Resize UIView above UITableView - ios

I want to create layout similar to default Weather App in iOS. My view controller has UIView at top and UITableView below it. I want to resize dynamically top view while scrolling table view. I made view controller delegate of table view so I can resize top view while
scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView)
is called.
The problem is that I want to disable scrolling of table view while resizing top view. Any ides? Or maybe my approach to this layout is wrong and I should use another one?

I also faced same problem as per mine problem, I used my UIView as a header of table view and used the AutoLayout in my View and if you want to disable the scrolling of your table view you can simply use a block for completion of your view resizing and you can disable scrolling of your table until your block will not give completion. Hope this solution will be helpful for you.


UICollectionView Scrolling the ViewController

Im trying to implement a CollectionView inside my viewController.
And it works just fine.
The problem Im having is that the CollectionView scrolls inside the Parent controller.
I wish to make that if you scroll the collection view - the whole view is scrolled and not just the collection view bit.
I tried disabling scrolling on the Collection View but then nothing is scrolling anymore.
So how would I go about setting the collection view, so that once you scroll on it the whole page scrolls and not just the collection view scrolling inside the parent view controller?
It should be simple, and you've done one right thing already.
Disable scrolling of your collectionView (or tableView, in the future just in case you'll use it, they're basically the same).
Add your collectionView (or tableView) inside a scrollView.
That scrollView is of course in your controller's view.
Make sure every constraints are set properly.
You might need to get the size of your collectionView (say height), and set that height value to the constraint height of your collectionView.
These answers of mine in the past should help you:
Voila. The only scrolling enabled is your scrollView that contains your collectionView (or tableView).

UITableView not scrolling inside of UIScrollView

in my view controller I have a ScrollView for content adaptation on various devices .. I need to insert a tableView inside the ScrollView but I noticed that my tableView not scrolling when it is inside a ScrollView. Can someone help me figure out how to fix this?
If you want your table view to scroll set the content size of scroll view less than that of your table view.

Embed UITableView in Scrollview

I know Apple don't recommend to Embed UITableView in UIScrollview.
So this is what I am trying to do:
I have a registration form with fields embedded in UIScrollview,
for some fields I create a drop menu by presenting UITableView, the problem is when the UITableView appears with my object the didSelectRowAtIndexPath not responding.
If there is another way it I will happy to hear, if not how can I fix it in the Current situation , thanks.
Don't add the table as a subview of the scroll view, add it as a subview of the superview of the scroll view (and, consider adding it into a container view which detects touches outside the table to dismiss it from the screen without any selection being made).
If your 'root' view for the controller is the scroll view, change your view hierarchy to use a plain view as the root and have the scroll view as a subview of that.
You may also want to use bringSubviewToFront: to ensure that the presentation is correct.

Scrolling up UICollectionView don't move a UIView above it

I am working in a profile ViewController. This profile has a main image in a UIView subclass and a CollectionView gallery with some images. I would like to be able to scroll up the UICollectionView and move the UIView too, and if I scroll down, I want to watch again the UIView when the collectionView first item is showed again.
I have tried to do this adding the collectionView and the UIView to a ScrollView, but the UIView only scroll up if I touch it.
In this picture you can see my problem
Thank you in advance
You need to make the view at the top a Header View of the collection view.
Essentially it needs to be an actual part of the collection view if you want this action. (That's the easiest way anyway).
So the collection view will take up the whole screen but it will have a header view. Then when you scroll the collection view the header will move out of view and then come back in when you scroll down again.

ios : tableview not appearing in subview of a scrollview

I have a scrollview with multiple views.Enabled horizontal scrolling.Each view contains a tableview.I have page control in scrollview. when i drag horizontally, the views are appearing without tableview except the first view. Please give me suggestions.
Make sure if setContentSize to your scrollview means scrollview content size is the size of your main view.
When you scroll to next view or if you scroll to view displayed for first time, make sure you reload table. You can implement his through delegate and protocols. For example, when you scroll to second view for first time, then controller should call some method on subview to reload its table.
