer Mode on the device.
Turn on Associated Domains Development in the Developer settings. (Developer settings will first occur after you have turned on Developer Mode).
Build the app using developer certificate. (Enterprise will not work).
Add ?mode=developer to the domain in entitlements if you are testing with a domain thats not publicly available (Behind VPN..)

How do I access iOS files for OTA installation on my MS Azure WebApp?

I could use some help on how to host my iOS and other files in the MS Azure Cloud, and access them via my MS Azure Webapp private website with OTA installations. My First go at it was not very successful.
I currently am building a web server to host the files for over-the-air installation access, and I would like to do it all inside of Azure Gov Cloud but I do not know where to host the files and make them accessable for OTA installs. I have started with a Webapp that accesses blob storage(where I store my app files and their manifests), but as iOS OTA installation requires a downloadable url link, I am having trouble with blob storage and I am thinking there may be a better solution.
So, using Azure, I am basically creating a private app store where me and my friends can upload/download apps and install them over-the-air. Unfortunately I am having issues when it comes to actually installing the .IPA file stored in blob storage.
In fact, what I was trying to do is basically the same setup as Using azure blob storage for installing ios apps.
My current attempt/setup:
I have a running web app, with a self-signed ssl cert.
I can access all the blob files through the web app interface, and even upload
files to the blob containers (on any platform/device).
I cannot get the iOS download link to function and install apps
store in the blob (or anywhere actually).
The itms-services "href" button (required for iOS installation) wont actually access the manifest, and then download the .ipa file. When I try to use itms-services and open the manifest file, the iOS device throws the error: "cannot connect to [container]". I believe this is because it is actually cant connect to the blob storage. But then again, I really have no clue.{see href link below}
(items in boxes have been removed/hidden)
<a href="itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=
>Install App</a>
I also tried troubleshooting the mobile device and I cannot seem to get an error out of the mobile web source code for the button for any further inspection.(let me know if anyone knows of any good tools for this)
What do you guys think I should do for storing/accessing the apps and their manifest files? Has anyone out there already done something like this that could send me some tips?
I am out of ideas at this point and open to any new ideas!

How to transfer a file created in an ios app to the mac

i'm starting the implementation of a feature for transfer some files (lets say csv files) created in an ios app to the mac.
But i've made some reading about the subject without anything conclusive.
So, can anyone point me a direction to follow in order to achieve my goal ? I need, somehow to access the files created on my app throw the mac
ITunes file sharing.
Network transfer. (This third party library works with iOS and OSX)

Blackberry cfg file not found when device connects to computer and Desktop Manager open

I am storing all the config details to a test.cfg file in my BlackBerry device. So every time when i start the application, the app will check if test.cfg exists. If it exists, then it loads all the configuration from that file and if not, the app will show the config page, then the user can enter all the config details and proceed further.
The above is working fine except one scenario. When the device is plugged in to the system and I open the Desktop Manager and the user opens the application, its directly shows the configuration page even if test.cfg already exists in the device.
Does anybody know the solution for this? or any idea why its behaving like this?
My guess would be that when you connect your device to the computer via USB cable, your computer is mounting the SDCard as an external drive. When it does this, the device will essentially lose access to its SDCard. It needs to do this, because the device software and the desktop computer's software don't want to simultaneously be modifying the same files.
Are you saving test.cfg on the SDCard?
If so, you might want to save the file to the device's internal storage instead, for example, in the PersistentStore.
You could turn off the mass storage feature that makes your SDCard available to the PC, if you prefer to have the media card always available to the app. (if you want to do this, tell me which OS version you're using ... but, understand that this only works for you, and isn't a good solution if you want your users to avoid this problem).
You can also test for the SDCard in your app, programmatically
Reference on BlackBerry support forums
Data Storage Development Guide on
Go to option -> Device -> Storage and deselect and select the media card support and save it and come out the option.Now try to access the media -> explorer folder u can able to access it and also my apps can read the file when its connecting to USB drive now.

How can I export an iPad app's data to a computer?

I have a simple survey iPad app. The data is saved in a TSV (tab separated file). I'm looking for an easy way to export this TSV file to a computer (without emailing it, if possible, and without doing it through iTunes).
App data on iOS is not directly accessible from a connected computer. It's not like you can mount the iPad's flash drive directly on a computer, navigate to the app's data directory, and copy the file to the computer. You have to have something with rights to access the data.
Some options are:
email or otherwise 'share' the data from within the iPad app.
Make the app's data accessible via iTunes
Turn the app into an FTP client or server
Dropbox integration (There was some problem where Apple was rejecting apps that did this, but i don't know the current state)
Have a look at IExplorer. It's a great little program / app that let's you access your iPad's file system from your computer. You can just drag and drop any file from your iPad to your computer.
