How to include A focexec in another focexec in WebFocus? - focus

What is the actual syntax to add a INCLUDE focexec in another focexec? I am new to WebFocus.
Can any one please tell me why I am getting this error:
"ERROR: ERROR_MR_FEX_NOT_FOUND Can't create item object based on provided item key FRCSTDAT.fex."
when I am trying to include the file inside another focexec code.

If you are using WebFOCUS 8 you need to include files using the full IBFS path
-INCLUDE IBFS:/WFC/Repository/[folder]/[fexName].fex
You can find the full path by right clicking on the procedure you want to include in Dev Studio or the WF portal and selecting properties.
Note that the properties window will reference the environment in this path, which must be excluded in the actual include.
For example, the properties will show:
Parent Folder: IBFS:/WF8 Dev/WFC/Repository/[rest of path]
Exclude the bolded portion in your path for the include to work

Long time I didn't use manage reporting!
Try the following.
Locate your second procedure and click Properties, and in the windows, search for "filename", must have something like xxx/yyy/fffff.fex. i.e /app/ibisamp/thefex.fex
Open the editor with your first procedure and call the another fex with the path you had, in my case (In uppercase):

Your one .fex needs to be able to see or reach the other .fex. Go to the Properties panel and check to see if the locations of both .fexs are present in the Application path. Then try the -INCLUDE statement.


Do not replace existing file when uploading file with same name Microsoft Graph API

How can I prevent replacing the existing file with a new file which has the same name, when I upload file to one drive?
I am using PUT /me/drive/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content docs end point.
I instead need to keep indexing (test.jpg, test (1).jpg) or, just like google drive does, add two files with the same name.
You can control this behavior using Instance Attributes, specifically the #microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior query parameter. There are three supported conflict behaviors; fail, replace (the default), and rename.
The conflict resolution behavior for actions that create a new item. You can use the values fail, replace, or rename. The default for PUT is replace. An item will never be returned with this annotation. Write-only.
In order to have it automatically rename the file, you add #microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior=rename as a query parameter to your URI.
PUT /me/drive/items/{parent-id}:/{filename}:/content?#microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior=rename

How to make a path from a string in starlark?

I'm writing some validation code for a bazel build rule and I need to do some path validation. I need to check that a certain file exists in the same directory as the BUILD file. I notice that there's a context attribute build_file_path which points to the BUILD file. I'd like to extract the parent directory from this.
It looks like I can't create a new path object - I don't see a constructor/initializer. It also seems like Starlark doesn't support os.path like python because imports aren't supported.
What's the canonical way to get the parent directory of a string object representing a path in Starlark?
I can't answer your final question, but hopefully the following will help with the initial problem:
You could use the Label of the target for which this instance of the rule is being built and find its package. This will give you a string representing the parent directory of the BUILD file.
i.e. ctx.label.package
load("#bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")

No permission to use getFileById in google spreadsheets

I have following problem.
I have two files:
Source file -
Target file -
In the source file there is a script (function is named onEdit triggered with onEdit event). When you change the value of R3 cell (Source File) to other "Advisor" whole row should be copied to target file, but sometimes it works, sometimes not. If you change the value of advisor field once and it works try couple of times more and for sure there will be a problem with permission in a while.
When it's not working I get msg that there is problem with permission of executing function called getFileById, which is used in following line:
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('1gGExeO2x8pqNzTPRvel8p-wwe-BDkdF5c6BFA8j_Py0');
Any ideas what to do to solve the problem and why sometimes it works fine ?
Scripts using a 'simple' trigger can modify the file they are bound to, but cannot access other files because that would require authorization.
See here to learn more about the restrictions on simple triggers.
You can make sure you have all the permissions following the next steps:
Open the script project. At the left, click Project Settings
Select the Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor checkbox.
At the left, click Editor <>.
At the left, click the appsscript.json file.
Locate the top-level field labeled oauthScopes. If it's not present, you can add it.
The oauthScopes field specifies an array of strings. To set the scopes your project
uses, replace the contents of this array with the scopes you want it to use. For
{"oauthScopes": ["", ""], }
Retrieved from:

Windows 7 - Add Path

I need to add a new path (sumatraPDF) on my PATH variable.
I don't know why it does not work...
I think everything is right but when I try to execute sumatrapdf.exe from CMD it cannot find the program.
This is what I did:
The path is correct, I checked it 1000 times.
The idea is use LaTeX with sublimetext and when I save a .text file sumatra has to open and show to me the result. If I want that I have to add the path of SumatraPDF... but it does not work.
I think you are editing something in the windows registry but that has no effect on the path.
Try this:
How to Add, Remove or Edit Environment variables in Windows 7
the variable of interest is the PATH
also you can type on the command line:
Set PATH=%PATH%;(your new path);
Another method that worked for me on Windows 7 that did not require administrative privileges:
Click on the Start menu, search for "environment," click "Edit environment variables for your account."
In the window that opens, select "PATH" under "User variables for username" and click the "Edit..." button. Add your new path to the end of the existing Path, separated by a semi-colon (%PATH%;C:\Python27;...;C:\NewPath). Click OK on all the windows, open a new CMD window, and test the new variable.
I founded the problem:
Just insert the folder without the executable file.
so Instead of:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe
you have to write this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\
In answer to the OP:
The PATH environment variable specifies which folders Windows will search in, in order to find such files as executable programs or DLLs. To make your Windows installation find your program, you specify the folder that the program resides in, NOT the program file itself!
So, if you want Windows to look for executables (or other desired files) in the folder:
because, for example, you want to install PHP manually, and choose that folder into which to install PHP, then you add the entry:
to your PATH environment variable, NOT an entry such as "C:\PHP\php.exe".
Once you've added the folder entry to your PATH environment variable, Windows will search that folder, and will execute ANY named executable file you specify, if that file happens to reside in that folder, just the same as with all the other existing PATH entries.
Before editing your PATH variable, though, protect yourself against foul ups in advance. Copy the existing value of the PATH variable to a Notepad file, and save it as a backup. If you make a mistake editing PATH, you can simply revert to the previous version with ease if you take this step.
Once you've done that, append your desired path entries to the text (again, I suggest you do this in Notepad so you can see what you're doing - the Windows 7 text box is a pain to read if you have even slight vision impairment), then paste that text into the Windows text box, and click OK.
Your PATH environment variable is a text string, consisting of a list of folder paths, each entry separated by semicolons. An example has already been given by someone else above, such as:
C:\Program Files; C:\Winnt; C:\Winnt\System32
Your exact version may vary depending upon your system.
So, to add "C:\PHP" to the above, you change it to read as follows:
C:\Program Files; C:\Winnt; C:\Winnt\System32; C:\PHP
Then you copy & paste that text into the windows dialogue box, click OK, and you should now have a new PATH variable, ready to roll. If your changes don't take effect immediately, you can always restart the computer.
The path is a list of directories where the command prompt will look for executable files, if it can't find it in the current directory. The OP seems to be trying to add the actual executable, when it just needs to specify the path where the executable is.
Try this in cmd:
cd address_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file && sumatrapdf.exe
Where you should put the address of your .exe file instead of adress_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file.

Opening a rails.vim related file in a new window

I like rails.vim support for going to the corresponding file. For example, if I'm in the Product model, I can type :Econtroller to open the ProductsController in the same window.
I want to open the controller in either a newly created window or else in a different, but existing window.
How would I do that?
For example, to open a file, you can type :e filename to open in the same window and :sp filename to open in a new window. I want the :sp version of :Econtroller, etc.
Instead of :Econtroller type :EScontroller to open in a new split. There are several more commands in the docs.
After checking the third time, I found the answer in plain sight in the docs. see :help rails-type-navigation
You can use the mapping defined by the plugin. In particular to open a new window, you can use ctrlw+f. See :help rails-gf for docs.
