Losing reference to a property of an instance in Swift - ios

I'm encountering a problem where a property of an instance of a class I've created is seemingly losing reference to one its values.
Essentially I have a class like this:
class Channel {
var callbacks: [String: (JSON) -> Void]
var subscribed = false
let name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
self.callbacks = [:]
func bind(eventName: String, callback: (JSON) -> Void) {
self.callbacks[eventName] = callback
func handleEvent(eventName: String, eventData: String) {
if let cb = self.callbacks[eventName] {
let json = JSON(object: eventData)
and then inside a ViewController I have the following code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocket(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
func channelSetup() {
var ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {
In the println of ch.callbacks it shows that there is a key-value pair in the dictionary.
However, when the channel receives an event later on when there is a message received over the socket, the callback is no longer there. In terms of code, here is the code in full:
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocketClient(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
func channelSetup() {
var ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {
class wSocketClient {
let connection: Connection
init(key: String, encrypted: Bool = false) {
var url = "SOCKET_URL"
connection = Connection(url: url)
func subscribe(channelName: String) -> Channel {
return self.connection.addChannel(channelName)
func connect() {
class Connection: WebSocketDelegate {
let url: String
lazy var socket: WebSocket = { [unowned self] in
return self.connectInternal()
let connected = false
var channels = Channels()
init(url: String) {
self.url = url
func addChannel(channelName: String) -> Channel {
return Channel(name: channelName)
func open() {
if self.connected {
} else {
self.socket = connectInternal()
func connectInternal() -> WebSocket {
let ws = WebSocket(url: NSURL(string: self.url)!)
ws.delegate = self
return ws
func websocketDidReceiveMessage(text: String) {
let data = (text as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let json = JSON(data: data!)
if let channelName = json["channel"].stringValue {
if let internalChannel = self.channels.find(channelName) {
if let eName = json["event"].stringValue {
if let eData = json["data"].stringValue {
internalChannel.handleEvent(eName, eventData: eData) // this is the part of the code where the channel should eventually call the callback
class Channel {
var callbacks: [String: (JSON) -> Void]
var subscribed = false
let name: String
init(name: String) {
self.name = name
self.callbacks = [:]
func bind(eventName: String, callback: (JSON) -> Void) {
self.callbacks[eventName] = callback
func handleEvent(eventName: String, eventData: String) {
if let cb = self.callbacks[eventName] { // here self.callbacks is empty and the callback has disappeared
let json = JSON(object: eventData)
class Channels {
var channels = [String: Channel]()
func add(channelName: String) -> Channel {
if let channel = self.channels[channelName] {
return channel
} else {
let newChannel = Channel(name: channelName)
self.channels[channelName] = newChannel
return newChannel
func find(channelName: String) -> Channel? {
return self.channels[channelName]
So basically when the WebSocket receives some data that is for the given channel, it should check for the event name, and if there is a callback with that event name, call the callback associated to that event name. However, the channel apparently has no callbacks when the handleEvent method is called, even though at the bottom of viewDidLoad it shows as having a callback in the callbacks property for the channel.
Any ideas as to where / why the callback is disappearing?
I've now tried moving the definition of the channel, ch outside of the channelSetup function so it's like this, but with no luck:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let wSock = wSocket(key: "afa4d38348f89ba9c398")
var ch: Channel = nil
func channelSetup() {
ch = wSock.subscribe("test-channel")
ch.bind("test-event", { (data: JSON) -> Void in
println("I'm the callback getting called")
override func viewDidLoad() {

I've solved this but not because it was something going on in Swift that I didn't understand. Instead it was just that the way that I had setup the code meant that there were duplicate channel objects being created and the callback was being added to only one of the channels.


SWIFT How to Send Data back to the ViewController from a SocketAPI Class?

I have ChatsocketIO class which handles all the SocketIO functions related to the chat functionality of the app. The skeleton of that class looks like below.
My Question is when the Socket receives a message it fires the "socket!.on("msg")", However i am confused how to pass this back to the view controller class which i am calling this API class. I have added the View Controller class as well below..
class ChatServiceAPI {
// MARK: - Properties
var manager: SocketManager? = nil
var socket: SocketIOClient? = nil
//Chat Variables
var items:[Message] = []
// MARK: - Life Cycle
init() {
static let shared = ChatServiceAPI();
func stop() {
// MARK: - Socket Setup
func setupSocket() {
socket = manager!.defaultSocket;
func setupSocketEvents() {
if socket!.status != .connected{
socket!.on(clientEvent: .connect) { (data, emitter) in
socket!.on("msg") { (data, emitter) in
let mesage = Message()
let jsonObject = JSON(data[0])
let messageString: String? = jsonObject["msg"].string
let userIDFrom: Int? = jsonObject["profile"]["id"].int
if(userIDFrom != Int(self.userIDTo)) {
if( userIDFrom == nil)
mesage.data = JSON(["from_user": self.userIDTo, "to_user": self.userID, "msg": self.convertStringToHtmlCode(msg: messageString ?? ""), "created": Date().description(with: .current)])
self.items.insert(mesage, at: 0)
//self.viewMessagesList.reload(messages: self.items, conversation: self.conversation)
socket!.on("disconnect") { (data, emitter) in
self.isConnected = false
// MARK: - Socket Emits
func register(user: String) {
socket?.emit("add user", user)
func send(message: String, toUser: String) {
let data = NSMutableDictionary()
data.setValue(message, forKey: "msg")
data.setValue(toUser.lowercased(), forKey: "to")
socket!.emit("send", data);
In My View Controller, I have something like below, I want to pass ChatSocketAPI's "self.items" to the below-calling controller, when a msg comes, I am confused about how to do this?
import UIKit
import SocketIO
import SwiftyJSON
import EZAlertController
class MessagingViewController: UIViewController {
let viewMessagesList = MessagesListViewController()
let bottomMenuChatView = BottomMenuChatView(frame: CGRect.zero)
var isAnimation = false
let emojiView = EmojiView(frame: CGRect.zero)
func setupSocketIO() {
self.socket = ChatServiceAPI.shared.socket;
override func viewDidLoad() {
ChatServiceAPI.shared.page = 0;
ChatServiceAPI.shared.items = []
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
if Reachability.isConnectedToNetwork() == false {
EZAlertController.alert("", message: "Please check your internet connection")
// bottom menu setup
bottomMenuChatView.btnSendMessage.addTarget(self, action: #selector(tappedBtnSendMessage(btn:)), for: .touchUpInside)
bottomMenuChatView.btnEmoji.addTarget(self, action: #selector(tappedBtnEmoji(btn:)), for: .touchUpInside)
bottomMenuChatView.textFieldMessage.delegate = self
Make your MessagingViewController a listener for the ChatServiceAPI. You can implement that like this:
Create a protocol like the following:
protocol MessageListener: AnyObject {
func messageReceived(text: String)
and make you controller conform to it:
extension MessagingViewController: MessageListener {
func messageReceived(text: String) {
// do whatever you need with the message
Then, in the ChatServiceAPI you can create a var named listeners:
private var listeners: [MessageListener] = []
and methods for adding and removing listeners:
func add(listener: MessageListener) {
func remove(listener: MessageListener) {
For the last part, in your ChatServiceAPI, when the "msg" event is received, you need to send the message to all of your registered listeners. So, something like this:
socket!.on("msg") { (data, emitter) in
for listener in self.listeners {
listener.messageReceived(text: ...)
Now you also need to register your viewController as a listener. So you would call ChatServiceAPI.shared.add(listener: self) in your viewDidLoad.
Don't forget to also call ChatServiceAPI.shared.remove(listener: self) to prevent memory leaks.
You can back data to your view controller by writing socket.ON inside a function that have escaping block.
Here is my sample code that I use
func getResponse(completion: #escaping(_ resMessage: String) -> Void) {
guard let socket = manager?.defaultSocket else {
socket.on(myEventName) { (dataArray, socketAck) -> Void in
guard let data = UIApplication.jsonData(from: dataArray[0]) else {
do {
let responseMsg = try JSONDecoder().decode(String.self, from: data)
} catch let error {
print("Something happen wrong here...\(error)")
Then you can call this function getResponse in viewDidLoad inside your viewController. Like this -
self.socketInstance.getResponse { socketResponse in
// socketResponse is the response
// this will execute when you get new response from socket.ON

Apple File Application perform "Move" action via file provider extension my extention display disable

In my file provider extension i want to perform move operation in my NoteProvider extension.
I can move any file via Drag operation above any folder it works properly But when i try to "Move" via Action display in bellow screen at that time screen2 display and other extension are enable but my NotProvider Extension was disable.
My code are FileProviderItem
class FileProviderItem: NSObject, NSFileProviderItem {
public var id: String?
public var name: String?
var childItemCount : NSNumber?
var documentSize: NSNumber?
var creationDate : Date?
var contentModificationDate : Date?
var lastUsedDate: Date?
var isDownloaded: Bool = false
public var fTypeIdentifier: String?
var pid : NSFileProviderItemIdentifier!
var parentItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier {
return pid
var typeIdentifier: String {
return fTypeIdentifier! // for folder = "public.folder", for file = file type UTI
var itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier {
return NSFileProviderItemIdentifier(self.id!)
var filename: String {
return self.name!
override init() {
override func isEqual(_ object: Any?) -> Bool {
if let obj = object as? FileProviderItem {
if self.itemIdentifier == obj.itemIdentifier {
return true
return false
var capabilities: NSFileProviderItemCapabilities {
return .allowsAll
For FileProviderExtension
class FileProviderExtension: NSFileProviderExtension {
override func item(for identifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier) throws -> NSFileProviderItem {
// resolve the given identifier to a record in the model
// db = Array of NSFileProviderItem
for i in db {
if i.itemIdentifier.rawValue == identifier.rawValue {
return i
// TODO: implement the actual lookup
throw NSError(domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain, code: NSNotFound, userInfo:[:])
override func importDocument(at fileURL: URL, toParentItemIdentifier parentItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, completionHandler: #escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void) {
print("importDocument :- \(fileURL) parentItemIdentifier = \(parentItemIdentifier)")
completionHandler(nil, nil)
override func reparentItem(withIdentifier itemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, toParentItemWithIdentifier parentItemIdentifier: NSFileProviderItemIdentifier, newName: String?, completionHandler: #escaping (NSFileProviderItem?, Error?) -> Void) {
print("reparentItem :- \(itemIdentifier) parentItemIdentifier = \(parentItemIdentifier) newName = \(String(describing: newName))")
guard let item = try? item(for: itemIdentifier) as? FileProviderItem else {
completionHandler(nil, NSFileProviderError(.noSuchItem))
item?.pid = NSFileProviderItemIdentifier(rawValue: parentItemIdentifier.rawValue)
//item?.name = newName
completionHandler(item, nil)
NoteProvider(FileProvider) .plist file image
return NSFileProviderItem instance in itemForIdentifier method for identifier NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier. If you return nil for root identifier, app wont be enabled in move operation.

IGListKit insert data to class from Alamofire request

So i have this model
class Event: NSObject {
var _eventName: String!
var _venueName : String!
var _eventImage: String!
var eventName: String {
if _eventName == nil {
_eventName = ""
return _eventName
var venueName: String {
if _venueName == nil {
_venueName = ""
return _venueName
var eventImage: String {
if _eventImage == nil {
_eventImage = ""
return _eventImage
init(eventsDict: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) {
if let venue = eventsDict["venue"] as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject> {
if let venuname = venue["name"] as? String{
self._venueName = venuname
if let eventname = eventsDict["name"] as? String {
self._eventName = eventname
if let eventimage = eventsDict["coverPicture"] as? String {
self._eventImage = eventimage
And i make it IGListDiffable with this extension.
extension NSObject: IGListDiffable {
public func diffIdentifier() -> NSObjectProtocol {
return self
public func isEqual(toDiffableObject object: IGListDiffable?) -> Bool {
return isEqual(object)
So when I'm loading data from hardcoded code like this
var entries = [Event]()
func loadFakeEvents() {
let entries = [
eventName: "Ζωρζ Πιλαλι Και Η Soufra Band Στο AN Groundfloor - Live Stage!",
venueName: "AN Groundfloor - live stage",
eventImage: "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/s720x720/15936729_1867160333520142_8855370744955080264_o.jpg?oh=8198bc10a8ea61011d7ec1902b34aa01&oe=593D6BC4"
date: "2017-02-18T21:30:00+0200",
name: "Διονύσης Σαββόπουλος at Gazarte I Main Stage 18/02",
venuename: "Gazarte",
eventImage: "https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/16265335_1262826863809003_3636661375515976849_n.jpg?oh=5bb342321a65d33dbc1cc41de266b45e&oe=5907857C"
self.entries = entries
The events are loading fine. As they have to.
But when i'm making an alamofire request, of course, it takse some time to load the data and append them to the empty array of events.
This is the function that I have to call the events
func loadEvents() {
let parameters: Parameters = [
"Some" : "Parameters",
"Some" : "Parameters"
Alamofire.request(baseurl, method: .get, parameters: parameters)
.responseJSON { (responseData) -> Void in
if((responseData.result.value) != nil) {
let result = responseData.result
if let dict = result.value as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>{
print(dict) // <-- Check this out
if let list = dict["events"] as? [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>] {
for obj in list {
let event = Event(eventsDict: obj)
So in the above code i have a print, which prints the json.
And in my
extension LocationViewController: IGListAdapterDataSource {
func objects(for listAdapter: IGListAdapter) -> [IGListDiffable] {
let items: [IGListDiffable] = loader.entries as [IGListDiffable]
print(items.count) // <--- another print of items that should be displayed
return items
func listAdapter(_ listAdapter: IGListAdapter, sectionControllerFor object: Any) -> IGListSectionController {
return NormalSectionController()
func emptyView(for listAdapter: IGListAdapter) -> UIView? { return nil }
Adapter i also print the items that should be displayed.
So when i load the fakeEvents function it prints 2 but when i load them with the normal function it prints 0 and then the JSON from the dict var from the previous code.
Normally i would reloadData() of the collection view.
But with IGListKit what is the trick of sending the Event Class to the CollectionView?
Thanks a lot for your time and i hope i'm not off topic !
Pasting my answer from this same issue on Github in case anyone finds this.
It looks like you're missing a call to self.adapter.performUpdates(animated: true) after the for-loop when appending to the entries dict:
func loadEvents() {
// ...
Alamofire.request(baseurl, method: .get, parameters: parameters)
.responseJSON { (responseData) -> Void in
if responseData.result.value != nil {
let result = responseData.result
if let dict = result.value as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>{
if let list = dict["events"] as? [Dictionary<String, AnyObject>] {
for obj in list {
let event = Event(eventsDict: obj)
// missing this!
self.adapter.performUpdates(animated: true)
// missing that!

Swift protocol with associatedtype (PAT)

What I want to achieve is to wait for all service calls to complete. I know that it can be done with GCD, but I'm looking for more Object Oriented Approach. Here is what I've so far:
First services should notify delegate for their completion, so we will need a protocol for that:
protocol ParallelServiceDelegate: class {
func serviceDidCompleted()
Services are Alamofire requests and we are getting their response as:
enum ServiceResult {
case Success(NSDictionary)
case Failure(NSError)
My design is to add Facade (wrapper) over this methods. This is the abstract:
import ObjectMapper
protocol ParallelService: class {
associatedtype ItemType: Mappable
var item: ItemType? { get }
var error: NSError? { get }
var isCompleted: Bool { get }
weak var delegate: ParallelServiceDelegate? { get set }
// TODO: Pass params
func start()
func handleRequestCompletion(result: ServiceResult)
private var psiAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0
private var pseAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0
private var psdAssociationKey: UInt8 = 0
extension ParallelService {
var item: ItemType? {
return _item
var error: NSError? {
return _error
var isCompleted: Bool {
return item != nil || error != nil
weak var delegate: ParallelServiceDelegate? {
get {
let object = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &psdAssociationKey)
let wrapper = object as? WeakWrapper<ItemType?>
return wrapper?.value as? ParallelServiceDelegate
set(newValue) {
WeakWrapper(value: newValue),
func handleRequestCompletion(result: ServiceResult) {
switch result {
case .Success(let json):
_item = map(json, object: ItemType.self)
case .Failure(let error):
_error = error
// Degfault is nothing
func start() {}
// MARK: - Private
private var _item: ItemType? {
get {
let object = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &psiAssociationKey)
let wrapper = object as? WeakWrapper<ItemType?>
return wrapper?.value as? ItemType
set(newValue) {
WeakWrapper(value: newValue),
private var _error: NSError? {
get {
let object = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &pseAssociationKey)
return object as? NSError
set(newValue) {
And Specific Service Facade implementation:
class EmployeesParallelService: ParallelService {
typealias ItemType = Employee
func start() {
Service.emploeesList(callback: handleRequestCompletion)
class InformationParallelService: ParallelService {
typealias ItemType = Information
func start() {
Service.information(callback: handleRequestCompletion)
Service caller - Knows nothing about services it just starts all and waits for them to complete:
class ParallelServiceCaller {
private var services: [ParallelService] = []
// MARK: - Lifecycle
func addParallelService(service: ParallelService) {
service.delegate = self
// MARK: - Public
func start() {
for service in services {
extension ParallelServiceCaller: ParallelServiceDelegate {
func serviceDidCompleted() {
for service in services {
// !!! wait
if !service.isCompleted {
// TODO: Notify delegate
Latter I want to use it like this:
let caller = ParallelServiceCaller()
However I got problem in the implementation of the ParallelServiceCaller class. I'm getting the following error:
Protocol 'ParallelService' can only be used as a generic constraint
because it has Self or associated type requirements
Any idea how to avoid this error?
Update 07/07/16:
I'm still not able to understand how to use PATs. However I took slightly different approach and now I'm using visitor pattern. Here is my playground code, it may be helpful for someone:
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
// Mocks
enum ServiceResult {
case Success(NSDictionary)
case Failure(NSError)
protocol Mappable { }
typealias CompletionHandlerType = (result: ServiceResult) -> Void
class Service {
class func emploeesList(start: Int? = nil,
max: Int? = nil,
timestamp: Int? = nil,
callback: CompletionHandlerType) {
callback(result: .Success(NSDictionary()))
class func information(timestamp: Int? = nil,
callback: CompletionHandlerType) {
callback(result: .Failure(NSError(domain: "", code: 1, userInfo: nil)))
class EmployeesList: Mappable {}
class Information: Mappable {}
// Actual Implementation
// Visitor
protocol ParallelServiceCallerProtocol {
func call(service: EmployeesListParallelService)
func call(service: InformationParallelService)
// Element
protocol ParallelServiceProtocol {
func start(visitor: ParallelServiceCallerProtocol)
// Concrete Elements
class EmployeesListParallelService: ParallelServiceProtocol {
func start(visitor: ParallelServiceCallerProtocol) { visitor.call(self) }
class InformationParallelService: ParallelServiceProtocol {
func start(visitor: ParallelServiceCallerProtocol) { visitor.call(self) }
// Concrete Visitor Delegate - defines callback for async tasks
protocol ParallelServiceCallerDelegateProtocol: class {
func didCompleteParellelServiceWithResult(service: ParallelServiceProtocol, result: ServiceResult)
// Concrete Visitor - make API calls
class ParallelServiceCaller <T: ParallelServiceCallerDelegateProtocol>: ParallelServiceCallerProtocol {
private unowned let delegate: T
init(delegate: T) {
self.delegate = delegate
func call(service: EmployeesListParallelService) {
Service.emploeesList { [unowned self] (result) in
self.delegate.didCompleteParellelServiceWithResult(service, result: result)
func call(service: InformationParallelService) {
Service.information { (result) in
self.delegate.didCompleteParellelServiceWithResult(service, result: result)
// Service Result In Context
enum SynchronizationServiceResult {
case Employees(ServiceResult)
case Information(ServiceResult)
// Concrete Visitor - Wraps API Result And Gives Context
class ParallelServiceParser: ParallelServiceCallerProtocol {
var result: SynchronizationServiceResult?
private let serviceResult: ServiceResult
init(serviceResult: ServiceResult) {
self.serviceResult = serviceResult
func call(service: EmployeesListParallelService) {
result = .Employees(serviceResult)
func call(service: InformationParallelService) {
result = .Information(serviceResult)
// Delegate that notifies for completion of all calls
protocol ParallelServiceManagerDelegateProtocol: class {
func didCompleteAllServicesWithResults(results: [SynchronizationServiceResult])
// Manager - starts all calls and adds context to returned results - knows nothing about calls
class ParallelServiceManager<T where T: ParallelServiceManagerDelegateProtocol> {
private let services: [ParallelServiceProtocol]
private unowned let delegate: T
// Keep Caller Visitors in Memory or they will be dealocated
private var callers: [ParallelServiceCaller<ParallelServiceManager>] = []
private var completed: [SynchronizationServiceResult] = [] {
didSet {
if completed.count == services.count {
init(services: [ParallelServiceProtocol], delegate: T) {
self.services = services
self.delegate = delegate
func start() {
visitAllServices { (service) in
let caller =
ParallelServiceCaller<ParallelServiceManager>(delegate: self)
private func visitAllServices(perform: ParallelServiceProtocol -> () ) {
for service in self.services {
extension ParallelServiceManager: ParallelServiceCallerDelegateProtocol {
func didCompleteParellelServiceWithResult(service: ParallelServiceProtocol,
result: ServiceResult) {
// No need to persist parser visitor
let caller = ParallelServiceParser(serviceResult: result)
// Example Usage
class SynchronizationService {
private lazy var services: [ParallelServiceProtocol] = {
return [EmployeesListParallelService(), InformationParallelService()]
func start() {
let manager = ParallelServiceManager<SynchronizationService>(services: services, delegate: self)
extension SynchronizationService: ParallelServiceManagerDelegateProtocol {
func didCompleteAllServicesWithResults(results: [SynchronizationServiceResult]) {
for result in results {
switch result {
case .Employees(let result):
// TODO:
print("\(result)") // Should Return Success
case .Information(let result):
// TODO:
print("\(result)") // Should Return Failure
let sync = SynchronizationService()

Google Maps Autocomplete

Within my Swift iOS app, I am using this library to show Google Place auto complete: https://github.com/watsonbox/ios_google_places_autocomplete
This is what I have in my main view controller:
let gpaViewController = GooglePlacesAutocomplete(
apiKey: "myapikey",
placeType: .Address
gpaViewController.placeDelegate = self // Conforms to GooglePlacesAutocompleteDelegate
presentViewController(gpaViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
This works well, but it takes me to a new view. How do I apply the autocomplete on a search field in my main view controller without having to switch over to another view?
Hey use this swift code from GitHub
#IBOutlet var leoGoogleAutoCompleteSearch: LeoGoogleAutoCompleteSearch!
override func viewDidLoad() {
leoGoogleAutoCompleteSearch.closureDidUpdateSearchBarWithPredictions = { predictions in
predictions.map({ (prediction ) -> Void in
print(prediction.placeId ?? "NG" , " 🚸🚸 " , prediction.description ?? "NG" )
Here I have made the object of autocomplete api which will return the place_id and description of the search through closure . further Developer can modify the code . For request I have use Almofire for get reguest , which is common these days .
more about code
mport Foundation
import GooglePlaces
import Alamofire
import UIKit
typealias LeoGoogleMapACompletionBlock = (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> Void
typealias LeoGoogleMapAFailureBlock = (AnyObject, AnyObject) -> Void
struct LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete {
static func get(url: URL,
completionHandler: LeoGoogleMapACompletionBlock? = nil,
failureHandler: LeoGoogleMapAFailureBlock? = nil) {
print("🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫 get :", url)
method: .get
.responseJSON { response in
print(" get 🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬🛬 " )
if let json = response.result.value {
// print("WebServices : - ", json)
completionHandler!(json as AnyObject, response.result as AnyObject)
} else {
failureHandler?("" as AnyObject, "" as AnyObject)
.responseString { _ in
failureHandler?("" as AnyObject, "" as AnyObject)
// print("responseString Success: \(responseString)")
.responseData { _ in
struct Prediction {
var description : String?
var id : String?
var placeId : String?
init(dictionary : NSDictionary) {
description = dictionary["description"] as? String
id = dictionary["id"] as? String
placeId = dictionary["place_id"] as? String
var predictions: [Prediction] = []
init(response: AnyObject) {
if let searchList = response["predictions"] as? [Any] {
for object in searchList {
let tempPrediction = Prediction(dictionary: (object as? NSDictionary)!)
class LeoGoogleAutoCompleteSearch: NSObject {
#IBOutlet weak var searchBar: UISearchBar!
var closureDidUpdateSearchBar : ((LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete)-> Void)?
var closureDidUpdateSearchBarWithPredictions : (([LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete.Prediction])-> Void)?
extension LeoGoogleAutoCompleteSearch : UISearchBarDelegate {
func searchBarShouldBeginEditing(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) -> Bool {
return true
func searchBarShouldEndEditing(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) -> Bool {
return true }
func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, shouldChangeTextIn range: NSRange, replacementText text: String) -> Bool {
return true
func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) { // called when text changes (including clear)
webserviceSearchBy(text: searchBar.text!)
func webserviceSearchBy(text : String) {
let newString = text.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "+")
let url : URL = URL(string: "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json?input=\(newString)&key=AIzaSyAVrXmSPxYourApiPK_ceurWlZJgrpWY")!
LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete.get(url: url, completionHandler: { (response, _) in
let some : LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete = LeoGoogleMapsApiPlaceAutocomplete(response: response)
}) { (response, _) in
Add these two variables ...
let autoPlaceURLString : String = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/autocomplete/json"
let apiKey = "your api key"
Now Set your UITextfield delegate to self. And on textfield change method call this below method...
fetchAutocompletePlaces(keyword: textField.text!)
You will receive an array of addresses...
func fetchAutocompletePlaces(keyword: String) {
let urlString = "\(autoPlaceURLString)?key=\(apiKey)&input=\(keyword)"
let s = (CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed as NSCharacterSet).mutableCopy() as! NSMutableCharacterSet
s.addCharacters(in: "+&")
let encodedURL = urlString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: s as CharacterSet)
Alamofire.request(encodedURL!).responseJSON { (response) in
if response.result.isSuccess {
if let json = response.result.value as? [String: Any] {
let predictions = json["predictions"]
var locations = [String]()
for dict in predictions as! [NSDictionary]{
locations.append(dict["description"] as! String)
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { () -> Void in
self.strAddressByGoogle = locations
if (self.strAddressByGoogle.count == 0){
self.tblAddress.isHidden = true
}else {
self.tblAddress.isHidden = false
Now show this list in a UITableView on the same view.
Why do not use Google Places API for iOS ? and follow the steps to do it in programmatically using fetcher. Link : https://developers.google.com/places/ios-api/autocomplete#get_place_predictions_programmatically
