Reveal.js and presenter view - reveal.js

I’m in the progress of evaluation reveal.js for my future presentations. Currently I do not have a beamer at hand to test the following. I'm running the presentations locally on Mac OS X 10.2.2.
Hitting S opens a new browser tab consisting of the current slide, the upcoming slide, speaker notes, and timing.
Does the audience still only see the current slide?

As you say, it will be 2 different browser windows. The idea would be not to mirror your screen, but rather have different content on the projector and your screen. Then you put the window with the slide on the projector (possibly full screen), and the window with the speaker view on your local screen, just like i.e. keynote would do it. The speaker notes feature is described in
Note that in order to use this feature, you need to be serving your slides from a node.js server (instead of just opening index.html as a file in your browser), as described in


TCL/TK windows black in ZOOM "share portion of screen"

I have a weird effect in ZOOM which only appears for TCL/TK windows.
Ubuntu 18.04, GNOME window manager. ZOOM version 5.10.3 (2778) (relatively new, I was forced to do an update, the problem is also new). TCL/TK 8.6.
I start a ZOOM session and share a "portion of screen" (Share - Advanced).
I run wish from the command line. I move the wish window into the shared screen portion.
For the client users of the ZOOM session, the wish window is visible if it has the focus.
When I move the focus to another window, e.g. a terminal, outside the shared screen portion, the clients only see a black region somewhat larger than the wish window (instead of the wish window).
When I move the focus to a window, e.g. a terminal, which is at least partly inside the shared screen portion, the wish window stays visible.
If I share the entire screen in ZOOM (which is not what I want for my purposes, though), the wish window stays visible.
This is so weird, I don't even have the slightest idea what is going on. What is special about TCL/TK windows that they go black in ZOOM, but only under these circumstances?

Blazemeter Chrome Extension Resizing Frame

I am trying to record actions in the Travel Studio application using Blazemeter to create test cases. However, when the Blazemeter extension is active in Chrome, it resizes the frames to where the application is pretty much unusable. Has anyone had this issue with Blazemeter? Any recommendations on how to work around it?
There is not enough information to answer the question.
What is "Travel Studio application"? Is it a web site? Can you share the link?
What "it resizes the frames" mean? You have full screen tabs in Chrome and after you start the recording using Blazemeter Chrome extension Chrome tabs getting resized?
The only thing I can tell having the provided input, is that Blazemeter extension records the size of a tab you are recording (the inner dimensions). Then, if you will replay your recording, it will resize the tab according the dimensions you had upon recording. You can change the dimensions of a tab manually in the editor:

Stack Windows Manager Program How-to's

I download the Stack Windows Manager from Microsoft store. Someone introduced it to me and said it is a great program.
Oddly, after installing it and setting it up, I cannot find out how to start using it? There is no instruction to show me how to at least organize my desktop into this "layout tool". Is there a video anywhere?
At the first launch on each screen it shows you a few layouts to select from.
After you made the selection, either use Win+Arrow keys to move windows around, or drag windows between areas with middle mouse button (usually it is also the scroll button).

Cascade Multiple windows using Jquery Window plugin

I am using Jquery Window plugin v5.03 for my web application. I have to open the multiple windows on screen. But when I call the function to create a window they all open up in the center of the screen and overlap on one another such that previously opened screens are not visible.
I want the windows to open in such a way that at least the title bar and the cross icon is visible on top of the previously opened window. So that the user can know that another window is opened and previous windows are cascaded at the back and are slightly visible.
Please help.

Labview IMAQ WindDraw External Display Embedding

I am working in labview on using multiple gig-e industrial cameras to display a set of images for a semi-automatic test system with data and human visual inspection.
The main issue that I have currently encountered with the vision software is that screen tearing corrupts the display of the video making it hard to observe the dynamic aspect of the test. There is a VI control called the IMAQ WindDraw external image display that has an anti-tearing option that appears to work but I need to embed 4-5 video displays into one window and not show the title bars/window buttons. Basically I want to tie the external displays to the front panel VI and run them in a windowed full screen mode.
The front panel VI will not need to be scrolled or be resizeable as the system is dedicated to the task.
Here's an example that uses one of the Vision DLLs to include an IMAQ WinDraw external display into the front panel of a VI.
Hope this helps.
Ah... as a new user I can't post images... Oh well.
You can use the NIVisWnd.dll (to be found in C:\WINDOWS\system32) to get the IMAQ WinDraw external image's handle (function name is : GetWindowHandle) and then use user32.dll to make external image child of FP (function name is : SetParent).
